The DragonBender

De LianaPrincess

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A fanficton based off of Avatar the last airbender a couple of years after the war ends. This story is about... Mai multe

Chapter 1: My Necklace
Chapter 2: A Different World
Chapter 3: The Boarding School In The Fire Nation
Chapter 4: Firebending Test and a Celebration
Chapter 5: The First Two Days Of School
Chapter 6: Ancient Secrets Revealed?!
Chapter 7: My Past With The Sun Warriors
Chapter 8: The Truth About Yue
Chapte 10: Secrets within the Temple
Chapter 11: Azula's Return
Chapter 12: Am I A Prisoner?
Chapter 13: The Truth Behind The Prophecy
Chapter 14: Her Dragon Unleashed

Chapter 9: Birthday Surprises

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De LianaPrincess

Chapter 9:

Birthday Surprises

It’s been a week since I came back from my trip to the Sun Warriors Temple, and because of how much of a good student I am they gave me a room for Kohei to stay in. At least that’s how they explained it, but I think something else is going on. Ever since I’ve returned the only time I’ve been left alone is when I’m in my room. It’s starting to really freak me out, and it’s making it harder for me to protect Aang and Zuko from the attacks since I can barley ever get away from one of the girls, the weirdest thing though is that Kuzo hasn’t really asked me much about Siria lately. I want to believe that he’s given up, but that’s just wishful thinking.

“Auntie Sia it’s time to goooo,” Kohei whined from the doorway tapping his foot impatiently. Since we came back Kohei has taken it in his hands to protect my secret so that I don’t end up like his mommy, his words not mine. In order to do that he said that calling me Auntie would make it seem more realistic. I’m a little worried about Kohei though because I’m not sure if he’ll be more of a dragon like Narma or hopefully just have the same gifts as a Sun Warrior. If Kohei’s dragon side shows up in front of anyone other than me he might be captured and taken somewhere for testing, or worse they might kill him.

“Ok I’m coming sweetie,” I told him grabbing my necklace as I left. When I came back I found out that my room had been searched, and I’m positive whoever it was, was either a searching for the book, or b realized who I was and wanted the necklace as proof. Now I never leave anywhere without it.

“Auntie hurry, hurry or we’re going to miss Avatar Aang’s birthday party,” Kohei said. Yep today is technically mine and Aang’s 116th birthday even though the both of us are turning 16 physically. Being me of course I sort of haven’t mentioned that today is my birthday as well. I think everyone is suspicious about me enough as it is.

“So you really get along with the Avatar don’t you Kohei?” I asked I'm hiding a smile.

“Why wouldn’t I Auntie for you to be the same as my mommy that means he’s your twin brother making him my uncle, but I can’t tell him that because it’s too dangerous,” Kohei said in a whisper shocking me.

“I guess you know more about the Dragon Bender than I thought Kohei. Who told you all of this?”

“My big sister Zya visits me in my dreams sometimes especially when I was stuck in time. She told me all about mommy, daddy, and how when she died she became a dragon spirit in charge of dreams. Zya says I’m supposed to be your protector which is why mommy held me in a timeless room,” Kohei explained as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“Ok well we better hurry little man everyone’s waiting for us, so that we can surprise Aang,” I told Kohei grabbing his arm and running towards Zuko’s Palace.

“Slow down Auntie Avatar Aang hasn’t left the school yet,” Kohei said tugging on my arm.

“Sorry sweetie I guess I just find it nice that Aang and I can finally spend a birthday together even if he doesn’t know who I am,” I told Kohei with a sad smile on my face.

After that the rest of our walk was in silence and I could swear that someone was watching us the entire time. Scared I clutched tighter on Kohei’s hand and called the elements to me just in case the person would attack. Finally Zuko’s Palace came into sight without me having to attack anyone, and I felt safe as soon as I saw Zuko waiting for me at the gate. I don’t know why, but the Palace has never been attacked by the group after Aang and Zuko which made me feel at peace whenever I neared its walls as if I was forever safe from danger.

“Sia, Kohei you’re the last to arrive other than the birthday boy himself,” Zuko said as a greeting.

“Sorry Zuko,” I said smiling at him.

“It’s fine at least you got here before Aang, but we better hurry if we want to be in the ballroom before him. I told Aang I wanted to talk to him about something at three and to meet me in the ballroom. Honestly I think Aang’s forgotten that today is even his birthday,” Zuko said laughing.

“Well he is busy with his Avatar duties not to mention that he’s already a teacher even though he’s still just a kid,” I said defending my brother.

“Please tell me that you haven’t fallen in love with Aang Zuko said taking me comment the wrong way making me laugh.

“Seriously Zuko Aang’s the last person on Earth I’d have romantic feelings for he’s more like a brother type figure to me,” I told Zuko breathlessly.

“Sorry don’t know why I’d ask that,” Zuko said with a faint tint of pink on his cheeks.

“The almighty Fire-Lord is actually blushing,” Kohei teased.

“I am not,” Zuko replied pouting.

“Auntie Sia is it weird that the man ruling an entire Nation is more of a kid then me,” Kohei staged whispered.

