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* Okay so, I have no idea how they do things at a spa, cause like I've never been, so I'm using my imagination. Therefore, if you know how things work at a spa, and you know it's completely different, THEN DONT SAY NOTHING!

Amber | Hotel

Last night Lucas came in kind of late which kind of had me worrying that he did something stupid with Kalani, but then again, I know Lucas

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Last night Lucas came in kind of late which kind of had me worrying that he did something stupid with Kalani, but then again, I know Lucas. He always tells me how lucky he is and how he'd never leave me. So, if he's saying this and I'm believing it, why would he mess this up. He has something good, someone amazing, I doubt he'd mess it up with another girl, no matter who she is.

Today the girls and I were going to the spa around the corner and the boys were doing God knows what.

I quickly opened the door coming face to face with Eva and Olivia. I let them in.

Eva: Are you ready?

Olivia: Today better be drama free.

Lucas: Ain' er'day drama free fa' yall?

I looked back at my boyfriend who was sitting on the bed with his eyes focused on his phone.

Me: Psh, you would think babe.

Lucas: Yea' I guess I would. How long yall gonna be gone?

We shrugged.

Oliva: After the spa, we might go out to eat.

Me: Considering the fact that Eva is always hungry, we more than likely will be.

Eva: Hey! It's not my fault that I like to eat.

We laughed at her.

Me: Okay babe, we are leaving now.

Lucas: Aigh'.

I pecked his lips multiple times before we left out. We got on the elevator.

Olivia: So, what's the tea yall?

I laughed with Eva.

Eva: Didn't you just say you want today to be drama free?

Olivia: Yeah but I meant no hoes better try us or I'm fucking them up.

We got off the elevator and I saw Eva shake her head out the corner of my eye. We walked out the hotel after thanking the doorman and headed to the convertible Mustang GT that was parked a few feet down from the hotel.

Earlier Eva had texted Olivia and I in a group chat and said Dillyn asked if we wanted a rental or to take Uber. We said we were fine with Uber but he got us a rental anyways, and that is how we ended up with the Mustang. Eva was driving, I had shotgun and Olivia was in the back with our bags.

Olivia: So, anymore ex drama?

Me: I wouldn't really say there was drama with her in the first place.

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