The Excalibur Chronicles: The...

Da hurdler10

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After an officer finds an unconscious boy dressed in medieval clothing and discovers he has no memories of wh... Altro

Prologue: 7th Century, Britain
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 10

56 2 0
Da hurdler10

My first impression of the interior of the castle: Huge. The maze of corridors seemed to be never ending, and eventually I lost count of how many doors we passed. We walked by a few servants, guards, and courtiers on the way that regarded us with shocked looks but said nothing. I guessed they knew Ben and Lancelot and trusted them enough not to ask any questions. Other than them, we saw no one.

Breathtaking tapestries lined the walls of the corridors with various designs etched into their gleaming coats. They mostly depicted scenes of knights marching into battle. In other corridors, banners hung from the high ceiling. All of them were a bright red and portrayed a golden lion arched on its hind legs, its mouth opened wide as if preparing to roar. If I remembered correctly, this was the Pendragon crest, marking the royalty of king Arthur's ancestors. I remembered vaguely Shortt describing it to us in class one day along with many other boring crests of medieval royal families.

After what seemed like an hour of walking, we turned a corner and stopped at the first doors on the right hand side which were apparently Alex's chambers. "Now go change into some decent clothes," Ben ordered, "We'll wait here until you're finished. Then we will continue on to the Great Hall."

Alex nodded and slipped into his room. I stood there a little awkwardly with my head down, until a sudden thought occurred to me and I looked up. "Wait, where does Merlin live―or I guess I live, exactly?"

"Here in the castle," Lancelot informed me, "Your chambers are actually right across from Arthur's." He pointed over to a set of doors on the other side of the corridor.

I frowned at him. "But why does Merlin live here? Doesn't he have family?"

The two of them exchanged looks and they shifted their feet uncomfortably. I could interpret that look immediately. Lancelot was staring at Ben imploringly, as if he wanted to beg, Please don't make me tell him...There was a long pause before Ben answered me. "Merlin...your village was destroyed in a fire almost a year ago. There were no survivors...except for you," he said. "I'm sorry."

"Why was Merlin the only survivor?"

"Merlin, it doesn't matter right now," Lancelot intervened quickly.

"Why was Merlin the only survivor?" I repeated.

Both Ben and Lancelot gazed at me uncertainly until Ben stepped forward and rested a hand on my shoulder. "Because...because you started the fire, yourself."

I stared at him. "I don't know about Merlin, but I would never do anything like that."

Ben shook his head vigorously, his eyes wide. "No, no! That isn't what I meant! It was an accident. You only used magic because you had to. Bandits had come to ransack your village and you tried to use magic to stop them...but you somehow triggered a fire, I don't know how. Then Arthur came and found you, and you've lived here ever since."

"You aren't to blame," added Lancelot gently.

A sudden cold feeling of despair worked its way up my spine. "Yes, I am," I said slowly. "If what you say is true, I as good as murdered my family." I suddenly realized I was talking about Merlin in the first person now which took me a little off guard. I didn't know why I was so upset. I didn't remember having a family or starting a fire. I didn't even believe I'd ever lived in Camelot, let alone be the one who caused the events they were describing. But for some reason what Ben told me triggered a pain inside that I'd never felt before. And also a surge of guilt.

Right then the doors swung open and Alex stepped out. He wore a white linen shirt, black trousers, high, polished leather boots, and a long scarlet cloak with the emblem of a lion stitched in golden thread where the breast pocket would have been. The cloak was hoodless and was held together by a shining blue brooch at the neck. He looked much more regal...much more like a king. He frowned immediately when he caught sight of our unhappy trio. He looked especially alarmed when he saw my face in particular. His eyes shot daggers at Ben and Lancelot. "What happened?" he demanded.

Ben hesitated and glanced at me, but I gave him a slight shake of the head. "Later," I grumbled.

Alex's gaze lingered on me for a moment in concern, but then he seemed to remember he was still angry with me and he quickly screwed up his face to look unfazed. "Fine. Lead the way."

