Is This Love? || JUNGKOOK

De kbntjjs

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love: noun | \ ˈləv \ a feeling of strong or constant affection for a person Mais

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen (Final)
Must Read from the Author

Chapter Eight

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De kbntjjs

I wake up.

I wake up to a blurry sight with figures on the ground. I grab my glasses, take away the hairs in front of my face, and put them on.

Jungkook and Jimin laying dead asleep on the ground. 

D-Did they sleep over? 

Surrounding them are empty soda cans, scattered playing cards, and boxes of board games.

I decide to let them sleep and I checked my phone for notifications. 


1 E-mail from
2 Notifications from Instagram
27 Calls from Mom
12 Texts from Mom


Why so many calls and texts from mom? Is something wrong?

I quickly go to my messaging app to see what she has texted.


Mom: Hae Won

Mom: Hae Won

Mom: Please reply

Mom: Hello

Mom: Hello

Mom: Where r u?

Mom: Hello

Mom: Hae Won

Mom: Come home quick

Mom: Please

Mom: Your dad

Mom: He's in the hospital


T-The hospital? Tears ran down from my eyes as I read the last text. I have to leave. Now.

I wiped my tears and put down my phone. 

I looked up and Jungkook was awake.

"H-Hae Won? What's wrong?" he said as he went to sit next to me, trying not to step on Jimin.

"I-I have to leave. Right now." I said in a shaky voice.

"I'll go with you. Jimin and I will go."

"It's fine. I'll go alone. My dad's in the hospital."

"What? No! Jimin and I are going with you." he said as he shook Jimin's shoulder to wake him up.

"Fine. But we have to leave... like right now."

"Okay. Jimin. Wake up, we're going to Incheon for a bit."

We all stood up and went to go get our things.

Oh, God. What happened to dad? I kept asking myself that as I got everything.

I put on a jacket and took a small backpack and took everything I needed.

I texted Soo Yun:


Hae Won: soo yun, i'm going to incheon. dad's in the hospital and jungkook and jimin are coming. can you take care of areum until i'm back? you have a key to my apartment right? you should. thanks in advance


I quickly put on my shoes and rushed to the door. I quickly stopped and started to think if I had everything I needed. 

Clothes? No, I'll just use mom's if I need to. We aren't going to be there long, right?

"Areum! I'll be back soon, okay? Auntie Soo Yun will take care of you!" I said and waved to her in a shaky voice.

I locked my door and went to their apartment. They quickly finished and we went to go and take a train to Incheon.

We rushed to the train station and waited for it to arrive. 

I called my mom as we waited.


-Brringg, brringg-

"Mom? Mom? A-Are you guys okay? I-Is dad okay?"

"Hae Won! Where were you last night? I was calling you and texting you! You didn't even answer!"

Jungkook and Jimin looked at me and heard my mom yelling over the phone.

"M-Mom, I-I'm sorry. I was sleeping..."


"Well, what happened to dad?"

"Y-Your dad, Hae Won... H-He got in a car accident as he was coming home. Two cars were racing and they accidentally hit your dad. He's not in good condition right now, you need to come here, quick!" she said sobbing over the phone.

Tears ran down from my eyes, and I tried to hide my tears from the guys.

"Oh, my... M-Mom, I'm here with Jungkook and Jimin. We're about to go on the train now."

"J-Jungkook and Jimin? How-"

"They recently moved in next door, mom. They wanted to come with me."

"O-Oh. Okay then. Well, safe travels and be safe my Hae Won. I'll see you soon. I love you!"

"Okay, mom. I love you, too!"

She ended the call.


We went on the train and sat together.

"So, what happened? Is he okay?" Jimin asked.

"H-He... he's not. He got in a brutal car accident. He's not in good condition my mom says."

"I-Is he going to be okay?" Jungkook asked.

"I don't know yet. I hope he will be." I said as tears ran down my face again.

I took off my glasses and wiped my tears with the sleeve of my jacket.

Jungkook and Jimin didn't know what to say, which I understood. 

Taking the train, Incheon was about less than 50 minutes from Seoul. The whole train ride I stared at the back of the seat in front of me until I heard the words, "Arriving at Incheon Station."

