Angel With The Scabbed Wings(...

By Makayla_HatesYou

66.8K 3.1K 956

Kacie Thompson is a...different kind of girl who finds herself in...strange situations. Just moving to a new... More

Angel With The Scabbed Wings(Creepypasta Fanfiction)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Ninteen
Author's Note(Sorry)

Chapter Twelve

2.8K 133 11
By Makayla_HatesYou

Chapter Twelve

I stayed in their room for who knows how long until I remembered something. "My journal!" I gasped.

Masky jumped in surprise. "Wha-?"

"What's the matter?" Toby asked.

I jumped up from my seat and stared at them. "My journal; it's back at my house! I have to go back and get it!" I started to walk out until Hoodie ran up and grabbed my arm before I left.

"Wait! Slenderman is not going to let you leave...Not yet, anyway." Hoodie tugged on my jacket sleeve.

"Why didn't you get it before we left?" Toby asked.

I glared at him. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe because I was FALLING OUT THE WINDOW!"

He rubbed his ear. "Don't need to shout."

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. "Okay, sorry, but guys, I seriously need to get my journal. It's my best friend."

"Geez, this chick's a loner." Masky placed his hand over his mouth and whispered to Toby, like I couldn't hear him.

I glared at the boy before sighing. "I have to get my journal." I said, point blank.

Hoodie shook his head and sighed. "Fine." He said, giving in. "One of us will go with you tonight whenever Slenderman leaves to do his...buisness."

I gulped, knowing what 'buisness' was. "Thank you." I said and gave him a hug.

It was obvious that the sudden gesture startled him, causing his muscles to tense. After a moment, he hugged me back before quickly pulling away.


I took a deep breath as I lifted up the bedroom window of the boys' room, the cool night air hitting my face. I swung one leg out and sat on the ledge. Looking back at the three boys watching me, I said: "Which one of you is going to come with me?"

The three looked at each other before Masky stepped forward. "I'll go, need a little rebellion."

"Now that's what I'm talking about." I said before I gave him a high five. I turned to look at how far the drop was, but if we didn't want anyone to see us, it was the only way. "Here goes nothing." I muttered under my breath before swinging my other leg over.

"Remember to bend your knees." Toby reminded me.

I gave them a thumbs up. Closing my eyes, I jumped. The fall felt long and never ending before I collided with the ground. Even though I had my knees bent, I still hit the ground wrong, causing me to tumble over and twist my ankle in the process.

It took me a second to regain my balance and stand but jumped slightly when I felt Masky's hand on my shoulder. "What the hell!?" I whisper-yelled. "I didn't even hear you."

"Years of practice." He said while looking behind him, probably making sure no one saw us or followed. "C'mon." He pushed me ahead.

"Do you know how to get to my house?" I asked, pushing branches and shrubs out of my way, although Masky moved through like it wasn't even there.

"Of course." He said in a matter-of-fact tone. He sped up a little, getting ahead of me. "We must move faster." Turning back, he grabbed my arm and started to run.

I stumbled and tripped trying to run as fast as he was but my legs couldn't match the pace no matter how hard I pushed. Sooner than I expected, we pushed through the last line of trees and my house stood tall in front of us.

Silhouettes of my family danced through the curtains. Mom appeared to be cooking, Dad reading in the den, and Jace, of course, playing his Xbox. It seemed normal, as if I hadn't left at all.

"How are we going to do this?" I turned and asked Masky, who stood silent, peering up at my house.

"You mean you haven't thought of a plan?" He calmly asked, not tearing away.

"I thought you did. You're the professional here." I shrugged.

Masky sighed and shook his head. "Whatever, let's just think if something, but they can't see you."

We stood there for a few minutes before my brother got up from his bed and opened the window a bit before walking out of the room. Why would he do that?

Masky saw this and grabbed my hand, pulling me with him. "I have an idea." He said. He kept pulling me until we were at the back of my house.

"Well, whadaya know? I have vines growing up the back of my house." I said. I hadn't been back here yet so this was a surprise, and a good one at that.

Masky then started to climb up the vines, careful not to fall or make any loud sounds. Immediately I knew his plan. My brother's window was tall so the ledge would be easy to jump down on, that is if you have balance. Taking a breath, I began to follow him up, almost falling in the process.

Masky reached the roof much quicker than I did and was already crouching down.

"I don't know if I can do this." I said nervously, tip toeing to Masky as soon as I was on the roof.

Masky looked back at me, the pitch black sockets of his mask holding my gaze. "Look, it you fall, I will catch you."

I couldn't help but smile a little. "Okay."

Masky then turned and began lowering himself as slow and steady as possible before disappearing out of sight. I leaned over and saw no trace of Masky. Then, all of a sudden his face broke out of my brother's room. "Hurry." He whispered.

Following the way he did it, I managed to balance myself on the ledge of his window and jumped in before I fell. I landed on my brother's floor with a thud, followed by Masky's hands grabbing me and lifting me to my feet. I looked over at him but he was already opening the door and sneaking to my room down the hall.

When I left the room, I smelt the chicken curry mom had decided to cook and my stomach growled, reminding me that I haven't eaten.

"What do you think happened to her, mom?" I heard Jace mumble from the dining room.

I then heard mom sigh. "I-I don't know, Jace...if she doesn't turn up by tomorrow afternoon..we'll have to call the police."

Dad then said: "I'm sure she'll turn up."

I didn't hear the rest of the conversation because I was in my room at this point and Masky had shut the door behind us.

"Okay. Grab your journal and anything else you need so we never have to come back." Masky said.

I started towards my bed before stopping. Wait...Never? I looked at Masky with a confused look. I never ever agreed to leaving my family forever. He got me fucked up.

"Look, I know what you're thinking, but you are too far into this now. You just...can't return. Let your existence be a dream to them." He said calmly, as if he had to say that once before.

I sighed and resumed retrieving mu journal from in between my matress and box spring. I clutched it to my chest as I dug out a bag from under the bed and placed it at the bottom. Going around my room I grabbed some clothes and few toiletries. I looked around and saw a picture of me and my family on one corner of my desk. I grabbed it without a second thought.

"I think that's all." I said as Masky opened my window.

"Hurry! I hear foorsteps!" He whisper-yelled and sure enough the door opened just as soon as we jumped down the two stories.

Masky landed first on his feet but I fell flat on my face. Great, I might have just broke my nose. I groaned and felt Masky pull me up again and run with me into the woods; I was barely able to keep hold of my bag.

We ran and ran, the trees just a blur in my vision until the log house came into view. Me and Masky looked at each other before bursting out laughing.

"C'mon, we have to get inside before Slendy gets back."

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