Nothing Lasts Forever

By ShivyMay27

358K 2.3K 554

Simone had been on her own for a few years since leaving home. Her mother, a devoted Christian, who prayed da... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
12Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 ~ Part 1
Chapter 27 ~ Part 2

Chapter 20

9K 45 2
By ShivyMay27

I just wanted to thank all my fans, silent readers and friends who have been reading, commenting, voting and supporting, truly blessed by the kind words shared. I hope I can continue to touch your lives with my words which comes from only one source; God. Enjoy!!!



A week has passed since Simone, Patrick and I have been rescued, I was released from the hospital three days ago and have been trying to regain the 15 lbs I lost while I was kidnapped.

When I first saw my reflection in the mirror I burst into tears because I didn't recognize the person looking back at me. The girl I saw was pale, frail and had lost the spark in her eyes, I was not that girl, it was me but I couldn't see me.

I was currently sitting in the hospital room watching Patrick sleep with the memories of my time locked up still very fresh in my mind and the toll it took on me both physically and mentally. I was trying so hard to piece my life back together, a life that I single handedly destroyed.

The police had come by when we first got to the hospital and had taken statements from both me and Simone. Patrick was unconscious and had to undergo two surgeries so he could not be questioned.

They asked a lot of questions about Mr. Smith and Nick, how I had gotten involved with them and how was Patrick involved with all this. But Simone and I had spoke before hand and had agreed to be as honest as possible without trying to hurt either me or Patrick too much.

She believed that I had gone through enough and didn't need to go to prison to realize the mistake I had made. We were going to say that the drugs she found; if it came up was Mr. Smith's own (which was true) and because of my profession I was easily targeted to move the drugs for him.

We also agreed to talk more about how Patrick tried his best to help Simone and I, how he got shot during that process and how he was a friend of mine.

I was really missing Simone right now, I had convinced her I would be fine and she had her career to look after. So she was currently in Atlanta on a conference. Chris and Eric both checked on me regularly.

My parents were at the Condo so often I was beginning to believe they had moved in. My mom was taking care of me, cooking, cleaning, washing, she was being, well mom. My dad tried to fix anything around the house and to be as useful as possible.

I guess when you are retired you have lots of free time, but I love them anyways and my mom's cooking was fattening me up rather quickly; so I was grateful.

Simone and Chris had cleaned up the apartment before I got home; they told me how much of a mess it was after Nick the tornado had passed through trying to find the drugs. I was shocked when I got home at how well they had put it back together.

The two of them made a pretty good team and the more I observed them, the more I became aware of a little tension, I mean something was going on. I could tell they were attracted to each other but they just skirted around it, which at times was a little awkward.

The first day I got home was the only day I was not at Patrick's hospital bed side. I was determined to be there for him; after all if it had not been for him trying to save me he wouldn't be lying there.

He had come to a few times, but he never spoke, just looked at me and smiled then drifted back off and would be out for hours at a time. I am not sure if it was the medication, loss of blood or the pain that was making him sleep but I was just happy he was alive.

I knew I was not going to be seeing Simone for about three weeks, give or take a couple of days. She was currently in Atlanta, then would come back home for a couple of days and then she and Chris were going to go visit her family. She had changed her flight to come home just to check on me.

Although it was not necessary I will be happy to see her, after spending all that time caged up and wanting to see her face. I love that girl like a sister and don't know what I would have done without her.

My parents would normally leave me at nights to head home, very rare would my mom sleep over, but whenever they left I would head over to the hospital or stay up all night with the phone in my hand.

I mean Simone was taken from the apartment while she was sleeping, the police still had no idea how he had gotten in but with him and Mr. Smith at large I was terrified, but I didn't want to tell anyone that.

As I sat there in the hospital room with the whole world on my shoulders I had not even realized when I began to cry until I heard some talk to me.

"Hey are you alright?" I heard this really groggy voice ask.

When I lifted my head and stared dead into Patrick's open eyes I was stunned, I mean this was the first time he had spoken since he was shot, which was more than a week ago. Plus even after the surgery he said nothing, now he seemed really concerned for me.

"Yes I am ok, how are you, do you need anything, anything at all?"

He smiled at me, "I could go for a drink, but I guess water would have to do."

