Forgotten // L. Coly

By QveenCammy

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It's been two years that Kalani has been waiting on Lucas. It's been two years since Lucas left. It's been t... More

Two Years Ago
21 : Short-ish Chapter
Last Chapter!
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By QveenCammy


Kalani |10:45 pm

It was a rainy and cold night. I wasn't going anywhere and nobody was coming here. I still wasn't speaking to Trinity and Lucas, well, you know.

So, I am lying in bed watching the new Jigsaw and eating a pizza.

I paused the movie as I thought I heard a knock on my door. I listened and heard another one. I got up and grabbed the knife that was in my bedside drawer and slowly crept downstairs. I looked out my peephole and froze up.

What is he doing here? I told him that I couldn't see him anymore, so why is he here?

I put the knife on the kitchen counter and opened the door just when he was about to walk off.

Me: Lucas, what're you doing here?

He looked at me and sighed.

Lucas: Amber put me out, ian have nowhere else ta go.

He was soaking wet from standing on my uncovered doorstep.

It was hard to even think about saying no.

Me: Come in.

He nodded and came inside the house rubbing his hands together in a way to warm them up.

Me: Clothes off.

Lucas: What?

Me: I hope you aint think you was gonna come in here and wet up my floors and furniture.

Lucas: Yea' you right.

He began to take off his clothes and my eyes couldn't help their selves as they watched his biceps.

Lucas: Can you be any more obvious?

I looked at his face which had a smirk on it.

Me: Shut up.

I grabbed his wet clothes and took them down the hall to the half bath that also had the washer and dryer in it. I put them in the washer and grabbed the box from above. I turned around and saw him standing there in just his boxers.

Lucas: What's that?

Me: All the clothes I took from you two years ago. You look the same size so, maybe something in here will fit you.

I shoved the box into his chest and headed out to the kitchen. I grabbed a cup from the cupboard and poured some Kool-Aid into the cup. Lucas soon came out in some sweatpants and no shirt with some socks.

Me: What couldn't find a shirt?

Lucas: Nah, I found multiple, I just ain' wanna put one on.

I rolled my eyes and slid the cup over to him. He sat at the island and thanked me.

Me: So, what happened?

Lucas: She went through my bank shit and found out that I spent nearly two thousand dollars on you.

That was nearly two thousand dollars that was spent on me?

Me: Well, when you say it aloud, it does sound terrible.

Lucas: Yea' but she shoulda neva went through my shit. That's my money, not hers.

Me: True, but I mean her boyfriend is doing things with another female and not just any other female, his ex-girlfriend at that.

Lucas: Yea' you make sense.

I smiled and flipped my hair.

Me: Well yanno how I am.

He chuckled.

Lucas: Shut up.

Me: So, what are you gonna do about it?

Lucas: Bout what? Her going through my shit?

Me: I mean yeah.

Lucas: Iono yet. Is it coo if I stay here ova night? I know Amber aint gone let me back in tonight.

Me: Yeah, that's fine. You can take the guest bedroom.

Lucas: Aigh' coo.

He slid me back the empty glass and I put it in the sink.

Me: Are you hungry?

Lucas: Nah, I'm good but thanks.

I nodded.

Me: So not that I don't want you here or anything but why did you choose here instead of a hotel?

Lucas: I left my wallet by mistake and I knew dat I would always be welcome. Anytime, anywhere and anyplace.

I faintly hid a smile as he retold me what I promised him when we first got together and he needed a place to stay for the night.

Me: I'm surprised you remembered that.

Lucas: You would be surprised by how much shit I rememba you sayin'.

I laughed and sat on the counter.

Lucas: I also remember us fucking on tha counter.

I laughed as I remembered that.

Me: Yea. I had a concussion from how many times I banged my head on the door.

He chuckled.

Lucas: Aye, you wanted it. I just gave it to you.

Me: My hormones were so fucked that day. I was horny all day.

Lucas: Yea' you were. You even wanted me to fuck you ou'side..

Me: And I am not a public fucker.

Lucas: Except tha time, we fucked in the hospital parkin garage's elevator.

Me: And the store.

Lucas: And tha mall.

We laughed as we reminisced on the old times. I was beginning to get sleepy.

Lucas: Sleepy?

I nodded.

Lucas: Go to sleep.

Me: Then you'd be up alone.

Lucas: Imma big boy. I can handle mines.

I smiled and nodded.

Me: I know.

I jumped down.

Me: If you come up the steps, my room is the second door on the left and yours is the last on the right.

