The love of a succubus

By TempestOlsen

10.1K 170 22

What would happen if a young, sharp-tongued succubus meets a blind, enthusiastic angel boy who immediately be... More

love at first noise
sight isn't everything
The faults in our government
A strange invitation
Body heat
A date
a late night visit.
An accident
An awkward day after
A lasting effect
I love you

truth or dare

673 10 1
By TempestOlsen

Nicole was walked through the woods by the weird family that pretty much dragged her to their house for a game of truth or dare, not once were her feet allowed to touch the ground as the tall, dark-haired quiet guy carried her through the trees for a short while before a house came into view through the wall of thick trunks and intertwined, spindly branches that hung down over the deer trail that the man seemed to follow with his siblings trailing behind him. Nicole sat uncomfortably against the one carrying her, his strangely high body temperature causing her flesh to feel as if it was cooking in her baggy sweatshirt and collared school shirt, where his arm went under her and pressed against the backs of her thighs felt as if she were sitting on a bleacher in the dead of summer in direct sunlight, Nicole was pretty much left panting while he carried her across the medium sized clearing that surrounded the house. 

Without the trees obstructing the view, Nicole could see the pale, peeling paint that clung to the aged walls weakly, the door sat under an awning that only covered two-thirds of the porch in shade, the last section had somehow lost the material and was no more than an outline that let the sun flow freely onto that part of the porch. The windows were covered by curtains of mismatched type, the only thing they had in common was that they were all sewn up in some way or another, whether it be with patches or string that was now showing the wear of the age. 
             "wow, do you guys actually live here?" she asked, staring at the dissheveled, unkempt house in awe, how was it even standing? 
             "Yeah! We grew up here!" the girl with long black pigtails said with a sweet smile as she trailed behind her brothers, her voice sounded like sugar, but her eyes gleamed as if taking one bite out of her would give you diabetes or get you addicted so badly that you would die without another fix. Nicole shivered, feeling the seed of distrust towards this one innocent looking girl bloom into a flower. Quickly, she turned away from her, but she could still feel her warm gaze on the back of her neck as the man carrying her walked across the wooden planks of the porch, the boards groaning and squealing under both of their weights. 

The inside of the house looked shockingly better than the outside. The furniture was untorn with no sign of a stain of any sort, the floor felt a lot safer underfoot than the porch probably did, and the walls were coated in a slightly grayish white color. In the far corner of the room stood a dark brick fireplace, looking at the opposite corner between a small coffee table and a couch that was right in front of the door, there was no door separating the dining room from the living room, so Nicole could see the small dining room table that stood in the middle of the room with scarcely any furniture in it to keep it company save for a few chairs. If it were not for the table being in the way, you could've walked straight from the living room doorway through the dining room and through the small kitchen to the back door without ever turning once. 

Nicole squeaked when she suddenly hit the soft cushions of the couch, failing to have realized that the man who was carrying her had even moved to put her down. 
         "Welcome to our home, I hope you're comfortable," He said, his voice deep and soft like a soothing, yet unsettling lullaby that you could fall asleep to but would give you nightmares, "because our games of truth or dare can get pretty long, and filthy." he almost purred, his voice filling with some sort of excitement at the thought of playing a dirty game of truth or dare. 

Oh great, I'm gonna get gangbanged by these three while that sick little girl watches, Nicole thought, feeling her stomach churn and threaten to escape through her mouth, but with a deep breath she was able to keep it down, No, calm down, you have your phone, you can quickly dial 911 if you need to, she tried to think, but it failed to soothe her frazzled nerves.
          "Alright," Mark said, smiling towards Nicole, "You get to go first since you are our guest." He said, his eyes flicking a bit as he spoke. So, with another deep breath, Nicole kicked off their game of truth or dare. 

By the time the game had ended, it was almost two in the morning and Nicole lacked any type of energy to get up and leave. Instead, she passed out on the couch, using one of the throw pillows as a headrest while her jacket became a blanket. 

