Shattered (Complete) #Wattys2...

By HanaSafaya

186K 7.8K 834

Re-posting. The common story is that finding a mate is supposed to make the wolf stronger. For an alpha, find... More

Chapter 1: Emerson
Chapter 2: Rose
Chapter 3: Emerson
Chapter 4: Rose
Chapter 5: Emerson
Chapter 6: Rose
Chapter 7: Emerson
Chapter 8: Rose
Chapter 9: Emerson
Chapter 10: Rose
Chapter 11: Emerson
Chapter 12: The Letter
Chapter 13: Emerson
Chapter 14: Rose
Chapter 15: Emerson
Chapter 16: Rose
Chapter 17: Emerson
Chapter 18: Rose
Chapter 19: Emerson
Chapter 20: Rose
Chapter 21: Emerson
Chapter 22: Rose
Chapter 24: Rose
Chapter 25: Emerson
Chapter 26: Rose
Chapter 27: Emerson
Chapter 28: Rose
Chapter 29: Emerson
Chapter 30: Rose
Chapter 31: Emerson
Chapter 32: Rose
Chapter 33: Emerson
Chapter 34: Rose
Chapter 35: Emerson
Chapter 36: Rose
Epilogue: Third Person

Chapter 23: Emerson

4.3K 191 84
By HanaSafaya

I wasn't surprised when Rose remained quiet through our introductions and asked to sit as soon as she could. We helped her to a seat at the head table where she could sit through dinner and then we both made sure to stay close to her as we greeted and chatted with various guests.

To say that I was proud of her was a huge understatement. Rose had fought through so much to be able to walk into that room at all, let alone face everyone without the wrap on. I wouldn't have been disappointed if she chose to wear it, however, I was happy to see she didn't. With the pride came the guilt. She conquered it almost completely on her own. Phalen did what he could, but he was the king, he was always busy. Liz could only do so much. And I had abandoned her for a month.

Forgiveness. She didn't seem to hold anything against me. Yet, I wasn't sure I deserved such blind forgiveness.

I promised myself that I would work to make it up to her, after the Ball.

In the beginning, no one dared to approach Rose. I'm sure she was grateful. Though I hated the idea of her being ignored. I stepped over and took off my jacket, flinging it over the back of my seat and then kissed the top of her head. "You doing alright?"

She nodded with a small smile. "I'll survive."

"That you will." I grinned. I could see Phalen roll his eyes at us. My brother was busy being diplomatic and talking with several alphas who had an issue with another alpha. It was all a stupid rivalry, and he was hoping to smooth ruffled fur.

But my attention was shifted as I heard some females gossiping away. "From what I hear, she's sleeping with both brothers. Can you believe that? Though neither want to mate her officially. I mean, could you imagine that scrawny little mess being the queen?"

"I shudder at the thought. I mean, she even shows off all of her bite marks. Who does that? Who lets every guy she's with leave their mark and then show off the tally?"

I was stunned. Is that what people were seriously saying? The lies, the accusations, the ridicule? I glanced down at Rose whose head and dropped and her fingers were reaching for the wrap I had left on the table.

Without thinking, I stopped her hand. "They are wrong. You know it. We all know it. Don't let them affect you. Please." I then linked one of my men and had them find out what pack the females were from. It only took a few minutes to get an answer. Silver Springs. That didn't surprise me. That pack was known for its twisted information stream. How anyone could believe half the crap that passed around that pack, I couldn't figure out. My eyes surveyed the room and I found the Silver Springs alpha and his mate. "Be right back. Phalen is right there and I won't be gone long." Rose nods and I set off.

My brother jumped in. "Leave it. I have this taken care of."


"Trust me brother."

Fine. I'll let him deal with it for the moment. In the meantime, I had someone to talk to. Perhaps they could be a backup plan.

I approached the new alpha and luna of the Snowy Mountain pack. The new luna had been the first victim to bring Donovan's actions to royal attention. "Congratulations Alpha Aiden, Luna Evelyn. When last we were in Snowy Mountain, it seemed your father was going to remain alpha forever."

Aiden arched a brow. "Don't I know it, Your Highness." He gave a small nod of the head in submission to my title. "But once Evelyn and I announced that she carries our first pup..." He hand smoothed over her slightly rounded stomach and my eyes grew wide. The proud smile on the alpha's face was priceless. "Yeah, he realized we were coming into the hight of our strength together and it would benefit the pack."

"I think he was just looking for the excuse to spend his days fishing instead of sitting in meetings and filling out paperwork." Evelyn rolled her eyes. "But enough about us. Please tell me honestly, how is she doing?" Her eyes drifted to Rose who finally relaxed as Liz sat next to her and started up a conversation, Phalen had also moved closer, just over her shoulder.

I gave her a soft smile when her eyes found mine. "She is doing better than I could have imagined at this point in time."


The sharp clinking of a knife against a crystal goblet caught the attention of everyone in the room. It didn't take long for the murmur of conversation the dampen as people seperated to take their seats, the music was turned down and the dance floor in the back of the ballroom was cleared away.