“I think so Kohei,” I whispered back

“I heard that,” Zuko said angrily but in a playful manner.

“You were meant to. Now let’s run Kohei before we’re late to Aang’s party,” I said.

Kohei and I rushed down the halls with Zuko on the tips of our heels with a frustrated expression on his face. I guess he thought that he’d at least be able to capture the four year old if he couldn’t capture the teenage girl. When Kohei and I burst through the ballroom doors crying from laughing so much everyone looked shocked.

“Sia what’s wrong?” Katara asked concerned.

“Zuko …. trying ….. to ……. capture …... us …… face ….. hilarious,” I said between the breath’s I had to take an the laughter.

“Sia, Kohei,” Zuko yelled just as we dove under the tables and motioned for Katara to stay quiet.

“What’s wrong Zuko?” Sokka asked from above.

“Sia and Kohei called me more of a kid than Kohei is,” Zuko said and I could just imagine him pouting afterwards.

“Aren’t you just proving them right by acting like this Zuko,” Katara asked giggling.

“Well I uh…” Zuko started to say.

“Quick turn of the lights and hide Aang’s coming,” someone called out as the lights turned off.

Deciding that I wanted an advantage over everyone I used airbending to hear people and earth to see where they were. Making sure no one was in my way I tip toed closer to the door, so that I’d be behind it when Aang came in. Of all the people here even if I couldn’t celebrate my birthday I wanted to at least be the first to say Happy Birthday to him. As his twin sister, even if no one knew that, it was still my right to say it to him first. Finally after what seemed like hours, but was only minutes Aang entered the room and I turned the lights on with my airbending and then…. “Surprise,” rang out from around the room.

“Happy Birthday Aang,” I said from beside him making him turn towards me startled.

“Sia don’t o that you nearly gave me a heart attack,” he said only half jokingly.

“Sorry. How does it feel to be 116?” I asked him.

“Like I’m not a day over 16,” he replied jokingly.

“Hey Sia stop hogging the Birthday Boy other people want to wish him a happy birthday to,” Zuko said playfully glaring at me.

“You’re just mad because you couldn’t say it first Zuko,” I replied with a small smile.

“Happy Birthday Aang,” Sokka said clasping him on the shoulder, “now can you do something about these two they haven’t stopped flirting since Zuko got her at the gates to lead her here. I think that was an excuse though seeing as she beat him here,” he added on making me gasp in horror. How am I supposed to explain how I knew my way here?

“We weren’t flirting,” Zuko and I said together.

“See they’re even taking at the same time now Aang. You don’t have to hide it anymore Sia it’s about time Zuko got over Mai,” Katara added on to her brother’s teasing.

“Why would I be flirting with my cousin that’s worse than flirting with my twin brother,” I shouted out without thinking of my words.

“Cousin,” Zuko said at the same time Sokka asked, “twin?”

“Sorry it’s not that Zuko is my cousin, but he reminds me of my cousin the only difference is that Zuko has a scar,” I said quickly, “anyway today is about Aang’s birthday not about my family members.”

“She’s right guys you can grill her tomorrow,” Toph said coming to join us, “now stop monopolizing Aang from the rest of his guests. Oh and Happy Birthday Twinkle Toes,” she added laughing.

“Toph I’m not a little kid anymore,” Aang whined.

“Whatever you say,” she said then added, “Twinkle Toes.”

“Come on guys let’s just enjoy the party,” I said. Although I found it a little weird that only students from our school were here. Where were all te officials who’d want to wish the Avatar a happy birthday?

“Aang’s having a public ceremony next week. He wanted to spend his real birthday with friends,” Zuko said in answer to what I was thinking.

“Ok everyone let’s pay truth or dare,” Aang called out randomly.

Everyone consisted of Aang, Katara, Toph, Zuko, Sokka, Suki (who appeared out of nowhere), myself, Kuzo, Siva, Trien, and a few older people I didn’t know.

“Since Aang’s the birthday boy he will spin a stick and whoever it lands on has to choose truth or dare, and Aang can ask or make them do anything within limits,” Katara said as a brief explanation of the game.

So Aang span t and low and behold it landed on me,” ok Sia truth or dare?” he asked me.

“Truth,” I replied easily.

“Ok why do you have a betrothal necklace hanging out of your pocket?” he asked making me look down and true enough my necklace was showing making me stuff it back into my pocket.

“Because I am betrothed to someone, but I haven’t seen him in a very long time,” I answered vaguely so that I didn’t have to lie. Then I spun the stick and it landed on Kuzo, “Kuzo Truth or Dare?”

“Dare,” he said confidently.

“Ok I dare you to make up the most ridiculous dance you can well waterbending at the same time. Without stopping dancing or bending for two minutes,” I told him smirking as the color drained from his face.

Everyone began to laugh as Kuzo twisted and turned well bending water to circle around him. It was funny watching him moving wildly well trying to control the water at the same time. He almost soaked us a few times and would have to if I hadn’t bended the water slightly to make him regain control. Seriously Kuzo looked more ridiculous than if Momo and Appa were trying to slow dance together.

