The Girl Next Door

By danilynn87

218K 7.2K 2.1K

Emma and Regina have grown up living next door to each other since the day they were born. They have always b... More

But Maybe I Need You
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
I'm Gonna Stick By You
Part Seventeen
Part Eighteen
Part Nineteen
Part Twenty
Part Twenty-One
Part Twenty-Two
Part Twenty-Three
Part Twenty-Four
Part Twenty-Five
Part Twenty-Six
Part Twenty-Seven
Part Twenty-Eight
I Don't Want To Make The Same Mistake Regina
Part Thirty
Part Thirty-Two
Part Thirty-Three
Part Thirty-Four
Part Thirty-Five
Part Thirty-Six
Part Thirty-Seven
Part Thirty-Eight
Epilogue: I Believe In You

Part Thirty-One

4.9K 164 38
By danilynn87

Her shoulder aches from the bag filled with books slinging over her shoulder and weighing her down. Even more books and files are piled in her left arm as she digs around her purse for her keys. She attempts to balance everything on one side as she slides the key into the door. She turns the knob, but of course, the door is jammed, yet again because this stupid door doesn't understand its purpose in life. She jiggles the key like Emma taught her and pushes all her weight against the heavy door.

She stumbles through the threshold, trying her best to keep everything in her hands while she groans inwardly as her shoulders and arms scream their protest from the heavy weight. She hazardously drops the bag from her arms and sets her books and files down on the front table. She wrestles her keys free and finally kicks the door shut out of anger.

"You alright over there?" She can distinctly hear her girlfriend's voice as if she is near, but her eyes must deceive her.

"Yeah, no need to help or anything..."

"Good, because I wasn't going to move," Emma states in her most convincing tone, but she knows her well enough to know when her childish girlfriend is teasing her.

Regina steps around their couch to find the blonde sitting crisscrossed on the floor like she's a kindergarten. Emma beams up at her with the biggest grin ever, but Regina's attention quickly flicks to the small child standing in front of her girlfriend.

The toddler is wiggling a toy in Emma's face, silently pleading for her attention while she's laughing in return. Regina's eyebrows furrow while she cocks her head to the side and attempts to comprehend what is occurring.

"Who is this?" She gently investigates, kicking off her heels and slowly approaching the duo playing in the living room.

"This, is our screaming know the one who cries at anytime of the day or night," she chuckles while the toddler gapes at her in confusion, but Emma is quick to distract him with her long fingers stretching out to tickle his pudgy tummy.

"That's you, huh?" Regina laughs lightly while she settles down next to her girlfriend. Emma automatically leans forward with her thin lips pursing for attention and she happily accepts the kiss. They keep the kiss short and sweet since they are in the presence of a child, but they are both smiling wide as they slowly pull away. "So, what's going on?"

Emma accepts the monkey that is dancing in her face while she shrugs her shoulder causally. "The mom just knocked on our door and said she needed a babysitter."

"She doesn't even know us," she blurts out while Emma sadly nods along.

"I know," her girlfriend sighs heavily and stares at the stuffed animal like he may have all the answers. "We have never even seen them before, and we have been here for two months now." She shakes out her wavy mane, appearing a little distraught by the thought. "Anyways, I couldn't say no."

"I wouldn't have been able to either," she reassures her, rubbing her hand up Emma's back to help soothe whatever anxiety she is feeling about this random situation. She can tell her girlfriend is holding back about something, she just doesn't know what yet and maybe that's because of their guest. Regina turns her attention to the little one standing in front of them, softening even more for his sake. "What's your name?"


She stifles her giggle and glances at her girlfriend for some guidance. Emma smiles from ear to ear and leans forward, almost touching her nose with the toddler's.

"Hen-ry," she slowly draws out each syllable coaxing the little boy to copy her sounds.

"Heeeeeeen-weeeee," the little brunette reiterates, pushing his face closer into Emma's, ultimately pressing his tiny button nose into hers which persuades an adorable giggle to erupt from Emma's mouth before she reaches out to tickle the boy again.

Regina's eyes blow wide from the name, with far too many images flashing of her father in her mind, a time when he wasn't sick and he was actually the Henry she knew and loved. She redirects her attention to her girlfriend, who is sporting a sympathetic frown and the blonde mouths, "I know," and sighs heavily while Regina bites back her tears and watery smile.

"He's super cute," Regina acknowledges, mindlessly brushing his long brown hair out of his eyes and deciding not to dwell on the fact that this little boy shares the same name as her late father. "I would have guessed our midnight crier was much younger. Do you know how old he is?"

"No, the mom didn't say," her girlfriend frowns, tilting her head to the side to assess their visitor. "Henry, do you know how old you are?" Emma questions in the sweetest voice Regina has ever heard her mutter.