Lucas: Aigh'. Goodnight.

Me: Nitey nite.

I headed upstairs and went into my room. I cut everything off and climbed inside of my bed.

2:00 am

I quickly got out of bed to go pee.

After doing my business, I washed my hands and walked out. I looked at the alarm clock on my bedside table to see that it was 2:01.

I quietly went out my room and headed down the hall to Lucas's. I opened the door to see the tv on and him laying in bed flickering through the channels.

Me: You aren't sleepy?

Lucas: Na, not really. You?

Me: Went to sleep, woke back up.

He nodded and continued to flick through them damn channels.

Me: What exactly are you looking for?

He shrugged.

Lucas: Sumn good.

Me: Nothing is ever on in the middle of the night. C'mon.

Lucas: Where we goin'?

Me: To my room where showbox is.

He just looked at me as I walked off. I went back into my room and cut on one of my bedside lamps instead of the bright ass overlight. I climbed back into my queen-sized bed as Lucas came into my room.

Me: Close the door behind you.

He did as told and stood there which made me laugh.

Me: Why are you acting shy?

Lucas: Whatchu talkin' bout? Ion act shy.

Me: You're doing it right now. I know it's been two years since you been inside a bedroom with me, but it's not like we're fucking.

Lucas: Facts.

He got in the bed with me and I cut on my 55' Roku Tv.

Me: So, what are we going to watch?

Lucas: You seen Headgame?

Me: No. What is it?

Lucas: It's a good movie.

Me: No fool, I meant what is it about?

Lucas: You gotta wait and see.

After connecting my phone to my tv, the intro of the movie was playing and I cut off the bedside lamp.

Me: So, you can't give me a short summary?

He chuckled.

Lucas: So damn antsy. Here's wha' I'll give you; it's scary-ish, the people gotta kill, it's a deadly game and they have camera's screwed into they foreheads. Is that enough?

Me: I guess.

He chuckled and laid back against my headboard while I laid on my pillow and watched the mounted tv.

About fifteen minutes into the movie, I wasn't even paying any attention. I was thinking about Lucas whose eyes were glued to the tv.

I wonder if he still loves me. I mean if he didn't he wouldn't have done all of those things, right?

See! That is the exact reason why after I was finally over him leaving and not getting any phone calls, texts and et cetera, I was okay with not seeing him again! I didn't want to get attached again. I hate this feeling I'm getting around him because I know it's all of my feelings coming back and I kinda don't want them to return, knowing I am just going to get hurt again when he has to leave again.

My thoughts came to an end as the movie got paused and Lucas was trying to get my attention.

Me: What?

Lucas: I said what's on yo mind.

Me: What makes you think there is something on my mind?

Lucas: Cause I know you. Er'y time when you thinkin', yo right eye squints just a lil. A very lil.

Me: You still notice that?

Lucas: I notice er'thang bout you.

Me: Oh yeah? Like what.

Lucas: Aigh'. Yo eyes got a lil lighter. Yo hair got longa. You gained a few pounds, but still look good. That ass got a bit bigger. Yo accent is sorta leaving. You zone out way more. Yo breast got a bit bigger. You grew maybe an inch, still short tho'. You not a braceface anymore. You still shy. You still a good girl. Oh and you finally grew into that fo'head.

I laughed as he thumped my forehead.

Me: I never had a forehead.

Lucas: Don't lie. Yo fo'head was huge as hell.

We laughed.

Lucas: Now, what's on yo mind.

Me: Nothing. I was just thinking.

Lucas: Bout?

I looked down and played with the hem of my shorts.

Me: If you still loved me or not.

Lucas: Don't look down babygirl. Look at me.

I hesitantly looked up at my ex-boyfriend.

Lucas: I do love you, Kalani.

Me: You do?

Lucas: Yea' otha wise I wouldn't have done all that shit. Spent nearly four hunnid at Disneyland on ya ass.

Me: Hey! I was hungry.

He chuckled.

Lucas: Your always hungry.

I shrugged with a grin making him chuckle.

The next few minutes were like they were out of a movie, I swear.

We were just staring at each other. I slowly climbed ontop of him so I was straddling him. My mind told me no, but my heart said yes and daddy always said to listen to your heart, not your mind.

I leaned down close to his mouth where I could smell his minty breath. I felt his cold hands slid up the back of my shirt and rest on my lower back. I was surprised when he closed the gap between our lips, but I liked it so.

His lips were soft, which was expected by how much he licks them.

