Through Thick and Thin (To Ne...

By Memoriesaresweet

1.4K 92 42

Great Friends are always there for you when you need them. They stay by your side no matter what. Zizi, a bea... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Stay Tune!!
Second Book!!

Through Thick and Thin (To New Beginnings)

624 13 19
By Memoriesaresweet

Chapter 1

I gasped as I walked through the halls, it was bigger than my old school. I was so excited to be here. I just couldn't believe in the fact that I was finally in high school with my best friend standing right next to me.
"Maple High School, here we come!" Zayn wrapped his arm around my neck.
"Finally we are here" I squealed in excitement.
I always wanted to come to this school since I was little kid because it was big and beautiful. Anyways mine and Zayn's parents came to this high school.
"A new beginning where we could triumph." Zayn smiled.
"Yup, we are joining the science club, right?" I waited for Zayn's response.
"Of course" he chuckled. "That's why we came here in the first place."
"Look Niall, the nerds are already talking about joining the science club." We heard Louis laughing behind us.
"Shut up Louis at least we are joining a club" I playfully rolled my eyes. "What are you doing?"
"Uhmm..." He did a thinking face. "Oh yeah me and Niall made the varsity soccer team!"
"How do you know if you made it?" Zayn raised his eyebrow.
"We went to the summer tryouts and the coach told us we were great." Niall stated proudly.
"Congrats!" I hugged Louis. "I knew you would make it. Niall congrats to you too!!"
"Thanks Zizi" Niall smiled.
"You can let me go now" Louis said, trying to breath.
"Sorry" I pulled away and quietly clapped with my index fingers.
"I love your new glasses" Niall pointed to Zayn's black glasses. "They look good on you."
"Thanks" Zayn pretend to do a sexy pose.
"I can't believe we are here!" Louis cheered.
"Me neither" I said happily.
"To new beginnings!" Louis pretend to raise a glass.
"To new beginnings!" We all went along and pretended to raise a glass.
When the bell finally rang, we all went to our classes, good thing I had Zayn for all of my classes. He was my best friend since were babies because our moms were friends since high school. They both promised to each other that they will name one of their kids with the letter Z. So he has the name Zayn and my name is Zizi, I actually thought that was awesome because he is an incredible friend.
Zayn sat next to me, we were chatting until I saw the most annoying girl coming in, Rose. I hated her, she was so self center and only talks to me because she likes my brother Louis. Louis and Niall were popular back then but they never really payed attention to the girls. While Zayn and I were just us. We were good looking nerds especially Zayn. Girls will always flirt with him a lot that he will try to avoid them. Most of the girls will be jealous at me because I was always around Zayn, Niall and Louis. The guys who will only flirt with me but fail because of their nervous break downs were the nerds in our club.
"Ugh! No" Zayn placed his hands on his face.
She stared walking toward us. Please no! Please! Don't sit near us. I hoped so bad because I couldn't really deal with her no more.
"Hey!" she faked her big smile.
"Hey!" We both tried returning the enthusiasm gesture.
She sat in front of us, Zayn and I looked at each other and shrugged. But things got worst when her two friends came in.
"Rose!" They both squealed and hugged her.
One took a sit on her left and one on her right. This time me and Zayn rolled our eyes, why did we have to get stuck with them this year?! Or maybe we weren't stuck with them in the rest of our classes.
"Rose, can I see your schedule?" I asked, she handed it to me.
I saw her classes, of course we didn't have her for science. Zayn and I were both brilliant in science. I saw her schedule and she didn't have us for any other class except for this one. I felt so relive, we were just stuck with her and her friends for first period. I gave Zayn the thumbs up and a smile spread on his face.
The first day of school went fast, we waited for Niall and Louis so we could all walk home together.
"Hey" someone covered my eyes. "Guess who?"
"Louis?" I giggled.
"No, did you forget about me?" He took his hands off my eyes.
"Liam!!" I hugged him. "I though you were coming tomorrow!"
"No, babe I am here" he pecked my lips. "Just for you"
"Aww, your sweet" I pecked him back. I missed his soft lips.
"Uhmm.." Zayn cleared his throat.
"Hi, Zayn" Liam patted him on the back. "Did you take care of my girlfriend?"
"Yup" Zayn chuckled.
We sat under the tree talking about our summer vacation. He had gone to Hawaii and he looked damn sexy with his tan. I couldn't stop staring at him. I totally had missed him.
"Hey, mate!" Louis called out. "When did you come back?"
"Barley right now" he looked at his watch. "Sorry but I have to go to American Football tryouts."
"You are trying out?" Niall asked curiously but at same time shocked.
"Yeah, you know" he stood up, and gave me a quick kiss. "Bye babe"
"Why don't you come sometime to my house so we could catch up and play some video games so I can kick your ass!!" Louis shouted as Liam began to walk away.
"Anytime!!" Liam yelled, and disappear into the school.
We all walked back home, Niall and Louis talked about their soccer practice. While Zayn and I stayed behind.
"It's good to have Liam back, I missed him a lot" I tried to keep myself from squealing.
"Yeah, you are totally crazy for that boy" Zayn wiggled his eyebrows.
"Yes, I think I am" I blushed.
"He is a sweet guy but I don't think.." Zayn stayed quiet. He was now holding something back.
"Think what?" I asked confused.
"Well I heard that the football team is bad"
"Yeah they suck!!" Louis joined in.
"I heard they think they are all that" Niall took a bite of his sandwich.
"Well Liam is sweet, I don't think the team will change him, right?" They all shrugged.
We finally got home, I kept thinking about Liam being in the football team. I knew he was going to stay the same. But how about if he changes into something I hate? No stop thinking like that, Liam is caring and nice that's why I like him.

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