The little boy stares at Emma as if she unexpectedly sprouted another head. His dark green eyes shift down to Emma's lap, where he pauses for a moment before he leans down and rips the stuffed animal from her hands. The adorable baby laughs while shaking the monkey in Emma's face again, distracting her from whatever she is asking him.

"Mo-keeee!" He squeals inspiring Regina and Emma to both smile in return.

"Yes, mon-key," Emma says slowly for Henry to mimic her again.


"Good job, kid." Emma compliments, ruffling his wild hair with a proud smile gracing her face.

"Do we know when the mom will be back?" Regina curiously questions as she gently eases the monkey from Henry's hands.

She attacks the toddler's face with the stuffed animal while creating adorable kissing noises, eliciting a fit of giggles to burst from the small child.

"She said ten," Emma shrugs like she doesn't believe the words tumbling from her own damn mouth.

"How long has he been here?"

"Since three-thirty. She must have seen me coming home from work."

Regina nods and hands the toy back to Henry before she checks her watch and notes that it's almost seven already.

"Did you two eat dinner?" She inquires as she glances at their kitchen to spot any sort of mess that her girlfriend may have left behind, per usual Emma Swan fashion.

"No, I just...I was nervous to do anything, but interact with him. I don't know him and I'm thinking he's around two years old..." she trails off while staring intently and examining every detail of his chubby little face.

"It's alright, how about I whip us up some grilled cheese sandwiches? Children like grilled cheese," she says with a teasing wink, knowing it's her girlfriend's favorite thing to eat.

She pushes herself off the ground as Emma quickly follows her lead. "HA-HA, very funny," she sarcastically replies while leaning down to scoop up the toddler. Emma rests him on her hip, like it's the most natural thing she has ever done and follows Regina into the kitchen. "I hope he eats...I gave him a bunch of Goldfish earlier."

"It's a good thing you still eat like a child, dear."

"Don't act like you don't sneak those Goldfish when you think I'm not looking," Emma quips, inspiring both of them to laugh at the truth.

Regina begins preparing the food while Emma and Henry stand beside her, watching. Every so often, she sneaks little glances at her girlfriend with the toddler resting on her hip and heart flutters while her mind dreams about what it will be like when they have children of their own. Of course, they are young and have their whole lives ahead of them, but there's nothing wrong with wondering about the future. They have already discussed having children and they agreed marriage and babies after Regina graduates from law's just...Emma looks so natural...and happy with a baby on her hip.

She peeks over her shoulder again and observes Emma's finger as it bops Henry's little freckled nose. He's giggling and squirming in her arms, but Emma hangs on tight and wiggles along with him. Truthfully, Regina's cheeks are growing sore from smiling so hard and she has to force herself to look away to check on the grilled cheese before she burns it.

"How was class today?" Emma suddenly asks, but her main attention is still heavily focused on the little boy.

"Fine," she sighs as her mind wanders back to reality. "I have so much work to accomplish tonight."

"Well, it's a good thing you are Regina Mills, a woman who was created to survive on hardly any sleep and work all the time," she exaggerates while enclosing the gap between them. Emma holds Henry back from the stove as she places a gentle kiss to Regina's cheek.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah..." she groans while playfully swatting her girlfriend away.

The sharp sounds of slapping resonates around them as she removes the sandwich from the stovetop, forcing brown eyes to snap in Henry's direction. This little boy is grinning wildly, smacking his palm against his chubby stomach.

"Are you hungry little guy?" Emma asks, provoking the toddler to dance in her arms while humming, 'ummm, ummm'.

"I will take that as a yes," Regina confirms, smiling at the little boy before gently placing the plate down on their kitchen table. "Please make sure you blow on it before you give it to him," she pleads with her girlfriend who instantly rolls her eyes at her.

"Well, obviously," Emma groans and plops down at the table with the baby in her lap.

Henry leans forward before Emma has a chance to pick up the sandwich and he blows exceptionally hard. There's saliva spraying all over the sandwich, but he's doing really well on trying to cool it down all by himself. Emma snaps her head up with the goofiest grin consuming her face. Regina silently chuckles to herself, not wanting to disrupt the small child who is focusing so hard on blowing.

Regina shakes her head and turns her attention back to the stove to finish preparing sandwiches for Emma and herself.

After she finishes cooking the other two sandwiches, she glances around their tiny apartment. "Does he have a sippy-cup?" She curiously asks knowing the little boy must be thirsty by now.

Emma slowly lifts her gaze, sorrow evident in her eyes as she subtly shakes her head. "The only thing she gave me was a couple of diapers and his monkey."