Ben nodded. "First, Merlin, you should also stop by your chambers to change your shoes, at least. I've never seen shoes like that, and they might attract...attention."

I looked down at my blue Converse peeking out from under my cloak. "Oh. Good call." I opened the door that Ben indicated was mine. I stepped inside and casted my gaze around my chambers, but it was strange and unfamiliar to me. My chambers were small and simple, with a small oak wardrobe against the far wall, a tiny window above my bed, a wicker glass and a wash bin sitting upon a table at the bed's feet, and a wooden desk sitting opposite of the wardrobe.

I spotted a pair of weathered boots in the corner of the room so I made my way over to them. I removed my Converse and placed them underneath the bed to keep them hidden and then slipped on the boots. Well, you could defiantly tell these boots were made before the concept of arch support had been invented.

I walked back across the room, feeling a little off balance, then opened the door to exit my chambers. When I caught sight of Alex, Ben, and Lancelot waiting for me outside, I froze. I thought immediately of that myth about how your ear itches when someone's talking about you, because that's how I felt in that very moment. They were all looking at me quite strangely, like they'd just had a very serious conversation centering around me. I scratched my ear nervously.

Ben noticed my look of alarm and cleared his throat awkwardly. "The Great Hall is this way," he announced, placing a hand on Alex's shoulder and guiding him down the hall. Alex's gaze lingered on me for a moment before allowing Ben to steer him away.

"You look almost the same as before with your normal clothes on, Arthur," Ben told him to distract his attention from me. "I doubt the Royal Council will notice a difference. They're all old, half blind, and not very observant, with the exception of Peter, so I believe we will be safe at least in that aspect..." Then Ben's eyes fell on Alex's cheek. "That, however, will be more difficult to explain. What happened, anyway?"

"Dagger happy history teacher," Alex muttered.

"Ah..." Ben didn't ask for further elaboration.

As we walked, Ben and Lancelot told us about all the great times the four of us had before we disappeared, all the battles we had fought in, anything that they thought would help us remember our lives in Camelot. But none of the things they described sounded familiar and I knew it was the same case with Alex. After a while I stopped listening because I knew it was no use. Instead I studied Ben and Lancelot, trying to extract all the details I could that would suggest their personalities. The same as I had done with Alex the first day I met him.

I started with Ben because he was the easiest. Just by the way he talked, I could tell he was a pretty confident individual, similar to Alex. His eyes told me he was clever, but not as much as he was smart. There's a difference. Ben relied on facts where cleverness relies on instinct. And I think he knew this because even in the short time that I'd been around him, I noticed he would never pass up the opportunity to share the facts he knew to prove his knowledge. But underneath all that, I sensed kindness and tenderness within him that I suspected he preferred to hide behind his logical mind.

Lancelot was a bit harder, more complicated. With him, I sensed a wide range of emotions churning inside him. On the outside, he kept a steady head and radiated a certain gentleness that could be rarely found in anyone, and it was pure kindness, not just a mask. But his eyes told me a different story. They were always sad and held a slight hint of anger. I knew immediately there was a point in his life where he had endured much pain. Though, somehow he still managed to hold a kind heart. I sensed some pain in Ben too, but it was much more intense in Lancelot.

Overall, they seemed like trustworthy people.

My thoughts tore away from Ben and Lancelot when we halted in front of a pair of massive oak doors. Lancelot walked forward, knocked, and then swung them open. He strode inside, leading us to a large table in the middle of a large circular room.

Well, it wasn't called the Great Hall for nothing. It was definitely impressive. Delicate paintings covered the high ceiling and diamond chandeliers draped down like falling raindrops. The tapestries I saw out in the corridors and the banners bearing the Pendragon crest also covered the walls in this magnificent room. Velvet curtains decorated a large glass window looking out over the kingdom and two thrones sat on a large marble platform at the front of the hall, towering over the rest of the Great Hall.

