Why Don't We // Imagines

By thisisstupid47

1.1K 5 1

All in the titles. More

Happy // Zach
stained // jonah marais
baby // corbyn besson

period // daniel seavey

481 5 1
By thisisstupid47

she awoke to pains stabbing her in my stomach. she got up hard trying not to wake the precious boy sleeping next to her.

sje got up and noticed the red stain on her side of the bed. "shit." she mumbled. just then, daniel mumbled and flung his arm to where she was laying. "what the fuck?" he turned around to see her standing. his eyes haven't adjusted yet and she quickly sat down on the stain. he rubbed his eyes and looked at the clock. "um, im sorry. why the hell are you awake at...," he had to look at the clock again to remember he time, "3:51!" he whispered yelled careful not to wake the other sleeping in the quiet house.

she shifted uncomfortably and looked down, quick to think of an excuse. "i, uh, have to go to the bathroom." she looked up to daniel with his left eyebrow raised. "that's a terrible lie. if you have to go so bad, go." he waved his arm towards the bathroom door. "i-i can't." she whispered to him. just then his big dumb brain clicked. "ooooooh. shit. did you?" she started to cry feeling terrible for leaving a stain. he moved close but i moved back. "baby, come here." she shook her head, just then a sharp pain jabbed her side. "fuck!" she tried her best not to yell to loud.

daniel was taken back by the sudden pain. he quickly got up and moved fast to y/ns side of the bed. he pulled her close to him as he rubbed he back while she clutched her stomach. he picked her up and carried her to the bathroom, he carefully set her down on the toilet as she leaned forward. he started a hot bath and stood her up. she looked up at him with pain and apologetic written all over her beautiful y/e/c eyes. he smiled and she smiled back. he grabbed the hem of her shirt and tugged a bit telling her to raise her arms, as she did so daniel carefully lifted the shirt above her head revealing her chest. (this isn't a smut. just so y'all dirty ones know. lol.)

he did the same to her pants and not once broke eye contact. he wanted to be respectful and didn't want to make her uncomfortable. they've never seen each other fully naked and he didn't want to make her think he was trying things. she smiled at him and chuckled. "what?" he cocked his head as he guided her to the tub. "you can look, danny boy. you're gonna see me one day or another. i don't mind." he smiled but still didn't look, he didn't know if he was ready. "okay. you stay here. i'll be back in a bit." he ran his hands through her hair. "okay." she whispered, getting relaxed. "danny?" he stopped just as he was about to close the bathroom door. "hm?" she smiled at him, "thank you." he smiled back and closed the door.

he ran to corbyns room and busted through the door. "corbyn?" just as daniel busted through the door corbyn bolted up. "what?" he looked at the clock and groaned. "i need tampons. do you have some from when christian visited last week?" corbyn and pointed to his room and slammed his head against the pillow again. "thanks bro. sorry." corbyn only groaned a response.

daniel grabbed the tampons and placed them on his dresser as he took the sheets off and placed them in the washer. then he grabbed a pair of y/ns panties, one of his hoodies, her favorite soccer shorts, and a big soft blanket. he tossed those in a dryer to warm them up for y/n.

he ran back up the stairs quietly and placed new sheets on the bed just as he heard her move around in the bathroom, he ran BACK downstairs and grabbed the things from the dryer and ran BACK UP the stairs. (he's getting good cardio.)

he opened the door to reveal y/n laying in the tub playing with the water. her head snapped in his direction as he shut the door. he smiled at her as she began to stand up. he stopped her and drained some water to put more hot water in. "wh-what are you doing?" she spook softly. "i'm tired. i'm joining you." her eyes widened and she moved forward for room for him. he stripped but she decided not to look. he chuckled as he got in behind her and grabbed her waist pulling her close to him. he kissed the top of her head and played with her hands.

after a few head kissed later, daniel drained the water and stepped out. he wrapped a towel along his waist and helped y/n up. this was a good time for him to truly looked at her. he smiled at how beautiful she was and couldn't help but blush. she noticed and covered herself with her hands. he noticed and looked up to her eyes. he pulled her hands down, "don't. you're beautiful, baby." she smiled and looked down. he lifted her chin and gave her small peck before covering her with a towel. he dried her off and left her do to her lady things.

she came out with daniels hoodie drapping over her coming down to her mid thighs. she wrapped the blanket around her and hopped into bed. daniel pulled y/n close and wrapped his arms around her, tangling their legs together.

"i love you." she whispered before she drifted off to sleep.

"i love you, too." he kissed her forehead and pulled the covers over them and closing his eyes.

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