Dancing To Our Love // Klance...

By Patty-Thompson

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KLANCE BAND After Keith's music producer dropped him so they could focus on different performers, he decided... More

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♡New Book♡


2.5K 121 34
By Patty-Thompson

Keith sat dully at the dining table. It was a mystery as to how the table could hold up to twelve people when it was only built to hold six. He was sitting on the chair that had definitely seen its day, now it was worn, the wood slightly chipped and the cushion beneath him was flattened and the thread torn and pulled from its place. It was much more luxurious than his old dining table and seats in he and Shiro's apartment. They had plastic chairs and a wooden table that only two could fit at, four if you were willing to have you knees crushed. But with the McClain's dining table you could stretch our your legs and relax. 

With a fix expression of pure boredom, Keith lazily scrolled through his social media. His bedhead was tied back with a ribbon that young Val had insisted on using. It was a pink ribbon with frilly edges. Speaking of the little devil, Valentina skipped through the kitchen, grabbing a cereal bar and opening it up quickly. The foil wrapped was tossed into the trash and the bar was shoving inside Val's mouth. She tore off a part and offered it to the huge animal that marched inside. Its slobbery lips clamped around the sugary bar, its horrific tongue scooping out of the girl's hand and its razor like teeth chewed and chomped down on the food. Keith grimaced at the exchange, Val not even flinching as she wiped her hand on her denim shorts. With a giggle followed by a bark, the two ran back outside. Mateo ran from the hall behind Keith, screeching at the top of his voice while he clutched onto a furry mass in him arms. The cat let out agitated mewls, thrashing in the young child's arms. Keith felt his chest twist at the sight. He jumped up, calling after the hysteric duo.

"Mateo! Why don't I take the cat from you?!" Keith exclaimed after him. 

Mateo turned with a pout on his chin. 

"But Princess promised to play today." Mateo stated, looking down to the persian cat.

"Er... actually Princess promised she would help me... unpack today." Keith countered. 

Mateo gasped, giving an expression as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Of course!", He gasped, his mouth forming a round shape, "Princess loves helping people!" He hollered.

The young child stumbled over to Keith, dropping the exhausted cat into his arms. With a proud grin, he then chased Val outside. The McClain's garden was huge. It was acres of farmland, despite how much Lance denies that his home is a farm. If you traveled far back enough, there was a chicken coop as well as pigs and an old goat. It made Keith chuckled every time the goat was mentioned. The goat was apparently born before any of the younger generation here. They had purchased it the same year they moved to America. The younger children babbled on about their adventures with old Bettie when Keith first came. Of course, that was only three days ago. He still had two weeks, twelve day to be exact, before he and Lance went to Los Angeles to where Altea Recording Studios was situated. Keith decided he best make the best of his days here. He sighed looking down at the cat that was dropped into his lap. She looked back up at him, her usually unamused eyes holding a more suspicious and curious look. Keith smiled down at the kitty, gently reaching out to run his finger across the top of her head. The once hesitant cat had almost immediately warmed up, lounging across Keith's lap with her ears lying back and her eyes shut in content. Keith continued to text some friends and post like Lance had suggested; briefly yet not too infrequently, showing some about what their doing, but not enough that they could stalk them. 

"'morning..." croaked a voice behind Keith. In ambled Lance, his hair sticking up in all directions and pajamas crinkled and rolled up his limbs. 

"Good evening." Keith teased, switching off his phone and continuing to stroke Princess.

Lance smiled, "You've befriended the beast." He pointed out. 

Keith nodded, "Though she isn't a beast. She's a sweetie." Keith spoke, the last part in a voice one would talk in if they were talking to a baby. 

Lance reached his hand out making the small cat hiss, its small paw swiping him away. Lance scowled, tearing his hand away and cradling it close to his chest with the other.

"Sweetie?" Lance groaned. 

"Yes dear?" Keith jeered. 

Lance pouted, but could resist blushing lightly. He spun on his heel, pouring himself a bowl of cereal and milk. He then dropped a spoon inside and took a seat to Keith's right. Since Keith was at the head of the table, Lance was also slightly in front of him. This allowed him to watch how sloppily and messily Lance horsed down the food. Keith groaned, rolling his eyes before wrapping his arms around the cat and standing from the table. Lance looked from his meal, milk dripping from his pointed chin. 

"Where are you going?" Lance spluttered. 

Keith cringed. "Close your mouth, and I'm finishing my unpacking." Keith answered, spinning around and making his way up to he and Lance's shared room.

On his way towards the stairs, Benji and Keith crossed paths. Benji's sun kissed skin looked rather grey or green, his eyes were watery and dull and his back was hunched over. With such bad posture we would definitely have a sore back. Benji gave a short greeting, Keith nodding with a smile in reply. Princess let out a soft meow, so Keith bent over, releasing her to chase after Benji and circle around his ankles. She brushed her soft fur against his thin, bare legs before venturing off to a different area in the kitchen-dining room. Keith frowned. Well,he could only hope Benji was okay.  

As soon as Benji entered the kitchen, he fixed his posture and slapped his cheeks in attempt to add more color to them. He fixed a smile on his chin before parading into the kitchen.As he passed Lance, who's nose only had to move an inch before it would press against his phone screen, Benji slapped the side of his head, his hand gliding to the back of his older brother's head before he dropped his hand. Although he meant for it to hurt, the slap was rather wimpy. It was as if he were only trying to stroke his brother's skin, which just made it weird. Yet despite how awkward the exchange was, Lance immediately brushed it off and cheerfully greeted his brother.

