{Two Hearts that beat as One}...

By AmmyWithingale

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Well, the title says it all, and you may request! (I don't own the art that is shown in this book) ==Will no... More

Gazel (Suzuno Fuusuke): Tonight
Aphrodi (Afuro Terumi): My Embarrassed Devil
Yandere!Gran (Kiyama Hiroto): ProMIsE
Young!Burn (Nagumo Haruya): Small Crush
Midorikawa Ryuuji: Remember
Tsun!Mistrene Callous: Whats wrong?
Requests #1
Baddap Sleed: True meaning of soccer
Sorry Bueno101!
Rococo Urupa: Optimistic
Tsun!Hakuryuu: Idiot!
Shindou Takuto: Crybaby
Matsukaze Tenma(X Depressed!Reader): Sorry
Sakuma Jirou: Back...
Requests #2
Tsurugi Kyousuke (X Abused!Reader): Ill always protect you
Jealous!Matsukaze Tenma: Riverbank
Tsun!Kirino Ranmaru: Prima Donna
Jealous!Rococo Urupa: Come on!
Tsurugi Kyousuke x Reader x Hakuryuu: Share
Requests #3
Tsun!Gouenji Shuuya: Forgiven
Jealous! Fudou Akio: Coward
Fudou Akio: Thank you for saving me!
Kazemaru Ichirouta(X Werewolf!Reader): Dont worry
HiroMido and NaguSuzu: Double Date
Genda Koujirou: Memories
Kidou Yuuto: Riddles
Arigato and Requests are back!
Kirino Ranmaru (X Shy!Reader): Hang out?

Amemiya Taiyou: Hang out

819 27 1
By AmmyWithingale

I sighed. Todays the match with Raimon, Taiyou will come to play... That idiot doesnt learn anything! He is so stubborn... but, I cant help it... I really wanna see him again. "Amemiya..." I murmured. Somebody walked up to me "Thinking about Amemiya?" I looked up to see Hinano. A beautiful boy which resembles the Kidokawa Seishuu coach when he was young, but a bit greener and curlier. I blushed when he said that. "N-no" I stuttered and looked away "Yes you are." He chuckled "Anyways be ready." he then walked away and went to the goalkeeper. I sometimes ship them since they are always together. I shook my head, nows not the time thinking about that! I gotta prepare.

"Hey everyone!" we all looked to the direction of the voice. "Taiyou!" "Captain!" "Amemiya!" We all said in unison, well except me. I was just blushing. Everyone went to Taiyou and greeted him and talked to him for a while. I just sat there waiting for the referee to call us. Everybody calmed down and did the things that they did before Taiyou arrived. I just aimlessly moving my legs and doing some kind of weird practice. "Hey (F/N)!" I saw Taiyou and flinched a bit "Did I scare you?" He smiled then sat with me "Why are you here" I said harshly. "I just wanted the team to win thats all" He said calmly "Okay." I said quietly. We were silent, Taiyou tried to speak up but the referee told us the game is starting. I quickly ran to the line, Taiyou tried to grab my hand but I slipped through him. I looked back at him and frowned "Geez, I feel guilty.." I murmured and frowned.

We went to the field and saw the Raimon team, I can see that some of the Raimon members were shocked to see Taiyou. Especially that cheerful brown-haired one. I sighed. He really did play soccer in the hospital.

Taiyou's POV
I looked at Tenma and smirked. After smirking I looked at (F/N). I frowned. Is she still mad at me? 
Doesnt she miss me? Does she hate me? I sighed. Shes hard to understand sometimes... I saw her glance a bit at me then looked away. I sighed again. Snap out of it Taiyou... Game is about to start. We all walked to the stadium which was the Desert Stadium, I grabbed the captain's band and wore it. All of the Raimon players were in shock. "I am the genius who comes in a decade..." I murmured and smirked.

