✔One-Shots |OHSHC| Kyoya Ooto...

By fairygodhooker

66.4K 921 272

Kyoya Imagines! (Completed) ____________________________________________ Please, these are so embarrassing id... More

▪Island Paradise▪
▪The Bathtub🔞▪
▪Egg Hunt▪
A/n- Requests and One-Shots
▪Study Dates▪
▪Common Man▪
▪First Meeting▪
▪Flirting- Pt. 1▪
▪Flirting/I Love You- Pt. 2🔞▪
▪Long-Distance Pt. 1▪
▪Library Pt. 1▪
▪Time Alive▪
▪Black Onion Squad▪

▪Wedding Arrangements▪

2.2K 39 6
By fairygodhooker

I banged my head on the table as Renge ran into the host club.

"Shit, ow." I cried out and she bounded over to me.

"Y/n! We have a problem!" She shouted and I sighed.

"What is it now Renge? The bathtub not sparkly enough for you?" Even though Im one of the 'rich snobs' I don't throw my money around like some sort of brat.

She wove the comment away. "No. My father is coming. And he expects me to be in a relationship with Kyoya!!"

I stared at her with a deadpan look on my face. "Really. That's what's so important?"

She nodded vigorously. "It's a huge problem!! He says that if I'm not, He's taking away my Uki Doki Memorial figurines!!" She pushed he fingers together, and mumbled under her breath. "And, uh, He's cutting my back account off."

"Which Bank Account?" I asked, quite unamused.

"The one connected to the host club!! That means... I can't come here anymore..."

I inwardly cheered.

"Alright, I'll see what I can do." I stood up.

She jumped up and down on her tip toes. "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!"

I nodded and walked off, leaving her alone at the table.

Kyoya was sitting at a table with Tamaki and Haruhi. "Guys, Have to talk to Kyoya. It's 'Important'." I made finger Quotations around important.

He looked up at me and gave a quick smirk. "What does the beast want now?"

I smacked him upside the head and sat down. "Renge just told me that her father is coming to see her, and that if she isn't in a relationship with a certain someone in the host club, He's taking away her Uki doki Memorial memorobelia and cut off her host club bank account.

"Wait, So that means. No more money?" Kyoya asked, slightly taken aback.

"Yeah. Now Personally, I'd love to see her gone, but for the sake of the club I'm trying my best to keep her here."

Tamaki shot up. "Operation daddy's home! It's the perfect time to use it!"

Haruhi stared. "Daddy's home? Tamaki, What were you going to use this plan for originally?"

"Hehe, uh.. Nothing?" He flipped his hair back. "Anyways, Here's how it goes."

He quickly explained his elaborate plan to us, before bounding off to get the rest of the members.

I sighed and dragged Kyoya over to Renge. "Quick, Get Acquainted with one another. You have three hours."

Kyoya looked at me with a face of regret and I shrugged. "Good luck. Mommy." I whispered in his ear.

I bound off towards the others. They were standing in a corner, conversing.

Takashi was sitting with Mitskuni on his lap, Haruhi and Tamaki were bickering and the twins were sleeping.

"Guys, I don't like this." I leaned over the couch and spoke.

They all turned to me. "What?" They spoke in a creepy unison.

"I don't like this."

"Aww is Y/n Jealous?" The twins were standing behind me.

"No, I just don't think Kyoya wants to do this. We have the money to keep the club running, so why can't we make her leave?"

"Well.." Tamaki tapped his chin.

"I don't think Kyoya wants this either, but he wants the money. He has something special planned for next week that isn't supposed to be spoiled." Hikaru spoke up.

Kaoru nodded. "Oh yeah! That's right! I totally forgot about that!"

I rose an eyebrow. "Special?" I questioned. "For the ladies?"

"Well, For a..." Hikaru winced as Tamaki kicked him in the side. "For the ladies. Yes."

I nodded but stopped when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't listen to those rotten twins. They're just messing with you. Daddy, a talk please?"

Kyoya's POV:

Tamaki stood up and flunked over to a nearby table.

"Whatever Y/n tries to do, don't let her get in the way of me and Renge. For this plan to work and next week to go smoothly, I need her out of this."

Tamaki nodded. "Okay Mommy! Operation cat in the bag is also a go!!"

Kyoya sighed, shook his head, his raven hair shaking a bit. He licked his lips and walked back over to the group, notebook clenched in one hand and his other playing with the bottom of his jacket.

"Kyoya! We got everyone informed! Are you ready?" Y/n shouted and he felt his stomach turn. Her energy alone was enough to make him smile, but he hid it so easily.