"Well howdy partner." Lance joked, dropping his phone not-so-gently and standing from his seat. He dropped his dish into the sink before returning to his seat. Benji laughed softly as Lance's greeting. 

"Howdy." Benji replied. 

He cringed at the hoarseness of his voice, but he rapidly cleared his throat and recomposed himself. 

"What are you and Keith planning on doing today?" Benji spoke, opening a press and desperately trying to reach for a bowl. 

His tried to balance on his toes but this had no affect and he rather stumbled and fell from his useless stance. He sighed, his eyes slightly watering but he stood on his toes once again and tried to reach for the shelf. But when he was met with another failed attempt, he dropped to his feet again and let out a loud, agitated groan. He suddenly felt a warm body press against his own. Benji flinched, spinning around to come face to face with a presence. He blushed in embarrassment when he locked eyes with Lance. He wasn't supposed to be so weak before his older brother!

"Aw~ Look how puny my little brother is~! My itty-bitty brother~!" Lance sang teasingly, handing the plain bowl to Benji. 

Benji huffed, snatching the bowl from Lance's grasp. 

"I don't need your help Lance." He grumbled, his smooth voice becoming harsh and rough, the hoarse scratching causing pain to Benji's throat.

Lance chuckled, "Well you're so small Benj, I doubt you'd be able to reach." He teased. 

Benji scowled, the childhood nickname that Lance called him, which would usually give him some form of comfort now agitating him. It was ridiculous, nobody called him Benjamin, always Benji. That was his nickname. And Lance's nickname for him was Benj! But hearing the childish name from Lance now just made Benji feel weak. He knew he was, but it was like a harsh reminder, a needle poking at his side, reminding him that he will never be able to grow and be independent like his big brother.

"I said I've got it!" Benji jerked away from Lance and harshly dropped his bowl onto the table.

"Benj?" Lance spoke, his this eyebrows knitting together.

Benji growled, tearing the other press open to reach for the cereal. Much to his distaste, the cereal was situated slightly higher than the bowls. He stood onto his toes, reaching to get the cereal. He was desperately trying to reach for the boxes, but he was much too short for the job. Even Chloe could reach the cereal, all she would have to too is stand on her toes. Val and Mateo could climb up the counter, that was how they got anything. Even Rosa could reach. Benji was the weak link, it infuriated him. He was in a pack of wolves, and he was the runt. He let out a puff of air, straining every muscle in his body to reach the cereal. But rage flooded his body when he saw the arm of Lance reach over his head to get the cereal for him. Just as Lance's fingertips reached the box, his hand gripping the box, Benji lost all sense of control. He snatched Lance's arm and tore it away. This caused the contents of the cereal to fall from the box, pulling every object that was on the same shelf - which just so happened to be all of the cereal. The small grains of food littered the ground. Benji let out a small whine, looking down at the mess. He couldn't stop the tear, instead allowing himself to let out ugly sobs before his brother, the one person he tried to stay strong for. Lance frowned, his pained expression only upsetting Benji further. 

"Benji, what's wrong?" Lance tried, reaching out to comfort his brother.

"Please don't Lance. Just- just get the dog to clean it up." Benji croaked.

Benji, what's wrong?" Lance pleaded, but Benji jumped over the pool of cereal and tried to run out the door. 

But Rosa immediately stormed inside. Her face was red with anger and panic as she shuffled towards the scene. 

"What is happening in here? What is this mess?" She barked but as her gaze fell upon Benji her expression became soft. 

"Mama, I'm so sorry I just- I can't- I'm not able to do it!" He bawled, he accent strangely changing to a more thick Spanish one. 

Rosa frowned, embracing her bawling boy and running her fingers through his hair, massaging his scalp soothingly. Lance watched in awe as Rosa mumbled hushed words of comfort to her youngest son. Nostalgic memories flooded Lance's mind of how she would do that when he had had a bad day in school of when he had been dumped by another girl. But it was unworldly the way Benji seemed to be consumed by calmness when he was embraced by his mother. It was as if nothing else in the world could help him. 

"It's alright Mijo. Just go back up to bed. I'll bring you some tea, si?" Rosa spoke. 

Benji desperately wanted to protest,but the stern look that Rosa gave changed his answer. Instead his head dropped in shame and he reluctantly complied. 

"Si Mama." And with that, Benji toddled out of the Kitchen and up the stairs. 

Lance was still in shock, frozen in place at the exchange he and Benji just had. 

"Mama, what's wrong. Did I do something?" Lance cried.

Although Lance wasn't crying, he was definitely on the brink of tears. Rosa shook her head, fetching the broom from the closet and handing it to Lance. She then began to brew Benji a cup of tea. Rosa's tea was the best, nobody in the country could brew up a better beverage than Mama McClain. That's what the kids used to call her when she made them tea and cookies. Though Carlos never liked tea, he only ever drank orange juice as a substitute. 

"Of course not mi hijo, Benji isn't upset with you. Rather with himself." Rosa insisted. 

"Himself?" Lance barked. "Why isn't he happy with himself?!" Lance demanded. 

Rosa shook her head. "Now, that isn't something for me to be telling you. Benji should be the one to tell you. Now!" Rosa held out the full mug of tea. "Bring this up to your brother, and tell him it's compliment of Mama McClain." 

Lance chortled at the line, though he though it was strange he was just thinking about the old nickname. Maybe he was psychic? 

Strange thoughts flooded him mind, but one was prominent, standing out from the others. What what wrong with Benji?

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