Schizophrenia ⇢ Min Yoongi

By peachysuga

17.9K 774 241

schiz·o·phre·ni·a ˌskitsəˈfrēnēə,ˌskitsəˈfrenēə/ noun A story in which mentally ill boy falls in love wit... More

Meet Yoongi.
let's breathe.


601 31 11
By peachysuga

Yoongi soothed Rhiannon the same way she would to him, stroking her hair and whispering to her in a hushed tone.

He convinced her to get her mind off the situation and keep working hard around the hospital to push through the day.

"I'll make you cinnamon rolls if I can hear that vivacious laugh of yours soon Rhi," he cooed.

She couldn't resist grinning back at his charming comment.

Yoongi's advice worked effectively, and the diligent nurse got through the day productively.

When her shift ended, she couldn't help but think about her parents. She needed to talk to them, tell them the truth, and introduce them to Yoongi.

Rhiannon started overthinking the possible outcomes of getting everything off her chest.

What if they don't believe me?

What if they only see Yoongi for his illness?

"You know what? No. If they can't accept me or Yoongi for who we are, then they don't need to be in our life."  She spoke to herself.

She refused to let anyone get in the way of what made her feel happiness and love. That was not going to be taken away from her again.

Rhiannon was allowed to take Yoongi home for weekends, so he drove her home through the heavy deluge.

She stared out the window, examining the raindrops dance on the window, and indulging in the light sounds of Yoongi's music through the speakers.

"How are you feeling babe? You seem troubled."

he placed a warm hand on her knee and looked over at her occasionally, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Let's go see my parents," she spoke without hesitation.

"Are you sure? You seemed frustrated with them this morning."

She held onto his hand and let her head fall against the back of the seat.

"They deserve to know how much you mean to me."

He kissed her forehead and followed the directions to the apartment her parents had booked for the week.


He walked over to her door and opened it for her, latching their arms together like the prince he was.

When they reached the room, Rhiannon took a deep breath an knocked strongly on the door. After a few seconds, it swung open to the concerned face of her mom, which quickly turned into a bright smile towards them.

"Hey sweetie! Who might this gentlemen be?" She grinned at him, causing Yoongi's heart to not beat as hard as before.

"Momma, this is Yoongi. My.. boyfriend."

man did it feel nice to say it out loud.

Her Mom was a bit taken aback, "My baby finally got herself a man and didn't tell her mom?"

Yoongi giggled. He was her man. How lovely to think of it that way.

She invited them inside, and they plopped down on the couch. Yoongi wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close to him, a silent way of showing her that he was there for her while she had to explain everything to her mother.

"I ran away from home because he made me fear for my own life. I felt like a nobody. I didn't know how to get help. You guys liked him so much, I knew you would be disappointed in me. I was trapped in his hell,"

she spoke with much emotion, almost as much as Yoongi does when  he raps.

"Oh no Rhiannon. Why didn't you tell me sooner? I'm supposed to always be there for you, thats my job as your mom. Nobody should ever treat you that way. Ever."

Tears began to well up in their eyes they embraced each other, apologizing for the wrongs they both were responsible for.  Yoongi felt envious of her family being brought together after such hardship, he wished to be a part of it.

The air began to clean once more, and Rhiannon gushed to her Mom about Yoongi as if he wasn't right next to her. His cheeks flushed and his gummy smile appeared, feeling her affection through her words.

Suddenly, they heard a knock at the door.

"Once second honey,"

her mom interrupted, she was put in such a great mood to reconnect with her daughter once more. She opened the door, expecting to see her husband.

She gasped. Rhiannon's neck snapped in the direction of the noise, her breath catching in her throat.

"Why is he here?" Yoongi's voice depend as his eyes turned dark.

Rhiannon and Yoongi stood up from the couch at the same time.

"Get out of here before I beat your ass." Yoongi spoke, fury seeping out of his breath.

Her ex seemed a little startled from Yoongi's tone, which amused her. His anger and protectiveness was extremely attractive to her. She had never seen his side of him.

Rhiannon's Mom stood between them, shocked.

"I came here to see my girl. It's been a while baby" he winked.

Rhiannon felt sick to her stomach. How could he even live with himself after all the games he played with her?

"Mom, go to the kitchen. We'll work this out."

She tried to say convincingly. Yoongi waited for her to leave the room until he burst.

"I'm sorry to break it to you asshole, but you must be mistaken,"

He said it so calmly that it gave you shivers.

His arm wrapped around her waist tightly. "Right babygirl?"


Damn. He's got my ass whipped.

You could tell the nickname pissed your ex him off. He never would've called you that.

"Don't you miss me?"

Yoongi couldn't hold back any longer. He lunged at him, throwing a fist.

Rhiannon screamed and held him back, but his fist still made rough contact to the man's cheek. Yoongi pushed him out the door frame and Rhiannon slammed it shut.

Yoongi exhaled deeply, and pushed her against the door gently. He kissed her with a passion, and she'd never felt more underneath his spell.

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