Just Another Teen Mom

By OnceAPrincess22

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Anastasia has never been a rule breaker, she never joins in on the popular trends; or with the popular kids... More

Just Another Teen Mom
Character Profile - Anastasia Westbrooke (teenager)
Character Profile - James Westbrooke
Character Profile - Margret Westbrooke
Character Profile - Isabelle Boyle
Character Profile - Cassidy Edwards-Westbrooke
Character Profile - Henry Westbrooke (baby)
Character Profile - Britney Paisley
Character Profile - Avery Paisley-Jones
Character Profile - Carder Jones
Character Profile - Skyler Austan
Character Profile - Emmett Porter (teenager)
Character Profile - Anastasia Westbrooke-Porter (adult)
Character Profile - Emmett Porter (adult)
Character Profile - Henry Westbrooke (teenager)
Character Profile - Brockton Westbrooke-Porter
Character Profile - Evelynn Westbrooke-Porter
Character Profile - Tessa Westbrooke-Porter
Character Profile - Gracelyn Clarke
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 4

2.5K 53 4
By OnceAPrincess22

March 3/2018

Sitting in the very comfortable rocker that we got for the nursery I wasted as my Dad put the crib together. All the furniture I had ordered arrived yesterday afternoon and this afternoon Dad and I were putting it all together and getting things ready for the baby, after all, I'm 33 weeks along so the baby could come sooner than expected but I'm hoping to keep it in there for at least another month.

"Where is the crib going again Ana?"

"To the left of the window please, I want to put the rocker next to the windows, and the dresser down right up next to the closet"

"Okay sounds good I just wanted to be sure, can you take the crib mattress out of its package?"

"Maybe we should leave it in the package until I have a sheet for it you know so it stays clean?"

"Fair point didn't think of that. So you sure you don't want to change the colour of the walls?"

"White goes with anything Dad so picking a team will be perfect once the baby comes"

"Okay, but still if you change your mind we can paint the room"

"Right now I'm okay with just leaving it white, thanks, Dad"

Dad smiled at me and went back to putting the crib put together, I had my hand on my bump rocking back and forth gently. I really wanted to help my Dad put things together but he didn't want me to hurt myself of the baby so I was being forced to just sit down and watch and be the judge of where everything went. I kind of felt like this is how it went when Mom was pregnant with me. Dad doing all the work and her relaxing. Just as Dad was about to finish up the crib I headed downstairs to get us each some water.

Most teenagers would rather be out with friends on a Saturday afternoon, but here at home with my Dad building, the nursery furniture was all I wanted to be doing. While I was grabbing two water bottles out of the fridge I also grabbed myself an apple since I really wanted one after seeing them in the bowl on the island.

"So have you decided on names yet Ana?"

"I don't know I have a couple I like, but I haven't gotten the one"

"What are you thinking?"

"Well for a girl I was thinking maybe Emma or maybe Jennifer"

"I like both of those, what about a boy?"

"Well I'm thinking maybe Liam or Henry"

"All four are wonderful name Ana"

"Thank Dad. Actually, I was wondering how did you come up with my name?"

"See I like the Anna with two N's, like your mother middle name Leanna. But your Mom really wanted something unique and not very common something special to you"

"So you compromised?"

"Sort of, Anastasia Marie just rolled off the tongue"

"You know I was thinking of using Margret are a middle name if I have a girl, you know cause I'm named after my Grandma so my daughter should be named after hers"

Dad smiled over at me I could see some tears in his eyes but he didn't let them fall he just nodded and went back to screwing the two pieced of the crib he was working on together. I wanted to keep the fact that if the baby was a boy he would have Dad's name a surprise just in case it happened. Dad finished the crib and I helped him move it up against the wall where I wanted it to go. Then we dropped the mattress in just so it was out of the way.

Next Dad started working on the dresser and I sat down on the floor instead and quickly put the one bedside table together so I could put it next to the rocking chair. I had bought two but the second one was going down in the basement for now since we didn't really need two in the nursery.

"So where's Isabelle today?"

"She's at a family thing, she really wanted to come and help but I told her she didn't need to because this is my baby"

"You know she's an amazing friend to you Ana"

"I know Dad, I don't know what I would do without her"

"Well I'm glad you have her because I know you at least have one other people in your corner"

"Soon I'll have three"

"Of course you will"

Dad and I laughed and continued working together to get all the nursery furniture put together and in place so the room was kind of ready. Of course, I still needed to buy decor, bedding, toys, and books. But for now, the major things I needed were put together and ready for the baby's arrival.

"So are Grandma and Grandpa still coming for dinner tonight Dad?"

"I believe so they haven't come in a couple months"

"I know I've called Grandmas a few times they had an awesome trip, hopefully, they bring some pictures tonight"

"I'm sure they will, after all, they are visiting places your Mom wanted to go, so they'll want to share that with you"

"I can't wait to join them on one of their trips"

"Yeah I think we shall all go after you graduate next year"

"Really even the baby?"

"Yes, of course, the baby will come, it'll be one big happy family trip"

"But where to?"

"Greece or maybe Iceland"

"Oh Grease would be wonderful"

"Tell it's settled well ask Grandmas and Grandpa tonight"

I smiled and Dad kissed my temple before he left the newly set up nursery. I sat back in the rocking chair just to relax, rock, and think about things.

"Ana I'm going to take your car to the police station to get the car seat checked okay?"

"Okay Dad, do you want me to come?"

"Not it's okay I'm also going to stop at the store to get stuff for dinner so I'll be a while do you need anything?"