"Is that right? Well, I guess we best get to work." He smiled and watched her lips curve up into a lopsided grin.

Your POV:

I nodded and turned around, giving a quick cry of happiness. "Oh Renge~! When's your father coming?" I bounced over to her happily.

"Oh, He should be here at any time. I guess we should probably act like a couple all the time, Right Kyoya?"

I looked behind me to see him stand over me. He gave a fake smile, and I could see the pain in giving it. "I suppose that's right, now isn't it?"

(Quick authors note: This is gonna go on for a while, so grab a cookie or something and enjoy!)

She nodded and grabbed his arm, wrapping hers around his and snaking her hand towards his palm.

I saw him cringe and stifled an laugh. "Good Luck with that!"

"Y/n!" He cried and I waved him off. Range bounced off, Kyoya still wrapped up by her arms.

I laughed and quietly snuck out of the room. I could hear Renge talking loudly about how she wanted Kyoya to get her a new maid. Shaking my head, I started off for some class I knew I had, but never ever went to.

Other hosts POV:

"You think Y/n Is Jealous?" Hani asked and looked up at Takashi. Takashi only shrugged.

"Yeah boss! She doesn't seem as energetic as normal. Usually she's off the walls but today she was just kinda... Eh.. Yknow?" Hikaru sat, playing a video game.

Tamaki nodded his head, his blond hear shifting a bit. "She does seem kind of off..." He shrugged. "This is what Kyoya wants, and this is what he gets, No matter what."

The other hosts nodded.

"But couldn't we do something to make her happy?" Haruhi asked quietly. "Like cookies or something?"

Tamaki threw his body towards Her. "That's a beautiful Idea My daughter!" He stopped. "But who's gonna make them? Only you can cook..."

Haruhi sighed. "I have things to do every day after school until midnight." She shrugged. "Well, let's just see how this plays out."

They all looked over at Kyoya who was sitting on the couch, Renge clinging to him like he's a life preserver.

Kyoya POV:

Stupid Tamaki.

He looked down at the girl clinging to him and smiled a false smile. "Renge, could you let me have some room?"

"NO! I can't, What if my dad comes?" She shouted and squeezed him.

"Then you can tell him that you were getting a game or something. We have a closet of random things Tamaki has collected over the last few months."

She sighed. "Fine, But if you run off I'll hunt you down myself." She ran off to the closet to search for a game.

"Now, Some research."

Your POV:

"Mr. Houshakuji, what made you decide to visit your daughter?" I asked politely, with a little hint of salt in my voice.

"Well, she said she was having a good time here, so I figured I'd find out what all the fuss about this host club is. And my, might I say, I'm already liking it."

I chuckled nervously and took a step away from him. The hallway was large enough that I could probably take fifty steps and he'd be halfway across the world. "Oh yeah? Well good luck with the boys, especially Kyoya. He's a spitfire.''

He smiled. ''I've heard much about him. She says he's beautiful. Is he?"

I nodded. "Very Handsome.''

He turned to me. "Don't hit on him. He's my daughter's."

I threw up my hands. "Hey, I'm not touching him."

He nodded in content. "Now, where are we?"

I glanced around. "It's right around the corner." Leading the way, I take a turn and walk to the end of the hall, where the door was cracked open.

A tomato flew out the crack of the door and I smacked it out of the way. I ran into the room shouting.

''Hittachiins!!!" I looked over and saw a tomato in every one, minus Kyoya and Renge, who were sitting, sipping tea.

The all threw their hands behind their back, but not before Kaoru threw a tomato at me.

I stepped out of the way and it splashed against the wall, leaving a red stain.

"Hi Y/n..." They spoke quietly and turned to face away from me.

"I expected this from those two," I pointed at the twins. "But not all of you!" I glanced at around. "Where's Haruhi?"

They all glanced around and I found saw the kitchen light on.

Kyoya stood up and walked up to Renge's father. "Sir, it's good to see you."

"Oh, please, Call me Father." He smiled.

I choke out a small laugh and vanished into the kitchen to hide.

Kyoya's POV:

Father? Is this man insane? "Right. Hello, Father.. It's um... Very nice to meet you." He sighed at the stupidness and stuck out his hand.

"I only take hugs son." He wrapped his long around him and hugged him tightly.

"Right. Sir, your daughter is over there, I need to do something in the kitchen.

Your POV:

I broke down into laughter and fell to the floor. I heard Haruhi rush towards me and kneel beside me.

"Are you okay?!"

Between burst of laughter I nodded.

