Once Upon A Midnight

Por firedancer8

6.9K 240 116

Hello people of Wattpad!!! I know, ANOTHER phantom fanfic?! Well, sorry, i can't really help it! XD If it hel... Más

Once Upon A Midnight
Matchmaker With the Phantom
Christine's Angel (Part One)
Christine's Angel (Part Two)
Christmas Fluff for Erik
Twoshot for Savannah (Part One)
Twoshot for Savannah (Part Two)
Isa's Valentine's Day
Meg is Cursed!
The End of The Opera Ghost
Erik's Dream
Roses for Meg (Part I)
Roses for Meg (Part II)
Opera Investigation

Healing Slowly

480 15 6
Por firedancer8

Screams echoed from all around as the huge chandelier came crashing to the floor. The whole auditorium heated up as the fires started burning, and people ran everywhere, trying to escape the disaster. The chandelier fell right toward her as Meg Giry screamed and tried to get out of the way, but she tripped on a red rope. Meg shut her eyes tight waiting for Death to come greet her but instead of Death’s cold hands, she felt hot pain shoot up her leg. She cried out as she heard a sickening crack and her nutmeg eyes opened to see that the chandelier had fallen on her right leg, trapping her underneath.

“Help! Somebody please help me!” Meg yelled as the flames licked at her skin. Tears fell from her eyes as she continued to scream and call for someone to save her. A few people ran past, but no one noticed the tiny dancer. The flames seared her skin and her mind was beginning to fog from smoke inhalation. “Please… somebody save me…” Meg murmured as she began to lose consciousness. Before she completely blacked out, she saw a dark figure coming closer and closer and Meg smiled as she greeted Death.

Meg opened her heavy eyelids, but she found that was all she could do. Her arms and legs wouldn’t obey her wish to move and her head was pounding too much for her to lift it. All she could do was stare at the grey ceiling. “This doesn’t look like heaven…” she muttered to herself.

“It’s far from heaven, but it’s no hell either.” A man’s strong voice said.

“Who’s there?!” Meg called into the dark. “I can’t move.”

“My name is Erik.” The voice sounded so familiar, but Meg couldn’t place where she had heard it before. “But Meg… You are lucky to be alive.”

“Why can’t I move?” Meg asked, fearful of the answer.

“When the chandelier fell, it landed on your right leg, breaking it instantly. You have some pretty bad burns on your arms, but otherwise your fine.”

“It’s broken?!” she exclaimed, struggling to sit up in bed. Immediately the room started spinning and Meg felt Erik put a hand on her shoulder.

“Meg, you need rest! You’re going to injure yourself even more! Just lay back down…” Erik said in alarm. Meg allowed herself to be laid down as he hummed a soft melody to calm her down. “Now Meg, I’m going to need to ask you to remove your trousers an-”

“What?!” she screeched as she scrambled away from him.

“Meg, Meg! Only so you can change into a skirt so I can bind your leg! Otherwise it won’t heal.” Erik said as he tried to sound as calm as possible. “I thought you might need help…”

“I most certainly do not need a man’s help undressing!” Meg snapped as her face colored.

“I didn’t mean it like… that…” He stuttered awkwardly. “I’ll just… go…”

Meg heard his footsteps retreating, leaving her alone. Once she was sure that Erik was gone, she tried to change her clothes. She ignored the shock of pain and the voice telling her to ask for his help. She would be damned if she asked him to help undress her! She bit her tongue and changed quickly into a plain lilac colored dress and waiting for Erik to return.

“Meg, are you… decent?” He asked.

“Yes, come in.” she said, sitting so she could get a good view of Erik. She saw a shadow move and Erik emerged from the dark. The first thing Meg noticed was how tall he was, he had to be at least seven or eight inches taller than herself! Slowly she took in the rest of him, his dark hair, piercing blue eyes and finally… the mask. “Le Fantôme!” Meg gasped.

“Are you afraid of me too?” Erik asked softly, as though he knew the answer.

“Not afraid, just surprised.” Meg said. “I thought you would be with your lady love.”

Erik was silent for a while and then said “Christine left with Raoul.”

“Oh! I’m sorry!” Meg said. “What happened?”

