Maybe Tomorrow

By diamondelf193

19.9K 485 232

Spontaneous Kim Sungah meets the shy Kim Ryeowook. Helping him overcome his depression and all of his insecur... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 7

677 19 10
By diamondelf193

Maybe Tomorrow: Part 1



Ryeowook couldn't believe it. How was he going to tell Sungah? Does he just walk up to her and say he's going to high school with her? Bring it up randomly in a conversation? Or should he wait until he "bumps" into her and acts surprised? How should he explain? He was so confused it was making his head spin. At least he had the weekend to think about it.

"Ryeowook." His mother opened his bedroom door. "Sungah is here."

Well, at least he had five seconds to think about it. Sungah walked into the room and shut the door.

"H-Hi Sungah. I didn't expect you to come today." Ryeowook rubbed the back of his neck nervously. Sungah got close and sushed him.

"Don't talk." She commanded as she grinned cutely.


It didn't take long for him to get an answer. Sungah pushed him onto his bed and got on top of him. She laughed as she began to tickle him.

"Sungah!" Ryeowook laughed uncontrollably as she tickled him.

"This is why you don't shut your door Ryeowookie." Sungah giggled tickling him more. "You want me to stop?"

"Please, I can't breathe!" Ryeowook laughed, trying to catch a breath.

Sungah laughed as she let him go. Ryeowook caught his breath as she moved to sit next to him.

"Wh-What, what are you doing here?" Ryeowook took deep breaths.

"We're going on a practice date," She answered.

"What's a practice date?" Ryeowook asked, feeling his breathing returning to a normal speed.

"Dating demo," She grinned. "We go out on a date to see what it would be like if we dated regularly as boyfriend and girlfriend. We'll see what we need to change or improve on for possible future dates."

"That sounds complicated."

"Do you want to go on a date or not?"

"Yes please."

"You're so cute! Let's go!" Sungah stood and grabbed his hand. "Your parents already know we're going out. We can stay out until nightfall!"

They ran out of his house, ready to take on the world.

"I know a place you'll like." Sungah grinned as she got a taxi to stop for them.

"What is it?" He asked as they got into the taxi.

"You'll see when we get there." She sat and looked out the window.


Ryeowook loved that Sungah was always full of surprises. He never knew where she was going to bring him next. Ryeowook sitting there trying to guess where they were going on their "practice date" amused Sungah greatly. Every guess he made, she laughed and replied "no" each time.

"I told you Ryeowookie," Sungah giggled, "you'll find out when we get there."

He reminded completely silent for a good half hour, but after an hour of riding in the back of a taxi, he couldn't take it anymore.

"Are we there yet?" Ryeowook whined.

"Did we stop driving?" Sungah pouted at him.

"No." Ryeowook slouched in his seat.

"Exactly, so don't start with the 'are we there yet' routine. Got it?" Sungah pouted, crossing her arms. Ryeowook could tell she was trying too hard to act angry and annoyed. It was funny to him, anger wasn't in Sungah's nature. She then looked out the window and smiled, "We're here."

Everland, was the name he saw out the window. An amusement park was were Sungah was taking them for their practice date (even though it was just a practice date, the word date was still in there. Ryeowook will take what he can get). The taxi pulled over and Sungah paid him, asking him to return for them at a certain time to take them home.

"You've been here before haven't you?" Sungah smiled as the exited the taxi and it drove off.

"Maybe, I don't know." Ryeowook lied. Truthfully, he had never been here before. Stuff like this was just too expensive.

"Well it doesn't matter because you're here with me now, so I hope you have fun!" Sungah smiled, grabbing his hand.

They ran inside and Ryeowook looked around. Everything was so big and colorful. People were everywhere. Ryeowook looked at Sungah. Her sparkling eyes sparking not only from the sun but from her beautiful smile as well. The sun brightened her golden blonde hair, making him want to run his fingers through each and every strand. He shook his head at that thought. He shouldn't be having thoughts like that when she wasn't his girlfriend yet. He looked away from her and looked around the park, seeing many things they could do together.

"So, where to?" Ryeowook smiled.


"Sungah, no!" Ryeowook cried, being pulled by his wrist.

