In This World Of Butterflies...

Da insanityangel

16K 146 67

The boy band One Direction is just starting to make it big. Life isn't all fun and games, especially with the... Altro

In This World Of Butterflies- WARNING
1. Lapse
2. Ebon
3. Euphemisms
5. Sheperd
6. Amalgamation
7. Trepidation
8. Halcyon

4. Exposure

87 4 2
Da insanityangel

Chapter Four: Exposure (Zayn)

"You have reached the digital messaging system of-" I shut off my car's PA in irritation.

"Shit." This was my fourth attempt at contacting Ni since I left the house. If I got sent to voice mail one more time I was going to lose it.

The streets were dark, but not at all lifeless. Drug dealers and their clients drifted in and out of corners. Whores worked the block, monitored closely by their pimps in sleek cars across the way. Gang cameras and droids prowled the town, watching out for rivals and trouble. Wannabe thugs, too young to even know what that term really meant, tried to sell goods back to the needy masses they stole them from. This was their life. Sad, but it was the only way most of them knew and could live. Police and Elites didn't give a fuck what happened down here as long as their precious Qyteti Kataryal wasn't affected.

I searched the dimly lit sidewalks for that familiar head of dyed blonde hair out of wishful thinking. Niall would never hang out here willingly, this is crazy. He's probably whining about being left at some fufu coffee place in the city. Even if he wasn't, it's stupid to think I'd find him by just driving around. This was literally pointless, he was probably fine. But if something happened...

I groaned resenting my compassion. I should just be apathetic, like a sociopath. Then I wouldn't be down on the worst street of the Nethers at nearly midnight.

I parked under a street light on the east side of Blight nearest to the Connector. This would probably be the safest place to park, though not by much.

I walked down the dirty familiar street, passing dirty familiar roads, shrugging past the whores that tried to rub against me and the Jungs that were trying to get me to purchase what looked like an antenna on top a piece of shit in a miniature old-fashioned trashcan. Who comes up with this stuff?

I didn't even bother asking any of these people if they'd seen Niall, they'd only tell if they thought they'd get some kind of reward. I don't have time for no fucking award ceremony. Just go online if you want one that badly.

I groaned in irritation, this was getting me nowhere. The only blondes I saw were a few whores and this particularly awkward looking Jung.

A few drunk college kids came stumbling out of a bar laughing obnoxiously. Calm down Honey, I promise your camel toe isn't that funny.

I shoved passed them glad none of them were paying attention to one thing long enough to notice who I was. I had enough issues without having to worry about being recognized. Hopefully, the hoodie is helping with that. Then again maybe if they recognized me they'd let me join them. Getting drunk sounds hella good right now.

Today has been one hell of a day. First Niall's continued sickness. The kid had been sick for a good two weeks and was running us ragged with his ridiculous requests and insults. 'Get me some orange juice Li' 'Rub my back Hazza, it hurts' 'I swear to God if you and your faggotry touch my stuff again you won't live long enough to regret it.' I started to respond to that by taking his stuff and shoving it down his throat so he wouldn't live long enough to regret talking shit, but then Lou finally gagged the dumb ass and dragged him to his appointment. Ni was such an ADD brat, that all happened within the ten minutes before they left. That little shit had some major problems and I didn't see why the All Powerful Management couldn't do something about his attitude when they could do ridiculous stuff like getting an Elephant to perform at Liam's birthday and catapult that one crazy chick, who was trying to steal our used underwear and armpit hair, to a different city. Then there's Harry. Hazza's such a sweetheart, but the kid out of his mind dependent as well as irrational. He clings to us like we're his lifeline, even Ni, when he's not throwing shoes at the child. But he turns around and decides he wants a guy who's 6 years older than him and clearly has some other commitment, or at least a sex toy. Now this.  Alcohol would be a welcome savior.

A loud bang resounded throughout the street. Gunfire. Not a single NightBlights ceased their actions, other than the college kids because one girl had tripped on her heel before the fire, and now they were all on the ground in laughter.

I checked my surroundings , but I didn't see anything suspicious or disgustingly disturbing. No blood, no shooter, no second fire. The shooting happened somewhere else. 

I started moving at a more urgent pace, more desperate to find him now more than ever, challenging my earlier leisurely walk. The gunshot made me paranoid. Though I knew the possibility of the gunshot being Niall related was fairly slim I couldn't help but worry. That kid is liable to talk himself into anything.

Please be ok Ni.

~~ Niall~~

A few hours earlier...

