The Flame Queen: Book One of...

By EllieMItchell93

489 76 77

To All You Daring Adventurers, Prepare To Venture Into The Realms of Peradon, But Do So At Your Own Risk...F... More

A Brief History of Peradon
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 13

30 1 2
By EllieMItchell93

Month 7/10


Violetta had spent the next few days at war with herself, having hastily accepted Ryore's proposal. Lord Jork's words had not inspired much hope in regards to her safety. Keeping Arlas and the Seer at bay would be troublesome to say the least.

Violetta thought of her struggles as she slipped out of the tunnels to the deserted Moat Islands. She exited the damp hovel, the smell of fresh water lingering on the air as she ambled over to the protective bosom of her favourite tree.

Violetta settled herself against the great tree's trunk. Since her birth, she had always found its presence comforting. Like a grandmother of sorts, it was always there to calm her when needed. She rested there a while, letting her thoughts pass through her, a moment of peace in a world of chaos.

Marriage is such an odd concept, she thought. Two people bound together for the rest of their days, right up until their time comes and they are parted. Violetta wondered if her father still thought of her mother. Would he consider themselves to be bound, always, no matter how long she had been gone from their lives? Part of her hoped so.

Violetta stroked the tree's tendril-like roots, feeling the energy flowing within. She hadn't expected to find herself engaged so soon, if at all. She found herself gazing at the diamond that weighed down her finger. It was truly a sight to behold, but with it came certain responsibilities. Expectations. She would be bound as wife to a great ruler and committed to the act of producing a strong heir for his Realm. Everything she'd been set against.

Ryore had a strange effect on her. He made her want to throw away all caution, to leap into strange new situations. Violetta thought of what their marriage could mean. She would no longer bear the brunt of duty, as she would one day be expected to in this Realm. She would be free to explore the possibilities that this man could give her.

Violetta found herself wondering if this ring; this promise, would cost her the very freedom that she longed to obtain, or if it would deliver her to it.

'It's times like this that I miss you,' she whispered. She rested her palms against the trunk of the tree. 'Sometimes I wonder if I'm ready to take such a large step. Without you and Darius here‒'

Violetta inhaled, hoping to choke off her sobs before they began.

'Sure, Ryore is handsome, even with that jagged scar.' She began to picture the mysterious cut that marred his otherwise flawless image. 'I admit he is quite a mystery, Mama.'

Violetta lent her thoughts to her would be fiancé. She longed to learn about his dreams, feelings, and perhaps (if she could bring herself to think such bold thoughts) to explore the world hidden beyond the young emperor's robes. The ultimate betrayal, her father would think. If she sired a babe from that man, would her father want a part in her life? Of course he would, she assured herself, though doubt continued to cloud her mind.

'Good day!'

Violetta shot forward, a scream bursting from her lips. Her hands tore at what little grass there was as her body splayed itself on the ground. With shallow breaths, she twisted round to find Xyhoni perched upon a nearby branch.

'What are you doing?' she cried. 'Get down, now!'

'As you wish.' Xyhoni leapt down, landing with extraordinary grace.

'Was it your intent to terrify me?'

His lips formed a trembling smile as he held out his palm toward her.


Violetta, still frowning, placed her palm against his own. At the touch of his flesh, something inside her sparked into life. Electricity jolted her synapses, bringing forth a whirlwind of emotions. She glanced up, all anger washing away from her mind.

'I came to see you.' Xyhoni's lips had begun to falter. He reached out to brush a strand of hair from her cheek, but froze mid-way, deciding against it. 'I came to ask you if it's true.'

'If what's true?'

'Don't pretend, please?'

Violetta watched as a tear trickled down his cheek, leaving a mark on his beautiful golden skin.

'Yes, its true.' She bowed her head, determined not to lay eyes on him in such a state.

'And, you intend to go through with it?'

Violetta felt a knot form within her chest. I suppose I want to, don't I? I will have my freedom. Surely, its the only logical way to escape my duties here. But, what if Xyhoni thinks-


Violetta glanced up to find Xyhoni standing right beside her, his emerald eyes glistening with tears. She couldn't understand why, but she felt that she owed him an apology.

'Xi, I'm sorry if I've upset you. Please believe that it was not my intention.'

Xyhoni's beautiful eyes began to darken.

'Do you love him?'

Violetta's mouth opened. She was certain she would find the words to tell him, to explain whatever it was she was feeling.

Silence, as Violetta ran his words through her mind. Do I love Ryore? I'm certainly fond of him. She forced herself to meet Xyhoni's gaze. A sudden longing to embrace him swept through her as tears began to fill her own eyes. He seemed rather upset at the idea of her impending marriage and this made her wonder if there could ever have been more between them; the odd embrace or shy, pubescent kiss.

