This Is Gospel (ShimaxYukio)

UselessMoon द्वारा

32.3K 1.3K 1.6K

**Sequal to Dear No One** After a painful life in Japan and a major heartbreak, Yukio moves to London to begi... अधिक

1. Fallen
2. Men of Virtues
3. Unfaithful
4. Enough
5. Tell Tale
6. Confrontation
7. Solutions and Resolutions
8. Is It Just Me?
9. Redemption
10. Turning Tables
11. 12 Days
12. Bond
Hey Guys
13. Rock City Boys
14. Locked Out of Heaven
15. Confliction
16. Payback is a Mother
17. Endless
18. Submission
19. My Rock
20. Fuck Me Twice
21. Hold Me Down
22. Come On Over
23. Over It
24. Like a Puppy
25. We Happy Few
26. It's Okay Not To Be Okay
27. Enlighten Me
28. It's Better If You Do
29. Ane-San
30. My Baby's Baby
31. Made to Love
32. Crybaby
33. Woe Is Me
34. One and Only
35. Green Gentleman
36. Doll
37. The Champloo Samurai
38. Yama
39. Jealous
40. The Art of Domination
41. Chains
42. Subspace
43. Falling
44. Baby Daddy
45. What A Reunion
46. Remember the Name
47. As Long As You Love Me
48. Mockingbird
49. Make Me Over
50. I See London
52. Man Down
53. One More Time
54. Homegoing
55. Best Served Cold
56. Memory Glue
57. The Art of Seduction
58. Easy
59. Hurt Me
60. What's Done in the Dark
61. Ordinary People
62. Up All Night
63. Church Bells
64. All I Could Do Was Cry
65. Ecstasy
66. Somewhere
67. Back and Forth
68. Throne
69. Aftermath
70. Together
Russian Roulette
73.The Beat of My Heart

51. Don't Judge Me

362 13 29
UselessMoon द्वारा

A/N: I'm back guys. Also, this chapter is rated 'S' for Smut with kinks sprinkled heavily on top so...fair warning.

Rin was incredibly annoyed with Yukio's attitude. He had been sulking all day about whatever it was that Shima had said to him the night before. He hardly spoke to anyone in the house or joined them for anything other than dinner, but he ate silently and excused himself as soon as he was done.

"Is...he okay?" Ling asked as he cleaned up after the twins, slightly concerned for the megane as he left his spot at the table. Rin scoffed at this, rolling his eyes at Yukio's temper tantrum. "He's pitching a fit because Shima said something he didn't like. Never fails." He replied. He handed Shen to Bon, standing from the table as well. "I'm gonna go talk to him; I'll come back for the dishes in a bit." He announced. Ling shook his head, assuring the raven that he could handle the cleanup on his own. Rin smiled, pecking the younger raven on the cheek before heading upstairs after Yukio.


"Fuck my life."

Shima let out a drawn out sigh as he slid into the limousine, adjusting his cuff links as his party slid in along side him. Needless to say that the flight to London was less than pleasant considering the passangers. Kinzo and Mugen hadn't stopped bickering since they first arrived at the airport and Amaimon tried to stab the pilot to death at least three times.

Even then as they made their way to their meeting, their nagging wouldn't cease. Mugen complied about having to wear a suit and Amaimon kept whining about being bored. Shima just wanted this to be over.


Rin entered the guest room without bothering to knock, glaring at Yukio as the brunette  lay face down on the bed like a stiff plank of wood. The raven closed the door behind him and plopped down onto the mattress.

"What did he say this time?"

"Nuffin'." Came the muffled reply. Rin rolled his eyes once more. "If it was nothing then why are you brooding?" Yukio lifted his head, brows knitted together like a pouting child. "I am not brooding. I'm thinking." He argued.

"Well your 'thinking' is starting to annoy everyone. C'mon, Yuki, you can talk to me."

The mole-faced twin groaned, rolling over to lay on his back.


"Okay. So tell me what's on your mind."

