project perfect | mackenzie z...

By booksofjenzie

8.2K 531 143

From having an ideal life in Pittsburgh to being a nobody in a whole new place, how far does Mackenzie need t... More

one → be fucking grateful we didnt get economy
two → that little bitch
three → he's probably a fuckboy anyways!
four → excuse me
five → you fucked up.
six → she needs time
seven → kind or rude?
eight → i'd love to
nine → he's hot
ten → i'll try again
eleven → too much of a good thing is bad
thirteen → nobody knew
fourteen → who's tyler

twelve → advil, chocolates, tampons and pads.

442 35 2
By booksofjenzie

3rd Person

"Mackenzie Frances Ziegler!" Melissa shouted, her loud and clear. Mackenzie grunted and she ignored her mother. She was writing in her notebook about her "Project Perfect" plan; before getting interrupted by more ear deafening screams. And yes, she was over exaggerating. It wasn't ear deafening. Kenzie's head peeked up from her notebook as she walked downstairs to her seemingly demanding mother.

It was a Saturday — Kenzie wasn't feeling it. Because she recently got her period, it caused her to break out and to have multiple utterly annoying cramps.

"What." She replied in a harsh tone, her head not going up from her iPhone X/10. Her mom slightly laughed, because Kenzie was unaware that her boyfriend was standing right in front of her.

"Kenzie." Johnny said, taking his excessively large hands and pulling her chin up. The brunette smiled, and kissed him on his baby soft cheek; another trait Mackenzie loved about him.

"I got what you asked me."  He added, pulling out a plastic bag and handing it to her. "Advil, chocolates, tampons and pads." He recited as she looked through it. Mackenzie laughed.

"Holy shit, how embarrassing was it?" She asked, face palming. "And sorry."

"No problem. And nothing's embarrassing when I help my girl out." Johnny replied, showing off his pearly white teeth.

Kenzie smiled. She may not like him as much as he does her, but she knows deep down inside that she thinks he's more than just a hot sweetheart. Way more than that.

It wasn't after he left that she realized she was wearing her bright green Tinkerbell matching pyjamas in front of her presentable looking boyfriend.

She sighed and laughed to herself. If it was the Kenzie that first stepped in Northview High last late November, she'd be cursing herself out. But remember, she's cool now. She's perfect now, isn't she?

words; 310
words w a/n;

hi. i was inactive.
end of story. oops.

btw. this story is almost ending.
i have a bunch of new ideas for
new books and i can't wait lol.
funny how this is ending faster
than the sycamore tree oof!!!

anyways, i love u alllllllllllllllll

- clare xoxo

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