My New Life

By sly_blue120

140K 2.3K 504

This is a story about a boy named Kc who learns things can always get worse as he looses his parents, grandpa... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter four
chapter five
chapter 6
Chapter 7
dear dairy
chapter 8
trailer one for after sumer break
Kaylon and Max
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 12 plus Halloween special
chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
Christmas special
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
important announcement!!!

Chapter three

13.6K 221 57
By sly_blue120

I'm the man

*Max's view*
(There is swearing in this chapter)

I don't know why Sam needed help taking care of two old Coots...

"Sam you ass my times being wasted here with you!" I called out to him.
"No? I'm paying you what they payed me the jobs boring so I don't wanna do it plus we only need to it's best if we get a kid and an old one." Sam gave me a pair of keys. "That house right there they have guests though teenager, two kids, and two adults." "The lights just went on?"

"They have kids in that place ass clown." He said sounding annoyed.
To which I replied jokingly "K bitch face bye." I headed inside next into a closet inside a child's room.

"Kc! Kc! help me! Help me! "I kid screamed running into the room his shirt stuck on his head. "Alex wait a minute Yukka needs a dapper change." A teenage boy said. The kid I believe was named Alex started to cry I felt bad and left the closet and locked the room doors. "Mister are you a monster?" Alex said. "No but don't tell anyone I'm in here, I'm going to help with your shirt now." I said and he nodded. I fixed the crying boy's shirt.

"Alex were are you?" the teenager asked. "Hurry go into the closet Kc will be mad if he sees the closet monster talking to me." Alex whispered. I have to admit he was pretty good kid making my job easier. Carefully I tried not to make any noise.

"Kc food! I want super!" Alex demanded Slamming his feet hard against the floor.

"Alex do you really need to pull something like that? We'll eat when nan and Papa get back with mom." Kc peacefully said leaving the room.

Night quickly approached to kids slept on the bed. "I'll deal with them later." I decided. Just as I was about to leave the closet the teenager entered the room and kissed both of the kids goodnight. He was so cute bit I'll have to get rid of him. I heard him go to sleep and left for the parents room. I slowly finished them off. After the dad was gone I noticed Alex looking at me.

"Mister closet monster what are you doing?" He pleaded with a face of guilt. "I'm killing them alex... come here." I started as he ran off. Moments later when I was about to finish the mom off. I noticed the teenager staring at me looking petrified he whipped around and sprinted down the hall.

After finishing the parents I went to the kids room but noone was there. So I went to the last door to the left. It looked like way to blank. It was a white room with way cheaper stuff then every other room, there was a loft bed with a gate thing on it and a desk underneath it, with a cosshisoin underneath it, and an empty bookshelf.

Looking around I noticed that the closet doors were somewhat opened.
I went to the wall beside the closet and sprinted to the closet and opened it. Getting ready to kill them the teenager went in front of the kids he looked up at me begingly. So I threw him across the room and got ride of the the little boy named Alex.

I ran behind the teenager named Kc who was trying to stand straight. I pulled his head back and got ready to slice but I just couldn't his puppy dog eyes just wouldn't let me they looked to familliur. Luckily I had something in my pocket to put him to sleep for a day or two. The my finished my job and put the old coots to a permanent sleep.

Two days later:

I go to check on my new pet and he's banging around and rattling his chains so annoying and loud. Entering the room he stops.

"Good morning are you feeling okay?" I asked leaning against the doorway.

"Get away from me!... why did you kill them!?" He screamed. As I began to head over to his side his thrashing came to I Holt as I leaned over him.

"You know i could unchain you but you don't really look interested in that ideal. Know do you?" I teased he is just so cute and he's all mine I thought taking the keys out of my pocket. Maybe he's hungry ? I should fed my new pet or he won't like me.
"Are you hungry?" I questioned him.

I took the chains off that were on his wrist. Leaving his ancle chain lose I should see if he stays... I told him I was leaving to get him food. I shut the door and went upstairs. "Maxx!" My friend sam screamed letting him self into my house. "Yes?" I said locking the door behind him.

"Did he wake up yet?"

"Yep he did I need to fed him." I replied as I went to the kitchen. In the middle of cutting the vegetables I heard quiet steps on the stairs. I knew it was the kid but I kept quiet until I heard rattling at the door and I rushed over.

"What ya doing?" I asked. He whipped around and I went to pet his face and he slapped my hand and ran into the spar bedroom.

"Want me to get him?" Sam asked.

"Sure." I said. A few minutes later he came out with my pet... Later that night after being stared at like crazy by Kc I knew he had to be punished as soon as Samuel left I put Kc over my shoulder and went to the basement.

I threw him onto the bed and asked "why didn't you stay here?"

"It's scary down here let me go... they didn't do anything to you?" he replied jumbling his words together. And a conversation started where we shared are ages and names. He as such a cute name Kc... I love my new pet but he'll have to stay down here for two more months maybe 😥. I start leaving to go bring food down to him when...

"Why did you leave me? Why am I still alive?!" He screamed throwing a rock hard pillow at me. WhO dOsE hE tHiNk He Is DiSrEsPeCtInG mE lIkE tHaT! I just couldn't control my anger I meant to slap him across the cheek but...

"Do you think you can disrespect me like that?!" I said making my hand into a fist and bringing it to his side making him whimper. After that I felt my eyes soften Looking at his teary eyes I left. to get his food he ate a little bit then he curled up and cried him self to sleep to that I left him like that and locked the door.

Note: sorry that was a longer chapter If you think I should make longer Chapters like this more often please let me now😄.

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