Shep689 Oneshots

By breeoc97

28.5K 846 248

Will Shepherd and RJ Aguiar are married and are finally ready to start their own family. They already have th... More

welcome to shep689 oneshots!
new beginnings
first family vlog!
benji's sick day
grandparents visit!
instagram captions #1
what we always wanted
hospital trip!
telling benji & the fans!
it's a .....
name reveal!
day in the life vlog!
nursery tour
p.o box haul
welcoming coralei
bringing coralei home
instagram captions #2
meet coralei q&a!
first vlog as a family of 4
grandparents meet coralei
all about benji q&a
dentist time
benji's first day of preschool!
snapchat #1
bringing benji home
one year later
benji vlogs
birthday party planning!
rj's birthday!
dear benji
benji's 4th birthday
more birthday fun!
future grandparents
preschool parent-teacher conference!
postpartum depression
instagram captions #3
snapchat #2
trick or treat!
the shepherd's come to town
telling their parents
the aguiar's come to town
adoption q&a
will's birthday!
is the baby coming?!?!
sick day!
baby shower
date night!
parenting q&a
instagram captions #4
rj & benji's fun day
happy anniversary
will & benji's fun day
benji graduates preschool!
we can't believe it!
first dr. appointment
telling the kids!
telling family & the fans!
baby #3 q&a
family time & buying clothes!
it's a ....
hanging out w/ the shepherds!
hanging out w/ the aguiars!
baby boy name reveal
school supplies shopping
first day of school!
benji gets hurt!
nursery reveal
benji's 1st concert
coralei's 1st birthday
benji's 5th birthday
p.o box haul #2
welcoming theodore
skyping with theodore
the kids meet theodore
instagram captions #5
first family of 5 vlog!
grandparents meet theodore
q&a: the hard questions
snapchat #3
benji's book
benji q&a
benji's nightmare
water park!
instagram captions #6
rainy day!
wiggly tooth, allergies & more!
what benji remembers
kindergarten field trip!
he's our boy
benji's first week home
coralei's 1st haircut!
museum day!
adoption is tough sometimes
snapchat #4
benji's first christmas home!
will comes home!
theodore's 1st plane ride
spring break fun!
meeting benji for the 1st time!
all about theodore q&a
fall fun!
ptsd in benji's words
coralei gets glasses
will volunteers in benji's class!
instagram captions #7
coldplay date night
snapchat #5
benji saves his teacher!
coralei gets a big girl bed!
day in the life with ptsd
a shepherd-aguiar thanksgiving!
will faints
christmas shopping!
little heart to heart
meeting with santa
we wish you a merry shepherd-aguiar christmas!
benji's 1st school dance
ew! a skunk!
day in the life vlog!
benji's 1st time in florida!
theodore's first outing
instagram captions #8
coralei's bad night
i miss mommy
valentine's day surprise!
snapchats #6
coralei is two!
benji finds out
easter pregnancy announcement!
coralei's 2nd birthday
benji's first soccer game
benji turns six!
instagram captions #9
theodore's 1st birthday
baby #4 is a.....
name reveal & nursery!
welcoming harlow
mother's day
the kids meet harlow!
instagram captions #10
the family tree grows
harlow's first outing
taking 4 kids shopping!
family quinceanera
benji's biological family q&a
snapchats #7
water park fun!
family meets harlow
theodore goes to sesame street!
buying school supplies & clothes
first day of school
sickness everywhere!
instagram captions #11
coralei's first school field trip
pumpkin patch fun!
a shep689 halloween
coralei turns three!
benji needs glasses
a shepherd-aguiar thanksgiving!
benji turns seven!
decorating for christmas & meeting santa
have a holly jolly christmas!
snapchats #8
happy new year!
instagram captions #12
will's birthday celebration
day in the life with four kids!
coralei is little miss sassy
valentine's day
theodore turns two!
instagram captions #13
benji gets his first phone
theodore's sick day
st. patrick's day
redoing coralei's bedroom
seeing the easter bunny!
easter day fun
benji plays hockey!
palm desert vacay!
instagram captions #14
snapchats #9
hard decisions
meeting benji's dad side
family pool day
day in the life vlog ~ summer edition!
dinosaur world!
dobby's tooth extraction
instagam captions #15
snapchats #10
florida fun with family - part 1
florida fun with family - part 2
dobby's birthday
harlow begins to walk!
first day of school
harlow 1st birthday!

changed our minds?