I guessed this room was used for special occasions like balls or meetings with the king...or the Royal Council. The Royal Council happened to be the ones that occupied the table, as Ben whispered to me. They were a bunch of old men in dresses―I'm sorry, robes―all with long beards and stern ancient faces. There were about twelve of them around the rectangular table, all leaning in toward one another and talking in hushed tones. They stopped abruptly when Lancelot cleared his throat to get their attention.

The old man at the head of the table stood and glared at Lancelot under thick gray eyebrows. "How dare you interrupt this meeting, boy?" he rasped in a wheezy voice, "I have half a mind to―"

"Lord Elberny, we found him," Lancelot said icily. He stepped aside and indicated Alex, who stood there uncomfortably.

Elberny squinted his eyes at Alex and gestured for him to come forward. He looked a little confused at Alex's appearance, but he finally seemed to buy it and nodded. "May I ask where you have been the last two weeks, sire?" he inquired in a rather annoyed tone, like he couldn't quite believe that he had the audacity to show up alive.

Alex's forehead was beaded with sweat as he replied, "Well, I was, err―"

"He was pursuing the identity of the leader of the attackers," Ben stepped in.

"And did you discover him?"

Ben lowered his head. "Unfortunately, no."

Was it my imagination, or did Elberny actually look slightly pleased. I didn't know what my story was with this old man, but I instantly hated him. The way he talked to Alex, as if he was just an imbecile he could control, like a pawn or some unintelligent child. I kept Lancelot's warning in mind, but I still had half a mind to just walk up there and turn him into the ass that I knew he was. But I had a feeling that would not be the wisest thing to do in that moment.

As if he knew what I was thinking, Elberny's eyes flickered to me and he smiled a mirthless smile. "I see you found the little urchin, too."

I looked at him in mock surprise, and before I could stop myself I retorted, "I didn't realize you went missing too, my lord."

Lancelot stifled a snort while Ben's eyes widened. "Merlin!" he gasped.

Elberny only chuckled. "No, it's quite all right. Though, let me warn you, boy, I will not hesitate to throw you in the stocks if you show any more rudeness. I will be lenient this time only considering present circumstances."

I only glared at him in return. I felt foolish and a bit childish for rising to his bait, but I could have done worse. Much worse.

Elberny returned his gaze to Alex. "I suppose the important thing is that you have returned safely to Camelot," he continued dryly, "but I must insist you find the leader of these attacks quickly. They've become more frequent and with larger numbers, and to put it concisely, the people are scared. They are losing faith in you, Arthur, as are the Royal Council. If this ordeal is not solved soon, we may have to consider electing a new ruler, one with more experience and one who is not as young as you. I regret it has come to this, but we are losing options. If we ask a neighboring kingdom for assistance, they will know we are weak and surely attack. Your father's peace treaty with the other kingdoms died with him, so you must tread carefully with this matter or people might take advantage of your youth and ignorance. That is all I have to say to you." He slowly rose from his chair and motioned for the rest of the old men to follow his example. Then they began filing their way out the doors.

It seemed that most of the Royal Council, with the exception of Elberny, were intentionally avoiding Alex's gaze as they walked from the hall.

When they had gone, leaving Alex, Lancelot, Ben, and I alone, Alex began pacing back and forth. Finally, he stopped and faced Ben and Lancelot, his eyes flashing with anger. "What the hell have you gotten me into? I don't have a damn clue how to stop these attacks. And you failed to mention that I'm playing the role of a terrible king."

"You are not a terrible king―" Lancelot started to argue, but Alex ignored him.

"According to Elberny, the Royal Council hates king Arthur, the attackers obviously don't like him, and even his own people hate him!" he cried. "How can he possibly be a decent king?"

"That was only Elberny speaking," said Ben.

"Yes, and we all see now how pleasant of a man Elberny is," I added.

Ben turned on me all of the sudden. "Oh, yes, I haven't forgotten you, Merlin. I cannot believe you ignored Lancelot's warning! I'm surprised he didn't throw you in the stocks for your impertinence. When we told you he didn't like you, we meant it."

"I don't think he likes anyone," I muttered.

Lancelot half smiled. "I admit it was amusing, though."