“I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t keep her and go through with my plan.” He said softly. “That stupid prince of hers came to her rescue and I let her go. I didn’t even fight. She looked so happy when she saw him…” Tears started rolling down the Phantom’s cheeks. Meg went to place a hand on his arm but he moved away slightly. He wiped his eyes and said “Now let’s see what I can do for your injuries.” He picked up a roll of cloth and sat on the bed next to her. “You’re going to have to roll up your dress to your knee, okay?” Meg blushed a bit and nodded as she pulled her dress up as he instructed. She gasped when she saw the big purple and blue bruises that covered her right leg. “I’m going to warn you that this may hurt, but I have to do it, okay?”

“Alright.” Meg answered, bracing herself. Erik held the beginning of the cloth on her ankle and he took a deep breath before he started to twist the cloth tightly around her leg. It is suffice to say that Meg didn’t cry… She SCREAMED. Meg Giry, who was the toughest and bravest of the ballet rats, was sobbing and screaming as poor Erik tried to bind her leg. Meg attempted to keep her mouth shut, but the pain kept her from it.

“Meg, I’m sorry but there’s nothing I can do for you!” Erik said over her sobs. “I’m almost done!” Erik finished binding her leg and then he ran out of the room, returning a few minutes later with bread and water.

“What’s this for?” she asked as she took a bite.

“For you, I’m sure you are hungry.” He answered, sitting next to her.

“I… thank you Erik.” Meg said in slight surprise. The Phantom isn’t as heartless as they say! Meg thought, smiling a little.

“After you finish dinner I will tend to your burns.” He said Meg looked at him with wide eyes as he added “It won’t hurt as much, thankfully.”

Meg was silent as Erik wrapped her arms too, ignoring the dull thump of pain which was defiantly not as bad as her leg had been! “Thank you.” Meg said softly.

“You’re welcome.” He said. “Now you should get some rest! I’ll have breakfast ready in the morning.” With that he walked away, leaving her to sleep.

Meg sat in bed for a while, pondering what she had discovered. The Phantom actually had a soft side! “No one would believe it…” Meg trailed off as she fell into a calm sleep.

Meg awoke the next morning to the smell of warm croissants wafting from outside her door. Carefully, she got up and hopped on one foot to the main room and almost ran into Erik as he carried her plate. “Meg! What are you doing out of bed?!” Erik exclaimed “You can’t put any stress on yourself! Here, lean on me and I’ll help you.” Meg put a hand on his shoulder to steady herself and they slowly made their way back to the swan bed.

With Erik’s help, she lay back down and he set the tray next to her. “I can walk on my own…” Meg muttered as she took a croissant.

“Not with a broken leg you can’t.” he said, chuckling a bit.

“But I want to see the rest of your home!” Meg said.

“Fine.” Erik replied. He walked over to the black curtain that served as her door and pulled it back so she could see out. Meg gasped as she saw the lake and all the candles, it was a truly beautiful sight to behold!

“You live here?!” she said, awestruck.

“Yes, for five years or so.” Erik answered, walking back over to sit at the foot of her bed.

“It’s lovely.” Meg said sincerely. After a moment of silence while Meg looked around his home, she asked “Can you play me a song on the organ?”

Erik was taken aback a little bit, but said “What would you like to hear me play?”

“Do you know any of Chopin’s Nocturnes?” she asked as her nutmeg eyes fell on him.

“Yes, I do.” Erik walked over to the organ and sat on the bench. He drew a deep breath and spread his fingers over the keys. He pushed a few keys and the most amazing sound Meg had ever heard came out. Her mouth fell open in shock, she had never heard him play before but she had expected him to be good. She just had no idea how good. His eyes were closed and his face looked more peaceful than Meg could have ever imagined. The notes sent shivers down her spine and she applauded when the piece came to an end.

“Erik, that was amazing!” Meg exclaimed.

“Thank you.” He said softly. His gaze was far away, and Meg wondered where his thoughts had taken him.

“Erik?” she asked.

“Sorry, it’s just… I’m not used to playing for anyone.” He said, his gaze returning to Meg.

“Surely you played for Christine!” Meg said.

“No, I only sang for her.” Erik said.

“Oh, that reminds me, you were amazing in Don Juan.” Meg said.

Erik stared at her for a long time. She was complimenting him on something that almost cost the use of her legs! Did she forget what else happened that night? Or was she simply being polite? “Do you mean that?” he asked.

“Of course!” Meg said. “I may not be a singer, but I can tell when someone else is! And you are very gifted Erik.”

“Thank you, now you should probably get some rest. The more rest you have, the sooner you can dance again.” Erik said. He helped her to hobble back to her room and lay back down. Then he left her alone to rest.

