Stranger Times

By Arveliot

7.9K 760 401

A growing collection of short stories entered in various Wattpad short story contests. -Winner of the SciFi... More

Pick Your Poison
A Long Way Home
Thirteen Parsecs to Kessel: A Star Wars Story
Wind-up Heart
Last Portal Out (Smackdown Qualifier)
John Henry
Job Offer (Smackdown Entry 1.1)
Some Things You Don't Come Back From (Smackdown Entry 1.2)
Burn the Messenger
Doom Before Birth (Smackdown Entry 1.3)
The Old Lie (Smackdown Entry 2)
Why I Built This Pool (Smackdown Entry 3)
The Proxima Dilemma
Your Battlefield Solutions Provider (Smackdown Entry #4)
Rex (Smackdown Entry #5)
The Heart of Ajs An'hlj
To Be Remembered
Reflections From On High
Through Seas and Storms
Home & Hearth
All The Myths Are True
Quiet Night
Storms on Distant Horizons
Wrong Way Around
Mess in the Mess, a Star Wars Story
A Deed Too Far, A Star Wars Smackdown Story
The Burden of Balance
Small Galaxy
Carrying a Memory
This is not Tinder
Stranger Times


132 21 6
By Arveliot

In memory of Stephen Hawking

He dreamt of stardust; found zero and infinity in black-holes and the continuity of light and inertia and gravity.

Through a keyhole to the dark he saw the inceptive spark of every possibility. Birth to the heat death of eternity he delved into the mystery of the expanding cosmology. He saw what can't be seen, through the horizon to glean the answers to questions that have never before been asked.

Bound to a chair by a body unable to bear an insidious affliction, he lived the life of an explorer. His insights encompasses the circumference of the verse, and his achievements from a chair favourably compare with the luminaries of any age. Even his blunders were majestic, his mistaken black hole theories eclectic, quantifying the particulars of theories we haven't begun to appreciate the significance of!

For us to sit in relation to a mind that sees matter as information! He brought theories out of gestation, saw the universe as a hologram and wove together the divergent bands of quantum physics and relativity.

Look at your own works ye mighty and despair, at the wonders he did from a chair, a legacy that will shape humanity long after the pyramids return to dust. These are deeds worth celebrating, a rebuttal to eugenics and a career you should aspire to be emulating is a legacy the envy of pharaohs in their tombs.

He has passed that last event horizon, left us in his wake, but we won't see the light the same way as we watch daybreak. We know more, wonder more, see more, and are more than we were, and that is a legacy worth remembering.

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