{Two Hearts that beat as One}...

By AmmyWithingale

29K 871 143

Well, the title says it all, and you may request! (I don't own the art that is shown in this book) ==Will no... More

Gazel (Suzuno Fuusuke): Tonight
Aphrodi (Afuro Terumi): My Embarrassed Devil
Yandere!Gran (Kiyama Hiroto): ProMIsE
Young!Burn (Nagumo Haruya): Small Crush
Midorikawa Ryuuji: Remember
Tsun!Mistrene Callous: Whats wrong?
Requests #1
Baddap Sleed: True meaning of soccer
Sorry Bueno101!
Rococo Urupa: Optimistic
Tsun!Hakuryuu: Idiot!
Shindou Takuto: Crybaby
Matsukaze Tenma(X Depressed!Reader): Sorry
Sakuma Jirou: Back...
Requests #2
Tsurugi Kyousuke (X Abused!Reader): Ill always protect you
Jealous!Matsukaze Tenma: Riverbank
Tsun!Kirino Ranmaru: Prima Donna
Jealous!Rococo Urupa: Come on!
Requests #3
Tsun!Gouenji Shuuya: Forgiven
Jealous! Fudou Akio: Coward
Amemiya Taiyou: Hang out
Fudou Akio: Thank you for saving me!
Kazemaru Ichirouta(X Werewolf!Reader): Dont worry
HiroMido and NaguSuzu: Double Date
Genda Koujirou: Memories
Kidou Yuuto: Riddles
Arigato and Requests are back!
Kirino Ranmaru (X Shy!Reader): Hang out?

Tsurugi Kyousuke x Reader x Hakuryuu: Share

980 30 2
By AmmyWithingale

(Y/N)'s POV
"Guys! You can do it!" I shouted at my two best friends, Tsurugi Kyousuke and Hakuryuu! Im a manager of the Chrono Storm team (BTW This takes place in the Raimei version of Chrono stone). I always encourage the two since I actually like both of them. Problem is,  I cant choose who I like the most... I wanted to confess to one of them, but the other managers said that both of them like me. They always fight with each other when Im not around...  I sighed after the game started. I started to look at both of them time to time. Who do I like the most?.. I started to be in deep thought but it was interrupted by another Manager, Aoi. "Whats wrong (l/n)?" She said worriedly, I shook my head "Nothing. Its nothing." I said. She whispered to me and said "I know youre looking at Hakuryuu and Tsurugi~" I blushed and moved away from her and mid-shouted "H-how did you know?!" She giggled. "Well, I just saw your eyes looking at their direction." She pet my head and said "Choose who." She said calmly. Ill try...

After Match
I ran to both of them I hugged Tsurugi then Hakuryuu "Im glad we won... But please, heal up." I saw a tint of pink on both of their cheeks. So they really do like me. I stood up I held my hand to the both of them to help them stand up a bit. They both accept and said "Thanks (l/n)" at the same time. I walked both of them to the bench and grabbed two towels and two water bottles. I saw that Tsurugi and Hakuryuu were murmuring to each other. I went back to them quickly and said "Heyya! What were you guys talking about?" they both looked away, Tsurugi said "Its nothing." then Hakuryuu just nodded. I was getting even more curious... "Alrighty! Anyways here are your bottles" I gave them their bottles and towels and went to the managers.

1 week later after the Chrono Stone thingysss
I went to the park to cool my mind off some things. I sighed then sat down on a bench. Its been 1 week after the time traveling incident. Geez, I still miss Fei, Kinako and some others. I looked at the sky and thought about more things, its mostly about Tsurugi and Hakuryuu. I still cant choose who I like the most, Tsurugi can be quite rude at times, but he really is kind and caring. Hakuryuu can be really, really REALLY arrogant, but caring and a bit tsun-y. 