His thoughts whirled and scattered so he couldn’t make sense of anything that he was thinking. It seemed so strange to have someone show him such kindness and to talk to him like he was normal and not a murderer. Meg had always been different, from the time she was little until now. Oh yes, Erik had watched her. He had seen the raw passion she had for dancing and her stubbornness. Meg Giry was not just an average ballet dancer, she was so different! Erik couldn’t fathom why she was being so nice to him, him the monster! The ghost that had plagued the opera house for her entire life! The one everyone had feared… everyone, but little Meg. Erik remembered how she rolled her eyes when Bouquet had told his stories about the ghost and that she had always told off the other girls for their fear of the ghost. Perhaps Madame Giry had told her that the ghost was nothing but a man, who didn’t need to be feared. Maybe Meg was just braver than the rest. Or maybe, she was just so kind-hearted that she believed even ghosts needed friendship too. Erik recalled a time that he was considering tutoring Meg! She had the same passion for music that he did but he knew that Madame Giry would kill him if he ever hurt Meg. So the thought of being Meg’s Angel of Music was put out from his mind, and at the same time, a new ballerina joined the corps de ballet.

Erik sat at the organ, wondering if things would have ended differently if Meg had been his student, instead of Christine. Would Meg have found it in her heart to love him? Could she love him now? Where on earth are my thoughts going?! Erik thought in shock. Meg will never love me, and I don’t want her to! … right? He couldn’t make sense of what he was thinking. But he knew that he had to find his mind soon, otherwise who knows what could happen.

“Erik, I want to dance!” he heard Meg call from inside the Louis-Philippe room.

“Meg, you can’t dance. Your leg is broken and therefore dancing is simply out of the question.” Erik replied.

“I don’t care! I need to dance!” Meg yelled. He heard her struggling to get up and he hurried to her side.

“Meg, what on earth are you doing?!” Erik exclaimed in panic. “You can’t just stand up on a broken leg!”

“Yes I can!” She said, sticking out her chin stubbornly. Erik could have laughed at how childish she looked, but he was too preoccupied with talking sense into her. “I’ve danced on two twisted ankles before, and I’m not going to let a broken leg stop me!”

“You know what? Fine! Do whatever you want, I don’t care.” Erik said, turning around and trying to ignore her.

“AH!” He heard her cry out. Spinning around he watched her fall to a heap on the floor.

“Meg!” Erik exclaimed. He took her hand and helped her back up to the bed. “What are you doing?”

“Trying to dance!” Meg said, crossing her arms in disappointment.

“You will dance eventually, but first you need to heal.” He said as he tried to comfort the little ballet rat.

“I know, but why does it have to take so long?” Meg said.

“Probably because you keep trying to dance.” Erik said reasonably.

“But I HAVE to dance!” Meg said.

“I’m sure that you can survive until you are healed.” He said.

“I can’t.” she said shortly.

“Meg, now you are just being ridiculous.” He laughed.

“Am I?” she said. “Imagine that you lost your voice! Or that someone broke your pipe-organ.”

“Hm… you make a very good point mademoiselle.” Erik said. “I suppose that music is equally important to both of us.”

“I know!” Meg laughed. “You’re lucky that you can sing and play music… I can’t dance yet.”

“I’m sorry ma petite, but I can’t help you.” Erik said, feeling guilty. For whatever reason, he couldn’t stand to see her so upset. “Wait, Meg, I think I might have an idea.” She looked at him in confusion as he held out a hand for her to take.

“What are you doing?” Meg asked.

“Helping you dance.” Erik said. “Use my shoulder as your crutch.” He said, taking her hand and placing it on his shoulder.

“Erik!” Meg giggled. “What’s gotten into you?”

“Just trying to cheer you up.” He said, smiling at her. Honestly he had no idea what he was doing, but he wanted to make her happy. A thought suddenly entered his mind and he said “You don’t mind, do you?”

“Of course not, why would I?” Meg asked.

“Because I’m the Phantom of the Opera, and I didn’t want to be to… forward.”

When he said that she threw back her head and laughed. “Erik, you’re only asking for a dance, not for my hand in marriage!” Meg said.

Erik blushed before carefully pulling her closer. Slowly they started to sway and Meg began to hum the piece that Erik had played for her, Chopin’s Nocturne.

