Saving Windfall (MXM)

By RRSTheAlphaKing

93.5K 4.1K 374

Dax Astraea is a 22-year-old... human going to college in Houston Texas. Russell Rayne is a 24-year-old Wolf... More

Notice. Please Read
Chapter Zero: Raging Dax
Chapter One: Pack Duties
Chapter Two: A Normal Day
Chapter Three: Rogues Attack
Chapter Four: Two Wolves Intertwined
Chapter Five: A Dream Reader And A Party
Chapter Six: The Eyes Of Wolves
Chapter Seven: Get The Ring Ready
Chapter Eight: Pain And Darkness
Chapter Nine: The Truth Behind Dining With Wolves
Chapter Ten: Decisions, Decisions
Chapter Eleven: The Calm
Chapter Twelve: A New Wolf
Chapter Thirteen: Mates Wolves And Wolf Shifters Oh My
Chapter Fourteen: Talking To Charlie
Chapter Fifteen: The Storm
Chapter Sixteen: Something Hidden
Chapter Seventeen: The Drive
Chapter Eighteen: The Wolf Deities
Chapter Nineteen: The Attack
Chapter Twenty: Pretty Magic
Chapter Twenty-One: Obliteration
Chapter Twenty-Two: A Simple Snowflake
Chapter Twenty-three: A Mate And A Betrayer
Chapter Twenty-four: An Angry Alpha And An Excited Luna
Chapter Twenty-five: Dax In Training
Chapter Twenty-six: Elements And Dispelling
Chapter Twenty-seven: A Flaming Wolf and A Portal
Chapter Twenty-eight: Not Being Outdone By A Novice
Chapter Twenty-nine: Dahlias Fury
Chapter Thirty: We Fight As One
Chapter Thirty-one: Emotions And Explosions
Chapter Thirty-three: The Initiation Party
Not A Chapter

Chapter Thirty-two: The Wolf Shifter Council

1.2K 86 5
By RRSTheAlphaKing

~Daxera's POV~

I slowly wake up to something warm and lovely next to me. I moan contently and snuggle closer to the warm thing, telling it no and that it is mine when it moves a little. It turns around and drapes its heavy arm over me as I feel its warm hot breath in my hair.

Filling up on its scent of pine and desert sage, I shoot up into a sitting position recognizing Russell's scent. I turn to look at him and see he is watching me, looking a little stunned himself.

"Finally awake I see," he says taking on a sleepy smile. I lay back down and snuggle into him.

"How long have I been out for this time?" I ask.

"Six days," he says nonchalantly.

"Six days!" I exclaim, "What happened while I was out?" I ask sitting up, but using my right hand, causes pain that starts in my wrist and shoots all around it many times, then up my arm too.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, fuck, that hurts," I say, looking at it, holding it in my left hand.

"You were stabbed in the wrist by Clovis' silver sword," he tells me, making the memory pop into my mind.

"Mm right, what happened after the explosion, I can't help but notice we're both alive," I say, not letting myself believe we've won just yet.

"Well, when you set off your firebomb, your shield dissipated after the explosion was over and I thought something happened to you. Flames licked out catching some buildings on fire including the main packhouse with the throne room. No one moved while your fire was raging. Everyone wanted to know what the outcome of the fight was, but then your purple and black fire was suddenly gone leaving whatever it caught on fire to burn with normal fire.

"When I saw you laying on the ground, I jumped down with Emma and made my way to you then Lauren came up and told me that you were fine, you were just resting from releasing the firebomb. We waited two days in order to heal everyone who needed to be healed then, as I'm sure you've not noticed, we came back home to Windfall," Russell says as I look around our familiar room.

"Irelia set up wards on the portal that only allow you and myself to go through whenever we want unless we give permission to another Wolf for whatever reason. Other than that, pack life has returned to normal for everyone and has been kinda quiet," he concludes and I nod, feeling happy everyone is safe.

Just then, I remember something important.

"How did you give me that extra bit of energy?" I ask him, dying to know.

"I just followed my instincts, I could feel you in need of more, and my body responded to that," he tells me with a shrug.

"I became a Wolf Shifter when we mated, did you become a Witch?" I ask him.

"It's possible, but we have other things to worry about first," he tells me. I nod, knowing my last question.

"What exactly happened to Clovis?"

"It seems that your fire took care of everything," he tells me.

"His 'pack,' mates?" I ask using air quotes.

"Most of the actual rogues he had with him were either killed or ran off, while the non-rogues he had with him ended up joining us. Dad had a massive headache that day bringing thirty-eight Wolves into the pack," he explains.