Game Starts 
The game starts with Raimon's kickoff, The boy with dark skin and light blue hair which covered one of his eyes, Kurama I think, advance through the field but the field turned out to have quicksand which caused Kurama to be off the field. This gave Arakumo a chance to get a score... The ball was given to me and I managed to get pass all of the Raimon members I let my Keshin oit, Taiyou Shin Apollo. I made a shot and broke through the Raimon goalkeeper's Fence of Gaia. The first point was ours... I smirked, I went back to my position and saw (F/N) glare at me, there were no sparkles in her eyes. I can see that she is sullen right now. "sorry." I murmured. I saw her sigh too.

The match continued. The Raimon captain, Shindou Takuto, got passed some of our players and did Fortissimo. Sata stopped it with his keshin Teppeki no Gigadoon. We counter-attacked Raimon, I basically used my Keshin one more time, and did my Keshin Hissatsu "Sunshine Force!". We score another goal, I panted very heavily and sweat dropped so many times. I went back to my position desperately.. "Taiyou..." I looked at the person who said that which was (F/N). "Stop please..." She said while tears forming in her eyes. I smiled sadly and said "Im sorry but I need to do this for us to win..." I went back to my position. 

(Y/N)'s POV
Stupid Taiyou! We can win this ourselves!.. but... Raimon IS a strong team from what we have seen so far...  I looked at Taiyou once again and saw he was panting heavily, but as he saw me looking at him He pretended like he didnt even pant at all. I got a bit angry but I shrugged it off. The game continued. 

Taiyou's POV
Im sorry (F/N)... I sighed. I hope you forgive me for doing this, It will be a while again before we hang out like we used to do.. 

After my goal, the Raimon coach decided to switch their goalkeeper with their small defender. Strange... Seems like he has a plan... Well, he was the game maker for the old Raimon.

My team had the kick off and the one who was planned on scoring is now Nebuchi. I saw one of our players run towards him but I didnt get to see who. After I got a clear view of who it was... It was "(F/N)!" I shout at her and ran towards her. She stole the ball from her teammate and ran towards the goal, I couldnt catch up with her. She was in front of the goal, she screamed and letting out Keshin Aura... "Nōgyō no megami, Seresu!" Goddess of Agriculture, Ceres. All of us were shocked. We didnt know (F/N) had a Keshin... Her keshin looks like a woman who has long blonde hair (Pretend the hair is long and not braided) with two roses and a grain attached to her hair. Bright yellow eyes. Yellow dress with orange... things... I dont know what girls call them, and a grain with roses and red ribbons. (Pretend theres not a pig in her keshin)

She got ready for a keshin hissatsu. She spins in mid-air leaving a yellow wind with some rose petal trails as she jump, she used her left heel and shouted "Floral Tail!" (Btw this move is similar to Back Tornado, but the blue energy is replaced with yellow energy with rose petals) As the shot got kicked, the ball became zigzagged making the shot a bit more difficult to catch. The small goalkeeper, Nishizono I think, suddenly brought out a keshin too. "Goseishin Titanias!" he shouted, then used Majin The Hand. It successfully stopped her shot... Everybody was shocked. (F/N) was just very irritated, she then ran back to her position, which was midfield. Many of our players looked at (F/N) in an angry look, especially Nebuchi, but me... I felt bad... I wanted to go to her but... The game...

Raimon became confident and they finally caught up to us. 2-2 the first half is now tied. We all went to our locker rooms. "Raimon is very strong indeed..." Nebuchi stated. Sata nodded in agreement "They passed through my invincible keshin. Twice." I looked at both of them and looked at (F/N) she was sitting alone drinking her bottle. I went to her and sat with her "Hey." I said softly. "Hi" She said irritatedly. I put my hand on my head and said "Sorry for using my keshin..." I said. "Tch, you broke our promise. Now we wont get to hang out more." She said more irritatedly. I gulped, she is really scary when she is mad "S-sorry..." I said quietly "Tch." She then walked away and leaned against the locker room door. I sighed, I went to the others "Guys we can win this! We just have to use our own soccer!" I said to encourage my teammates. Everybody said Yeah ethusiasticly except (F/N). After that the second half started.

