Sincerely, Jaida

Від somanye

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"You're a phenomenal woman." ... Dear Jaida, I hope when you re... Більше

author's note
yours truly, rose


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Від somanye

a/n: it's 2:17 am. sorry it took so damn long! 


I smiled as Jaida let out an exasperated sigh and looped her fingers around my extended hand.

"Where are you taking me?"

I shook my head and lead her out of the bedroom door. Grabbing the door ledge, she tried tugging her hand out of my firm grip and whined. "I'm serious, Xavier!" She shot me a glare that I knew all too well. It was the same glare I received when I woke her up at four in the morning with- that's right- my bomb dick. She got over her frustration fairly quick once I bomb-boinked her.

I realised all too late that I was grinning like a lunatic and like the scorned woman that I woke up, Jaida slapped my arm as hard as she could. Real fucking hard. 

I let go of her arm to caress my bruised arm and ego, shooting her a glare of my own. "You're crazy!" I tried to yell but it came out as more of a dying moan when she flexed forward. Like the bitch that I am, I raised my hands up in the international sign of surrender. "Fine, fine! I have something to show you. It's in your backyard," I said watching her face morph into a small smile.

I might be a bitch, but I'm definitely her bitch.

Jaida tilted her head to a side letting her curls fall around her face. "What is it?" She asked, slowly approaching me with her hand out. She rubbed my arm and joined our hands together again.

"I-cook-mmpf-ed-breakfast-for-mmpf-you," I knew my face was colouring into a beet red as soon as the corners of her lips lifted into a smirk.

"You're going to have to say that a little clearer," the teasing smile on her face made it clear that she understood the words that I barfed out.

I pushed a hank of my hair off my forehead- something Cher told me had become a nervous habit of mine since I dropped Calista when she was a baby- and gestured to the back door. "I made us a picnic in your backyard," I explained clearer.

She smiled.

I smiled back at her just as widely.

"There better be a goon bag waiting outside," she demanded and tugged my hand towards the door.

"It's 9 am in the morning, how could you possibly want to drink a goon bag?" I asked not bothering to hide my laughter at her peculiar morning craving.

"The Bible says to 'give drink to those who are thirsty and feed the hungry', so don't question my timing," she waved her index finger at me and I felt like a student who got told off.

"What about whiskey?" I asked with a hint of a smile on my face. 

She stopped in her tracks and turned to face me, damn near attacking me with her hair. I blew her hair out of my face just in time to see the look of disgust on her face as she shook her head no.

"What if I whisk-ey-you away?" 

Scowling, she pushed my hand away and unlocked the back door.

"Bloody mary?"

"Gin and tonic?"

"Beer for my beer girl?"

That got her to turn her attention back to me for a split second but it's all I could possibly ask for because the full-blown smile she gave me was enough to weaken me down to my knees. 

She's everything. She knew I knew, she knew it. How could she not?

I reached from around her and grabbed the doorknob, opening the door for her. Grabbing her hand, I lead her out to her picket fenced backyard where a platter of freshly cooked food was spread on a blanket I grabbed out of the linen cupboard.

I'd been up since 4 am cooking up a storm in her kitchen since she fell back asleep. I'd burned down an omelette or two and sliced a bit off flesh off my middle finger but the look on her face made it all worth it. God dammit, I'd slice the whole finger off if I could get her to smile like that all the time, 24/7 and 365.

She looked fucking perfect.

Her curly black hair cascaded down her shoulders framing her smiling face. Her lips showcased their natural colour rather than a dark lipstick, yet they looked even more kissable. The lines surrounding her mouth that only showed when she smiled big, was marking her cheeks beautifully. But the real give away of her beauty and happiness was her eyes. Even under the glare of the sun, the golden flecks swimming in the hazel brown orbs were overthrown by the pupils dilating in to complete black. I made her happy and as immature and odd as it may sound, I felt over the moon about it.

That was it, I'm a goner. Dammit, truth be told, I was a goner the second I saw her down that bloody tequila shot at that club.

I fucking love you.

I'm not scared to admit it. She may never say the words to me but my only fear is that she may not feel the same.


I walked past him and towards the fleece blanket on the grass, mesmerized by the sight of the food. He had a variety of sandwiches, salads and dessert laid across our picnic scenery. Falling to my knees, I could feel my cheeks hurt from smiling but I couldn't stop.

"D-did you cook all this for me?"

When he didn't answer, I looked up to see him smiling at me, seemingly lost in thought. I called his name out to get him back to me and he hummed in reply. "T-thank you, this is a-amazing," the smile on his face grew wider and he dropped down next to me on the smooth blanket.

"Don't worry about it," he said dismissively. 

It's official, he's perfect.

