OBSESSED ✔️ luwoo

By daeonehobi

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Previously titled : Butterfly Effect ❝I feel like I don't have a friend in the world.❞ Lucas didn't think bei... More



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By daeonehobi

Don't let this be the only thing we have

It was announced around three this afternoon a group of four high school students were involved in a horrific car accident with a professor from Seoul University. It left three injured and one in critical condition. The five were rushed to the nearest hospital. More updates on the accident will be released to us soon.

Breathing. Someone was actually breathing, but from the pain in Lucas' left side, he didn't think it was him. He knew he was dead and hovering over Mark who is also fighting for his life. He knew his best friend would make it while he drifted off into the land of an eternal afterlife.

There were the small moments in between his fight to find out exactly where he would be waking up. Those moments were filled with being able to feel the softness of what surrounded him then the feeling of nothing.

The only thing that surprised him the most is the feeling of liquid forcing itself through his throat. His body felt a cough and his ears heard it. The next thing he knew, his muscles contracted flinging him upward. The brightness of the blinding lights surrounding him and he was now screaming.

"Wong Yukhei!" The sound of his mother's voice instantly calmed him. He fought through all the hands forcing him down in hopes he'd see her face. "Wong Yukhei!" Her voice grew fainter by the second as he's pressed flat against the board under him.

All the white faces were transitioning from fuzzy to perfect as he calmed his breathing. His breathing. "I'm alive," he pants to himself as a small smile fell across his face. The doctors rushed him to the nearest emergency room flinging wires anywhere they could.

"Put him under for the tests and inform his mother as soon as possible!" Lucas closed his eyes as the doctors did their work. Although his arms ached with every slightest movement, he placed his numb fingers over his chest just to assure his heart was beating. And it was.


He was silent and it only made the situation seem dangerous. Yet his soft smirk brought Lucas back under. It was unbelievable that seeing his face didn't make it a nightmare but a pleasant dream. "Why are you being so nice to me?" Lucas asked as he and Taeyong ascended up the staircase. Hand in hand, Taeyong's firm grip felt just like he remembered.

"Because I almost lost you and I can't let that happen. It's too early."

They approached a silver door that Lucas couldn't quite compare anything to. Taeyong then pulled out a set of keys before jingling them in Lucas' face. While looking Lucas in the eyes, he began to violently scratch marks on the door. But it didn't make the sound he thought it would. Instead, it sounded as if rubber was burning against the asphalt.

Lucas' heart couldn't take it. He covered his ears with his hands begging Taeyong to stop. "Wake up you faggot!"

So he did. His eyelids popped open yet his body lay paralyzed. He looked straight ahead to the window peering over at the stars in the sky. "Yukhei?" His mother's soft voice hit his ears like music. "Oh, my son!" She hugged his head as if that was all of him. He wrapped his weak arms around her as tight as his frail body could.

He then looked around to see she was the only one here with him. "Umuni?" his heart picks up the pace without warning causing his chest to ache seconds later. "Where's Mark?" His mother sat down trying to find a way to ignore him. Lucas' eyes then trailed to the TV where the subtitles were the only thing moving beside the picture of some tower downtown.

Breaking News, in big bold letters, cause Lucas to become more intrigued as pictures of the wreck flash on the screen. "Lucas, please lie down. You don't need to be watching this."

"No!" he scrambled to grab the remote of his small side table and turn the TV as loud as it could go.

We have new information of the car wreck. Professor Huang was released with minor injuries. I'm just getting now that one of the high school students were announced dead eight hours after being admitted. Our prayers go out to the family of Qian Kun.

If his heart hadn't stopped before, it sure did now. His eyes refused to divert their attention from the picture the screen showed of Kun. Lucas' mind instantly went to all of Kun's comments, the faces of his closest friends and even Jungwoo. The two spent all their time together. They were never apart. Many people compared them to Mark and Lucas due to how close they were. And now it's just Jungwoo.

But the regret laid in Lucas mind like acid on skin. He remembered the apology Kun sent to Lucas over the internet. Lucas acted as if it was nothing. He didn't bother to reply. He thought Kun was pulling a joke or would end up switching on him all over again.

He just wished he would have admitted Kun as more than just Jungwoo's friend but as a man trying to change. He just wished he would have said, "I accept."

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment!

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