I walked down the filthy, falling apart, crap excuse for a street with my head held high and my eyes wandering. I had absolutely nothing on me besides the clothes on my back, but the lowlifes around here would jump you if they thought you had a piece of gum. They had nothing better to do other than sit around in strips of fabric and sagging pants and wait for their Comps to come in.  If I was in their position I guess I'd try to find entertainment as well, but drugs, murder, theft, and prostitution aren't exactly the first things that come to my mind as fun. Nethanderthals that's all they are, incapable of adequate self-function and thought.

Exactly the reason I wouldn't bother wasting my time to stop and ask for directions. Not only would they try to jump me so they could put my hair on the chop block to make 'weave' but they wouldn't even know how to give me directions to the Connector so I could return to the surface, let alone communicate it. I don't speak Nether. No I'd much rather take my chances of walking until I meet some sign indicating where to go, since Louis was into much of a hurry to go find some ass to eat that he couldn't even leave me my damn PA. I swear I will kill him the next time I see him. If I make it out of this hell hole without getting shot for wearing the wrong colors.

I'd been walking down streets passing all kinds of disturbing shit- it took everything I had to keep my mouth shut, but I do have myself to worry about. These Nethanderthals wouldn't see my insight on how they could improve their lives as that. No they'd probably try to jump me because they thought I was insulting their mother or something. I have to watch my looks after all, who wants a picture of a bruised faced? No matter how handsome. Not to mention, that would hurt... A lot.

I had enough problems without that. When I had been so rudely shoved from the car the sun was already beginning to set and now it was almost completely dark.

My feet hurt from walking. My back ached from standing. I was tired off my ass. My head was hurting. I was starving, but every food place I passed made my stomach churn either from the revolting smell, the disgusting establishment, or both. Whether the odor was the food or the people was anyone's guess. It's not as if I could have purchased anything to eat, even if I had found a place that was not absolutely and utterly nauseating, my PA was in Louis car. Meaning I was moneyless, contactless, timeless, GPSless, internetless, and scheduleless. And to top it all off I'm missing the newest episode of Dangerous Desires. Now how am I supposed to know whether or not Michael found out that Cherie is cheating with Lance! Louis is so lucky it's not the season finale. There would be blood.

"Hey sexy," an incredibly nasally voice purred. The owner of said voice was a tanned red-head. Her hair was cut in an unattractive curly pixie cut that did nothing to complement her round make up caked face. Her blue eyes were highlighted with silver, but the most attention getting parts of her were hot pink lips, and her clothes. She had more skin showing than was covered by her tight half hot pink turtle neck shirt  that barely came within an inch of her belly button revealing her toned stomach and had a strange neckline that went out to her shoulders before swooping down to show off her large amount of cleavage, barely covering her nipples. Her bottoms were revealing black spandex high-waisted short-shorts, showing off her long thick, tanned legs, hot pink heels, and occupation. She was a whore. Though the clothes were a dead giveaway, it was her sickly sweet arousing smell that confirmed that thought. Even though I'd never been with one, I'd been out with my brother enough to know the smell of a whore's aphrodisiac.

"Goodbye," I replied cordially, moving to walk past her, but the bitch couldn't take a hint. She grabbed my arm pressing her breasts against my bicep, her painted lips out in a pout.

"Come on, humor me, stay for a second. I can make ett worth ya while." Her finger rubbed odd patterns on my arm while she starred up at me intently. She was making it hard to ignore the tent forming in my pants. It was quite irritating since she wasn't even remotely attractive, but that damn aphrodisiac had me on edge.

"How about no, I don't need a whore to do anything for me." Greg might be ok with accepting services from whores, but mom and dad's lessons actually stuck with me. You're supposed to save yourself for marriage, not that I did that exactly, but I'm not having sex all the time, with whores none the less! Prostetution is a sin; in fact, it falls under the deadly sin lust. If I really wanted to disrespect a woman I'd just go hunting at the bar. I'm not desperate enough to stoop so low I'd fuck a whore.

"The proof in ya pants says otherwise," she smirked, reaching her hand down to cup my erection. I jumped slightly, moving back to get out of her reach, but the bitch moved with me and squeezed lightly. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply. I am not enjoying this. Who am I trying to convince? Myself? Because she obviously doesn't have enough sense to take a fucking hint. Apparently the term 'fuck your brains out' was literal. I bet if I looked in one of her ears I'd be able to wave at the homeless guy across the street.