Our lips moved in perfect sync. I pulled back biting his lip.

Lucas: Lip biter.

Me: You like it.

He chuckled before going down to my neck, knowing that's my weakest spot, well besides my nipples.

He began to kiss and bit on my neck, which made me release soft moans. I let my fingers roam through his curly hair. His right hand slid to the front of my body and cupped my left breast and since I don't sleep with a bra on, he cupped my bare tit.

He kissed down my neck and pulled off my tank top.

Me: We should probably stop- fuck.

He planted kisses around my nipple before taking it into his mouth and biting on it. I arched my back a bit as he sucked on it. He switched nipples and his left hand slid around my body and slid down between my legs and gently began to rub me outside of my shorts.

Me: We should stop now.

Saying one sentence was so hard because one, I didn't want to stop and two, it's sorta hard to speak when your body is getting pleasured.

He pulled back from my nipple but continued to rub my slit.

Lucas: Say it.

He slid my shorts over and began to rub my bare slit.

What? I don't sleep in panties either.

I put my face in his neck.

Lucas: Tell me you want ta stop. Tell me you'on want ta do dis and I'll stop.

I didn't want to stop but this is wrong. We shouldn't be doing this.

Well, he said to tell him I don't want to this this, I want to do this.

I began to suck on his neck but moaned as he slid in a finger.

Me: Fuck Lucas.

Lucas: You want ta stop?

Me: Shit. No. I don't want to stop.

He slid out and pulled me back.

Lucas: Open.

I did as told and he slid his finger in my mouth. I sucked my juices off and he pulled out. He flipped us over and held himself up.

Lucas: You sure you want this?

Me: Yeah.

He pecked my lips.

Lucas: Aigh'.

He kissed and sucked down my body until he got to my shorts. He slid them off and spread my legs.

Lucas: You'on neva wear panties.

Me: I do when I go places but pussies need to breathe too.

He chuckled before kissing my pearl.

Me: Mm.

He licked my slit and sucked my clit into his mouth which made me arch my back. I leaned up on my elbows and looked down at him as he sucked the soul out of me. He let go of my clit and began to flick it multiple times with his tongue. I leaned my head back and cupped my left breast.

I felt him slid a finger in me and begin to thrust it in and out as he continued to flick my clit.

I was a moaning wreck.

Me: Fuck Lucas.

My body began twitching and shaking.

Lucas: Hol'it.

I looked back at him.

Me: I can't.

Lucas: What I say?

Me: Fuck.

I tried to hold my orgasm as he made it very hard to.

Lucas: You wanna cum?

I nodded while breathing heavy and toying with my nipple.

Lucas: Cum den.

I released it and felt him come to a stop.

Lucas: Afta two years and yo pussy still tastes good.

Me: I would hope so.

He got up and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

I watched as he got ready to take off his sweatpants.

Me: No.

Lucas: No what?

I got up and crawled over to where he was. I grabbed the hem of his sweatpants and slid them down with his boxers following.

One thing about Lucas, was he was blessed. His dick was huge as hell. He was more than eight inches. When we first fucked, it took me a while to get used to his size. I mean months and we fucked a lot. I could never get his entire size down my throat either, and I don't have a gag reflex.

I looked up at him as I took his dick in my hand and slid my hand up and down it first. I sucked the head before kissing down his length. I licked the bottom and I came back up. I took him into my mouth while making sure my teeth don't scrape him...again.

When I first sucked his dick, I had no clue what the hell I was doing. I didn't know nothing about teeth or anything. Lucas was the first dick I ever fucked, and the only dick I ever sucked. When I first sucked it, my teeth scraped the fuck out of his dick. It sorta left a small little cut. It didn't bleed or nothing but yanno. So, he said if I wanted to suck his dick, I would have to learn, and I did cause some days I wouldn't want to fuck so I would just suck his dick or something.

Anyways, I was sucking his dick while he was grunting, which made me inwardly smirk cause I knew I was doing it right.

I began to fondle with his balls as well. He began to move his hips and face fuck me. He went faster, which let me know he was about to come, and soon after, there were loads of sperm shooting down my throat. He pulled out and pulled me up.

Lucas: Face down, ass up.

That was our favorite position for some reason. I mean we liked riding and missionary too along with some other positions, but face down, ass up, was just...ugh. So much pleasure came out of it.

I got into the position and felt a smack to my ass making me moan.