It's been a long 50 minutes. I just wish I had the ability to transport so that I could be there in a split second. 

I feel so bad for not being there last night. My mom left so many voicemails and texts messages. I heard so much sobbing in them. Even in the text messages, I could hear her tone through the screen. 

I closed my eyes and prayed.

I asked that my dad would be perfectly fine when I get there. I asked why this happened to our family. It was just so... sudden. 

I was living a life that was just right. But, right in the middle of it, I receive these messages that my dad's in the hospital. Why?

I started to sob once again. I rested my elbows on my knees, my hands carrying my head, and my eyes crying into the palms of my hands. Tears dripped from my hands into my sleeve. I felt this eternal sadness in me. I know this was just a car accident, but why was my dad the unlucky one? Why couldn't it be someone else? I sound like such a killer in my mind right now, but I just felt so confused.

"Arriving at Incheon Station." the woman announced.

I quickly sat up and wiped my tears. 

The train's passengers started to exit the train. 

Jungkook held my hand. "It's gonna be okay, I promise."

I nodded and let go of his hand so I could wipe down my tears once again. I probably look like such a mess right now, but I don't care. All I cared about was getting to the hospital quickly so I could see my dad.

We exited the train and made our way to the main road where we went to go get a taxi.

Jungkook waved to the next taxi coming our way and it pulled up and stopped for us.

"Hello. Incheon Hospital. Please hurry." Jimin said to the driver.

I looked outside the window and smiled. I remember this street. I haven't been back in Incheon in... I don't know how long. I just remember this place like I was here yesterday.

"Ya! Look! It's our old school!" Jungkook pointed.

We all looked toward it in happiness. 

"Ah, the memories!" Jimin said, smiling.

Before we knew it, we were at the hospital. We went inside and went to the front desk.

"My dad is here. Ji In Jung? He was in a car accident last night."

"Room 405. On the fourth floor."

We quickly ran to the elevators and went to the fourth floor.

My knees were shaking. I was so nervous to see my dad. 


The doors opened and we went to look for Room 405.

It wasn't so far from the elevator. We turned right and the room was right there.

Room 405

I stared at the room number and took a deep breath. 

I slid the door open and saw my mom crying, sitting next to the bed.

I went to my mom and hugged her immediately. Jungkook and Jimin both bowed as they came in. My mom bowed back and thanked them for coming. 

"Mom! I missed you so much! How is dad doing?"

I looked at him and he was covered in casts and a neck brace. There were tubes here and there. It was not so pretty.

"I-I don't know. The doctor hasn't come in yet."

We all just stared at dad in sadness. I can't believe this happened to him. I sat there and held his hand.

"Dad, I know you can't hear me, but I'm here now. With Jungkook and Jimin, too. We love you so much." I said with sorrow in my voice. 

We waited and waited for the doctor to come in. We were so anxious for the results. 

After two-and-a-half hours, the doctor came in with a clipboard. We all stood up eager to listen to the results.

"Mr. Ji In Jung is fine. There were no signs of brain damage or heart damage. There were broken bones in his left arm and his right leg. His neck is fine, and we will remove the brace once he wakes up. It will take him around seven weeks total for him to recover and have his bones healed. It's safe for him to stay at home and recover there. He shouldn't participate in any activities that involve walking and putting pressure on his leg. Other than that, he's perfectly fine."

"T-Thank you so much. When will he be released?"

"Once he wakes up, we'll let you know."

The doctor looked at him and went to my dad.

I looked at him, and what do you know? He woke up. It's like he was listening or something.

"Well. I guess I'll tell you now! He'll be able to be released in a few hours. We just need to get a few things done and you'll be set!"

"In Jung!" my mother yelled at him.

My dad's eyes drifted to her and my mom went to kiss him.

"You idiot! Why did you have to get in a car crash? Idiot, idiot, idiot!"

We laughed and admired this miracle.

"Dad. Jungkook and Jimin are here also."

"Hello, Mr. Ji. We're glad you're fine." Jimin said as they both bowed.