"Move your paws before I move them for you bitch," I growled. I didn't hit ladies, but I don't think that'd be a problem with this whore.

"Oo, name calling, I like it," the whore breathed huskily in my ear, squeezing me again. "Go 'head, call me a bad girl. You should punish me for being so naughty? " The fuck? What kind of shit is this bitch into?!?!

"Fuck off!" I growled shoving the pink whore off of me. What I hadn't expected was for the woman to be an idiot and have no idea how to stand in heels. She fell down flat on her chubby ass, though not in a way that looked like she'd be seriously injured. Good thing, I didn't have time to have to pay for a whore's hospital bill on Managements' shitty insurance plan. Not to mention how bad that would look...

The whore looked up at me like she couldn't believe I had rejected her. "Ya bastard! What da fuck was dat fo?!" She yelled up at me. Did she not just say she liked it rough like half a second ago? Stupid bipolar slut.

"You know just helping you out with your little problem. Was it as good for you as it was for me?" I said dryly at the ground before turning to leave. I had no reason to help her up. She put her stupid ass down there she could get her stupid ass up.

"Ya coulda just said no! Are ya walking away from me?!!?! You'll pay for this bitch!!" The whore screamed angrily behind me as other whores went to help her, giving me dirty looks as I passed. Yea, that scowl REALLY goes with your farmers tan, dumb bitch.

"There a problem here?" I narrowly stopped myself from running into a red shirted wall of muscle. The shirt belonged to a tall rough looking honey brunette who had two muscled dumbbells backing him.

"Not a one." I knew better than to try and pass him. The tattoo on his arm marked him as a member of one of the deadliest gangs in the Nethers, something to do with snakes, I think. I don't pay much attention to the news.

"Really 'cuz it looks to me like you've been harassing my girls." His glare pierced straight through me, but I wasn't afraid. He's just some ordinary ignorant street thug with some whores. Badly trained ones at that, he needs to send her back to primary school so she can learn the meaning of the word 'no' and not get 'potential customers' accused of harassment. I hate ignorance, people have no business talking about things they know nothing about. If I wanted to harrass a whore would I really do it with her pimp around?

"No man, you've got it wrong your 'girl' was harassing me. The redhead in pink and black. I told her no, but the bitch couldn't take a hint." Anyone with eyes and half a brain could see that I had just been molested by a street whore. Now I'm going to have to burn these pants. That kind of sucks, I actually like theses sometimes.

"So ya fuckin' pushed her? I saw it wit my own eyes. You get some kinda sick thrill outta abusin' chicks?" He stepped closer, bursting my personal bubble. The fresh smell of aphrodisiac washed over me, making me gag. He was wearing more than the whores. His face was red with anger. If anyone has reason to be angry it's me. I'm tired, I'm hungry, I'm missing Deadly Desires, the aphrodisiac was making me sick to my stomach, and I have a hard on thanks to the most unattractive group of people I've even seen.

"No but she apparently she gets some sick thrill out of being abused. You might want to get your 'girls' checked professionally. I'm pretty sure that's a mental issue or something."

"My girls anit good enough fo you? What, you a fag? You like the D? You look like a little fairy boy, fucking twink." Red shirt grabbed me by the shoulders and roughly shoved me against the brick wall of the nearest building. I hissed as agonizing pain shot up and down my spine. My body's initial response was to curl forward, but he stopped that with another rough shove, this time banging my head in the process. I groaned seeing stars in the process.

Did he just call me a faggot!?!?!?!

"Papi! I think he twisted my ankle!" The lying whore sniffed pathetically, trying to gain some more sympathy points.

'Papi' growled, "So you look humiliating people? Making them cry? Hurting them? You sick bastard."  A large hand grabbed the front of my pants and shoved them down underwear and all. "How do you like it?" My pants fell down around my ankles as he pushed the bricks further into my back.

What the fuck? What the actual- "Get the fuck off of me!" I growled, swinging my fists as close as I get to his face, unfortunately that wasn't very close.

"Awn isn't that cute? The twink thinks the can fight." 'Papi' taunted. I could feel my cheeks turning red from humiliation and irritation. My skin crawled from the faggot's touch. First he exposes and humiliates me, then he patronizes me. Damn self-righteous Faggot.

