Young!Burn (Nagumo Haruya): Small Crush

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Orphanage: 6 years ago.
Nagumo's POV
It was raining outside and as always, I was fighting with Suzuno. After sometime I saw a girl outside the orphanage entrance. Alone, looking at the ground. I told Suzuno to stop. It didnt work, of course... I had to tell him a reason why, I told him about the girl and he told me "Alright Nagumo. You go to her. Im not great at talking to girls." He left without saying bye. Rude.

I went to the girl and saw she was crying. "Whats wrong?" "I-is th-this an o-orphanage?..." "Yeah? Come on get in" I grabbed her and pulled her inside. "Th-t-thank you... My name is (L/N) (F/N). You can call me by my first name..." "Your welcome (F/N). Im Nagumo Haruya." She wiped her tears away and smiled. She looked really cute... What am I thinking?! I just met her!

"Im gonna stay here until I get adopted, Is that how it works?" She said to me, I just looked at her and put my hand on the back of my head and said "Yeah I guess... Ask Hitomiko-nii" "Who?" I forgot that she didnt know any of them. "Oh my bad, she runs this place with our father" "Oh! Can I meet her?" "Sure. Ill just find her." 

"HITOMIKO-NII-SAN!" I shouted, (F/N) closed her ears. "Ow..." she said quietly. "What is it Nagumo?" I heard a very familiar voice, Hitomiko-nii-san! "Hitomiko-nii. We have a new orphan. (L/N) (F/N)" Hitomiko-nii looked at (F/N) with a serious face "Welcome. Come with me." "H-hai..." Hitomiko walked with (F/N). Her (H/C)-colored hair is so beautif--- OH COME ON.

(Y/N)'s POV
I was walking with um... What was her name again? Oh right. Hitomiko. She walked in a room, Im guessing its her room. She sat down at her bed and gesturing me to sit down with her. So I did. "Tell me (L/N), why did you come to this orphanage? Did anything happen with your parents?" I looked on the ground.

"W-well... My parents didnt really do anything to me, they love me like normal parents do, my siblings dont really love me since, I am the favorite child out of my 4 other siblings..." "What did your siblings do to you?" "They get my toys, destroy my homework, lock me in the basement for the whole day, told lies about me to others... Also sometime, they would pretend to love me and bring me to places, like a park... They went with me and told me that I should stay here and they will go buy me sometimes. I waited for like 5 minutes, I decided to leave the park since it was getting dark. 

"Wait, wait..." I looked at her questioningly "Hmm?" "When did they start doing those things to you? Like 1 week ago..." "Okay, please continue" "O-okay... As I went home (BTW You already know where you live) , I opened my door a bit and saw I saw my siblings joyously shout, they said "Shes finally gone!" "Woohoooo!" I even saw 2 of them dab. "But wait, what about our parents?" "Who cares, we can just tell them she got kidnapped." "Yeah sure." When I heard those 
I quickly ran to my room and locked it, I heard my sisters bang the door. "Open it now!" "I thought we got rid of you?!" "Tch, you should have stayed there! We dont need you!" 

"I cried when I heard those words, I quietly packed my needed things, like some of my toys, uhh 2 snacks, 1 water bottle, 2 pieces of clothes, and a pillow. I got ready to ran pass all of my sisters to the door. I did it perfectly as planned, "Yeah, Run you coward!" I heard the eldest say that. 3 minutes later i think... I went to an alleyway and slept there. 3 days later a dog came and attacked me, it only scratched me though." "Where did it scratch you?" I folded my left pants and pointed "Here, But it isnt that bad." 

Someone opened the door. It was Nagumo and a boy with light-gray hair... "Hitomiko-nii, father needs you" I heard the light-gray haired boy say. I wonder what his name is... He looked at me and said "Suzuno Fuusuke" "D-did you read what I was thinking?!" "No, on the look on your face, I could see you wanted to know who I was." "Oh... Im (L/N) (F/N)" He just looked at me and left "He is a bit... cold-hearted. But I can handle him." "Oh, also Hi again Nagumo!" "Hi, did you know why Hitomiko-nii sent you here?" I looked at him and nodded "It was about my life before I got here." "Oh, she does that to new orphans... " I just smiled at him

Nagumo's POV
Her smile is so cute! ... Grahh!! Stop thinking about the cute things about her Nagumo! She just met you and You just met her! "Huh? Is anything wrong Haruya-kun?" I blushed when she called me by my first name and added kun at the end. It was literally my first time being called that "Yeah Im fine." I heard the 'Dinner-time' bell ring "W-what was that?" "Its dinner time!" I grabbed her hand and ran to the bathroom, to the kitchen, then to the dinning room "A-are *pant* we here *pant* yet?" "Yep! Were here!" I looked at my other hand and literally forgotten I was holding her hand, I blushed and let go of her hand "S-sorry for holding you hand" I saw her blush and looked away "i-its fine..."

I heard the other orphans say "OOoooooo!" "Eeeyiieeeeeee" "Oh my god" at the same time "Nagumo has a crush!" "A new girl!" "Hi whats your name?" "My name is Yagami Reina" "Fumiko" They keep all said it at the same time. "Everyone be quiet and behave" Hitomiko came in and all of us went quiet. "Alright, This is (L/N) (F/N), be nice to her and also... Nagumo" Hitomiko-nii looked at me "Since you dont have a roommate yet, She will be your roommate" I looked at hitomiko-nii in shock "N-nani?! (What)" "H-hitomiko-san?!" (F/N) said. "No objections, now lets eat"

(Still Nagumo's POV)
I lay down on my bed after cleaning myself and put my pajamas on. -inhale, exhale- "I can finally rest!" "Uhh... Is this suppose to be my bed?" I looked at the bed next to me, it had some of my stuff on it "Uhh Whoops. I forgot to clean it, um... y-you could sleep on mine t-tonight i-if you want" I said to her nervously "Sure, I hadnt have some good sleep in a while to be honest" "Geez that sucks" "Yeah I know, Goodnight Haruya-kun" She said and smiled at me "Goodnight (F/N)" I turn the lights off. Why does my heart beat so fast when Im with her...?

Time skip to 1am
I woke up to hear someone screaming. It was (F/N), hiding inside her--- I mean my blanket. I ran up to her "Whats wrong (F/N)?" She was sobbing a bit "I-I just h-had a nightmare dont worry about me..." I look at her. Its probably about her old life, I did those things before too but I had to handle all of that on my ow---- Is she hugging me? Oh god she is. I flinched when she hugged me tightly... "Shh..." I caressed her hair gently, trying to calm her down... "Its fine (F/N), Im here with you... Youre safe..." I kissed her forehead gently.

 I... WHAT?! "H-haruya-kun?... Did you kiss me?" "U-Uhhh! Y-yeah I did, Im so sorry!" She kissed my forehead to "Dont worry its fine, Haruya-kun... I know we just met today... and I just wanted to say... I like you" My heart beat was really, really fast. "I love you... B-BUT AS A CRUSH. JUST LIKE THAT."

"Heh... youre really cute when you get nervous Haruya-kun..."

Author(Ammy): Sorry if this was bad xd anyways byeeeee

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