"So... we can have relaxation time now?" Russell thinks about it for a second then nods. Feeling relieved, I smile and give him a quick half-hug just using my left arm.

"Sweet, I can get to work on that beach vacation we talked about," I pause for a second, "it feels like we had that conversation a long time ago," I say slowly.

"Yeah, it does. Anyway, while you are doing that, try not to go overboard," he says with a chuckle. Suddenly my stomach growls loudly, causing Russ to laugh. "Looks like we need to get some food in you." I nod and push the blankets off of us with my left hand, then stand next to the bed. I smell myself then cringe.

"You know what, I'ma shower first then get food," I say as I walk into the bathroom. As I turn the shower on, Russ comes up to me from behind and wraps his arms around me.

"Mind if I join you?" He asks huskily. I growl in response then turn around in his arms and kiss him.

After our shower, we walk down to the kitchen where we see Terra cooking food.

Oh yeah, Russell's mom.

I stop and glare at Russell.

"By the way, why have I not heard you talk about your mom at all throughout all of this?" I ask him pointedly. He gives me a sheepish look as he rubs the back of his neck.

"We were pretty busy, plus, it's hard to explain her," he says as he looks at Terra as she looks at us.

"I made you both food and Dax, I am glad you are finally awake," she says with a smile. I return the smile as I sit at the table where she places our food.

"Thank you, Luna," I reply.

"Oh, don't be so formal, call me Terra," she says with a smile. I nod as I take a bite of her food. My eyes go wide then Russ says 'uh oh,' because he knows what is coming, which causes Terra to look at me funny.

"So you are the one who taught Russ how to cook! My goddess this is delicious," I say then begin to stuff my face. Terra just laughs at me then begins to clean up the dirty dishes she made while cooking.

Just as we are getting done with our food, Russell's dad, Jack, walks into the kitchen.

"Russell, Dax," he nods at us. "Some Elders from The Wolf Council are here to see you guys." Russ and I look at each other.

"They want to see us now?" He asks.

"Yes, they are in the meeting room across from my office. I already have Dante waiting up there for you as well," Jack says as he turns and walks away.

My heart begins beating fast in my chest, feeling nervous about having to meet the Wolf elders.

"Well, let's go I guess," Russ says. I nod then get up as he does and follow him up to the meeting room. As we reach the door, I take a sniff of the air and recognize only Alistar and Dantes scents. We step into the room and close the door behind us.

The room is huge and rectangular in shape while it has an oval table sitting in the middle of the room. It looks just as beautiful as the rest of the house except this room is free of scratches and dents from any Wolf fights.

"Glad to see that you are well, Dax," Alistar says with a friendly smile. Dante nods in agreement with him.

"Thanks, I can't believe I slept for six days," I say with a nervous chuckle.

One of the Elders clears their throat and I raise an eyebrow. "I am Elder Kevin, this, as you already know, to my left, is Elder Alistar, to my right is Elder Dakota, and to her right is Elder Avery." They all are wearing the same navy blue suits and same black ties except for Dakota who is wearing a navy blue suit with the lower half being a long skirt and no tie.

As their names are called, they flash their Wolf eye color. Kevin's Wolf eyes are orange, Alistar's eyes are obviously teal, Dakota's eyes are dark leafy green, and Avery's eyes are yellow.

"Go on, introduce yourselves," Elder Kevin says impatiently as I look them all over.

"I am Russell Rayne," he says flashing his purple eyes. "This is Dax Rayne." I flash my green, blue, and purple eyes, making them gawk at my eyes. "And this is Dante Sorrel." He flashes his red rogue eyes startling Kevin.

"Why is a rogue here? Why have you not killed him?" Elder Kevin says with disgust. Dante glares at him and growls.

"He helped with taking down Clovis and has proven himself trustworthy. We were waiting for Dax to wake up before holding an official initiation for him and his mate to join the pack," Russell says adopting a formal tone.

"Why are his Wolf eyes both his Wolf and human colors?" Elder Kevin asks gesturing to me.

"Its because I am a 'Flower Wolf,' which is a Wolf with a flower name. We always have half eyes, mine just happened to take on the Rayne purple," I say with a shrug.

"Alright, moving onto our most important topic: what is this we hear about a 'flaming Wolf' from your pack? Surely they aren't talking about you being gay?" He asks us, making me look at Russell, ready to bust out laughing.

'Should we tell them?' I ask through our mate link, keeping myself calm.