"Ice Cream please"

"Mint chocolate chip?"

"Please and thank-you"

Dad had installed the car seat in the back of my car this morning and we also put the stroll run the trunk all folded up nicely. So he was taking the car over to the police station to ensure that we got it all installed properly. While Dad was gone I headed downstairs and got the dining table nicely set for dinner for Grandma, Grandpa and I.

My Dad's parents died shortly after my fourth birthday, that really upset Dad, but Mom's parents have stuck by the two of us and supported us just as if Mom had never left. I've grown so close to my Grandma she practically took over for Mom after she passed and I couldn't be happier to have my Grandmother to share stories of my Mother when she was my age and so many other things.

Once I got the table set I went over and grabbed Mom's blanket out of the blanket chest and sat down on the couch with the remote. Starting up Netflix I resumed watching the Friends episode I had last been watching. I think I've watched this series like 5 times since it got put on Netflix, it's like my absolute favourite thing to watch anymore.

While Friends was playing on the big TV over the fireplace, I was texting with Isabelle who was claiming to be dying of boredom at her family get together and wanted nothing more than to come over and watch Friends with me, but I just told her she was nuts and that she needed to spend time with her own family. A couple of the other Teen Mom's from school that have my number have stepped me today so I took the time to reply to them now that I wasn't really doing anything drastically important. Just as I was about to start another episode there was a knock at the door before I could get up the door was opened and closed again.

"Anyone home?"

"Grandma, Grandpa"

I walked towards the from foyer to give my Grandparents hugs since I haven't seen them in about three weeks. Like Dad and I were talking about earlier they had been travailing. This past year they've decided to start travelling to all of the placed that my Mother wanted to visit. So three weeks ago they left for Australia.

"How have you been sweet Ana?"

"Good, I've been good, Missing you of course"

"We missed you too sweet child"

Sitting down in the living room I changed the Tv to a music channel so that my Grandparents and I could just sit and talk and catch up on everything we've missed about each other in the past three weeks.

"So did the nursery furniture come in yet?"

"Yes it got delivered yesterday afternoon sometime, Dad and I put it together earlier this afternoon"

"Where is your Father?"

"He should be back soon he went to take my car to the police station to get the car seat checked and to pick up some groceries for dinner"

"Well I hope he's not making a big fuss about dinner tonight, a simple meal will be just fine with us"

"I'm sure that's all he's making Grandma"

I smiled across the couch at my Grandma and Grandpa as they smiled at me. Sitting talking about school, their vacation, my baby plans and everything just made me so happy. Like I said I'm so close to my Grandparents and not seeing them for three weeks makes me realize just how important they are and how much I miss them when they aren't around.

Of course, Grandma insisted no helping with dinner she Dad got back and he's learned not to argue with her on that after all Mom was just like Grandma, so he knows better. Grandpa and I were sitting on the couch and he had switched the Tv to the hockey game so I was not pretending to watch that, I honestly didn't understand hockey but I loved just sitting and watching it with my Grandpa.

For dinner Dad and Grandma made Chicken breasts marinated with Olive Garden dressing, some brown rice with mushrooms, and just a simple froze mixed vegetable bag. Grandma was having some wine, Dad and Grandpa opted for a beer, and I of course just had some milk. Sitting around the table sharing a meal catching up, even more, all of us were smiling and happy, and I just felt like our family was whole again.

After dinner was cleaned up We all sat around the living room with yet another hockey game playing ad we looked through the pictures from the trip to Australia. I was eating some of the ice cream that Dad had bought for me, nobody else wanted anything, and I get to blame the baby for my bottomless pit of hunger right now. The pictures my Grandparents had taken on their trip were absolutely amazing and stunningly beautiful. My Grandpa used to be a photojournalist so he really knows what he's doing when it comes to taking pictures and they allayed turn out amazing.

"Grandpa I have a question"

"Sure Dear what is it?"

"Would you maybe do a photo shoot for the baby once I have it? You know the like the pictures we were looking at before?"

"I would love to do that Dear, and I can show you some pointer as well just like I used to"

"I would love that Grandpa"

Smiling I cuddled up under the blanket and went back to eating ice cream and looking at amazing pictures of Australia. Dad randomly got a call from one of his clients so he had to excuse himself so it was just Grandma, Grandpa and I sitting watching the hockey game. Eventually, though it got later enough that Grandma and Grandpa decided it was time for them to head back home for the night. Giving them hugs and kisses Dad and I stood at the front door as they drove away. Back inside the house I took the ice-cream back over and put it away in the freezer. Then I went to fold up Mom's blanket and put it away.

"Dad, can I use the tub in your bathroom?"

"Sure sweetie, I have to do some work anyway, so take your time"

"Thank Dad"

Heading upstairs I grabbed one of the bath bombs I had bought the other day, as well as some clean pyjamas. In Dad's bedroom, I walked into the ensuite bathroom and started the water in the big tub. Once the tub was filled I dropped in the bath bomb before taking off my clothes and carefully stepping into the warm soothing water.

Sitting back in the tub I closed my eyes and let my body relax muscle by muscle. I could feel the baby doing a bunch of kicking and flipping around in my belly. This always happens when I take a warm bath. I just smiled and continued to do my best to relax as much as I could letting the sweet smelling warm weather sooth my skin and warm me up. I loved these moments that I get to myself where I can just relaxing. Once the baby comes I won't be able to have as many of these moments as I would to like so I taking as many of them as I can get right now.

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