The brunette sat up, pulling his knees to his chest as a blush powdered his cheeks.

"W-Well...for the last few days, Renzo has been...different."

Rin raised a brow in question.

"Different how?"

"Just...the way that he is. He's been more...I don't know how to put it. Domineering?"

"Like how?"

Yukio cringed. Did he really have to say it out loud?

"He raises his voice at me. He's extremely bossy and kind of rough. He even offered to spank me."

Rin's expression morphed into one of intrigue. "Whoa. Has the way he's been talking to you changed?" He asked. Yukio explained how Shima was often  addressing him more like a spoiled child than a lover. He went on about how Shima's usually lenient behavior had switched into something more non-tolerant and even how he had started to grab Yukio  around the throat. Rin seemed to have all of the answers these days. Maybe he could gain some clarity from his brother.

"You still fucking the bodyguard?"


"He's totally jealous, dude."

Jealous? Why the hell would he be jealous when this whole thing was his idea in the first place???

"That doesn't make any sense, brother."

"It so does. I'm gonna guess that you've started to like Ole Blade Slinger there and Shima's tryna show you who 'Daddy' is. This is  gold!" The older twin laughed, hand to his chest as he let out a snort. He slapped a hand over his mouth, still unable to hold his cackling back.

"How is this in the slightest bit funny?!"

"Chill, dude. Really, is it even that bad?"

"Yes! Yes it is because he turns me on so bad when he gets like that and I feel like a total cock slut!"

"If you've ever begged to be reamed on both ends by two dudes then you are totally a cock slut."


"Just embrace it."

Rin's expression softened, a hand reaching out to stroke Yukio's shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. "Be a spoiled brat. Embrace his fetishes and accept your own. Your sex life will thrive and your marriage will never be boring."


"Really. So suck his dick, call him Daddy and let him treat you like the total cock slut you are and be happy. Jesus, you've  gotta stop stressing so much."

Yukio supposed that Rin was right about that part. Honestly, what reason did he have to be so caught up on this? Except maybe...

"I guess you're right...but what do I do about him being jealous? They're friends; I don't want to ruin that just because I was dick deprived." He admitted. Rin gave him a look of sympathy and Yukio had started to regret asking in the first place.

"Only think you can do is break it off clean with the Mugen guy. Yeah, that might mean things will be sour between you two but you'll keep your husband and he'll  keep his friend."

"...That's gonna be tough."

"If life ain't a bitch then you're not doing it right."

Rin stood from the bed, careful not to agitate his c-section scar as he leaned over and pressed a kiss onto Yukio's head. "You're gonna be fine. Holler if you need me, okay?" He said, waiting until Yukio nodded before he took his leave. Yukio flopped back against the bed, wishing he had never met Mugen to begin with.

This was gonna be tough.


Shima sat at the end of a long table, Kinzo at his right while Mugen and Amaimon stood on guard at the door. There were many familiar faces sitting along with him, but one that he did not recognize that he assumed would be taking Russell's place as head of British Mafia.

"Glad you could all make it here today, gentleman. I'd like to begin by welcoming Kyle Gray to this alliance and welcoming back Mr. Shima, who's been out of commission due to...unfortunate circumstances."

Vendali, the Cosa Nostra don, began the meeting, a smug smile on his face as he locked eyes with Shima. "I almost didn't recognize you, my friend. I live what you've done with the hair." He said, jokingly of course as to pull a few laughs from the table. Shima smiled back.

"Thanks. You still putting motor oil in yours?"

"Excuse me?"

"Sorry, you smell like a diesel truck stop is all. I thought maybe you putting the stuff in your greasy ass hair."

This pulled a series of laughter and chortling from the group---even from Vendali.

"Glad to have you back, my friend."

"Glad to be back, buddy."

The godfather tipped his head forward in recognition, clearing his throat as he began to pace the room.

"I suppose that the first order of business should be addressing the untimely passing of Russell Gray and his father Edward. That leaves us to draw up new contracts with Kyle Gray, the next successor. From my understanding, Kyle is Russell Gray's younger brother. This may cause a bit of conflict, which is why we have all gathered here today."