"Get your fucking hands off me you fucking Venerit!!! I'll kill you!! I will fucking kill you! You and your faggot friends. I'll rip out your intestines and hang out by them on one of your raggedy ass street corners with your dicks glued to your foreheads so all your little gang members can see where faggotry will get you! God is going to damn your soul to the fiery pits of hell with all the other ass chasing Perservers!!!!! Fucking cock-sucking bum drilling poo pushing fairy..." I spewed out insults and threats thrashing against his grip to no avail. Who the hell does he think he is laying his faggot hands on me. He has no fucking right! His kind is the lowest of the fucking low, who the hell finds pleasure in the same damn sex! It's not natural it's not pleasureful! It's sick! They think they can change the rules of nature and the Lord just because they fucking want to! Then they go around and bash anyone who isn't 100% supportive agrees to go out ass hunting with them. That's not how it fucking works people. Homos are a sin.

"Do you ever shut up?!" A fist collided with the side of my face, dammit that'll leave a mark, who knew princess had such an arm. I guess jacking off other guys really gives you some muscle.

I moaned in pain, noting the black spots in my vision. I needed to get the fuck away from him. I searched frantically for an opening as he continued his taunting. Found one. My bare knee  swung up and connected with his groin. Cheap shot? Maybe, but he wouldn't be able to afford a good one. Besides it's not like I had destroyed the faggot's dream of having kids. If anything I was doing the world a favor, no need for the world to be crowded with another ugly fucker if this guy ever realized his sins.

Papi groaned, cupping his damaged package while cursing me with made up words. "Mother fucking puto! Worthless trash! Debería matarte!" What's the point of an insult if no one understands it?

One second his hand was holding his junk the next it was colliding with my face for a second time. Without the support of Papi holding me to the wall I fell. I banged my head again, this time against what I assumed was the ground. I wasn't in much of a position to determine directions. More dull pain antagonized my body, causing me to ache everywhere. That's going to feel great in the morning.

Muffled voices yelled around me drilling into my head with unneeded force. Shit, what the fuck was going on? My vision was so blurred I could just barely make out Papi and his cronies. But I could feel myself being dragged across a rough bumpy surface to an even darker area. Sharp objects bit into my back, hands pinned down my arms and legs. A dark shadow loomed over me, bringing with it a smothering cloud of sickly sweet aphrodisiac. The scent and warmth radiating from the body above me caused my member to swell in the dropping temperature of the night air. It also slightly cleared up my vision, though not by much, to reveal to piercing brown eyes. I never imagined that color could be so cold and terrifying.

My stomach churned and tossed and turned, the smell was making me nauseous. "I'm going to throw up." I think I said, but for all I know I said something about butterflies and donkeys. He paid me no mind until I  spasmed turning my head to the side so I wouldn't choke. The vomit that followed earned me a beating to my ribs and a few blows to my head. Adding to my bruise count, it's going to be like an abstract painting down there. The feeling of something reaching between my legs to reach my ass caused me to panic. This wasn't a game. My hips were lifted off the ground by callused hands, something hard and hot pushed between my cheeks. I tensed up and could feel myself starting to cry against my will. Hands dragged down my thighs, not acknowledging my attempts to close them. He cupped me just as his whore had, adding more movement though. Something dragged from my chest all the way down to my groin, I could feel his breath when he reached my cock, taking in the smell of my pubs. It was almost as strange as when he came back up and muttered something in my ear, not that I could make legible words from it. I could feel his lips brush against my throat, leaving a trail of cold shivers and disgust as he moved. One hand remained touching me while the other hand went back between my cheeks circling my hole with a finger. I whimpered, and wriggled uncomfortably. The worst part was that I couldn't help but be aroused, despite the disguising, painful, and horrifying situation. I was going to get raped by a bloke named Papi.

God, please don't let this happen. Please don't let him do this. I haven't done anything to deserve this. Please have mercy on me. I'll go to more devotions, I'll fast. Anything you want. Just please, please don't let this happen. I don't want to die. I don't want to be raped, especially not by the scum of your earth.

Instead of penetration, the weight on me disappeared when the voices got louder caused by the introduction of a new one. I rolled onto my side despite the excruciating pain on my sides, stomach, back, and arms. Not to mention the pounding headache from being beaten against bricks and concrete. Ignoring the pain I continued to roll over on my belly. I had to try to get away while I could. I lifted up on my elbows but immediately fell without any muscle to support me. Some how I tripped landing on my face because of my pants around my ankles even though I was on the ground. My eyes opened slightly and I caught a brief blurry glimpse of a dark headed person arguing with Papi, "Do you have any idea who that is?!!" before I blacked out.

Thank you Lord.

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