I heard two people walking towards me, I just ignored it. "Hey."One of them said, I kinda recognized the voice. "Hey! Look at us will you?" The other one said. Now I know who these two are. Tsurugi and Hakuryuu. I looked at both of them. They were in their casual clothes. "(L/n) Aoi said that something was wrong with you while you were sitting on the benches" I looked at Hakuryuu "Tell us, come on!" He grabbed my hand and made me stand up. He let go and then murmured something. Tsurugi just nudged Hakuryuu a little then said something to him quietly. "Anyways, wanna tell us?" Tsurugi said. I shook my head "No, its fine guys. It doesnt bother me anymore!" I said reassuringly so they wont be worried "Alright, Tsurugi... now." Hakuryuu said while looking at Tsurugi seriously. "(F/N)... We know you like the both of us." He said seriously. I was blushing so bad. How did they know?! Did someone tell them? Who? How? Why? 

"We knew because Aoi told us." Hakuryuu said. I sweatdropped Why didnt I know that... "O-oh" I stuttered. "So, who do you like the most, Me or that Lone Wolf" Hakuryuu said in an irritated voice and then pointing at Tsurugi. I was thinking so many things. "Uhh" I said stupidly. They just sweatdropped. 

"D-do I really have to choose?" I stuttered. They both nodded. They both... looked really serious.. I was getting really worried, I sighed, I know who I am gonna choose... I pointed nervously at... Tsurugi... I saw Hakuryuu's hurt expression and Tsurugi's shocked one. "O-okay..." Hakuryuu said hurt-ly. Then he walked away. I looked at him then teared up a bit "I lost... a best friend..." I said quietly. Tsurugi hugged me tightly "I am so.. so.. sorry (f/n)" he then caressed my hair... "Please, forgive us..." He then put his head on my shoulder. I blushed and cried more. I cant believe I lost a friend, I liked him too but... Tsurugi... GRAHH I pushed Tsurugi away and ran to my home, Good thing it wasnt far from here. I turned around a bit and saw Tsurugi chase after me "Wait! Please!" He shouted. I grabbed my keys quickly, opened the door and slammed it afterwards. I leaned against the door and cried even more. I heard knocks after 2 minutes. I knew it was Tsurugi's. "(F/n) Open." He said in a monotone voice. I just ignored it and kept crying.

3 minutes passed. "(F/n) I am sorry... I didnt mean it to end up like this." I stopped crying, but I still stayed silent. "Keep being silent, Ill explain." He explained how he got Aoi to tell him and Hakuryuu to know who you like, they both decided to ask you liked the best, They knew it was foolish but they still wanted to know, you cut him off "I get it!" You shouted at him. He was silent "Ill leave now..." I looked at the window slowly and he really did leave. I ran to my room and put my head on my pillow and scream in it. After some seconds, I looked around my room and saw that my window was opened, I went to it and saw someone standing there, The person threw a paper airplane at me. It actually went in. Didnt expect that.

I opened the paper airplane and it says "Hey (F/N), its me Hakuryuu, sorry for walking away. Didnt mean to make you sad for making you think that you lost a friend. Anyways, Im fine with you and Tsurugi being together though." I looked at the person again and it was really Hakuryuu! "Hakuryuu?" I said in confusion. "Yeah?" He said to me. I blinked twice and went down stairs and went outside. "Hey (F/N)" He waved at me. I waved back at him. "Sorry..." I said quietly, he pat my head and said "its fine." But deep inside, I know he didnt really mean it. He is still hurt. "Hakuryuu... Why dont you and Tsurugi just share me?" He snapped his fingers "Why didnt I think of that?" I sweat dropped. "Yeah sure." I heard another person say it. I turned around and saw Tsurugi "Hey Tsurugi" me and Hakuryuu said at the same time. He smiled. He went to Hakuryuu. He held his hand to him "So, what do you say? Wanna share her?" Hakuryuu took his hand and nodded. "Sure" They did a fist bump as well. I hugged both of them and kissed their cheeks, they both blushed. "Yay! We're all better now!" I said happily. They both blushed still and giggled.

Author(Ammy): Sorry for the long wait everyone! BTW Ill only do the Tsun! Gouenji Shuuya x Reader, Anemiya Taiyou x SoccerPlayer!Reader and Jealous!Fudou Akio requests next. After that, the requests will be on hold. Sorry about that.

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