"He. Tried. to." Laugh. "Get. Kyoya. to." Laugh. "Call. him. father."

Haruhi shook beside me. Little bubbles of laughter came out of her mouth and she fell beside me.

"That's perfect!!" She cried. "Father!"

Kyoya's POV:

"Y/n?" He heard loud laughter from the kitchen. Suddenly he heard Two people laughing.

"That's Perfect!" He heard Haruhi shout and shook his head. He puahed open the door and stepped in.

The two silenced and looked up at him from the floor.

"Haruhi, we need that food soon. Hurry up please." He smiled at Y/n and stepped out.

"Kyoya!" She shouted and he turned around.

She wrapped her arms around his waist and gave him a tight hug. "Good luck."

He smiled contently. "Thank you. Say, why don't you make me one of your famous cakes while I'm sitting with her father?"

She nodded happily and ran off to get the materials.

"Watch her. Don't let her get into any trouble that I have to save her from." He grinned and patted Haruhi on the back. "Food. Now."

Haruhi POV:

Haruhi watched the two exchange hugs from beside Kyoya. They were literally adorable together. Y/n was shorter than Kyoya by a few inches and her face looked so happy.

"Don't let her get into any trouble that I have to save her from." She watched him turn away. "Food. Now."

She nodded and quickly darted to the oven and watched as his eyes trailed over the the girl mixing some flour into her cake batter. He looked like he wanted nothing more than to help her, but she knew he had duties to uphold.

"Bye Kyoya.."

Kyoya's POV

"Bye Haruhi." He walked out and off towards the blonde haired girl and her father who were conversing over tea.

"Pardon me, may I sit Renge?" He looked down at her and forced a smile.

"Why of course Honey! Come come!" She patted the cushion of the couch and motioned for him to sit.

"So, Kyoya How did you decide to date my daughter?" Her father asked curiously and put his chin in his hand.

"Well.. She was... So.. Headstrong? And lovely?" He gave a subtle shake of his head. "She was to cute to pass up."

"Just like that girl who lead me here? She was a doll."

Kyoya growled. "She's off limits. I'm sorry sir."

Renge's father coughed but then beamed. "Well then it's all settled. You are going to marry my daughter."

Renge and Kyoya both looked at him astonished. "Married?" Renge shouted Happily and began bouncing up and down. "Did you hear that Kyoya? I get to marry you!"

Kyoya stood up. "In sorry, but that's not possible." He glanced up as Y/n walked out with a cake. "I can not marry your daughter as of now. But I promise, I will make it to the wedding."

Y/n smirked as she set the cake on the table. "Here is your cake, food will be out in a moment."

Kyoya smiled. "Thank you Y/n. Please, sit down with us."

Your POV:

I stared at my hands as they talked. Finally they came to a deal.

"Okay sir, I will make it to her wedding. I will be there for the vows." They shared the cake, and Ate Haruhi's food, then talked for a few more minutes before her father must have grown content with the boy.

He left shortly after, creepily kissing my hand as he left. And I didn't see him until a few years later, At the wedding...

(I decided to cut it a little short. I had an idea, but no idea how to portray it. I hope you still like and it and tell me If you like longer stories or shorter ones more.)

At the wedding:

I held hands with my husband, as we walked into the church. I saw Haruhi and Tamaki sitting next to each other, a baby girl crawling over their laps. She was dressed in a cute yellow sun dress, matching her mothers.

The twins weren't able to make it, but Mitskuni and Takashi had been able to slide in. Mitskuni's wife was visibly pregnant and Takashi's wife had a little boy in her arms.

I smiled happily, and looked around. Renge's father was standing by the door, talking to someone, so I walked over to him calmly.

"Ah, Mrs. Ootori!" He smiled and gave me a quick hug. You were able to come! I'm surprised, with the kids and all."

I shook my head and laughed. "The Nanny was able to watch them."

He smirked and I turned to see Kyoya standing above me. "Hey Honey, I was just about to come to talk to him. Could you give us a moment?"

I nodded and wandered off to find the food table.

Kyoya's POV:

"Sir." He shook Renges father's hand.

"Mr. Ootori."

"I told you, I'd make it to the wedding, Didn't I?" Kyoya smirked and put his hand on His hip.

"That you did. I never though she'd end up with him." The both looked over to see Kasanoda standing awkwardly near the alter.

"I don't think anyone saw that coming."

"Well, it was good seeing you Kyoya. I hope Y/n is good for you."

"I wouldn't take any better." He grinned and walked off to find the girl stuffing her face with Russian Delicacies.

"And never any worse."
Word Count: 2554 Words

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