Lone Wolf: BTS Hybrid AU (Yoo...

By SunsetScorpion_

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"Y/N, do you love your life?" "I-I guess...?" "Then why are you here, wasting your time following the lone wo... More

Authors Note
Chaper 1: Sighting
Chapter 2: New Guys
Chapter 3: Curious
Chapter 5: Here We Go Again
Chapter 6: Study Buddy
Chapter 7: Something To Do
Authors Note
Chapter 8: Taking You With Me
Authors Note: Please Read

Chapter 4: Going In

7.1K 278 108
By SunsetScorpion_

Y/N walked quickly down the hallway, she had never been this eager to go somewhere before, but there was just something about this forest that was drawing her to it. To tell people as such though, they would think she was nuts.

She knew better than to tell Minsee and Jisung about her adventure, not because they would tell her not to go, but because they were actually capable of following her into the dark woods.

She wanted to go alone.

At first, the thought of something abnormal being in those woods was slim to her, but the more she saw people crowded in front of its entrance, the more she wanted to be the one who discovered what it was.

She was so lost in thought that her muscle memory had brought her to the ground floor from the elevator. She didn't think much of it, she'd lived here for many years now.

The key to get into the hotel was stored safely in her back pocket. She pat it to make sure it was still there and nodded when she realised it was.

She closed the hotel doors behind her and begun her journey to the edge of the forest.

It took her roughly half an hour to get to where people had been setting camp. She could tell because of all the junk food and scraps that had been littered in the tall grass.

Y/N shivered slightly as a cool breeze weaved through her knotted clothes, rubbing her hands together and blowing warm air into them so she didn't freeze. She placed her hands back into her jacket pockets and looked up.

She'd never been this close to the woods before and she didn't realise until then when she was standing face on with the harsh environment, how truly massive each tree stood.

This aura along with the darkness of what was hidden within the towering trees and the cold winter air now started to strike fear into her.

Y/N swore at herself, knowing very well this would happen. She thought she was so well prepared for this when she left her house with confidence and high hopes. Now she could feel herself shrinking at the thought of what dangers were inside.

After a little while of contemplating her decisions to go through with the search, she took a deep breath and took short, slow steps toward the entrance of the woods.

Once Y/N made it to the first tree she exhaled again deeply. She wasn't one to be afraid of the dark, yet this feeling of being alone at night did strike some kind of fear in her.

She shook her head and tried to push those thoughts into the back of her mind. If she wasn't going in now, she'll regret it. The forest will keep calling her, and pulling her toward it until she found an answer to its calls.

Slowly and carefully, Y/N walked deeper and deeper into the never ending space. Stepping over anything that looks dangerous and pushing away the leaves and branches poking at her sides.

There was a path in this forest, she knew because people had hiked in here before, but she knew that if there was something suspicious to find, it definitely wouldn't be near anything manmade.

After aimlessly walking for a good twenty minutes, a loud howl echoed though the large expanse of the woods. Y/N stiffened up and stayed completely still.

She'd always heard wolves from her apartment, but she knew she was safe in there. Now? Now she had no four walls to keep her safe, she was exposed. Very exposed.

Y/N jerked her head back and forth, eyes like saucepans and ears listening for the direction of the howl. She didn't want a run in with a wolf, she didn't want to die, not today. (Not not today)

After listening for a while she heard no new howls coming from anywhere. She gulped, this was bad. She needed to escape and now.

Just as she was about to start moving she heard the rustling of leaves and the sound of something nearing her.

Instinctively, Y/N darted towards a large bush and lay herself, face down, behind its leaves.

Maybe she could try to play dead? That seemed like the best option for these kinds of animals. After thinking about it though she regret that decision. Wolves will still eat their prey even if its dead.

As she was about to get up, the animal like footsteps approached her from behind the bush. She chose to stay still instead, knowing she'd probably still get mauled to death.

The beast stopped at her side. She could sense it staring at her almost as if it was looking for a reaction, or some kind of movement.

As much as Y/N wanted to stay as still as possible, this was completely impossible to do when she knew there was a dangerous, carnivorous animal scanning her.

After many agonising minutes trying to stay calm and still the wolf took a deep breath and walked past her, its tail brushing past her shoulder.

Y/N continued to stay completely still, listening out for its footsteps. She didn't want to move until she heard it leave. It might be a hunting strategy for all she knew.

Listening closely to the crushing of the leaves the footsteps turned from those that were light and animal-like to something more heavy and bipedal.

What on earth? Y/N thought to herself, wondering why she'd heard differently, was there another person here with her?

After she was confident the footsteps were at a safe distance, she peeked her head over the bush, looking around for the source of the sound.

It was no surprise to her that she found absolutely nothing in sight.

That's it, she'd had enough now. Enough for one night.

She slowly stood up and walked back to the entrance of the woods, she didn't want to draw attention to herself just yet, knowing the wolf has amazing hearing.

Y/N travelled about 100 metres before she had the sense of someone or something watching her. She started to freak out now even more than before.

She saw the outline of her apartment building at the opening and made a mad dash toward it. At this point she didn't care about what she'd heard, she needed to get home and get safely into her apartment.

Y/N finally made it to the exit, but didn't stop running. She ran all the way back to her apartment building, not taking any risks of getting caught.

She made it and swung the door open of the entrance, quickly making her way to the elevator and taking it up to the 10th floor. She exited the elevator and head to her room.

Y/N felt her back pocket for her keys...

They were gone, she must have dropped them from her frantic escape.

She sighed out in frustration and breathed out slowly. At least now she was safe in the hotel. She could grab a spare key from the reception desk for now.

Yet, she still needed her keys to get into her car as well as her locker at university.

It dawned on her that she will need to go back and find them. Just not tonight.

Yayyyy!! I updated this chapter quickly haha

I hope you guys are liking it so far. This chapter has a lot of suspense in it and it was so fun writing it!

Feel free to comment your thoughts below!!

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