Genda Koujirou: Memories

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"Koujirou!" You shout your husband's name from your room. "(F/N)?!" Your husband, Genda Koujirou shouted back. "Are there any sweets left?!" You shout while your stomach was growling. You heard footsteps coming to your room.

 You see Genda in his alloy orange apron opening the door. You blushed when he came in, 'It looks so cool on him...' You thought. You stared at him for a while and drooled but you stopped and blinked many times.

 "What? Are you amazed to see me in these?" Genda said while smirking. "N-no no no no no. I-I just..." You stuttered and tried to think of an excuse "Um... I just thought... about sweets! Delicious Sweets!"  You said and your stomach growled...

"Then why did you start drooling when I came in?" Genda said while leaning on the wall. You gulped and tried to think of another excuse "B-because I was expecting some sweets!". As you said that Genda and you were staring into each others eyes, you blushed and sweatdropped and he looked serious.

"Okay... We have no sweets and dinner is ready so---" Genda's words were cut off when you ran down stairs to the dining room. "C'MERE AND EAT WITH ME" You shouted from the downstairs. "Coming!" Genda shouted, then sighed. "Im glad we're together... Its boring without you." Genda murmured.

Genda went downstairs and saw you eating some garlic bread (PRETEND THERES NO TEXT AND PRETEND ITS NOT A CARROT, REPLACE IT WITH GARLIC BREAD)

Genda went downstairs and saw you eating some garlic bread (PRETEND THERES NO TEXT AND PRETEND ITS NOT A CARROT, REPLACE IT WITH GARLIC BREAD)

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Genda blushed a bit 'Cute...' Genda thought, then shook his head and went to the table with you, and eating while blushing. You noticed his behavior and stopped nom-ing on your bread. "Koujirou? You alright?" You asked your husband in a worried tone. "Yeah Im fine dear." Genda said very fast, he keeps thinking about the expression you were doing with the bread.

You tilted your head making Genda blush even more, "Um..." You said quietly. "Come on eat (F/N)! You dont want cold food dont you?" Genda said and pointed at the garlic bread, 2 miso soups, and 4 onigiris. "I worked hard on it!" Genda said and continued eating, You sighed and ate too.

After some time, you finished your bread and miso soup, while Genda finished a miso soup and 3 onigiris, leaving you one onigiri. "Man, Im full. Im gonna go to the couch and watch TV." Genda said, stretched and went to the couch

"Whos gonna clean the table?!" You shouted at Genda, Genda looked at you and shrugged and looked at the TV again, switching channels every 1 minute.

"Fine, Ill do it." You said then sighed, you grabbed 3 plates and 2 bowls and began washing them one by one. You grabbed the rest of the plates then did the same. After that you cleaned the table. After cleaning, you wiped the sweat from your forehead and sighed. You looked at the dining room multiple times to see if there are any plates, food, or anything left on the tables and kitchen. 

"Done!" You said and sighed once again. You turn around to face the couch and you see Genda looking at you, You and Genda looked into each others eyes and blushed. "Sorry." Genda said and looked at the TV. "Its fine." You said then walked over to Genda, you sat next to him and leaned on his shoulder. Genda put his arm around your neck, which still had some sweat but he didnt mind. 

"Koujirou, remember Teikoku?" You asked out of the blue. "Yeah, thats the place where I had 'horrible' memories with you." Genda said sarcastically, and kissed you on your forehead. You blushed and looked at him angrily "Meanieee." You said in a very childish voice and gave a 'hmph'. "Sorry, geez, its just a joke" Genda said. You forgave him and you two started to talk about your past in Teikoku.

"Hey, remember when we use to bully each other a lot?" You said and thought about those memories.

You, Genda and the others from the Teikoku Eleven were still teens at the time.
"Hey Shorty!"  Genda said, you gave him a death glare and growled. Genda chuckled when you did a puppy growl."Oh Im sorry, Ms. Manager." Genda said politely and you smiled a bit. Give me a water bottle and a towel!"  Genda demanded and treated you like a maid. "No!" You pouted and gave Genda a 'hmph'. Genda smirked and you gulped and thought of what he would do next. Genda looked at his teammates and shout "Hey guys! (L/N) still doesnt understand the difference between midfielders and defenders!" (I ran out of ideas.) You were blushing of embarrassment, you wanted to shout at Genda but it will just become a muffled voice, since everyone was laughing out loud. You nearly cried to so you ran away.

"Yeah, I remembered the time when I made you cry and run away." Genda said in a sad voice. You looked at him and smiled softly, Genda saw you did this and made him blush. "Am I that cute to you?" You said in a cute voice. Genda nodded slowly and cleared his throat "Anyways, Do you remember the time we were playing for that horrible Shin Teikoku for a while?" You looked up at the ceiling and tried to remember. "So I guess the answer is up there?" Genda said sarcastically and chuckled. You gave him a 'heh' and tried to remember again. You thought and thought but dont remember a single thing. 

"Fine, Ill help you remember." Genda said and cleared his throat again "Is your throat sore?" You said, Genda shook his head and spoke "Well we played for Shin Teikoku since Sakuma and I wanted to be more stronger against Kidou, but you on the other hand... I dont really know." You remembered some things now... "Oh now I know!.." You said then became silent afterwards. "Uhh... Whats wrong?" Genda looked confused, you shook your head "Oh! Its nothing! Anyways can you tell the entire match against Raimon when we were in Shin Teikoku?" You said in a nervous tone, Genda nodded slowly "Well..."

Kidou looked at the three of you, You Sakuma and Genda in a really worried or sad face. "Guys..." Kidou said quietly. Fudou laughed a bit. "Well you shouldnt have left them!" Fudou shouted at Kidou. You looked at the others and they were really worried about Kidou, and his old teammates. "Tch, you deserted us." Sakuma said quietly, but your still able to hear him since he was near you. You didnt really care about Kidou abandoning you guys and blah blah blah, you really just wanted to show Genda you can be strong too. You looked at Genda a bit, you saw that he was looking at you too, You two stared at each other a bit and shook your heads at the same time. "Why the hell are you looking at me?!" You two said at the same time. "Stop copying me!" You two said at the same time again... "Hey! Quiet down! The match is starting!" You two looked at the person who said it. Takanashi Shinobu. "Sorry 'Person-who-rarely-speaks'!" Genda said and you laughed. Genda looked at you, blushed and smiled. 

"Hey... Why did you smile when I laughed?" You asked, Genda flinched and started to become nervous. "W-Well.. uhh... um..." Genda blushed and stared to look away from you, then he murmured something. "What was that?" You asked and he murmured again. "BECAUSE I REALLY LIKED YOU BACK THEN, BAKA" Genda shouted at you. You covered your ears "Ow..." You said quietly. "S-Sorry Hun..." Genda apologized and you kissed him on the cheek. "Its fine. Also lets go to bed... and continue the flashbacks tomorrow..." You said and began pulling his arm. "Come on..." You said and he chuckled. He stood up and carried you upstairs. "Put me down!" You demanded and squirmed around. "Hey! You dont want to fall dont you?" He said and you nodded slowly "Alright, now lets go to bed." He then proceeded to go to your room.


Author(Ammy): Lel sorry for the long wait and not updating for a while. I was lazy xd

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