Our Reality ♡ Monika x Reader

By bunnykyoko

34.5K 701 1.8K

[A continuation of the final chapter of my 'Their Salvation' book.] ! warning i wrote this when i was like 12... More

prologue: saving monika
bonus: natsuki and yuri cook a meal!
new book!!


2.8K 62 166
By bunnykyoko

Sorry this chapter was a little late; my laptop's keyboard keeps killing itself and I have to work on it at school, but my teachers yell at me. Forget my sob story. As usual, enjoy!

This morning was similar to the previous ones, with me rolling over to check the clock at a delicious smell obviously produced by Monika's amazing cooking skills. It had been a few days since the incident, and everything seemed to have blown over: Monika even gave Hana that three-page apology letter and food she'd been talking about.

Monika said to me that she'd been joking when I'd spun around a few days ago to demand what she'd just said after she said something that sent chills down my spine: "But one more deletion would be a marvelous way to retire." I said I believed her, but it was still a little suspicious, especially at how quickly she spoken. But I'd brushed these disloyal thoughts aside, guilty for not believing Monika. She might've not had the best track record, but she had to have been honest when she said she wouldn't try anything awful like that again, especially since she'd been on her best behavior the past few days. Right?

Shaking the doubts out of my head, I slid out of my bed and downstairs, shuffling sleepily towards the unbelievably wonderful aroma. When I got to the kitchen, a now-familiar scene greeted me: Monika humming some of the compositions played in DDLC! while cheerfully preparing a meal. My stomach rumbled as my nose detected the scent and I thought back to last night's supper: [second favorite food, vegetarian-ified it it includes meat]. My mouth watered at the very thought, especially since I was so hungry.

"Hey, Monika," I yawned, sitting at the table.

"Hello, dearest!" she sang out, turning to set my plate on the table along with a perfectly-folded napkin with utensils tucked snugly inside. "Breakfast is almost ready!"

I'd given up complaining about her cooking for me and me feeling bad about how grateful my taste buds had become: it was clear Monika didn't care I felt bad and wanted to do something sweet that - in her words - "a good girlfriend would do". While I didn't necessarily believe that you had to cook for your significant other to be a good girlfriend, my taste buds shut me up with every tantalizing bite.

Monika slid two waffles topped with a mountain of whipped cream and chopped up bits of [favorite fruit] as garnish. On the side were two fried eggs, salted and peppered to maximum deliciousness. I inhaled deeply.

Monika turned off the stove and slid next to me, giggling at the way I wolfed food down. "You're so eager to try my cooking; it makes me happy you like your breakfast."

"Like?" I asked incredulously between bites. "I love this." I stuffed my face with waffle-y goodness, closing my eyes and savoring the light sweetness of the whipped cream combined with the heavy flavor of the waffles - the best taste was that of [favorite fruit], which blended in harmony with the waffles and whipped cream, resulting in taste bud heaven.

Monika giggled as I shoveled food into my mouth, taking her own delicate bites with as much poise and grace as usual. "I'm glad you like it, darling - expect meals like this for the rest of your life."

I paused in between bites to turn to her. "The rest of my life?" Was Monika implying that she wanted. . .

"Marriage?" Monika asked, her jade eyes twinkling. "I know it's a little forward, but I figured there's no one else in your romantic life as prominent as me."

I shrugged, swallowing. I supposed she was right, as no one had really wanted to marry or even romantically acknowledge me before she did.

Monika's eyes narrowed, sparkling ceasing. "There isn't anyone as prominent as me, right, Y/N?"

I nodded frantically. I didn't want her to go on a deleting rampage like she had in the game. "Of course not. I was completely alone before you showed up."

The joy returned to her eyes, and Monika smiled. "Good."

Relieved at the time, I continued eating, unaware of the sinister plotting hidden beneath the light in Monika's eyes.


I slid my backpack across my shoulders, almost falling over with the amount of homework shoved into every possible nook and cranny of my bag. Trying my best to keep on balance, I met Monika at the door and she grabbed my hand, leading me out as I tucked the house key into my pocket.