Suddenly, Nicole felt as if she was being watched, but when she opened her eyes, she could only make out a blurred, dimly lit figure standing next to where she slept. As she woke up more, she began to register that she was no longer laying on the soft brown leather of the couch, she was instead laying on smooth silk sheets with a heavy blanket pressing against her and a fluffy pillow cradling her mass of ebony hair that sprawled out wildly. When she woke, even more, she was able to focus on whoever was standing over her, jumping up when she recognized Christien's hateful scowl,
          "What the fuck?!" Nicole screeched, jolting up and clasping the heavy blanket over her chest protectively, her caramel colored eyes wide and frightened, staring at the brunette boy that stood beside her bed, somewhat lit by the weak light of the lamp that sat on the side table beside him. 
          "You and I need to talk," He said lowly, his voice showed little to no emotion other than annoyance, as if her being in this strange room with him for some reason annoyed him. 
          "where the hell am I?!" Nicole asked, her voice full of panic as her eyes scanned over the dark wooden panel walls, the cream color shag carpet, and the door on the opposite wall that stood in a shadow cast by a section of the wall that jutted out where the closet was, 
           "You are in my dreamscape, sadly I have not stabilized it enough to customize the setting, so at the moment, it looks like Tobias', but that is not the point of me bringing you here," He said sternly, his green eyes narrowing at her as if the answer to her question was painfully obvious. Nicole would've pushed for more of an explanation, but the look in his eyes warned her not to, so she just sat in silence, covering herself with the sangria colored blankets as she watched Christien begin to pace. 

  "since you are a pre-evolutionary succubus, there is no doubt that you have realized that my brother, Mark, gives off an aura of arousal at the sound of your voice, and don't even try to hide it! I saw you this morning, feeding on him while he sat next to you innocently!" Christien snarled, making Nicole jolt back with the ferocity in his voice so suddenly, so she nodded her head, fearing that if she said anything he would attack,

"Well, it seems that he has become quite...enamored by your attitude or voice, he gets giddy at the thought of you, he daydreams about you, and he hasn't even known you for more than a day!" Christien spat, beginning to pace quicker the more he got riled up, 

"It's so aggravating! He's so god damned innocent and trusting to you, he has no clue what you are capable of!" He burst, clawing at his hair in rage, 
"And no matter what the little retard won't fucking listen to me! He snapped at me earlier when I sighed a complaint about you! Arghhhh! What fucking spell do you have him under? WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING TO MY TWIN?!" He roared, turning on Nicole like an animal, his sclera filled with tiny webs of black that were dying his green eye color into a deep red while the right eye was just turning pure black. 

          "I-I don't know what you're talking about!" Nicole exclaimed, scrambling back to the wall while her heart raced in her chest, "I-I don't have your brother under any type of spell!"
          "LIAR!" He screamed again, the whole room beginning to shake an flicker like a candle in an earthquake. Christien took a few deep breaths, letting them out slowly while his eyes cleared of the darkness that was infesting them and the room stabilized a bit, but this time it was more warped, twisting a bit at the corners like the walls were beginning to lean inwards like a house of cards beginning to collapse.

         "Listen here you fucking bimbo, if I find out you so much as flicked my baby brother, I will disembowel you, shove your organs up your god damned ass, and fuck you until you are DEAD!" Christien snarled, his rage making the room warp more and more until he had to stop to calm himself once more. "Am I understood?" He asked his voice back to being deadpan and uninterested. Nicole shook with wide eyes and quickly nodded, her blood flowing like ice through her veins as she blinked away tears of terror. 

With a grunt, Christien snapped and Nicole was flung back into a sea of darkness.

 when she awoke, the dull light of gray dawn was pouring into the living room through the many tiny holes that had been worn into the curtains where the patches had peeled slightly or where the strings had begun to come loose. She rubbed at her eyes and stared up at the cracked ceiling, unconcerned with the weight on her feet for she already knew that it was Mark, she could feel his feathers shift as he dreamed a more pleasant dream than she had had.


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