"Complain all you want, you're still going!" Sungah pulled him towards the line.

"No, I'm not!" Ryeowook tried to free his wrist.

"You have to face your fears sooner or later, Ryeowookie! You're going!" Sungah ended up having to grip his arm to pull him.

"You can't make me!" He got his arm free and ran for it. Big mistake. He knew Sungah was daring and didn't care if they embarrassed themselves in public. Sungah ran up behind him and jumped on his back.

"Sungah, I'm weak!" Ryeowook yelled as he dropped to his knees.

"Are you calling me fat now?"

"No! Just please don't make me go." Ryeowook could see people staring at them, most of them laughing.

"You're making all this fuss because you're too scared to ride a roller coaster." Sungah laughed as she got off his back and helped him stand. "You big baby."

"Look at the size of that thing Sungah! Do you want me to die?" Ryeowook caught his breath.

"You're not gonna die, now let's go." Sungah pulled his wrist again. "Come on, I'll be next to you the whole time. Please?"

Sungah switched tactics and gave him big puppy eyes, making him melt. Was Sungah acting cute really going to get him on that ride?


"Okay," Ryeowook pouted. "But when I die, it's your fault."

Sungah laughed as she pulled him towards the line, Ryeowook moving behind her more voluntarily. The line was long, making the wait agonizing. His anxiety filled his body, making his palms sweat, his heart race, and made his stomach feel like it was being sucked into a black hole. The line was shorter now, it would be their turn soon. He turned to her.

"Is it too late for us to get out of here?" He asked, his voice shaky and quiet.

"You said you'd do it. You're not backing out now." Sungah pouted. "You're squeezing my hand."

"Sorry." Ryeowook tried to relax a little. If she wasn't afraid, then he shouldn't be either.

Oh no, they're next.

"Come on, Ryeowookie." Sungah gripped his hand and pulled him towards the seats. They sat and pulled the harnesses over them.

"This won't come off will it?" Ryeowook tapped his harness.

"The chances of that are one in a million," She answered.

"That doesn't help me." Ryeowook could cry. It was a yes or no question. Yes, or no. Not one in a million! "What if I'm that one in a million?"

"Don't do that to yourself." Sungah laced her fingers with his.

She was scared too but seeing Ryeowook in this frightened state, she guessed she could throw her anxiety away for his sake. Ryeowook held her hand tightly, closing his eyes and screaming in fear.

"Ryeowookie," She laughed, "it didn't even start yet."

"I-I know that," Ryeowook said, feeling embarrassed.

How could he be acting like this around Sungah? This is not how you impress the girl you admire.

"Do as I do." Sungah attempted to calm him. She breathed in and out slowly. Not only for him, but for herself as well.

"Everything will be okay." Sungah squeezed his hand.

The ride took off. Ryeowook shut his eyes as they went up and up agonizingly slow. Just drop already and get it over with! He peaked his eyes opened and looked down. Oh my god, it was high. He screamed and shut his eyes again.

"Ryeowookie!" Sungah called Ryeowook as they kept going up. "Are your eyes closed?"

"Yes!" Ryeowook cried, squeezing her hand tighter.

"Mine are too!" She squeezed his hand in return.

"Oh god!" Ryeowook could feel himself tipping forward as they began to go down the drop.

"Just scream Ryeowookie! Just scream!" Sungah yelled.

She didn't need to tell him twice. He screamed at the drop. He screamed at the drop. He screamed when they went upside down on the loops and corkscrews. And he screamed at the top of his lungs when the next drop came and they made sharp turns. With his eyes squeezed shut and his hand tightly in Sungah's, he screamed and cried from beginning to end.

It was over and when they pulled back in and lifted their harnesses, Ryeowook could feel his heart racing a mile a minute. He felt frozen. Sungah stood and she couldn't help but laugh like crazy.

"Ryeowookie! That was so fun!" Sungah laughed. "Come on, let's get something to eat, okay?"

His soul coming back into his body, Ryeowook slowly stood and let himself be pulled by her.

"Are those tears on your face?" Sungah looked at him. "Come here."

Sungah wiped his tears of fear with her thumbs softly.