I reached my hand out to stop him from grabbing our napkins. When my eyes met his, I only saw my reflection in them. "I mean it. T-this means a lot to me," I thanked him as sincerely as I could.

He raised a brow and smirked. "Here I thought I was the stutterer," he commented noticing my unease when it came to thanking him. Sometimes, it felt like he knew me better than I did. Maybe he does.

I returned his smile and looked back at the food. "I thought you're getting a beer for your beer girl?" I asked mischievously and grabbed a spoon ready to dig into the feast in front of me. He twisted his body and opened up the cooler that I hadn't noticed before, rummaging around in it before presenting a corona.

Ah, you hit the jackpot with this guy, Jaida.

"Eat," he gestured to the food. Holding a fork, I opened a lid of one of the containers only for Xavier to snatch both out of my hands. "I'll feed you," he insisted, grinning like a child. 

I nodded my approval and he dug his fork into the creamy potato salad, bringing it to my lips. Our eyes locked on each other and I smiled, obediently parting my lips to the tines of the fork. My eyes involuntarily shut as my tastebuds were exploded with the taste of mayonnaise, salty bacon, garlic, peppers and thyme. 

"Fucking delicious. I knew I kept you around for a reason," I opened my eyes and wiped my lip with my thumb.

"Oh? What about my bomb sex appeal and bomb skills?" He asked challengingly and I almost let out a laugh at his eagerness.

As seriously as I could, I looked at him and frowned. 

He pouted. Blow dry my fucking pussy because this grown beautiful man just pouted at me and I swear my legs inched further apart in my seated position.

"My dirty pick-up lines?"

I pursed my lips together and grabbed the fork to grab another bite out of the salad. "Hit me," I challenged, trying to suppress a moan from coming out at my second bite.

He waited a beat to think of one. "I might not go down on history but I'll go down on you," he offered, hesitantly.

"I've heard that one before."

He muttered an okay and grabbed a coin from his pocket. "If I flip this coin, what are the chances of me getting head?"

I almost choked on my sandwich, a laugh roaring out of my mouth once I swallowed the lump of tasty egg filled bread. Pressing a hand against my back, he smiled proudly.

"They say your tongue is the strongest muscle in your body. Want to fight?"

"Oh and about Xavier junior, don't worry, I played Tetris as a kid. I can make it fit."

A laugh bubbled out of my mouth even though I tried my hardest to keep it in. I kept laughing till I was on my back in a fit of giggles. Through my tears from laughing, I saw Xavier's face hovering over me. "I like your laugh," he said lowering his head to mine.

"I like you," I countered, revelling in the playful mood. 

He pecked my lips but not before I saw the pitiful smile that etched across his face. 

I let it go once he pulled me up with him and his playful smile had returned. Grabbing a slice of cake, he fed it to me in silence. Once a few minutes had passed of him spoon-feeding his creations to me, I couldn't help myself. 

"What's wrong?"

His eyes flew to mine and he smiled, furrowing his eyebrows. "Nothing is wrong, love," he replied seemingly better so I accepted his response.

That's when I remembered, shit. Mike's wedding is on Saturday and I needed to make an appearance. "Something might be wrong once you hear what I'm about to say," I drawled out past the lump in my throat.

Xavier's face fell but he still grabbed my hand, preparing himself and me for whatever I had to say. 

"Mike- my cousin- has his wedding on Saturday and I've decided to go," I said hurriedly trying to get the words out.

I watched him blink a couple times, processing. Then his fevered eyes met mine. 

"You're going to his wedding?"

I swallowed. "No, not that cousin."

He nodded his head slowly and continued rubbing my hand with his thumb. "So, he won't be there," he said trying to confirm his thoughts.

Oh, Xavier.

I withdrew my hand from his touch and searched his eyes. "He will be there," I said getting ready for the blow. A few seconds passed and I kept my mouth shut as Xavier's face morphed into the same anger he held on the night I got arrested.

"No," he said firmly.

"I was invited," I told him.

He shook his head, vigorously. I opened my mouth to say more but he had cupped my face in his hands and hushed me into silence. "Don't go," he started, his voice broken, "you shouldn't have to."

My brows creased knowing my decision was final. "Mike is more family to me than the rest of the lot. I can't miss his big day, Xavier. I haven't even met the bride so I need to go," I argued weakly watching his anger dissolve into helplessness.

"I don't want him near you," he said, worried. I could tell that he was holding his anger in by the way his body tensed up.

"I won't go near him, Xavier. I'll stay away from him and he'll stay away from me, I can tell you that," I said soothingly to reassure him... As well as me.

"Okay," he said suddenly, his voice hoarse, "then, I'm coming with you."

a/n: so I just made an outline for this bloody story and I know it's a little too late lol. But anyhow, the countdown to the end starts from this chapter. You just finished reading the tenth chapter from the epilogue. 

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