"T-Thank you." my dad said.

As we waited for the doctor to finish up dad's paperwork, we had a conversation with him.

"S-So which one of you is my Hae Won's boyfriend?" my dad asked.

"DAD!" I yelled.

Jimin pointed at Jungkook.

"W-What? No, I'm not!"

He slapped away Jimin's hand.

"Dad, I don't have a boyfriend!"

"Sure, you don't." he said as he chuckled.

Jungkook and I looked at each other awkwardly. Aish, my dad's so embarrassing.

We talked together for a little while more until the doctor came in. She came in with paperwork to give to mom to sign.

"Mrs. Ji, please sign here and your husband will be free to go!" the doctor instructed.

I've never seen my mom sign anything THAT fast. Wow, haha!

"Alright! We hope you get well very soon, Mr. Ji."

"Thank you so much!" my mom said.

We all bowed to her and she bowed back and left with a smile.

My dad got changed into sweatpants and a shirt. A wheel chair was given to us by nurses for dad to use. It would be difficult for him to use crutches with a cast on his arm.

We escorted dad to mom's car outside in the parking lot.

I saw that it was already starting to get dark out.

"Mom, we have to get going. We still have school tomorrow."

"What? No, stay over just for tonight! I'll make a good dinner for all of us, gaja! (Let's go!)"

I looked at Jimin and Jungkook. 

"I-It won't hurt missing one day of classes, right?"

"Sure! I could use a day off." Jimin said with relief.

Jungkook nodded and agreed with a smile.

"Alright, mom! Just for tonight only. We'll leave in the afternoon tomorrow." 

"Okay! Perfect!"

We went in the car and Jungkook, Jimin, and I squished in the back of the car. I was in the middle of the two because I was the smallest. It was kind of uncomfortable sitting so close to them. 

I would've been better off in the trunk.

At the beginning of the car ride, my eyes started to close. I had to try to keep them open because I didn't want to fall asleep.

The GPS' ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) was 6:51. That's like less than 30 minutes from now.

A-Alright. I-I can do this. Just keep... your eyes... op-

I fell asleep so quick.

{Jungkook POV}

Hae Won's head landed on my shoulder. 

S-She's sleeping.

Jimin and I looked at each other. He smirked at me and I didn't know what to do.

I pushed her head so that she would be laying on Jimin's shoulder.

"Ya! What are you doing?" he whispered.

"Her head is heavy, hyung!"

He pushed her head once again to my shoulder.

"Ya!" I whispered.

Her head started to fall forward as her mother stepped on the breaks. I caught her head in time and pushed it back on my shoulder.

How come she hasn't woken up? She's so sleepy then, huh?

I just let her rest on me until we reached their house.

I went on my phone and went to the camera app. I put it on front-facing mode so that I could snap a picture of her sleeping on my shoulder.

She's so ugly! Haha.

A-And cute at the same time...

I took a few pictures of her sleeping. I want to laugh so hard, but I can't! Aish...

I showed Jimin the pictures and we both silently laughed. I tried to cover my mouth and pinch my nose so that no noise would come out from me.

I could see Jimin trying not to make noise either as he covered his face with his hands.

Ah, that makes a great contact picture for Hae Won on my phone! 

She's gonna kill me if she sees these...

The light from my phone was making my head hurt, so I just decided to put it down and look out the window. 

I remember these streets. My house isn't too far from here. I miss my parents and my brother. I can't believe he still lives with them. He's already 26 and doesn't have a girlfriend. His girlfriend is his sketchbook which he LOVES to draw in. He's actually really good. But that's all he does all day. Just draws. He should find a girlfriend soon. Or... find a life? I'm just joking.

My eyes started to close because I was falling asleep, too. They closed and my head landed on top of Hae Won's head. 

So uncomfortable, but so... sleepy.


hiiii! hope you liked this chapter! do any of you have any advice for sleeping earlier? i keep sleeping at like 1 in the morning and it's so bad for me. i always try to sleep at like 12:30 but my body wouldn't fall asleep >:((((. whatever. hope you all are doing well, and as always, keep eating a lot and stay strong, everyone! love you all!


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