cheapskate || x j.jk

By biglasagna

4.6K 353 162

"welcome to the abandoned diner of broken hearts and cheap money. i will be your waiter for this evening and... More

~ p r o l o g u e ~
p e a c h
g r a p e
m o z a r e l l a
c h o c o l a t e
e n d
q u e s t i o n s ?

w a f f l e s

407 36 17
By biglasagna

third person

soft hands comb through jeongguk's hair when he stirs awake, back stiff because of the uncomfortable position he had fallen asleep in.

his eyes stare back at pretty ones, and jeongguk swallows.

taehyung still looks tired, dark circles underneath his eyes, pale skin along with dry hair. but somehow, he still manages to look ethereal underneath the shine of the single beam of moonlight, streaming in from the window. his lips look pretty, pink against the colour of his skin and taehyung's tongue darts out to wet them.

jeongguk feels like he's in a daze. his eyes blink confusedly because, is this a dream?

'no,' and jeongguk blushes, because taehyung heard him, because jeongguk voiced his thoughts.

taehyung's eyes look more gentle now, apologetic.

'i'm sorry,' he whispers, tears lining the bottom of his lid.

'i'm not usually like this.' he also says.

jeongguk shakes his head, a soft scarlet blush spreading on his cheeks and he's so dazed. he's still convinced it's a dream, but it isn't.

'it's alright-' jeongguk begins.

'not for that.' and for a split second, jeongguk's gaze lands on taehyung and he looks so beautiful, an apologetic (hesitant) gleam in his eyes. jeongguk starts to gasp, but he's cut off.

cut off with soft lips meeting his, merely brushing before firmly slitting together. and it's so gentle, jeongguk is being so gentle as his hands slip into taehyung's hair, and taehyung crawls up into his lap. their lips move together, breaths melding to form short gasps and shy moans. jeongguk pulls softly when taehyung breaks apart to take a breath, and taehyung whines at that. jeongguk finds it absolutely endearing.

mouths slide back and gentle, loving noises along with soft murmurs echo in the room. taehyung's hands find their way to jeongguk's collar and he shivers lightly.

'no more,' he whispers, 'too much.'

and jeongguk somehow completely understands what he means.

jeongguk's vision falters when he sees taehyung look at him with his now spit covered, swollen lips, and a shy gaze.

it's nothing ideal.

taehyung is feverishly hot and jeongguk is cold, the room is humid, which doesn't help the atmosphere.

but the tranquility hanging in the air, even with the overwhelming amount of questions and accusations, settles it all.

it's weirdly fitting. jeongguk may even class this as a 'love at first sight,' because although they've known each other for some time, they are practical strangers.

and jeongguk might not be in love yet, but he predicts he soon will be. his only hope is, that taehyung is too when it happens.

or else he'll be left with a broken heart. jeongguk wonders if taehyung has ever had his heart broken.

so he asks.

taehyung stills, then a 'yes,' escapes him.

jeongguk knows he isn't lying. he also wonders who in his/her right mind would break his heart.

he swallows.

'will you break my heart?'

not if you don't break mine.


and taehyung nearly melts at that, his chest touching jeongguk's, hips fitting against his, the two look a sight.

jeongguk maybe now understands better why taehyung helps woonbin to deal with his own broken heart.

it's after some time that the younger finally gathers his courage.

'what's your name?'

'taehyung.' the other replies, a slight trace of hesitance as if he was scared of the word itself.

'nice to meet you. i'm jeongguk.'

taehyung's body shakes a little at that, giggling because he's too tired to find anything not funny.

next thing they know, jeongguk finds himself walking into a 24/7 convenience store with taehyung, ordering some food.

the two don't hold hands, because it's 'too much,' but they'll get there.

their waffles arrive and there's a twinkle in jeongguk's eyes as they eat.

"this is what food should taste like, you know?"

jeongguk receives a smack on his arm.

after that day, stuff goes back to normal.

except now, jeongguk has a name to place to a beautiful face.

and taehyung doesn't have to write in his little journal about 'guk' anymore, because now he has jeongguk.

woonbin still is a whiny piece of shit, and salad susie comes back after she gets over her fever. taehyung and jeongguk talk, laugh, and smile together. they talk about themselves now, even if they're just small petty problems.

but they don't kiss, not unless taehyung or jeongguk is feeling especially pathetic someday, so they huddle together in the storage room of the diner, pulling at each other, so gently.

because their relationship is fragile, built without a base on stilts. if they don't treat it gently, it'll fall, and crack.

so until they build the base all better, they live like this. like friends.

like friends.

like friends.

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