The Pearl of the of Sea

By StewartMango

10.4K 196 15

Tom Cashlin was a greedy teenage boy who proposed to his girlfriend and then became a paraplegic after he sli... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 34

125 1 0
By StewartMango

It is now the night of the senior ball and Jeff is taking Neenah to the dance, while Tom is taking Annemarie to the dance. Michelle is taking pictures of Jeff and Neenah, "Say cheese!" they both smile as they hold hands and Michelle puts the camera down, "You know, I never thought my son would ever go to his senior ball or junior prom without me."

Jeff gives Neenah a peck on the cheek, "I never thought I could ever get a date either, but I did."
Neenah smiles, "Yeah, you sure did." She looks over and sees Tom rolls up the ramp that is now at the front door of Jeff's house, "But we're just going as friends because we are just friends."
Tom rolls up to Michelle, "You know, I don't think I'm comfortable with my best friend taking my little sister to the ball."

    Steve smiles, "Tom, I trust Jeff, he's like a second son to me."

Michelle pats him on the back and pushes him over to Annemarie, "Oh, they aren't going to do anything, Jeff is your best friend and I'm sure he'll respect your sister like your dad said he's like a second son to him."

Tom poses for the picture with Annemarie, "He better not try anything funny!"

"So, I'm not allowed to be funny?" responds Jeff.

Tom looks over at Jeff, "You know what I mean!"

Jeff looks back at Tom, "Well, yes I do, but I would like to make Neenah laugh."

Michelle throws her arms up in the air, "Jeffery, Tom means don't do anything sexual!"

Jeff scratches his head, "I never knew doing sexual things was supposed to be funny, I got to be honest, your sense of humor isn't very good then."

Tom rolls his eyes, "Jeff, just don't have sex ok, she's my sister and I want you to respect her!"
Jeff walks up to his black sports utility vehicle, "Tom, I'm not going to have sex with her, my mom would kill me if I had premarital sex!"

Michelle crosses her arms, "That's right, save it for your wife!" she sees everyone get in the car, "You guys are careful, and if you drink alcohol call for a ride. I'll be mad you drank, but I'll be even madder if you drink and drive!"

    Steve turns to Michelle, "Your son won't do anything sexual with my baby girl right?"

    Michelle shakes her head, "No, he'll creep her out before he even thinks of doing anything sexual if I know my son."

Almost all of Brick Memorial High School seniors are at the dance which is at a fancy place in Long Branch, New Jersey that's on the beach. Inside there's a wooden dance floor and around the dance floor are tables and chairs. Music is blasting and everyone is dancing with each other. Neenah turns to Tom as they walk in the door, "Is it ok if I dance with Jeff?"
Tom nods his head and smiles, "Of course you can."

Jeff walks by and he grabs him, "And Jeff, remember, nothing sexual!"
Jeff pulls Tom's hand off of him, "Dude, I'm not going to have sex with your sister, I'm just going to dance with her." He then runs over and dances with Neenah.
    A love song plays and they start slow dancing.

Neenah places her chin on Jeff's shoulder, "Tom is starting to get like my dad when I was dating Bruce."
Tom then rolls in between them, "Alright, that's enough you guys!"
Neenah rolls her eyes, "Tom, come on we were just slow dancing!"
Tom pulls them apart, "I'm sorry, I just don't feel comfortable with this!"
Jeff puts his hand up, "Tom, it's ok I'm not getting sexual with her."
Tom puts his hands on his head, "I know, but I don't like this touchy-feely stuff you're doing."
Annemarie runs over to Tom, "Come on let them dance together."
Tom turns to Annemarie, "Alright, fine I will." He then kisses her hand, "And that's only because I love you."
Annemarie grabs both his hands, "Let's dance the night away."
Tom and Annemarie dance together, "You know, I feel bad that I can't dance the way I used to."
After the dance everyone walks to their limos and cars. As Neenah, Jeff, Tom, and Annemarie head towards their car a short girl with glasses and straight black hair approaches them, "Hey, are you guys going to Mike Sorrento's party tonight?"
Annemarie shakes her head and goes into the backseat, "No, we're going home now."
Tom lifts himself out of his wheelchair and into the car, "Yeah, I'm a little tired from all that dancing."
Jeff looks over at the girl, "Am I invited too? I have never been to a high school party before, the only parties I get invited to are birthday parties of my family members."
"Anyone can come, but only if you bring your own alcohol." The girl then walks away.
Jeff looks over at Tom who is shaking his head, "Come on, this is probably my last chance to go to a real party. I mean you always got to go to those parties."
Tom looks into Jeff's puppy dog eyes, "Well, I haven't been to a party since I wound up in a wheelchair, so I guess we can stay for a few minutes, but then we're leaving ok?"
Jeff nods his head and smiles, "Thank you Tom!" he then jumps into the car.
Neenah gets in the passenger seat and turns to Tom, "Are you sure it's a good idea to let him go to this party, I mean I'm sure Vanessa will be there."
Jeff laughs and nudges Neenah, "Oh, I am so over her."
Neenah turns to Jeff, "I know, but I don't want her thinking that you're stalking her or anything."
"Why would she think that?"
"Because the party is at her house and you used to follow her around in the hallway all the time."
"I thought it was at Mike Sorrento's house?"
    "Mike lives with her now, his parents kicked him out of the house."
"Why would they kick him out, did he poke their eye out with his spiky hair or something?"
Neenah laughs, "No, he would always sneak out and he disrespected them a lot."
"Yeah, he thinks he's cool, I still hate him, but I just want to go to at least one party that doesn't involve pin the tail on the donkey and a piñata." Jeff starts the car, "I do love the candy in the piñata, but I always wind up smacking myself in the face with the bat."

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