The young man, Kyle, seemed  to be the youngest of them in the room. He a lanky blonde kid with blue eyes---a miniature version of his deceased brother. His expression was hard to read seeing as he hadn't done so much as blink since the meeting started. The blonde, closed his eyes, arms folded across his chest.

"I have no ill will intended against any of you---including you, Renzo Shima. It was not a secret that my brother murdered my father or that he was off of his rocker. I apologize for any inconvenience that my elders may have caused you or your family. I hope to make myself useful to this alliance."

He was very articulate and his accent was way less annoying than his brother's, but Shima figured Russell spoke that way on purpose.

Shima offered him his hand and the blonde shook it.

"I look forward to doing business with you, Kyle."

"Likewise. And please, call me Gray."


The meeting ajurned without much incident and it was agreed that they would come back the next day to review new contracts and agreements. Shima was grateful to not have been forced to stay for another four or five hours. He really needed to sleep off that jet lag.

As they were leaving the building, he saw Kyle speaking with a woman that he vaguely remembered.

If memory served him correctly, her name was Ereka.

She cut her eyes at him, adjusting the frames on her face before turning to eye him with that cold stare of hers.

"Mr. Shima."

"Ereka, was it?"

She raised a brow, slightly surprised that he could remember her name.

"Indeed. I was told that you had been shot fataly. I hadn't expected to see you here."

"That so? Not dead yet, I'm afraid."

"I see. How disappointing."

Kyle cleared his throat. "That's enough, Ereka. Be a dear and fetch the car for me, please." He interjected. Ereka flashed one last glare in Shima's direction before leaving to do as she was  told. Shima watched her walk away, chuckling to himself.

For such a bitch, she was pretty hot.

He turned his attention back to Kyle. "She's a real peach, I bet." He said sarcastically. Kyle sighed, rubbing the back of his head in exasperation as he felt a headache coming on. "I'm terribly sorry about that." He said. Shima held up a hand to tell him that the apology wasn't necessary. "It's fine, really. You have a good night." He said, motioning to his party to follow him out as he left the blonde in the corridor. Kyle narrowed his eyes at him as the elevator closed behind them.

"So this is the Pink Spider?"


Shima dried himself lazily. He tossed his towel onto the floor, not bothering with the one around his waist as he jumped into the soft sheets of his hotel bed. He was glad to have been able to get his own executive suite; he enjoyed sleeping nude. His hands rubbed at his now smooth face, impressed with himself as he managed to not cut himself with the razor. He debated dying his hair pink again as well, even though Yukio seemed to like the look that he was sporting as of late.

"I wanna go home." He said to no one in particular, reaching for his phone to see a text from Yukio.

Yuki 😜💦:
(1) Attachment

Shima's brows furrowed together as curiosity blanketed him and he tapped the message, smiling at the selfie that was sent to him.

He chuckled to himself and moved to the mirror so that he could send a selfie of his own.

He made his way back to the bed, grinning when Yukio texted him back almost immediately.

Yuki 😜💦:
Fucking hot 😍

The young boss flopped back onto the bed to send his reply.


Yukio felt himself getting a bit  tingly at Shima's selfie, pink powdering his cheeks as he sat at the edge of the guest bed.

You miss Daddy, baby?

Yukio worried his lip between his teeth, quickly typing out his response.

'Does Daddy miss me?'

The phone started to vibrate in his hand and, of couree, it was Shima. He answered the phone with an eager swipe and before he could even greet him, Shima's thick, gravelly voice filled his ears.

"Lock the door."

Yukio does so quickly, feeling his body temperature rise uncomfortably. He needed to lose some of his clothes.

"Have you been good for me, baby boy?"


Shima wasn't expecting a response like that and even though Yukio said it to get the older man riled up, it only served to spur him on.

"Oh? Baby's been a naughty little thing? I'm going to assume that you've been pouting like an ill-mannered little brat the entire time."