I am a kinky girl. I like that rough shit. Like smack my ass daddy. Pull my hair. Make me scream. Choke me. Bite me. Pin me down. Talk dirty to me.

He rubbed the tip of his dick in my juices before sliding in, making me moan again.

Since I haven't had dick in two years, that felt oh so good.

He began to move his hips and thrust in me.

Me: Uhh, shit Lucas.

He grabbed my hair and pulled it, making my head come up.

Lucas: Tell me how it feels.

He went even harder. You could hear my juices as his dick slid in and out of me. The pleasure was a bit too good as I began to run from his dick.

Lucas: Two years and you still runnin' from tha dick.

Me: Fuck. It feels so good.

He grabbed my hips and slammed back into me even harder.

Lucas: What's my name.

Me: Fuck. I-I'm not calling you th-that. She pr-probably calls you th-that.

Lucas: She aint into this kinky shit. She don't call me that now what's my name baby.

Me: Uh fuck. Daddy!

I moaned as I came. I thought I felt his load shoot into me, but I wasn't sure and I wasn't worried about it at the time. He stopped and pulled out.

Lucas: Ride daddy's dick.

He sat on the edge of the bed and I crawled over to him. I climbed on top and slid down on his thick dick, while moaning.

I settled my hands on his shoulders for support. I began to rock back and forth on it before I began to actually bounce on it. His hands went to my ass and cupped my cheeks.

I moaned as he reached one hand around and began to roughly rub my clit.

Lucas: You like dis shit?

Me: Uhh fuck, yes.

Lucas: Yes wha?

Me: Yes daddy.

He met my thrusts roughly as well and I could feel my orgasm coming up, apparently, he did too. He began to suck and bite on my collar bone. I moaned louder as I came on his dick.

We stopped and sat there a minute to catch our breath.

Lucas: I lowkey missed dis.

Me: What? Fucking me?

Lucas: Yea' and jus bein' round ya.

Me: How when you forgot about me?

Lucas: When I saw you again, er'thang jus came back ta' me. Er'y feelin' er'y thought.

Me: Really? Why you never tell me that?

He shrugged and leaned back on his elbows, I continued to sit on his lap with his dick still inside of me.

Lucas: Iono.

It went quiet between us for a good second.

Lucas: Honestly, I thought you moved on by now.

Me: Why?

Lucas: No girl would eva' wait on a nigga. 'Specially one like me, so yea' I thought you woulda moved on by now.

Me: You know if I promise something, I will try my hardest to fulfill it.

Lucas: Yea' I know.

Me: Then you shoulda known I would wait for you.

Lucas: Yea' I know but-

He flipped us over making me laugh. We were now in missionary with him hovering about me.

Lucas: I coulda sworn I heard attitude in ya voice.

Me: N-

I cut myself off with a whimper as he slid back out then back in.

Lucas: Did ya have an attitude wit' me?

Me: Fuck daddy.

I began to scratch his back as he slammed himself into me over and over.

Me: Uhh daddy, your dick feels so good in my pussy.

He wrapped his hand around my throat.

Lucas: I said did ya have an attitude wit' me?

Me: No daddy. I didn't!

His balls were now slamming against me.

Lucas: You didn't?

Me: No daddy.

Lucas: Look at me.

I opened my eyes and looked at him to see him staring at me already. His thrusts became a bit slower but he continued to fuck me hard.

Lucas: Move ya hands.

I did as said and he pinned them above my head. One hand held my hands about my hand and the other stayed wrapped around my throat.

Lucas: Whose pussy is dis?

Me: It's yours.

Lucas: Did you eva give it away?

Me: No daddy.

Lucas: Cum for daddy, baby.

I shook hard as I came on his dick.

He laid on top of me with his dick still in me. I felt light kisses to my neck.

A few minutes later he sat up and I lazily watched as he watched himself pull out of my dripping pussy. He mumbled "fuck" and looked at me.

Me: What?

Lucas: I ain' use a condom.

I'm sorry, he didn't use a what?

Me: You-why- well did you come in me?

Lucas: Uh yea'. I think two times.

Me: Fuck.

Lucas: Are you on the pill or anything?

Me: No. I wasn't sexually active so there was no reason for me to be on birth control. But I don't think I'm ovulating right now or fertile. So maybe it should be okay.

Lucas: Are you sure?

Me: No but it's already inside me so we just gotta hope for the best.

He nodded and got off of me. I got up and headed into my bathroom.

-  -  -  -

Chapter 23.

Well how was the scene?

Is Kalani gonna get pregnant?

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