I stood up and moved to the table beside his bed, and poured him some water, I then cradled my free hand under his head to lift him a bit and place the cup to his lips, and he drank the whole thing then asked for more.

After that was done, I helped him work the buttons on the side of the bed to raise him to a sitting position, and then I brought my chair closer, sat down and held his hands. We were silent for a long time.

"So are you going to tell me why you were crying?"

I had forgotten about that, "Well I was kind of reliving the hell I went through in my head and I guess it was more painful for me than I had let on."

"I am so sorry Kate, I never wanted to hurt you and things just spiraled out of control with Nick there."

"What do you mean they spiraled?" I asked softly, I didn't want him upset because he was still on the mend.

"Well when the whole argument went down and he showed up and hit you, after that I was screaming at him, he then started saying stuff to me, and was questioning my loyalty to Mr. Smith and I had to prove him wrong. It was messed up but I really didn't know what they were planning on doing to you, the moment I found out I tried to get you out."

I knew he was caught between a rock and a hard place and I didn't want to make him feel bad, and to be honest I didn't blame him, I had forgiven him, after all the guy did take a bullet for me.

"I really don't blame you Patrick." I choked out the words because I was feeling a bit emotional.

"I do appreciate your forgiveness but I really don't deserve it since I was part of the reason you had gotten into this whole mess to begin with."

"Listen to me Patrick, I have forgiven you and I am willing to move past it, now you need to forgive yourself. I mean I know you were loyal to Mr. Smith but I don't understand why. What's the connection?"

"Well he was like a father to me. When I was barely a teenager my mother had abandon me, I never saw her again, and I was living on the streets. I ran into Mr. Smith one night when I was trying to hustle for some food or cash to get some food. I guess he saw something in me and took me in off the streets and under his wings. I always felt like I owed him my life."

"Well if it makes you feel any better I do believe that he does care about you, he came to tend to your wound when he had found out you were shot, he was going to send someone to come get you and take care of you but then the S.W.A.T team busted in and I never saw him again."

"Are you telling me he escaped?" When he asked the question he looked a little scared.

"Yes, both him and Nick got away, but you are safe here, no need to be afraid."

"Kate, listen to me very carefully, I know what Mr. Smith is capable of and I am sure I have not seen all there is to see about Nick's cruelty, that fear you saw a moment ago was not for me, but for you."

When the words left his mouth my heart rate accelerated and the panic I was feeling about them being free just quadrupled.

He then patted my hands which were now gripping the side of the bed.

"Avoid being alone, do you hear me, these two men are dangerous and since Mr. Smith believes that you are the reason for his business and cash flow being put on hold, he will come after you."

I stood up and started pacing, I didn't know what I was going to do; I mean I could go stay with my parents but I was afraid they could get hurt, like Simone almost was. I had to think of something and fast.

"Kate go to the police, they may be able to offer you protection, I am sure they know how dangerous Mr. Smith is."

"They already have a patrol car outside the building but I am worried that it might not be enough, not if he blames me for all his problems."

I sat back down and we continued to talk, my nerves began to settle a bit, he asked about the police and what we had told them, I filled him in and told him that it was possible they may not charge him at all especially if he had any helpful information that could catch the two.

"Kate I will make you a promise, whatever I can do to protect you I will, I failed you once and I won't do it again. I don't want any part of that life any longer."

I smiled at Patrick for the first time, a real smile, he cared about me and was willing to put away the man he considered a father to keep me safe, if I had any reservations about forgiving him for the part he played in my kidnapping, it was all put to bed by his declaration.

"Thank you Patrick, for all that you have done, and all that you are willing to do, I really do appreciate it."

"Hey, it's the least I can do."

We were then interrupted by a nurse who came to check on him, I told him to get some rest and that I would see him tomorrow. He told me to be safe and he couldn't wait for tomorrow to come which made me blush, a little; and I am sure that was the first time I had a little color in my cheeks after weeks.

As soon as I left the hospital I called Chris, I needed someone to talk to about this whole thing and he was the only one besides Simone that I trusted the most. Plus he always had a leveled head about him.

I was also hungry so I asked him to meet me at the Condo and I would order some food for us to eat. He agreed to come over. I then hopped on the train and headed home. I wasn't sure what I was going to do but I was going to figure something out

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