I took my seat next to Rose, Phalen's empty seat to my left. Jax to Phalen's left and Liz next to Jax. Everything in order or of precedence. Boring royal etiquette.

Phalen stepped around the head table, set higher up on the daise, to address the guests. "Welcome everyone. As I have seen, we have already found a few true mate matches in the crowd this year." Cheers and giggles of excitement erupted from a few of the new couples, mixed with awes and clapping from the others. He smiled at them all. "I'm glad we are able to give our packs the opportunity to find their true match, but also for those of us who might be looking for a second chance to meet others and perhaps start a new romance." Every unmated woman in the room swooned at the thought of being the chosen mate of the king or I. What a headache.

Headache. I paused, losing track of whatever my brother was saying.

I hadn't had a headache since dinner the night before.


I glanced down to where I held Rose's hand. Could it have been that simple? My avoidance of her made the headache worse? But that didn't make sense.

The sudden applause drew me back to Phalen. Pay attention.

"As many of you know, our Mating Ball is a chance for everyone to come together, to find mates, to bring business before the throne, to settle disputes, or even make announcements. This year, I am proud to make a few special announcements of my own."

I could see the unmated women around the room flinch, thinking their chance of winning over the king was slipping through their fingers. He continued after a brief pause, his eyes landed on Rose, who hadn't known anything about this. I forgot to prepare her for this, goddess I hope Phalen said something. My fingers tightened in hers.

"As many of you have heard, we had a very troubling case brought before us a few months ago. An alpha was removed and many changes have been happening as a result."

My eyes were glued on the Silver Springs alpha, daring him to say anything to the contrary, but he kept his mouth shut. Old man Morgan sat with his mate and that gossiping daughter of his. Next to her was her mate, being trained to take over as alpha after Morgan lets the title go. I suddenly wondered about the son-in-law. Did he share in Morgan's views?

"It was brought to my attention, that packs are large enough that an alpha cannot always know what is happening to all members, and there are occasions where an alpha may lash out and give judgements impulsively. It is rare, and I'm not accusing anyone in this room." Phalen held his hands up as the grumbles rose. "However, it does leave some members of our society in very vulnerable positions. It is my duty, my honor, my obligation to make sure that all of our people have basic care and a chance to be heard." He smiled. "For this purpose, I have build a clinic in the middle of the unclaimed territories. Geographically in the center of our ranges. This clinic is sanctuary land. It is a fortified establishment meant to offer basic healthcare and healing for anyone seeking assistance outside of a home pack. It is under my protection and as such, any pack attempting to breach the walls for any reason, will bring the throne on their heads."

Rose let out a soft gasp as she heard of the plans. I offered her a soft smile.

"You mean for rogues." Someone yelled out. I didn't see who as I had been focused on the girl next to me, however it drew my attention back to my brother.

Phalen raised a brow and glared at the man. Oh it was Morgan's son-in-law, interesting. "I mean, it's for rogues, or for members of a pack who have been victimized. No matter how engaged an alpha is, there are times when we are not aware of someone abusing their mate, or of omegas bullying other omegas. It is so beyond your scope of day to day tasks. And the simple act of going to the pack house or in search of their alpha could draw attention from their attackers. That is what this clinic is for. For anyone who needs care, but are too afraid or unable to seek the help within a pack."

The room was silent.

"In addition to the security and healthcare offered, there are counselors, and royal legal representatives staffed in this sanctuary. They would be available to help notify the victim's alpha of the situation and work toward a solution that helps to protect that member of your pack without circumventing your authority. Or in rare cases look into any accusations against alphas, if needed."

Again, complaints and rumbles echoed through the hall.

"I know each of you." Phalen stressed. "I know that you each have strength, honor, and the best of intentions. I am not accusing anyone of anything. However, as we learned with abuses of Blood Moon's former alpha. Sometimes people are hiding far more than any of us imagined. It is my responsibility to keep that from happening again. And if you are the honorable wolves that I know you to be, you would want to protect ALL of your pack members."

"But you will allow for a rogue to walk in and slander an alpha with ridiculous accusations!" Morgan, of Silver Springs, stood up. "Look at what happened to Donovan! He was brought down on lies." He hissed.

The old man finally took the bait, now he was about to be used as an example. I knew my brother well and could see how he was setting the field. I had to bite back my smirk.

"Enough." Phalen's voice was cool and controlled, though it carried the weight of his power. Everyone fell silent. "Alpha Morgan, are you questioning my ability to scent a lie?"

The man's stringy gray hair fell in his face as his head dropped. "No Your Majesty."

"Then are you questioning my brother or my staff in their ability to investigate properly or scent the lies that you are quick to claim them to be?"

"No Your Majesty." His voice showed frustration at having been caught in such a compromising scenario.

"Are you questioning the ability of the Elders Council to make a proper ruling based on evidence and confessions made in front of them? Once again, where they could scent for the possible lie?"

"No Your Majesty."

"Then I can assure everyone that the truth was as it was announced. Donovan was removed as alpha for his horrific abuse of a child, for the murder of her family, for the repeated abuse on that same victim years later when he learned that she was his mate, and continuing that level of abuse on various other rogue females to the point of rape and murder without cause." The king glared down at the Silver Springs alpha. "Would you deny the truth if it was your own daughter who had suffered at his hands?"

