Healing Slowly

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Screams echoed from all around as the huge chandelier came crashing to the floor. The whole auditorium heated up as the fires started burning, and people ran everywhere, trying to escape the disaster. The chandelier fell right toward her as Meg Giry screamed and tried to get out of the way, but she tripped on a red rope. Meg shut her eyes tight waiting for Death to come greet her but instead of Death’s cold hands, she felt hot pain shoot up her leg. She cried out as she heard a sickening crack and her nutmeg eyes opened to see that the chandelier had fallen on her right leg, trapping her underneath.

“Help! Somebody please help me!” Meg yelled as the flames licked at her skin. Tears fell from her eyes as she continued to scream and call for someone to save her. A few people ran past, but no one noticed the tiny dancer. The flames seared her skin and her mind was beginning to fog from smoke inhalation. “Please… somebody save me…” Meg murmured as she began to lose consciousness. Before she completely blacked out, she saw a dark figure coming closer and closer and Meg smiled as she greeted Death.

Meg opened her heavy eyelids, but she found that was all she could do. Her arms and legs wouldn’t obey her wish to move and her head was pounding too much for her to lift it. All she could do was stare at the grey ceiling. “This doesn’t look like heaven…” she muttered to herself.

“It’s far from heaven, but it’s no hell either.” A man’s strong voice said.

“Who’s there?!” Meg called into the dark. “I can’t move.”

“My name is Erik.” The voice sounded so familiar, but Meg couldn’t place where she had heard it before. “But Meg… You are lucky to be alive.”

“Why can’t I move?” Meg asked, fearful of the answer.

“When the chandelier fell, it landed on your right leg, breaking it instantly. You have some pretty bad burns on your arms, but otherwise your fine.”

“It’s broken?!” she exclaimed, struggling to sit up in bed. Immediately the room started spinning and Meg felt Erik put a hand on her shoulder.

“Meg, you need rest! You’re going to injure yourself even more! Just lay back down…” Erik said in alarm. Meg allowed herself to be laid down as he hummed a soft melody to calm her down. “Now Meg, I’m going to need to ask you to remove your trousers an-”

“What?!” she screeched as she scrambled away from him.

“Meg, Meg! Only so you can change into a skirt so I can bind your leg! Otherwise it won’t heal.” Erik said as he tried to sound as calm as possible. “I thought you might need help…”

“I most certainly do not need a man’s help undressing!” Meg snapped as her face colored.

“I didn’t mean it like… that…” He stuttered awkwardly. “I’ll just… go…”

Meg heard his footsteps retreating, leaving her alone. Once she was sure that Erik was gone, she tried to change her clothes. She ignored the shock of pain and the voice telling her to ask for his help. She would be damned if she asked him to help undress her! She bit her tongue and changed quickly into a plain lilac colored dress and waiting for Erik to return.

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