Ben threw him a dirty look but couldn't help but smile a bit, too. I glanced over at Alex, but he was not smiling. Instead he was staring at me with an unfathomable expression that took me a little off-guard.

"I think I'll go to my chambers, now," he announced stiffly. "I have quite a bit to think about." There was a catch in his voice, and he turned away from us to hide his face. Then without giving us a backward glance, he marched out of the Great Hall.

I lowered my head in guilt once he'd left. "I wouldn't blame him if he didn't speak to me again," I said quietly. "I should have told him the truth."

Lancelot sighed. "Your brawls never last long. You're his closest friend, Merlin, so I'm certain he will come around soon enough."

I threw my hands up in exasperation. "He isn't my friend! I only met him last week, so I barely know him."

"Yes, you do," Ben argued. "You know him better than anyone."

"No, I do―" I tried to protest, but Ben lifted his hand to silence me.

"I believe deep down you believe this, Merlin. Don't give up on him, yet. All you need to do is talk things out with him. The bond you two share surpasses any time or memory you may have lost."

I stared at their calm, certain faces and I finally nodded. "All right, I'll go talk to him, but I want you two to listen to me carefully before I go. Look―I trust you. And I think...I actually might be starting to believe your mad tale about who I am. But mind you, I still find it absurd that Alex is a legendary king and I'm the younger version of the old wizard with the pointy hat...but my point is, don't betray my trust. I swear I will make you wish you were never born if you do anything to harm Alex. I got him into this mess and I'm determined to make sure I get him out of it safely. Do you understand?"

Neither Ben nor Lancelot looked offended by words. On the contrary, they seemed to take what I said very seriously. They only nodded their heads solemnly in answer to my question. "If it means anything, Merlin," Lancelot said, "Arthur seemed to have similar thoughts concerning you while you were  in your chambers changing your shoes. I believe his exact words to us were 'you hurt him, I hurt you.'"

I blinked in surprise. I guess that explained their strange expressions when I'd stepped outside my chambers.

I recovered my bearings and returned a quick, curt nod, and then spun around to leave the Great Hall. On the way out, I couldn't help but think that Lancelot and Ben took the past recent events a little too lightly.

          Jake Williams, the freak of high school, happened to be one of the most powerful sorcerers of legend, and Alex Smith, the boy I had wanted to throttle only days before, was apparently the great king Arthur of Camelot. No big deal, right?


            I stood before Alex's doors, sucking in a deep breath before raising my hand to rap on his door. After a few knocks, I paused, waiting for an invitation to walk in but none came. "Alex, it's me. Open up!"

           No reply.

            I ground my teeth together in frustration and decided to walk in anyway. I pulled the brass handles of the doors, but they were locked from the inside.

           "That lout," I muttered to myself. "He really thinks a bloody lock will keep me out?" I took a step back and lifted my hand over the handles. After a flash of my eyes, I heard a satisfying click. I strode forward and swung open the doors to see Alex sitting at a desk, gazing at the wall before him as if he were in a trance.

           Once he heard the doors open, he blinked and spun around in his chair. When he saw me standing in the doorway, his surprised expression quickly turned to a glare. "How did you manage to get in here?" he demanded. "I locked the door."

            I rolled my eyes and snapped my fingers, causing the doors behind me to close again. "Alex, if I can transport us to Camelot with magic, I think I can unlock a door."

           "Oh, so now you believe their mad story, do you?"

           I sighed but did not reply. Truthfully, I did not know how to answer that. "I came here to apologize," I said finally. "I know I should have told you what Audri said to me, but you have to understand how I felt at the time. I wasn't sure how you would take it."

           In an instant Alex was on his feet, and before I knew it his face was only a few inches from my own. He jabbed a finger at my chest. "No, Jake, your problem is you can't trust anyone." There was a hard edge to his voice. "Not even me. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I was actually ready to die for you back in that clearing. And you weren't even willing to simply tell me the truth?"

           "I barely know you." The words came out harsher than I intended.

           Alex stepped away from me with a hurt expression.

          I immediately felt guilty. "Alex, I didn't mean it like that."