The girl's friends from earlier gasped and looked up, their eyes wide. Though I found it more interesting that Morgan's daughter looked sick, her head down and her mate sat there emotionless. The only sign something was off was the hatred in his eyes as he looked at Phalen and then at me. I quickly linked Liam and Alex to have someone keep an eye on him.

Phalen shook his head. "We are a better society than in the past. We have embraced the instinctive drives of our wolves, however, we have grown in social understanding as men and women, beyond that of simple instinct. We have an obligation to protect all members as though they were our own sons and daughters. If you couldn't fathom the idea of a male putting his hands on your seven years old child, then why in the hell would you try to support that male after he did it to someone else's child? I will not tolerate such behavior from our society."

The power of his passion hung heavy in the air.

"Your Majesty, you have always had our support and you will continue to do so. Not only did you investigate my mate's abuse, you have given her an outlet for her healing and passion as she volunteers at your new clinic." Aiden stood with Evelyn next to him.

"You have my support too." Alpha Thomas stood for Blood Moon. "Our pack carried the shame of never knowing what was happening under our noses. I have vowed to you and I vow again to do everything possible to prevent such atrocities. If this clinic can help, then it must be part of the solution. Any alpha who is leading with honor has nothing to hide. Let accusations be flung and washed away with the truth."

"This started in Midnight Meadows. The failure of Alpha Lucien in protecting his family marked the beginning of this." Alpha Zachary rose to his feet. "We won't allow that legacy to continue it's cycle within our borders."

"You have our support."

"And Black Canyon's support."

The room rose like a tidal wave of pack alphas standing to pledge their support of the clinic.

Rose's hand trembled in mine, pulling my attention to he as she silently let her tears fall. However, she held her shoulders back and her head high. This was the woman I knew she could be.

As if Phalen had been thinking the same thing, he turned to look at us and smiled. "Let me introduce you all to the inspiration of the project. Rose Byers." His hand gestured back to our fragile wolf. "All of this started with a statement she made over a game of chess one night, wishing for a safe place for our vulnerable members to go, and I ran with it." The king chuckled. "And it is in her honor that I named this sanctuary, The Rose Garden. After all, the most delicate flower can bloom with breathtaking beauty, even when surrounded by a life of thorns."

Her lip trembled as it shaped a soundless 'thank you'. Her head nodded slightly in submission to her king. Though her fingers held tight to my own. There was no doubt that I wouldn't let her go when she needed the support.

Through the applause, the king moved toward Rose and held out a hand for her to take. "I had planned to do this later, but I also promised you that I would put people in their place." His words soft enough for only us to hear. What was he up to?

She blanched, yet hesitantly, she took his hand and allowed him to lead her forward to face the crowd. What was he up to?

"While we have the spotlight on Rose, I also want to introduce her to the alphas, officially. The moment that my wolf and I first met Rose and her wolf, we formed a bond. Not..." He was quick to insert. "Not a bond of potential mates. A bond of family, of protection. My wolf has bonded to her as our daughter or younger sister, to support, protect, and help her to be all that she can be."

A family relationship? How did I not see that? All these months I had seen the two grow close, but somehow I always assumed Phalen was interested in something other than friendship eventually. My mind raced as I remembered snippets of his pride, his smiles, his protective nature. None of it showed lust or romance. How did I not see it sooner?

"In the last few months, she has won my heart as well." Phalen continued. "She has shown an inner strength you have not all met yet, but trust me it's there. And so it is with the pride of a new father, watching his beautiful daughter blossom, that I seek to further support her. With a majority vote by the Elders Council in support of my choice, I name Rose Marie Byers as my adopted daughter."

"What?" She was quick to cover my mouth.

Holy shit. Phalen just offered her ultimate protection.

Jax stood up with a box in his hand and a grin across his face. He held the box out to Phalen with a nod. "Your Majesty." He looked at Rose. "Your Highness."

I watched as a nervous Rose dropped her head and closed her eyes while the king placed a golden necklace around her neck. The royal seal.

After a small peck to her forehead, Phalen turned to the crowd. "I give you Princess Rose of Fenris Grove." He paused. "Per legal traditions, I can only name one heir, my brother Emerson remains crowned as Prince and heir to the throne. There is no change to the line of succession. Though my daughter is to be shown all due respect as her place within my family and the title of Princess would dictate." His eyes fell on the gossiping girls.

Well, that was one way of dealing with the disrespect. Damn.

Hesitant applause rang through the hall, growing in strength with each passing second. Everyone equally as stunned by the surprising events.

Once Phalen left Rose to return to her seat, she sat frozen staring at her hands.

"You alright Rose bud?" I leaned over, taking her hands into mine.

"Did that really happen?" She squeaked.

"Yes. Yes it did."

(Author's Note- The photo is again, Michael Fassbender. This is the look I was going for when describing Phalen. A little bit of age and experience, yet still handsome in his bow tie and tux.)

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