"Hey, I'm proud of you." Sungah smiled and patted his cheeks. "Now let's go eat."

They went to the Caribbean Bay area to get food. While waiting for their food, Sungah snuck off, saying she was going to buy him something special; a prize for him facing his fear. When she returned, they sat on an outside table, and Ryeowook turned his back to her.

"What are you doing?" Sungah laughed at his silliness.

"I hate you for making me do that." Ryeowook pouted, crossing his arms.

"Don't be such a baby. You know you liked it." Sungah giggled. He could hear her opening something.

"What did you get me?" Ryeowook asked, still keeping his back to her.

"Turn around and you'll find out." Sungah poked his shoulder.

He turned around to see Sungah smirking, with a peppero stick in her mouth.

"Peppero game." Sungah struggled to speak and keep the peppero stick between her teeth at the same time.

"Peppero game?" Ryeowook confirmed.

You put an end to the peppero stick into your mouth and gradually eat it, trying to get as close to the opposite person's lips as you can. Was Sungah basically giving him permission to kiss her? He'll take her grin as a yes.

She got closer to him and he nervously put the other end of the peppero stick into his mouth. As they slowly ate the peppero, he got nervous. He wanted to kiss her, but what if he was bad at it? What if this wasn't the right time? What if he wasn't ready? Their lips were dangerously close to each other, and his mind became filled with doubt. Was he really chickening out from kissing Kim Sungah?

As if Sungah could sense his nervousness, Sungah pulled the rest of the peppero into her mouth and kissed his nose instead of his lips. Sungah laughs making Ryeowook join in. Even though it was just a kiss on the nose, or on the cheek, he loved it. Her lips were so soft and filled with love. He just wished he could be brave enough to kiss her. He wanted to be a man and pull her into his arms and give her a kiss that will show her his feelings. Maybe he wasn't a man yet.

"Ryeowookie," Sungah laughed. "Let's go on the roller coaster again."

"No!" Ryeowook knew she wasn't just joking but he still kind of hoped that they would ride it again. As terrifying as it was, and oh yes it was terrifying, he hoped he would get to play the peppero game again. Just maybe, he could grow a speck of courage and actually kiss her, before she could tease him.


After they ate, they went on (less terrifying) rides, and explored the whole park. Eating cotton candy and ice cream then throwing up after going on a ride that spun around just a little too fast. Sungah tapping her cheek with her finger, allowing Ryeowook to happily kiss it as they freshened their vomit breath with more junk food. The way she giggled when he smiled and kissed her cheek had to be the cutest sound he's ever heard. The whole day consisted of going on rides, walking and talking, and even holding hands. Even though they held hands a lot already, this is where holding hands was important. It was just a practice date, but it was still a date nonetheless. He wasn't sure how much they ate today, but he felt so full he didn't think he could make the walk back to the taxi when the day came to an end.

"Ryeowookie, can you do me a favor, and roll me to the taxi?" Sungah giggled slightly, obviously tired, and had an extremely full stomach as well.

"I'm in the same condition as you right now." Ryeowook held her hand tight, feeling like one of them will drop to the ground any moment.

"Then carry me." Sungah held her free arm out to him, her eyes drooping closed.

"But I told you I'm weak." Ryeowook felt terrible but excited at the same time. Excited because the thought of carrying Sungah made his heart flutter. Terrible because he feared he wouldn't be able to.

"You were running away and I jumped on you." Sungah said, her eyes now shut. "You can do it. Please?"

Her state was definitely worse than his, and he couldn't say no to that cute "please". He let go of her hand and put his back to her and kneeled down.

"Just one little jump, okay?" Ryeowook told her.

She did a little leap and put her arms around his neck, and wrapped her legs around his waist. He shot forward as he grabbed under her knees, nearly falling on his face. She didn't care, as she already rested her head on his back. Ryeowook regained his balance and hoisted her up, adjusting her on his back so they were both comfortable.

"Thank you Ryeowookie," Sungah mumbled, full and exhausted.