"Okay," she drags out the word, completely shocked that his mother didn't even leave the proper items for her own child.

She pulls a small mug from the cabinet and pours some milk inside before carefully placing the drink down, out of Henry's reach, and proceeds to claim the seat next to the duo.

"Henry, would you like some milk?" Emma asks while reaching for the mug.

"Mmmmm," Henry hums with his little hands greedily stretching forward to grab the mug from Emma's clutches.

"Let me help you, kid," the blonde chuckles and slowly presses the mug to his lips.

Emma cautiously tilts the mug back so Henry can take small sips, her green eyes inspecting just how much milk she is offering so they don't spill. Henry hums in response to the cold milk, prompting Emma and Regina to laugh at his adorable personality shining through. Emma slowly retracts the milk away from his white, mustache, stained lips and that's when all Hell breaks loose. The little boy screeches so loud, Emma and Regina flinch from the sudden reaction. He clenches his chubby fists especially tight and screams until his face burns red.

"Give it back," Regina exclaims causing her girlfriend to fumble with the mug, hastily pressing the cup to his lips to help him finish the milk.

"Jeez!" Emma complains as she glances in Regina's direction, completely startled and confused.

"Well, there's the little boy we know through the walls," she sarcastically points out as her girlfriend nods her head in utter shock.


After the three of them were finished with dinner, if she could even call it that, Regina started to clean up while Emma put on some cartoons in the living room and laid Henry down on the couch with his monkey cuddled into his side.

"I wish I could stay out here and help, but I have so much work to do," Regina explains with a small pout because she would much rather cuddle with her girlfriend on the couch then face the massive amounts of files piled high in her room.

"I know, it's alright." Emma grips her chin and pulls her into a sweet kiss that sends her head spinning.

Regina groans, mustering up all her energy to pry her lips away from Emma's dainty mouth. For a brief second, she wishes she would have chosen a career in which she would have graduated in four years, like Emma, instead of another four years.

However, her thought process is completely swept away when the little boy climbs off the couch and slips his hand inside of Emma's. He begins groaning dramatically like he can't handle her weight as he tugs her toward the couch. They both stare down at the adorable child and chuckle as he steals Regina's girlfriend away.

Reluctantly, she treks her way to the bedroom and sets up her laptop while pulling out her needed books. She climbs into the bed with her back resting against the headboard and prepares herself for a very long night ahead of her.

She's not working too long before she hears her girlfriend's angelic voice booming through their tiny apartment.

"Henry? Where are you going?"

The little sound of pitter-patter grows louder and louder, forcing her fingers to pause from typing while her brown eyes peek over the screen toward the doorway. A mess of chestnut locks appear within a matter of seconds provoking a smile to spread slowly across her mouth.

"What are you doing Henry?" She sweetly interrogates the little boy as he dashes to the bed.

That's when Emma comes strolling up behind him, wincing when she finds their guest disrupting Regina. "I'm sorry," she sadly replies, but she is quick to wave her off.

A little chubby hand pries her fingers away from the keys and begins tugging for her to follow him.

"What do you want, sweetie?" She softly whispers to the boy who is desperately begging for her attention.

His big green doe eyes are staring up at her and somehow, she notices a resemblance in her girlfriend's eyes, maybe it's just the color, but she happily slides off the bed per his request.

"Regina, you have work to do."

"I know," she sighs, picking up her laptop and gathering a few books. "Can you grab the rest?" Emma nods and scoops up the remainder of the books before they proceed to follow the excited little boy back to the living room.

Regina and Emma place the books on the end table to accommodate Henry. Her girlfriend lifts the boy onto the couch and settles herself down by his feet while Regina sits down on the other side of the couch near his head.

Regina does her best to zone out her company while she focuses on her work while Emma's head is constantly snapping back and forth between the television and the young boy. Regina's not sure what crazy thoughts are running through Emma's mind right now, but she knows she's concerned about something by the pinched expression that's been stealing her girlfriend's features all night.


Around nine o'clock, Henry falls fast asleep, curled up into the fetal position between the couple. Emma lowers the volume on the television, so Regina can focus more on her work and so the boy can sleep peacefully beside them. Emma curls up against the armrest and soon her eyes are fluttering closed as well.

Regina continues to work with the two of them still sleeping on the couch beside her, both softly snoring expressing just how tired they both are. And it isn't until eleven o'clock at night, when there's a harsh, rapid knock against their door that stirs the sleeping beauties, but never fully wakes them.

Regina places her laptop on the table beside the couch and rushes toward the door. She peeks through her peephole to discover a young woman with greasy brown hair, anxiously bouncing on her doormat, with her thumb tucked between her teeth, nibbling neurotically. She sighs, assuming it's the young boy's mother and hesitantly unlocks the door.