Meg couldn’t believe what was happening. She was waltzing with Erik, the Phantom of the Opera, and … she was enjoying every second of it. Erik wasn’t cruel or evil or even as frightening as everyone in the opera house had believed. He was helping her dance! Meg had to admit that he was handsome, and very talented. He’s the kind of man you would fall in love with… a part of her mind whispered. That thought startled her so much that she released his hand and fell back down on the bed.

“Meg! Are you alright?!” Erik said in concern.

“Yes, I’m fine.” She answered. “I’m just tired. Thank you for the dance.”

“I bid you goodnight then.” Erik said. “I’ll see you in the morning.” And then he walked back to the main cavern, leaving Meg to her confused thoughts.

Time went by quickly and needless to say things didn’t get any clearer for the dancer and the ghost. The interactions that the two had with each other only confused them more and they didn’t really understand their feelings. Erik was growing frustrated with this; he was used to controlling his own mind! But a certain little ballerina had invaded it, leaving his thoughts reeling with every encounter they had. And Meg was just as confused; she thought she was falling in love with him! But she knew his heart still ached for Christine… that he would never be hers.

This much she could tell from his actions. One night she awoke to find him playing Don Juan Triumphant, probably thinking of Christine. Slowly Meg got up and hobbled out to comfort him.

Erik was coming to the firm belief that he was getting over Christine. The proof of that came when he sat down to play Don Juan and instead of Christine being Amita, it was Meg! The little blonde was the star of the show in his imagination, wearing the dress and smiling mischievously at him. Erik didn’t know what had gotten into his mind! He heard her footsteps as he saw her limping up to him. “I’m sorry, but she isn’t coming back.” Meg said softly.

“I know.” Erik said. Meg thought that he was thinking about Christine! Maybe we should keep it that way. He thought. Meg would surely kill him if she knew what was going on in his mind. “Meg, I think… I think I’m getting over Christine.”

“Really?!” she said, her heart leaping to her throat. She might have a chance! It was a strange thought, but it brought a feeling of hopefulness to her soul.

“Yes, I’ve let her go.” He said.

“That’s good!” she said, trying not to smile.

“Go back to sleep Meg.” Erik said. “And thank you for the concern.”

“Alright, you’re welcome.” Meg said quietly. And with that, she went back to her room and dreamt of ghosts and music.

Erik sat back in wonder. The ballerina had shown kindness and concern for his well-being, two things that no one had ever shown to him. With that thought in mind he sat to compose once more.

“Meg?” Erik asked the next day.

“Yes?” she said.

“I… I wrote you a song.” He said his voice full of uncertainty.

“Can I hear it?” Meg asked.

“Of course.” He said. Erik sat at the piano and started to play and sing.

“Twisting in your strings

My perfect little puppet

You dance to my tune


I almost envy you

Lay still when I command

My doll of porcelain skin

I am your only master

Free will is your demise

Listen to me calling to you

Come, come, come

I want only to stand

By your side

Eternity, Eternity

Ballerina in a music box

Play for me one

Last time”

“It was very good Erik!” Meg said. The words made little sense to her, but she liked the tune. “I’m not really yours to command, though.”

“Not really.” Erik said. But I would love to be able to command you. Not that you would let anyone be in control of you!


Meg looked at him oddly, wondering what he was thinking about. “It is an amazing song regardless.”

Meg got up to wander around the lair, not really paying attention to where she was going. She felt her foot slip and she screamed as she fell into the lake. “Meg!” Erik shouted. His heart flew to his throat when she didn’t immediately come back up and he dove in after her. He saw her blue hair ribbon floating near the surface and he dove under to grab her. Relief filled him as he felt Meg’s warm body and he pulled her back to the surface. Erik was careful to keep Meg’s head above the water as he swam back to shore and got them both on dry land. “Meg, can you hear me?!” Erik yelled.

Meg sputtered and coughed as she opened her eyes and saw Erik’s worried face hovering above her own. “Yes, I can hear you!”

Before Meg had time to react, Erik’s lips crashed onto hers. He was kissing her as if she was not going to live; it was making her almost dizzy! He pulled away suddenly and said “Sorry, I’m so sorry…” He struggled to get up, but Meg grabbed his arm and pressed her lips to his. He responded with enthusiasm, surprised that she was kissing him in the first place! But she was she was kissing him with a passion that he didn’t think that she could muster! And with that kiss, Erik could see their lives together play out. From the time that they got married to growing old together in a house near the sea somewhere.

And Erik intended to make that crazy dream their reality.


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