Still, no words came forth from her lips.

'Very well.' Xyhoni nodded before turning off toward the Palace. 'You have chosen your path. I will not mislead you.'

He doesn't understand. I want to do this. Marrying Ryore will be my path to freedom.

Violetta started after him.

'Xi, wait.' The boy continued his steady pace. 'Wait!' Violetta blinked her tears away. When she looked up, Xyhoni had vanished.

* * * * *

The following week saw Violetta journey with Ryore to his home Realm. The air was crisp and enveloped Violetta in its cool embrace as she listened to Ryore addressing his people. She thought of the attack at the ball. She knew Ryore was adamant that he'd seen Arlas just before, but Lord Jork had observed his brother. Despite her fiance's claims, Violetta was inclined to believe the latter.

Here, in the frigid cold of a Realm she would come to know, Ryore's words did little to inspire anyone. The pair stood before his people, with Violetta wrapped in his loving arms. It was hoped that their union would inspire peace and unite the two Realms forever more.

Gazing out at the small crowd, the citizens seemed to want nothing more than to be released from this pointless spectacle. Their noses were rosy and chalked with ice, an endless supply of fresh snow falling, only to blanket their shivering forms. Some moments, the Realm seemed to Violetta a beautiful dream, an extraordinary land where the sky appeared to mimic the heavens. Like a blank canvas, she was intent to paint their new life upon it. Then the reality of the situation hit her.

The snow was a constant hazard for these people, gaining with every word her fiancé spoke. The citizens stood there, forced to listen to repeated concerns and false promises, which they knew in their hearts would not be fulfilled. In those moments, Violetta wished she could give them hope. More needed to be done to ensure that their health and their livelihood remained intact. She felt proud of her choice to wed Ryore. He had shown true courage when Reiza attacked. Without him, she would not have survived, yet something niggled at the back of her mind.

When Ryore's speech finally drew to a close, the relief of his citizens was evident on their faces. They no doubt wanted to return some place warm, to ease the chill from their hands and calm the trickle of screaming children in their wake. Violetta didn't envy them their living accommodations: an army of dilapidated huts stretched as far as the eye could see. She wondered how long these people would be expected to live in such squalid conditions with no hope for future improvement.

It was then that Violetta turned upon Ryore, drawing back from the protection of his cloak.

'Do you really intend to help your people?' she asked.

Ryore gave her a stern look, his arms tensed upon his hips.

'I do.'

Violetta stared into his eyes. They appeared focused and determined; two qualities she could rely upon. She studied those ice blue pools a while longer before determining that Ryore meant what he'd said. She leant back into his chest, remaining silent as she allowed him to cover her once more with his cloak. She saw her fiance's attitude towards his people as worrying. A ruler had a duty toward their people and it was their job to help in any way they could.

She shook her head in an attempt to banish the woe from her mind, but she could not banish the citizen's grim expressions. Their eyes had been dull, devoid of the admiration one should feel for their ruler.

Ryore's words echoed throughout her mind. He'd made no comment in his speech regarding the struggles of his people, showing a limited understanding of their plight. Violetta's teeth dug into her bottom lip, her eyes coming to rest on the sparkling ring that bound her finger. Was she to take Ryore's promise to aid them on blind faith? Since his ascension to the throne, the Frost Realm had seen little improvement. Perhaps he was too good to be true.

* * * * *

Violetta sat basking in the glow of the Royal Flame Gardens, Ryore at her side. It had been a few days since her trip to the Frost Realm and her thoughts still lingered on the way he'd treated his citizens. How any man could let his people go cold and hungry, she could not understand.

She drew her arms around herself, eyes fixed on a dozen red rose bushes nearby when she became all too aware of her fiance's creeping hands.

'Please, Ryore. Patience.' She felt the emperor's hands go slack, before he chose to

reach an arm around her shoulders.

'Sorry,' he breathed.

The next few minutes passed in silence as Ryore held Violetta close. She felt a chill race up her spine at the thought of his Realm; of its dazzling beauty, but also of its woeful people. Violetta didn't know if she could bring herself to leave her childhood home for a place where its inhabitants went without.

She gazed out at exotic plants in bloom and rare birds the colours of the rainbow bathing. The Flame Realm spoke of a time where all things flourished.

A knock sounded in Violetta's mind. Her longing for freedom was calling to her, asking if marrying Ryore was what she truly desired.

'Just think,' one voice could have said. 'As an emperor's wife, you'd be exempt from doing most duties and be lavished with expensive gifts.'

