Suffering Among Flowers

By piperellison

112 14 2

"I didn't kill him." I repeated the same line over and over again. He wasn't dead. I knew it. I know that h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 7

10 1 0
By piperellison



"Athena? Are you okay?" I could hear Kathy banging on the bathroom door. I let a slow smile spread across my features.

It's been weeks since I've felt the fresh air. I haven't been aloud out for so long.

"Yes, I feel amazing," I breathed.

"Well Jason and I were getting worried. We saw you running up the steps," she said slowly.

"Yes, I didn't feel well but I'm fine now," I assured her. Poor girl. She doesn't know that her husband is an asshole.

I opened the door and faced the innocent being.

"Oh alright. Are you still hungry?" She asked.

"No. As a matter of fact, I think I'm full. Would you mind telling Natalie to pick up my dishes? And then could you have her meet me in my room? We have to have a discussion," I said kindly.

Kathy nodded and went downstairs.

Feeling content, I waltzed to my room and sat down on the bed. I'm sure Natalie will understand why this must be done. Athena was never one to make the bigger decisions, so I'll have to take care of that snake Natalie.

Then Kathy and Jason will have to be spoken to. I may not have to hurt them. I just have to show them the truth.

Some things need to be done.

"Miss Rutherford? Kathy said you wished to speak with me."

I looked up and faced the root of my problems.

"Yes, would you mind shutting the door? This is more of a private conversation," I explained. She hesitantly nodded and shut the door.

I patted the seat next to me, and watched as she sat down.

"You've broken a few of my rules, haven't you?" I started.

Natalie eyed me curiously before shaking her head.

"I haven't broken any rules."

"But you have. Snooping through my files and looking into my past is considered breaking a rule."

I've never seen color drain from the face so quickly. She knows what she's done.

"Athena, I didn't mean to. I swear. I was cleaning and they were just there," she said.

Athena wouldn't leave those lying around. Natalie is just lying and making this all the more fun for me.

"I think it's time that I let you go. I can't have people working here whom I can't trust."

I stood up and started the vinyl record. It was a soft melody that always made these things so much more enjoyable. I locked the door and then faced a wide eyed Natalie.

"I should get going," she said while standing and heading straight for the door. I easily slid in front of her and gave her a sinister smile.

"If only it were that easy. You see, Natalie, I don't appreciate you trying to show Jason these records of mine. My mental health isn't really any of your concern," I scolded. I took a step closer, and she stepped back.

She knows exactly what she's done.

'Stars shining bright above me.'

The melody flowed throughout the room. I sighed in satisfaction.

"Athena, I'm going to leave. I'll leave and I won't come back," she rasped.

I could smell her fear. It was the smell that drove me insane. I thrived on the fear of others.

"My name isn't Athena."

Realization hit her.

"Hailey," she deadpanned.

A slow smile started, and then I lunged at her. She was already in front of the bed, all I had to do was shut her up.

She opened her mouth to scream, but I slapped my hand over her mouth. She's already caused enough trouble. I straddled her and grabbed a pillow with my free hand.

"Stars shining bright above you," my voice drifted softly.

I removed my hand and covered her face with the pillow. She continued to thrash underneath me violently, but to no avail. I was stronger than she was.

"Athena?" Kathy called from the other side of the door. I pushed harder on the pillow and answered her.


"Did Natalie come find you?" She asked.

"No, she didn't show up so I think I'll wait until tomorrow to speak with her," I said while trying to keep my voice level.

Her struggles were now almost gone. She was a fighter, but she had no strength.

"Alright, I'll see if I can find her. Are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm just going to rest for a bit now. My stomach doesn't feel the best."

Kathy made a small comment, and then the soft padding of her feet indicated she had left. Natalie's struggles ceased, and my body relaxed.

One problem down.

It's now time to take care of the body. Hiding her shouldn't be any problem, but Jason and Kathy would make it harder. Then an idea came to mind.

That closet is just large enough to hide a skeleton.

I dragged the body into the back of the closet and covered it with a blanket. I can move her in the morning.

I whistled a light tune and then decided to visit Kathy and Jason before taking a nap.

"Have you seen Natalie?" Jason asked once I reached the living area.

"No, I came down here to find her. Maybe she went to bed?" I offered.

Just take the bait.


He seemed skeptical, but he didn't comment further on it.

"Jason, dear, are we staying tonight?" Kathy asked.

"Sure. We can stay until morning if you'd like, but I want to be out of here first thing," he said while not taking his eyes off me.

I just kept smiling encouragingly.

"Why? I'm sure Athena wouldn't mind us staying a bit longer. And it's not like we have anything else to do," she said.

Her eyebrows were scrunched together and she looked confused as to Jason's behavior. He still hasn't taken his eyes off me. It's like he was searching for something, anything. It looks like Jason is smarter than I've given him credit for. Although he's not smart enough to see that I'm clearly not Athena.

"I wouldn't want to trouble Athena any further."

"It's no trouble," I jumped in. Kathy turned to me and smiled.

"See, Jason? We can stay longer," Kathy informed him. Jason pursed his lips together and reluctantly nodded his head.

Oh, the things I have in store for them.

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