Matchmaker With the Phantom

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Author's Note: This chapter is supposed to be funny and it is based on a conversation that me and TheLittleAlcohlian were having! I hope it makes you giggle at least a little bit! So get ready for the hilarious, weird, random chapter of insanity! XD Enjoy!


It was a lovely day in July and I was in my room getting ready for my boyfriend, Jaden, to come over. I was dressed in a blue sundress that went down to a bit below my knees. I was braiding my hair when I heard Jaden shout from downstairs. (We’ve been dating for years… he just kind of lets himself in at this point, my parents don’t really care!) I ran downstairs and see the strangest sight I have ever seen.

There, standing in my living room, was Jaden and he was glaring and The Phantom of the Opera! Erik himself was standing in my living room, staring from Jaden to me and then back again. “Juliet?” Jaden said, his voice measured. “Will you kindly explain what this man is doing in your house?”

“Umm… Erik, what are you doing in my house?” I asked.

“You know him?!” Jaden shouted.

“He’s the Phantom of the Opera, I know of him.” I said. “Now, excuse me for a moment, I’ve always wanted to do this!” Before either of them could question me, I hugged Erik tightly. I released him after a second and Erik just stared at me, looking dazed.

Jaden, on the other hand, grabbed my hand and pulled me toward him so I was facing him. He shot a death-glare at Erik before kissing me. “You better not try anything funny.” He said to Erik.

“What in heaven’s name are you talking about?!” Erik asked.

“I’ve heard about your little escapade with another man’s girl, and I’m telling you that you better not try it with her!”

“Good, I wasn’t going to!” Erik said, he turned to me and said, “No offense, you’re very pretty but I didn’t think it would be wise to mess with your relationship.”

“Thank you for your courtesy.” I said.

“Why did you hug him?” Jaden asked turning to me.

“How many people can say that they’ve hugged Erik?!” I asked, laughing.

“Well… he isn’t coming on our date!” Jaden said.

“Where else could I possibly go?!” Erik exclaimed.

“I don’t know, but you aren’t staying here!”

“Jaden!” I said. “That was rude!”

“I don’t trust him.” Jaden whispered to me.

“The only reason you don’t trust him is because you’re jealous.” I said, laughing.

“I am not!” he said defensively.

“Oh really?” I asked. “What if I went over and hugged him again?”

“Please don’t.”

“I won’t!” I laughed. “I’m not in love with him or anything, okay?”

He raised his eyebrow and said “really? Because you know every word to the movie…”

Rolling my eyes I stood on my tip toes and kissed him softly. “You are ridiculous.” I said.

“Well… he still can’t stay!” he said.

“I don’t want to stay!” Erik said. “Honestly you keep staring at me like you’re going to kill me!”

“I KNOW WHERE YOU COULD GO!” I yelled, making Jaden and Erik jump.

“Where?!” they both said at the same time.

“First we need to make a trip…” I said.

“For what?!” Jaden exclaimed.

“Flowers!” I said, dragging both of them to the flower store down the street. I went inside and purchased a dozen roses, six red and six white. I walked back outside and handed them to Erik. He gave me a questioning look and I said. “Trust me, you’ll thank me later!” We continued to walk until we reached my friend Alex’s house. I rang the doorbell and grabbed Jaden’s hand and ran. Erik tried to follow us, but I said “NO! You have to stay there!”

“Why?!” he exclaimed.

“Because Alex is sweet and pretty and your perfect match!” I said “So say something sweet and give her the flowers!”

“But I…” he trailed off as the door opened, revealing a girl with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes that you could get lost in. And apparently that was exactly what Erik was doing! We watched as Erik stood there gawking at Alex! He opened his mouth to say something, but no words came out!

“Can I help you, Monsieur Phantom?” she asked, giggling a bit.

“I… I brought you flowers!” he said handing them to her. He shook his head a bit to clear his thoughts. A smile signified that Erik had gotten his senses (and flirting skills) back. He said “But they pale in comparison to your beauty.” Alex’s dark eyes went wide as she stared at him. “Would you do me the honor of spending the afternoon with me?” he said, taking her hand.

“Damn he’s good!” Jaden whispered to me as we continued to spy- I mean, observe.

I shushed him as Alex said, “I would love to join you this afternoon.”

“We should probably leave them alone.” Jaden whispered to me. “Besides, we have our own outing to attend to!”

“Alright!” And with that we joined hands and walked away, leaving the two young loves to their own accord.             

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