          Alex looked down and said nothing.

          I sighed. "Look," I grasped his shoulders tightly. "I want you to understand why I didn't tell you right away. I...I was afraid. Afraid that you wouldn't believe me or take me seriously. Or worst of all, avoid me. The last thing I wanted was to lose the only person who's treated me like an actual human being, not just a freak with weird abilities."

         Alex finally lifted his gaze from the floor and his eyes softened. "I believe you. And...I trust you. I just hoped...that you would do the same."

         "I...won't make that mistake again."

         His eyes suddenly burned with a strong intensity. "Don't make promises you can't keep. Just remember it's your actions that count."

         I blinked. Total déjà vu. I felt like he had said something very similar before. I shook my head and returned my attention to the present. "So we're all right, then?"

         He gave me a small exasperated smile. "Yes, lucky for you it's hard for me to stay angry with you for very long."

          "Good, because you're probably going to get angry with me again for bringing this up, now. I also came here to discuss the whole king Arthur business with you."

         He frowned. "What is there to discuss? They obviously have the wrong people, I's completely absurd."

         I shook my head. "Well...perhaps not. Just think about it for a moment. We were found in the same clearing three years ago, and with no memory. You happen to have Arthur's sword, Excalibur, and I just happen to have magic. And my dream matched perfectly with Ben's account. It all fits rather well, don't you think? I am not saying I believe it all either―I'm just saying we should consider it a possibility."

         Alex lowered his head into his hands. "So what you're telling me," he said through his fingers, "is that your dream was real, and when you were trying to find out who the leader of these attacks was, you led them to Camelot where you found Shortt trying to kill me. Then you shoved my sword into a stone, said a faulty spell causing our memories to erase, and then transported us to the future where we've lived for the past three years without remembering any of it."

         "Uhh, actually yeah, that pretty much sums it up. It explains why Shortt attacked us, too."

          He folded his arms stubbornly, and I could see he still wasn't buying it.

         "Look, how else would you explain my freakish powers?"

         "I don't know," he said slowly. "Merlin, all I know is―"

         "Ha! You called me Merlin."

         His face suddenly turned beet-red. "All I know is I'm not a king!" he half-shouted. "I'm a coward. I couldn't even stand up to that guy at school who was picking on you! You had to save me, as you've always saved me! With Shortt, with the wolves..." His shoulders slumped. "I-I can't even look after myself, let alone a kingdom."

         I stared at him, completely shocked. I suddenly realized something. I had read Alex completely wrong the first day I met him. The confidence I had seen in him―it was only a mask, one to conceal his self doubt. And a very convincing one at that, convincing enough to fool even me.

         "Alex," I said gently, "you defeated majority of those wolves, not me, and with pure skill no less. I have to rely on magic to save me. If anyone is the coward, it's me. Like you said before, you were willing to die for me without a second's thought. Now only an idiot would mistake that for cowardice, and you are no idiot, Alex. Most of the time."

         Alex lifted his head and gave me a look of gratitude but still did not look entirely convinced. There was a small awkward pause before Alex cleared his throat and changed the subject. "Well, I'm not saying I believe I'm Arthur and you're Merlin, but just for the sake of the conversation we said we were, how exactly would we go forth from here?"

         "We keep our promise," I said simply. "We stay for a week and we do what we can to stop the attacks, and after that, we leave."

         Alex nodded in relief. "All right," he agreed. "It wouldn't be right to leave these people to suffer, anyway. For the time being, I'll play the role of king Arthur," he made a face, but continued, "and you will play the role of Merlin."

         I clapped my hands together. "Right. Now that that's settled I'm going to let you get some sleep because you look ready to drop dead." I pointed to the dark circles under his eyes.

         Alex rolled those tired eyes with a weary smile. "'Night, Merlin."

         I stopped at the doors with my hand outstretched. I looked over my shoulder, my eyes gleaming. "'Night, Arthur." Then I left his room and walked across the hall to mine, where I trudged over to the small bed in the corner and dropped into it with a yawn. I instantly fell into a dreamless sleep.

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