"Hey a..." the girl stammers as she glances around the apartment. "...uh is my kid here?"

Regina takes in her raccoon eyes and jittery limbs right away and contemplates with her morals for a moment. She has a strong urge to lie to this stranger, because she doesn't seem stable enough to take Henry home, but then again, who is she to say? She's only twenty-two herself and she's definitely not his mother.

"Yes, of course," she whispers, stepping aside to allow the other woman to enter. "Your name is?" She curiously asks while firmly shutting the door behind the anxious woman.

"Milah." The girl doesn't bother even glancing her way as she answers, because her eyes are too busy scanning across their apartment and Regina finds herself wondering if this woman is searching for anything valuable to steal.

"I'm Regina," she offers her hand for the woman to shake, but those dark, tired eyes just glance at the outstretched hand before drifting away. "Okay," Regina mutters mostly to herself and retracts her unwanted gesture. She struts confidently around the couch with the woman hot on her heels. "He fell asleep at nine and has been asleep since," she dutifully explains as they both stare down at the young boy curled up against Emma with his monkey.


The mother bends down and slings Henry over her shoulder a little too aggressively for Regina's liking, provoking her to flinch a little. And she has to mentally fight with herself to hold back from checking to make sure the little boy is alright.

"He ate a grilled cheese sandwich around seven with a glass of milk."

"Alright," Milah coldly replies as she walks toward the door without any care to her son's wellbeing while she was off doing god only knows what.

"Uh..." she fumbles for words, because she feels this urgency to keep the woman around a little longer so she can keep a close eye on Henry. Milah just leaves an unsettling feeling deep in the pit of her stomach. "May I ask how old Henry is?"

"Two...why?" The woman bites back in a low, deep growl, that almost sounds like a challenge for her to continue on and speak her mind.

"I was just curious," she shrugs, not wanting to piss this woman off in anyway. "He's very sweet."

"Yeah," she scoffs, rolling her eyes dramatically. "So sweet," she deadpans while reaching for the doorknob.

And Milah doesn't say a word as she steps through the doorway and disappears into her own apartment. Regina's baffled at the audacity of that woman, not even having the decency or respect to say thank you for taking care of her child, especially to a couple of strangers.

Regina softly closes her front door and locks it while her mind is filling and swarming with negative thoughts about Milah and her son, Henry.

What kind of mother leaves their two-year-old with strangers? People she has never even met before...never even seen before? She didn't even leave him with food or a cup and barely enough diapers. Not to mention clothes, what if he spilled something or was sick? Her and Emma don't have toddler clothing just lying around their apartment. She scoffs in disgust as she makes her way back to the couch.

She bends down in front of her sleeping girlfriend and pecks her lips as tenderly as possible. "Emma," she softly whispers to coax her into waking up.

She studies those long, thick eyelashes as they flutter open, revealing those gorgeous green eyes with specks of gold, sparkling with love. But all too quickly, those eyes are growing dark with fear and panic as she springs forward from the couch.

"Where's Henry?" Emma demands through her scratchy groggy voice.

"His mother came," she huffs while standing from her kneeling position.

"Ah, so you didn't like her either." Her girlfriend doesn't have to ask, she can tell by her tone how agitated she is with their neighbor. "Did you notice how Henry seemed a little....underdeveloped with his social skills?"

"Yes, I did, but who knows, maybe he was just uncomfortable around us. We aren't his mother or a doctor," she replies, trying her best to ease her girlfriend's worried mind, even though her thoughts are just as scattered right now about the boy's living condition.

Regina silently collects her things as Emma stretches, exposing her tight little abdomen and she has to turn away from her captivating beauty, otherwise she'll never complete her work for the evening. Her girlfriend helps gather her belongings and carries them to their bedroom, so she can continue to work while Emma sleeps, like most nights.

After her and Emma prepare for bed, she dives right back into her work with Emma curled up on her side, watching her fingers furiously beat each key as she concentrates.

"You understand why I watched him today right?" Emma unexpectedly asks after a very long moment of silence.

"What?" She's a little distracted by her work to actually hear what her girlfriend is saying, but then the words register in her mind and she sighs. "Of course, I understand."

"If I didn't say yes, god only knows where she would have dumped him off," she retorts with every bit of anger burning her clipped words. "I mean, she doesn't even know us, but we know us, and at least I know we are safe for him." 

"I know, Em," she exhales, pressing a very brief kiss to her girlfriend's temple. "I'm sure she was in a bind and it won't happen again," she mumbles as she tries to focus on her screen.

"I hope so...for his sake."

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