'On the other hand,'
came the voice of her would-be freedom, 'You will be giving up any chance at a private life, foregoing the promise you made to yourself.'

Violetta wasn't sure she liked the sound of being pampered so. Her father had always been generous yet fair when it came to luxuries. It was fine to have them, he had said, but only if your people had all that they needed. Besides, she was grateful for Ryore's company and had no need for material goods. The simple presence of another brought her much needed comfort. It was a feeling that transcended the loneliness of her former years, leaving her to feel whole and wanted. Perhaps that would be enough for her and Ryore could prove to be her path to freedom after all.

'Is something the matter?'

Ryore's face was pale and drawn, his blue eyes glistening above his signature scar.

'No. I'm fine,' but Violetta knew Ryore's instincts would see through her. Thoughts flew round her mind, pushing Xyhoni's face to the surface. She wished he could have been glad for her before? She was engaged to a handsome ruler who had already saved her life on one occasion. She herself should be happy, yet Xyhoni's features lingered in her mind. His smile. His perfect green eyes, like vibrant emeralds. Violetta hated to admit it, but perhaps things were moving too fast with Ryore.

'I'm all right,' she repeated.

Ryore didn't appear convinced. He moved into her, stroking the soft skin of her cheek before lifting her chin so she could face him. His cool eyes stared into her. They seemed to plead with her, wanting her to be honest with him. She couldn't. Violetta didn't have the heart to tell him about the lingering feelings she had for Xyhoni.

Violetta began to consider seeking out Jermise for guidance on the matter when Ryore's arm brushed against her. Sudden feelings, different from any she'd felt for Xyhoni, flashed through her. This wasn't a warm, tingling sensation. It was hot and urgent, compelling her to seek release. Give in, her spirit urged. Go to him. Touch him.

Violetta could scarcely breathe. Her hand wrapped round Ryore's wrist as she drew him to her, the urgency spreading.

'Love me.' She pulled more insistently as Ryore's arms circled her waist. 'Take me, please?'

A faint flush came to Ryore's face. Violetta could sense a pulsing deep down within herself as she waited, impatient for him to bend over her, to straddle her and graze her neck with his lips.

'No. Not like this.' Ryore drew back. He allowed Violetta to lean on his chest where she bowed her head, struggling with her surge of emotion.

'I'm sorry.' A strange warmth spread over Violetta's cheeks. She glanced up to find a hand cupping the side of her face.

'My dear, it will be all right. Marriage.'

Her chest tightened. Ryore's smile came so easily when he gazed at her, but it did little to ease her doubts.

A sharp bark of a cough alerted the couple to Jemise's presence.

'It would appear that it is time for me to leave.' Ryore's lips closed around Violetta's own, lending warmth to her soft flesh.

Another grumble from her confidant saw them part. Violetta let herself fall into the crook of Ryore's arms, hoping for one final embrace.

'I shall be with you soon, my love.' Ryore retracted his arms and began striding out of the garden gates, toward the awaiting royal carriage.

Violetta hung back, the warmth of her fiancé fading away. A shadow appeared alongside her, alerting her once more to Jermise's presence.

'Highness, your father wished for me to speak with you.'

Violetta met her confidant's gaze and was startled to find tears in the young woman's eyes. Before she could ask what the matter was, Jermise held up her hand, gathering her courage.

'Your father wishes to know if you'll reconsider.'


Jermise nodded.

'Yes, reconsider your marriage to Ryore.'

Jermise drifted toward her, arms outstretched, but Violetta backed away.

'Why should I reconsider? Don't you see, if I marry Ryore I shall be free of my duty to the throne. My husband will rule and I will be free to exist on the sidelines. He is an odd man, yes, but he is kind to me and will provide me with a good life.'

Jermise's tears overspilled her eyes.

'Violetta, how well do you really know Ryore?'

Violetta blanched. She thought about her debt to the man; how she owed him her life, her very existence. She wanted to repay him and would do anything she could to return the favour for such a brave act. She thought of the council meeting Ryore said he'd be holding in the coming few days; something about a proposed treaty of alliance between their two Realms. It warmed her heart to know that he wanted an alliance to prosper for their citizens. Violetta may not have known his history, but she knew his heart and what it desired.

'I know him,' she remarked, unable to meet her confidant's gaze.

Jermise stared into the princess' vacant eyes and conceded the discussion with a weak nod.

'Be careful then, my lady.' She turned back the way she'd come, glancing over her shoulder at the young princess.

Violetta thought she detected a hint of pity in her confidant's eyes.


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