“Time,” Katara said, “and which water bender here was helping him regain control of the water?”

“Come on Katara let’s just continue with the game,” I told her.

“Fine your turn Kuzo,” she said sighing in defeat.

“Sokka truth or dare?” he asked after spinning the stick.

“Truth,” Sokka said.

“Who was your first kiss?” Kuzo asked smirking.

“I’d thought you would have known Kuzo. My first kiss was with Yue the Northern Water Tribe Princess who turned into the Moon,” Sokka answered.

“My cousin Yue?” he asked gapping like a fish and looking like he was drowning when Sokka nodded in confirmation.

Sokka then spun the stick and it landed on me again! “Ok Sia truth or dare?” he asked smirking.

“Dare,” I sighed regretting it as soon as I said it.

“Alright Sia I dare you to show the whole room what your betrothal necklace looks like,” he said smirking as soon as he said it Kohei snuck it out of my pocket and ran off.

“Sorry I think Kohei doesn’t want me to,” I said shrugging.

“Then describe it to us,” he said impatiently.

I was panicking about what to do when we heard a scream from outside the palace. The strange thing was it wasn’t like a terrified scream, but more like a scream of excitement. Either way all of us got up and ran outside to find out what the scream was about. I swear everyone’s eyes but mine seemed to drop of their faces in surprise. As we all watched as a floating temple came to a stop above the Palace and people with hang gliders like Aang’s flew away from it.

“It’s probably just Teo and his father,” Aang said in disappointment.

“Princess where have you been,” a person said coming up to me, “we haven’t shown ourselves till now because we were looking for you, and why haven’t you aged?”

“Lein?” I asked quietly.

“Yes it’s me I’m glad I got here for your birthday. You didn’t think that they’d let me be in the war do you I was too young,” he answered.

“How do you know Monk Gyatso?” Aang asked coming towards us and stopping in shock when he noticed the tattoos.

“Aang what’s wrong?” Katara asked coming up from behind you.

“Who are you people?” Aang asked on the verge of tears.

“Why Aang I’m shocked you don’t recognize me it might have been a hundred years, but you haven’t changed,” Lein said sadly.

“Lein? How is this possible? Sia what’s going on?” Aang asked shocked.

“Why are you addressing the Princess like that….” Lein began before I started to shake his head.

“I think you have me confused with someone I’m not a Princess,” I told him.

“Sorry you just look a lot like the girl who convinced Gyatso that we should go in her secret temple. Princess Siria of the Fire Nation the savior of the Air Nomads race, but that’s impossible because that would mean you have only gained about four years in over a hundred. I apologize,” Lein said I think he actually believed that he made a mistake. “Happy Birthday Aang.”

“This isn’t possible you’re all supposed to be dead. I’m supposed to be the last Airbender,” Aang said in shock.

“Sorry Aang, but we didn’t really know the war was over until about a month ago. We all wanted to come and see the Avatar and find Princess Siria,” a old woman said.

“Irie, it’s good to see you again, but unfortunately Siria disappeared a long time ago,” Iroh said joining the group.

“Iroh?” she asked.

“Yes,” he smiled.

“Ok can someone explain what’s going on?” Zuko asked confused.

“Your ancestor Princess Siria had been sent to infiltrate the Air Nomads, so that they could invade them. However she had been making their plans seem impossible and tried to warn the Air Nomads. Since they wouldn’t listen Siria asked that just in case they have a few elders and all the Air Nomads children hide in an ancient temple that floated in the sky. Monk Gyatso agreed, and the temple above us holds the entire Air Nation who had been in hiding until the war was over,” Irie explained.

“I can’t believe this,” Aang said with tears in his eyes.

“Believe it Aang. You aren’t alone anymore,” I told him gently.

“It’s too bad Siria’s dead though. If she was still alive I’d find it funny that she looked a hundred years older than her twin brother Lein said laughing.

“What do you mean?” Aang asked well from behind him I was trying to make him stop.

“Well when Siria first arrived I heard her discussing with Gyatso how it was weird that she was taken by Lord Ayrin when her mother and twin were airbenders. Gyatso had then told Siria that he was sorry that he couldn’t let her meet Aang, but she could meet their mother instead. Siria was Aang’s twin sister,” Lein explained.

“That’s impossible my cousin had the royal birthmark if Siria was Aang’s twin sister that makes Aang and Zuko related,” Iroh said shocked.

“It’s true. The weirdest thing though is that your mother’s mother was a Sun Warrior and her father an Air Nomad. Aang’s a direct descendant of the two most powerful firebending lines,” Irie added.

“I think I need to go lie down. Sorry everyone the party is over,” Aang said the energy drained from his voice.

As soon as he was gone Kohei and I left quickly. Making it to the dorm as fast as we could to avoid any more questions. Even if Lein is dense enough to believe me if all of the other’s point out the fact that I look like Siria, and the fact that I wouldn’t show my betrothal necklace, Aang will know that I’ve been lying to him. What will I do?

“I’m sorry Auntie,” Kohei said curling up beside me and I just continued to weep in his arms. My life could come crashing down at any moment what will I do?

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