114 1 0
By breeoc97

*Will and RJ thought they could wait until birth to find out the baby's gender! But now, they are considering finding it the gender! I hope you enjoy this vlog! Love • Bree 💚*

Will and RJ are laying in bed together and are cuddling before the kids make them get up. Benji doesn't have school today due to professional development day, so he is sleeping in along with Coralei and Theodore.

RJ is scrolling through his Instagram feed while Will is checking his email.

Will feels the baby moving around and kicking in his belly, making him smile ear to ear. He can't believe he and RJ are having another baby!

Will vividly remembers when they tried for their first child and thought they couldn't get pregnant so they adopted Benji. He feels so blessed to have Dobby, Benji, Coralei, Theodore and the new baby!

Will films his bare stomach moving around a little bit at the bottom. It's their baby moving around! Will loves to feel the baby move around and kick.

"RJ, look right here babe." Will whispers to RJ.

RJ puts his iPhone down and looks at Will's bare stomach.

RJ gasps in excitement as he sees the baby moving around.

"Do you see it?" Will whispers as he rubs his baby bump softly.

RJ happily nods as he watches his and Will's new baby moving around in Will's belly.

"Wow! The baby is moving a lot in there! Good morning, little one!" RJ says as he kisses Will's baby bump and Will smiles.

"Tell me about it, he or she is doing flips in my belly all morning and woke me up." Will says as RJ giggles.

Will and RJ kiss twice before cuddling again.

Their cuddling session ends quickly when Coralei walks in and wants to cuddle with them.

"Good morning, Coralei. You are up early this morning." RJ says as Coralei cuddles with him.

Coralei loves her Daddy and Papi alot but Coralei is a Papi's girl.

"I thought bubba school." Coralei says to Will and RJ.

"Oh, bubba doesn't have school today. School is closed. So bubba is sleeping still." RJ says

"Ohh. Oops." Coralei says as lays her head on RJ's chest.

"It's okay! You didn't know." RJ says as he tickles Coralei's underarms making her laugh loudly.

Will vlogs RJ and Coralei together. Coralei continues to laugh and smile.

"Hey feel right here, Coralei. Don't push too hard." Will says as he pats his baby bump.

"What's dat?" Coralei asks in confusion making RJ and Will giggle. 

"It's the baby moving around! Isn't that cool?" Will says as Coralei nods.

"Baby!" Coralei says as she kisses Will's baby bump.

"Aww, that's so sweet." RJ says happily.

"All three of the kids are up! Will is making pancakes because that is all these kids wanna eat! Especially Coralei! She is our picky eater." RJ says as he pets Dobby.

*Benji, Coralei, & Theodore's pajamas*

"Papi, I made you spaghetti!" Coralei says bringing over the fake spaghetti.

"Mmm, that sounds good! Thank you!" RJ says as he kisses Coralei. 

"When are we painting the baby's room?" Benji asks RJ curiously.

"In a few weeks! Are you excited to decorate the baby's room?" RJ asks Benji as Benji sits down next to him.

"Yes! I can't wait!" Benji says with excitement.

"Coralei, are you gonna help decorate the baby's room too?" RJ asks Coralei.

"Uh huh!" Coralei says as she jumps around.

"Theodore, be gentle with Dobby. Gentle, bud!" RJ says as Theodore runs around and laughs.

After eating breakfast, Will and RJ get the kids ready for the day!

"We gotta get dressed guys! Come on, let's go." Will says as he helps Theodore get dressed.

"I wanna go to the park!" Coralei says as she twirls.

"We will in a little bit! I have to go to the doctors first, okay?" Will says as he fixes Coralei's hair bow.

"Okay, Daddy!" Coralei says as she smiles at Will.

"Da da!" Theodore says as he jumps up and down.

"Hi, baby boy! Are you ready to go?" Will asks Theodore as he fixes his pants.

"Ya!" Theodore yells as he hugs Will.

"I love you, buddy." Will says as he kisses Theodore's cheek.

