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AUTHORS NOTE : This is a rushed chapter, so yep.

Kalani | Bathroom

Kalani | Bathroom

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I stood there looking at the tests for I don't know how long

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I stood there looking at the tests for I don't know how long. I just know that Trinity came into the bathroom to see what the holdup was she saw the results she instantly brought me into her arms.

Me: Wh-What am I going to do?

She didn't say anything. She just rubbed my back as I cried onto her shoulder.

I'm starting to think that I'm always crying now, but I have reason to be right now.

She led me back into the room and asked Bali to give us a moment who said she'll be downstairs. I sat on the bed and just looked down at the floor with warm tears steadily coming down my face.

Trinity: You're going to have to tell him sooner or later.

Me: Didn't he already leave? They were only supposed to be here for two or three weeks.

Trinity: Yeah but they wanted to extend their vacation. They leave in three days, well that's when Bali is leaving.

I nodded.

Me: So, I have three days to decide whether to tell him or not.

Trinity: No, you have three days to tell him. He helped make this baby, he's going to know one way or another.

Me: How do I know that he's going to help take care of it?

Trinity: Seriously? Listen to yourself. Lucas loves you! He will do anything for you so he'll do anything for that baby and if he doesn't, I will kick his ass and help raise this baby with you.

I looked up at her as I wiped my face.

Me: I don't know what I'd do with you, Trinity. I really don't.

Trinity: And you won't ever have to find out because I'm always going to be here. Whether you want me to or not. You can never get rid of me.

Me: I'd never even dream of it.

I pulled her into a hug and just laid on her shoulder thinking.

A few moments later, we pulled back.

Trinity: I have to go now but I'll stop by tonight alone, okay?

I nodded.

Me: Okay. I'll be here.

She kissed my forehead before leaving out. I shortly heard the door close after the alarm system was rearmed.

I sighed and threw myself back onto my bed.

What about my school? I doubt I can be a pregnant dancer.

I looked at my calendar on the wall and saw that I had practice today. I got up and got into the shower.

I was soon dressed in my tan tights, my leotard and had my hair in a doughnut bun. I slipped on jeans and a hoodie on top of my "clothes" and grabbed my dance bag that had a spare change of clothes in it. I then grabbed my keys and phone before tossing my wallet inside of my dance bag. I then unarmed the house then rearmed it before leaving so it could know I was leaving. I got in the car and pulled off.

I took in a deep breath as I walked into my dance teacher's classroom where some of the other dancers were.

I saw my teacher behind her desk and decided that I needed to speak to her now about my "problem". I sat my bag down and went over to her desk.

Me: Mrs. Greene?

She looked up from her computer and gave me a bright smile.

Mrs. Greene: Kalani, yes?

Me: Can I speak to you out in the hall?

Mrs. Greene: Sure.

I followed her out into the hall and took in a deep breath as I folded my hands over my stomach.

Me: Um two weeks ago, I made the decision to be...intimate with someone.

I had to find the right word for that.

Me: And it turns out that he didn't use a condom and I didn't take any pills or am on birth control.

I glanced up at her face and I could see the wheels turning in her head.

Me: I just found out today that I'm pregnant.

Her eyes widened before she slowly nodded.

Mrs. Greene: Okay um, first congrats and I wish you the best of luck in your pregnancy.

I nodded and looked up at my dirty blond-haired dance teacher.

Mrs. Greene: Are you wondering if you can still be a dancer?

I slowly nodded.

Mrs. Greene: Let me ask you something, have you ever heard of Mary Helen Bowers?

I shook my head no.

Mrs. Greene: She's a ballerina and she was an 9-month pregnant ballerina four years ago.

I was slowly beginning to feel hope that I could still be a dancer.

Mrs. Greene: Mary created a prenatal workout for women who also want to stay active and celebrate their femininity. Is she can do that, I don't see why you can't continue to dance.

I was so excited.

Mrs. Greene: Mary also admits those dancing routines helped her to prevent a lot of pregnancy aches and to embrace her changing body.

I nodded.

Me: So, I can still dance?

Mrs. Greene: I don't see why not. You will of course have to talk it over with your professors and Dean Bland but I am fine with keeping you in my class and keeping an eye on you. Being a dancer and pregnant is hard, but I believe you can do it.

I smiled at her.

Me: Thanks. I honestly have no clue what I'm doing. My mother wasn't a very good mother to me, so I'm going off of my father's parenting which isn't bad but I believe a mother's way of mothering is very different than the fathers.

Mrs. Greene: That is because it is. As you know, I have four kids, so if you need any help during your pregnancy, please let me know and I will help out any way I can.

Me: That means a lot, thank you, Mrs. Greene.

Mrs. Greene: Of course. Class starts soon, better get to stretching.

Me: I will.

I gave her a final smile before heading back into the class and get ready for class.

- - -

Chapter 26

Short, I know...IM SORRY!

But how was it though?

Will she tell Lucas?

How will he react if she does tell him?

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