"No, actually, we'd like to see the flaming Wolf rather than be told about it," says Elder Dakota. I look at her confused.

"Part of the reason she is an Elder is because she can tap into the telepathy link packs share and even the link between mates," Elder Alistar clarifies. I nod then turned around. Remembering the spell that Lauren used to keep my clothes from getting shredded when I shift, I mumble the words of power and cast the spell on my clothes.

"Try not to freak out, I hear this can scare people. And remember, you said you wanted to see the flaming Wolf," I say as I turn around then begin to shift into my Wolf form.

Once I am on all fours, I shrink down to the size of a normal wolf so I can fit in the room better, then carefully jump onto the table, without using my right paw, and sit down.

'Ready?' I ask Russ knowing Elder Dakota would hear it. She repeats my question and everyone nods skeptically except for Alistar who has a knowing smile on his face.

I close my eyes, take in a deep breath then exhale it. Snapping my eyes open, I immediately cover myself in my purple fire, startling everyone who hasn't seen it before, almost knocking them off their feet with the shockwave. Dissipating the fire, I turn around then jump off the table and quickly shift, landing on two feet, facing away from the Elders. I turn around, still fully clothed, and stand next to Russell again.

"How?" Elder Avery asks looking shocked.

"Magic," I state then begin to explain about my parents being Witches and them sending me into foster care for my own safety while I had no idea of the Supernatural world or that I was part of it. I also explain how I can do Magic in Wolf form.

"A Witch who's the soon-to-be Luna of the strongest pack in America? No, I don't trust this, no matter the circumstances a Witch can't hold such a position," Elder Kevin says, slamming his hand down on the table.

"I didn't give anyone a reason to distrust me," I argue, feeling anger rise up in me.

"You are a Witch and when your pack finds out exactly what you are, they won't trust you either," he retorts, slamming his had down on the table.

"Then you clearly don't know this pack very well," Russell tells him sternly.

'Everyone listen up,' Russ commands through the link. 'I can feel each and every one of you through the link and I expect an honest answer. Those who don't trust Dax because he is a Witch, speak up now!'

A chorus of 'I' rings through the link but I can't tell how many there were.

"Interesting, that's ten Wolves who don't trust Dax out of..." Elder Dakota trails off.

"Two hundred and forty," Russ answers. I cross my arms over my chest and look at Elder Kevin with a smug smile.

"You were saying?" I ask amused.

"Look, I see no issue with Dax being a Witch and the future Luna of the Windfall pack. The way I see it, he should be praised for what he's done. He not only saved the life of his mate, the future Alpha, but he also took care of an illegally formed rogue pack. As I remember it, Clovis Bracksis left his pack, becoming a rogue, while the remaining members were quickly slaughtered by other rogues because they had no Alpha. He was then, by us Elders, stripped of his title which means, though he claimed to be Alpha of Fremont, he never was Alpha and Fremont never existed as a pack," Alistar says in defense of me.

"He was also part Witch," I add.

"What is to stop you from becoming a bloodthirsty monster if Russell gets killed? The only difference I see between you and Clovis is that your mate is alive and his was killed," Kevin snaps. I hear an 'uh oh' from Dante as I put my hands on the table then lean forward, ignoring the stabbing pain I feel in my wrist.

"If anything happens to Russell, the person who is behind it will die a horrible death by my hands," I say slowly with a fiery intensity that makes Elder Kevin shut his mouth. "I don't care what you think of me, just know that any threat against Russell and Windfall by anyone, even you, will not be taken lightly. If anyone fucks with any one of us without good reason, they'll wish they had never been born. That means you too Elders, don't mess with us when we haven't done anything wrong."

I can feel Russell looking at me but I continue to stare intensely into each Elder's eyes daring them to test me. Not one says a single word. Alistar gives me a look that tells me he is impressed.

"If that is settled, what else are you here for?" I ask Elder Kevin pointedly, taking the pressure off of my right wrist, holding it with my other hand, fully regretting putting any pressure on it at all.

"To congratulate you on your defeat of Clovis, and to officially congratulate future Alpha Russell Rayne on finding a wonderful mate," Alistar says happily. I smile at him.

"Thank you," I say with a bow.

"Yes, thank you, Elders," Russ says with is own bow, breaking from his stunned stupor.

I spin around on my heal then walk out of the room followed by Russ and Dante. As the door closes behind us, I pick up the whispered word 'impressive' from inside the room by Dakota, then with a smile, I walk down to the kitchen for more food.

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