"We are all ready to go! I have a doctor's appointment to go to this morning. We are just waiting for RJ to get ready." Will says as RJ gasps in sarcasm in the background.

"I'm ready! Don't blame me for being late." RJ says playfully as he kisses Will.

*Benji, Theodore and Coralei's outfits*

"Let's get out shoes on, guys." RJ says as Benji and Coralei run to get their shoes.

RJ grabs Theodore's shoes and puts them on him.

"I am in love with Theodore's shirt! RJ's mom and dad got it for him. Isn't it so cute?" Will says as Theodore waves.

Benji helps Coralei put her slip on shoes on since she has trouble sometimes.

"Thank you Benji for helping Coralei! You are the best big brother." RJ says to Benji making Benji happy.

"Okay, let's get loaded up!" Will says as the kids run around and climb into the car.

RJ films Benji and Coralei patiently awaiting for the doctor's appointment to be over with. Will is laying on the exam table because the doctor is going to do an ultrasound just to make sure baby is growing well! Carrier men get more ultrasounds then women do.

Coralei is brushing her Belle doll's hair while Benji is playing Pokémon on his Nintendo 3DS. Theodore is running around the exam room, trying to get into things, since he is an active toddler now!

"Teddy, stay over here with Papi." Will says as Theodore giggles and ignores what Will has just said.

"Theodore. I know your ignoring me. Sit with Papi." Will says as RJ tries not to giggle but fails miserably.

"RJ! Stop, he thinks it's already a game." Will says as Theodore runs over to RJ.

"I'm sorry! His face was so freaking priceless! He's like, nope! Theodore, you need to listen, buddy. Here, you can watch Mickey Mouse on my phone, okay?" RJ says as Theodore smiles.

"Otay!" Theodore says as he claps his hands in excitement.

RJ puts a Mickey Mouse episode on his iPhone and Theodore begins to happily watch it. Mickey Mouse is one of Theodore's favorite shows.

"We are at Will's doctors appointment. He is going to be twenty six weeks in a few days! Yay! We are just waiting to see the doctor and the midwife! They are busy today." RJ says as he kisses Will's hand and smiles at him.

"I think one of the patients is in labor or something. That's exciting for them." Will says as he smiles.

"That is exciting! Coralei and Benji are so content but this little guy is bored. However, Mickey Mouse is the key to keep a toddler busy." RJ says as Will giggles.

"He loves Mickey Mouse and Sesame Street. Those are his two favorite shows." Will says as Theodore giggles at Mickey.

Dr. Riley and Hailey walk into the exam room a few minutes later!

"The kids are getting so big! My goodness! How old are they now?" Dr. Riley asks Will and RJ.

"Benjamin is six, Coralei is two and Theodore is one." Will says as Dr. Riley puts gel on his stomach. 

"Say hi, guys!" RJ says as he fixes Theodore's hair.

"Hello!" Benji says as he waves.

"Hi!" Coralei says as she smiles ear to ear.

"HI!" Theodore yells making everybody laugh.

"Shhh, inside voice buddy." Will says to Theodore.

"Wow! They are so big now! Can't believe it!" Hailey says with a big grin.

"They are growing up so fast! This one is walking and talking and getting into everything." RJ says as he bounces Theodore on his leg.

"He is so cute! I haven't seen him since he was a few weeks old." Hailey says as she waves at Theodore and he waves back at her.

Dr. Riley continues the ultrasound, making sure everything is perfect with the baby.

"Baby is measuring great! Baby is measuring right on track! Do you guys wanna find out the gender?" Dr. Riley asks Will and RJ.

"We were going to wait until the baby's birth but we can't wait anymore! Can you write it down and place it in an envelope? We wanna do a cute gender reveal!" Will says and Dr. Riley smiles.

"Of course I can! Don't look at the screen right now! The baby is showing me! The baby is kicking around and showing the gender!" Dr. Riley says making Will and RJ chuckle loudly.

Will and RJ cover their sight so they won't have a sneak peek of the baby's gender!

"What do you guys want? A baby brother or sister?" Hailey asks the kids.

"I want a sissy!" Coralei says as she kicks her feet happily.

"I wouldn't mind either way! I'll be happy with a brother or a sister." Benji says making everybody awe.