(Time Skip since I was too lazy to write the other stuff)
It was 3-3, I sighed. I got no other choice... I was ready to do the Keshin Drawing process. Nebuchi, Kida and (F/N) were behind me. Giving some of their keshin power to me. (F/N) didnt want to do this, but I persuaded her to do it for the team... I finally released my keshin and it amazed Tenma... I can hear that Tenma wanted to do it too so he asked two of his fellow teammates who can use a keshin. They got ready and didnt do a Keshin Draw. But, a Keshin Fusion... I used my stronger version of Sunshine Force but it got blocked by their keshin and made a shoot to our goal. They won... Raimon... 4-3... I fell to the ground afterwards...

(Y/N)'s POV
The whistle was heard from a far. It signaled that the game has ended. I just stood there, watching Taiyou... fall to the ground... He has reached his limit... "Taiyou!" I ran to him and sat next to him. A player from Raimon, Matsukaze I think... "I cant feel my legs..." Taiyou said very quietly. "T-Taiyou..." We both said."Idiot!" I shouted at him. "You reached your limit again! You shouldnt have joined this match! Look at yourself! Youre never going to heal if youre like this!" I shout at him and cried. "Taiyou... You idiot..." I murmured.  I can feel his hand touch mine. I looked at him while in tears. "D-dont worry... O-once I've healed... lets... hang out again..." I grabbed him and put his arm around my shoulder and gestured him to stand up, while my arm was on his waist. "Here ill make you stand for a bit." Taiyou smiled softly and I blushed.

(Time Skip again)
Me and Taiyou were at his hospital room. I cleaned his room a bit and stayed for a while. "Since we cant hangout outside and in school, I was thinking we should hangout in your hospital room, like once every Saturday" I said. "Yeah good idea." He said. We chatted for a while and kept talking about soccer, the match, keshins, and our teammates. "Yeah I know right! Hinano and Sata are cute together!" I said in a cheerful voice "HinaSata? Satano?" He said while thinking about their ship name. "HinaSata sounds good enough." I said. We both giggled. We continued chatting about other things. But, It was about to get a bit late... "Aww... Look at the time, I have to go..." I stood up and streched. "Wait!" I felt Taiyou grabbed my hand and shout at me. I looked at him in surprise "Y-yeah?" I stuttered a bit. "Please dont go yet. Ill tell Fuyuka-san to let you stay overnight!" I got shocked when he said that. We both blushed. "A-alright" I stayed.

(Time skip to 12am, sorry for time skips)
I pretended to be asleep. I am really scared of hospitals when its night... Geez I watch too many horror movies... "(F/N)" I heard Taiyou say quietly. I just gave him an 'mmm?' noise. "Oh youre awake." He sat up and streched "Im not sleepy. Can we talk?" I sat up and streched too and nodded. "So... (F/N)... Do you like someone?" I got surprised at the sudden question and nodded. WHY DID I NOD?! I thought to myself. "Oh... can I know who?" He looked at me. "S-sure... Promise you dont tell anyone?" I gathered up courage. He nodded slowly. I sighed "Amemiya Taiyou. You." I pointed at him. He blushed so hard and nearly fell off his bed. "Hey you might fall!" I playfully punched him. "Y-you like me? I-I thought you h-hate me" he stuttered many times. Geez. "No silly. I was just mad at you earlier for breaking our promise." He sighed. "I-I-I l-like you too.. (F/N)..." I blushed a bit and laughed because he stuttered so many times. "I know dummy! And stop stuttering its not like you!" I said cheerfully. He sighed and smiled at me "Fine, I like you. There happy? Normal me." He gave off a smirk then kissed me on the cheek. "I actually love you. Not like you." I blushed "Fine, I love you too! I was too scared to say love so I just said like." I admitted and looked away. He kissed me again on the cheek. "Lets hangout everyday" We both said in unison and smiled

Author(Ammy) Sorry for the long wait everyone! Since I havent been updating much... heres a x reader thats 2000+ words long! Enjoy! (Btw this is requested by xfirefoxix)

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