A new normal had formed over the week since Monika's initial arrival, and people no longer gave either of us strange looks as we walked to school together, and a few of the constants on my route to school even waved.

Monika, ever polite, waved back, flashing her bright smile and causing what had to be the largest epidemic of practical heart failure my town had ever experienced.

Today, though, something odd was in the air. Monika was silent, not even humming to herself as her eyes swam with deep thought I'd later realize was plotting. The something off about the atmosphere and Monika's silent demeanor reminded me of what Yuri had said before Sayori killed herself - what was it?

Jokingly, I turned to Monika, and said, "Stagnating air is common foreshadowing that something terrible is about to happen."

Monika started, turning to look at me with shock penetrating the concentration in her grassy eyes. "W-what?" She laughed nervously. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Suspicious. How had a simple crack at reminiscent humor somehow morphed into Monika panicking and stuttering? What was she hiding?

Covering the distrust in my eyes with false brightness, I replied, "Never mind! Just a joke."

Obviously relieved but still spooked, Monika narrowed her eyes at my forced cheeriness. "Alright, sorry for freaking out," she said carefully.

The rest of the way to school there was a tensity lying between us that even the sharpest knife could barely make a dent in. Reeling from the strange nervousness radiating from Monika and our weird conversation, I let my hand fall loose against hers, and eventually she let go, too focused to notice.

We split up at the entrance, Monika flashing her smile, still genuine, and telling me in a sweet voice that she had to use the ladies' room.

I nodded, shamefully eager to leave behind the awkward atmosphere we were unintentionally - at least on my part - sharing.

Making my way to the my locker and then to class, I met many friends along the way, the Monika incident shoved to the farthest crevices of my mind, and allowing myself to stop my temporary monitoring of her weird behavior. Later, I'd realized this was my greatest mistake that day.


During our lunch break and hours of not seeing Hana or any of my other friends all day, I was glad to see Monika socializing with them, a wide smile on her face. Their backs were turned to my face, and they were nodding along with whatever Monika was telling them, posture rigid.

Happy to see her being friendly with those she'd been so hostile to before, I waved at her. She grinned back, flashing me a pearly, weirdly satisfied smile.

I went to sit down to eat and finish some homework, happy to have my friends and - dare I admit it? - girlfriend preoccupied with friendly conversation. Strangely, though, none of my friends spoke to me the rest of the day.


After school, I met up with Monika at the entrance of the school, all traces of oddity and other stagnation evaporated. Monika was visibly relaxed and excited to see me.

"Why are you so happy?" I asked, playfully linking my arm through hers.

"It's been the most wonderful day, Y/N," she sighed with content. "Sorry I was so tense earlier; I had something I needed to do and it was stressing me out."

"And this mystery task was?" I inquired, tugging her along.

"Nothing important now that it's complete and finished so well!" she beamed. "If you've finished your homework, why don't we take a walk to one of those restaurants you've been raving about and get dinner there?"

"What happened to being delighted to cook for me?" I teased. "And here I thought you were the best girlfriend in the world."

"Many things have changed today, darling," Monika said, eyes gleaming. "Many, many things."


After a dinner at a buffet, we walked home in the dark, faces illuminated by stars. I looked to Monika, who was staring with greedy eyes at the sky, awe evident on her pretty face. "I've never seen stars like this before," she said softly.

"Really?" I asked, surprised. "You never had stars in the game?"

"Oh, yes, of course we did," Monika responded, waving her hand dismissively. "But they were basically Stock photos, something the creator simply copy-and-pasted onto the 'sky'."

"To be honest, the sky isn't as beautiful as it could be," I admitted. "We're pretty close to the city, and pollution's ruined a lot of what you could've seen about a century or so ago."

"I'm grateful for what I can see, though, and that I can see it with you," Monika squeezed my hand, smiling sweetly.

My face reddened. Did she always have to be so honestly sappy? "Yeah," I murmured. "Thank you."

In this moment, all of my suspicions were forgotten, and I realized that a part of me might be falling in love with Monika.

Sorry this is short, but I hope you enjoyed it a little nonetheless!

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