"What about you, Theodore?" Hailey asks Theodore.

Theodore giggles and hides his face into RJ's chest.

"Aww, you don't have to be shy Teddy! But, I don't think he cares what the baby is." RJ says as he kisses Theodore's cheek.

"Yeah, he is still little. The kids are so cute! I  am so excited to be you guys midwife again!" Hailey says with a grin.

"We are so excited to have you as well! You were incredible last time!" Will says with a big smile.

"Here is an ultrasound picture of our baby! Isn't he or she cute? The doctor said that the baby is measuring perfect! We also are able to have a home birth again as long as we hit thirty seven weeks. Appointment went great and I'm so happy about it!" Will says as he fixes his glasses.

*Baby Shepherd-Aguiar*

"Baby was kicking around and being so active! Oh! Wanna tell them?" RJ says and Will happily nods.

"Ladies and gentlemen, in this beautiful white envelope is the gender of our baby! We couldn't wait any longer, you guys know us too well! We waited twenty five weeks and can't wait any longer!" RJ says holding up an envelope that says Baby Shepherd-Aguiar Gender!"

"I thought I could have waited until the baby's birthday but I really want to decorate a nursery and get it done! And I make sure we have everything like cute clothes." Will says as he kisses RJ.

"Are you guys hungry?" RJ asks the kids as he begins to drive.

"Yes!" Coralei and Benji say in unison.

"Ye!" Theodore says kicking his feet.

"I'm starving. Let's get something to eat before we go to the park, okay?" Will says to the kids.

"Okay, Daddy!" Coralei and Benji say in unison."

After having Chick Fil A for lunch, Benji, Coralei and Theodore are running around the park. They haven't been to the park in a while so they are happy to be there.

Benji is on the jungle gym, while Coralei and Theodore are playing on the little kid playground area.

RJ rubs Will's baby bump, making him smile.

"What do you think the baby is, RJ?" Will asks RJ.

"I think it's a boy. Either way I am going to be excited." RJ says kissing Will's cheek.

"I think it's a boy too. My mom and your mom are so convinced it's a girl. But we will find out soon." Will says patting his baby bump.

Benji climbs the whole jungle gym and then jumps off, startling Will.

"Oh my gosh you scared me, bubba! Don't jump too high!" Will says as Benji walks over to get a drink.

"I won't, Daddy!" Benji says as he runs over to the swings.

"Be careful with Theodore, Coralei. Be careful with him around the steps." RJ says

Coralei sits on one slide and Theodore sits on the other slide.

"Weeeee!" Coralei and Theodore say in unison as they go down the slide.

"Let's go again, Teddy!" Coralei says pulling Theodore along.

"Be careful with Theodore, Cora." Will says as he giggles.

"She is so cute with him." RJ says and Will nods.

"I thought she was a little jealous of him when he was first born but I don't think that anymore. She loves her little brother." Will says as RJ kisses his cheek.

"Daddy! Papi! Can you push me and Teddy on the swing?" Coralei asks Will and RJ.

"Sure! Let's go!" RJ says as he and Will walk over to the swings.

Will pushes Theodore on the baby swing while RJ pushes Coralei on the big kid swing.

"Weeee!" Theodore says as he happily kicks his feet and smiles.

"Hold on tight, Coralei!" RJ says as he pushes Coralei up higher making her giggle.

"Weee! Yay!" Coralei says as she holds on tight. 

RJ films Will fast asleep on the couch. Benji and Coralei are playing with their doctor kit. Coralei is being the doctor while Benji is the patient. Theodore is also fast asleep in his crib.

"I am going to end the vlog here guys! We are going to head out with friends later tonight and Joey and Daniel are gonna watch our kids for us. We will do a gender reveal within the next week, so get ready for that! We love you guys and we will see you next time!" RJ says as he waves goodbye.

Will posts a picture of Theodore, Benji and Coralei are going down the slide. Benji is holding Theodore in his lap. He writes the caption as: "Park Day with my little ones! RJ and I are so excited to welcome another little one to our family 👦🏻👧🏻👶🏻"

RJ posts a picture of Benji, Coralei and Theodore holding hands. He writes the caption as: "Can't believe another baby will join these three! 👦🏻👧🏻👶🏻"

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