"Yes, what?"

"Yes, Daddy."

"Well that's no good. I'm gonna have to punish you when I come home."

Yukio twitched in his pants at that, stripping himself out of his tops as a groan rumbled in his throat.

"I'm an insufferable little slut; I deserve to be punished, sir."

"How do you think I should punish you? I could deny you cock for a few months again. It seemed to be efficient in curving that attitude of yours---"

"No! No, please, I'm sorry. Anything but that!"

If Yukio had to go another few months or even weeks without sex, he would lose his head. He would rather be flattened out with a steam roller.

"Then you fix that cocky little attitude of  yours, you smug little whore. Don't think for a second that I don't know that you're tryna provoke me. You want something from Daddy then you ask or else you succeed in doing nothing but pissing me the fuck off. Understood?"

Good Lord. When did Yukio take his underwear off?

"Yes, Daddy, I'm sorry. I'll be good from now on."

"I fucking bet you are. I'm going to tie you down and paddle your little ass until it's bruised. Maybe then you'll learn a thing or two about respect."

Yukio let out a soft moan as he stroked himself, phone pressed to his ear with his shoulder as he laid back to circle his entrance with a lithe finger.

"Then I'm going to shove a dildo down your throat and strap it there to keep that smart little mouth occupied. That's what your good for, right baby?"

"It is, Daddy~"

"What is?"

"All I'm good for is throating your cock and being your personal fuck toy~"

Yukio liked this game. Jesus Christ, what the hell is wrong with him? He's never been this turned on before in his life, leaking all over himself and legs trembling at the anticipation of being penetrated.

"That's right, Yuki. And you're gonna be a good boy and take it all for me, aren't you? You're gonna spread your pretty thighs for me and let me fuck into your tight, hot little hole until I fill it up with cum."

Yukio wet his fingers with his own spit, mewling as he slid both fingers in. His twisted his wrist in frantic motions in an attempt to get them as deep as he could, making sure to mewl  and moan right into the phone's receiver so that Shima could hear.

"Please, sir~"

"Please what, baby? Tell Daddy what you want."

"I want Daddy to fill my insides with his cock. I want it deep inside me; I wanna feel it in my guts---"

"Oh fuck, yeah. You want me to  pound your little back in, baby? I'll fuck you so deep you feel it in your chest. Put your fucking ankles behind your ears and force every inch of my dick in that sweet hole until you can't feel your legs anymore."

Yukio all but yelped when his fingers struck his prostate, speeding up his thrusts and strokes as his orgasm quickly approached him. Shima's  heavy breathing in his ear spurred him on.

"Oh, Ren~ Yeah, Daddy, just like that~"

"That's my sweet boy. Fuck those fingers into that hole, baby. Put another finger in."

Yukio complied, trembling against the sheets. He was going to cum soon, but he was trying so hard to hold it in.

"You wanna cum for Daddy, baby?"

"Fuck, yes, please! Please, I need it so bad~"

The muscles in his legs felt like they were about to cramp from clenching so hard, back arched against the bed like a bow.

"Cum for me."

Yukio screamed as an explosive orgasm wrecked him, strings of white splattering onto his chest as he convulsed in euphoric pleasure. He could hear Shima groan and grunt with his release, cursing in his ear.

"Don't stop til it's all out, baby."

Yukio stuggled to keep his movements going as his hands trembled, cum still splashing onto his stomach as he snatched his hands away to fist the sheets, eyes rolling to the back of his head as Shima sang praises in his ear.

"Good boy, Yuki. You did so good for me."

"Jesus Christ that good."

Shima chuckled, voice heavy with sleep.

"It was. You should take a nap, you'll feel like gold when you wake up."

"Are you going to sleep? "

"I should. It's pretty late and I have another list of shit to get to in the morning. I love you, sweetie."

"And I love you. Sleep well."

"Thanks, hon. Goodnight...morning...whatever."

The line died and Yukio sat the phone down on the bed.

Thank God no one was home to hear that.

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