As he piggybacked Sungah out of the park and back to the taxi, he was surprised to feel her lips on the back of his neck. She kissed him oh my god, on the back of his neck. He tried acting like he didn't notice, but it was hard. His palms started sweating again, she was bound to feel that. She didn't care though. She began to fall asleep on his back, loving the feeling of his warmth radiating against her tired body. The taxi driver was kind enough to open the door for them and helped Ryeowook get sleepy Sungah into the backseat.

"Thank you." Ryeowook thanked him as he got into the taxi.

That wasn't the end for Sungah. She still knew how to make his heart race, even when she was half asleep. She rested her head on his shoulder and cuddled up to him, making him tense. He didn't know what to do. He awkwardly took her hand in his and played gently with her fingers. He felt pretty tired as well. He took a chance and rested his head on top of hers. She didn't protest. He shut his eyes, keeping her hand in his.


"Hey. Wake up." Ryeowook awoke, hearing the taxi driver attempting to wake him up. "Do you need help with your girlfriend?"

Ryeowook lifted his head, seeing Sungah fast asleep, her head still on his shoulder.

"Yes, thank you." Ryeowook let go of Sungah's hand. "She's not my girlfriend."

The taxi driver pulled Sungah out of the car and Ryeowook stepped out. He put her arm around his shoulders and placed a hand on her hip. He looked and saw they were in front of Sungah's house.

"Thank you." Ryeowook thanked him again.

"No problem, take care." The taxi driver got back in and drove off.

The sound of the roaring engine must've woken Sungah, because after the taxi drove off, she slowly opened her eyes and looked at Ryeowook.

"Ryeowookie, are we home?" She shut her eyes again.

"Yes, you're home," Ryeowook replied as he walked carefully to the door and knocked.

"Guess what," Sungah whispered sleepily.

"What?" Ryeowook asked as he waited for someone to answer the door.

"We're almost ready." She smiled, her eyes shutting again.

He was close now, so close. Soon he'll be able to say Kim Sungah is his girlfriend. The door opened, and out popped SoonYee with her hair in her usual pony tails.

"Ryeowookie! It's so good to see you again!" SoonYee grinned. "Ryeowookie, what did you do to my sister?"

"It was a long day," Ryeowook answered. "And it's nice to see you too."

"Don't worry Wookie, I'll take it from here. Come on, Sungah!"

SoonYee took Sungah's hand, and removed her from Ryeowook, bringing her inside.

"I'll see you soon Wookie!" SoonYee smiled as Sungah practically sleepwalked into the house.

"Yeah, see you soon."

SoonYee shut the door and Ryeowook went home. He was so tired, he felt like he could sleep for a week. He ate so much, he felt like he could stay full for days.

After a fifteen-minute walk home, he was ready to crash on his bed and never leave it.

"Ryeowook!" He heard his mother call, as soon as he shut the door.

"What, mom?" He asked as he sleepily entered the house.

"We got a call when you brought Sungah home! Do you want your father to drive you to the hospital?"

"Why? Did something happen?" Ryeowook asked worriedly, "Is Sungah okay?"

"It's not Sungah, it's her dad. He collapsed almost right after she got home. She called here asking you to meet her at the hospital."

"Your father will drop you off, okay? Go now." His mother commanded.

He and his dad quickly left and drove to the hospital. Was Sungah crying right now? Did she call because she wanted him for comfort? Her dad was such a nice man. He knew that even though he only talked to him one time.

His father helped him find the room number and told him he;ll wait in the car. Ryeowook ran through hallway through hallway, until he finally saw Sungah sitting outside the room, falling asleep in her hands.

"Sungah," He called quietly. Sungah lifted her head and looked at him with sad eyes. She stood and walked to stand in front of him.

"Ryeowook...I don't want you to...For-for right now...I don't want you to ever leave me. I'll quit that school if I have to." She held in tears. Kim Sungah doesn't cry.

"You won't have to do that," Ryeowook said quietly. He had forgotten all about what he had to tell her. "I-I got accepted. I'll be in school with you."

Sungah's eyes lit up with that familiar sparkle. She gazed at him as if questioning if it was true. She hugged him tightly in the middle of the hospital hallway. What he said continued to repeat in her head as she embraced him.

He was accepted.

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