Family One Shots ... And they...

Oleh CountryLove11

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I always have way to many ideas running around in my mind so I decided to make a Nick & Demi Family One Shot... Lebih Banyak

I'm Pregnant
We're Having A Baby
Two Teething Babies
Not Good
Dance in the Rain : Part 1
Please Read!!!

Dance in the Rain: Part 2

483 8 2
Oleh CountryLove11

*Learning how to let go dance in the rain is one of the most freeing moments in anyways life! So I decided to right a really adorable moment of dancing in the rain in Nick and Demi's family. Mind you none of this is real, it is all fictional. Anyways enjoy the second part of this story!*

         "Rain is just confetti from the sky- Unkown"

        "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass it is about learning to dance in the rain- Vivian Greene"

~Dance in the Rain: Part 2~

Demi's POV

              I had just woken up for the small nap that my husband wanted me to take, since our daughters were taking their nap. He thought that I deserved a break since I am almost seven months pregnant. I grabbed my cell phone from our side table, pulled the charger from it before I started to go through my videos.

I pulled up the video I was looking for, I smiled watching it twice with a huge smile on my face. Then I brought up Instagram I pulled up the video putting in on Instagram because it was just to sweet for only me and Nick to see.

It was a video or the girls taking some of nicks chopped up strawberries from this morning and then Nick tickling them making them squeal in excitement. You could hear Nick ask if they were stealing his strawberries, then he began tickling them making them laugh. It was now one of my favorite videos so of course I had to share it with the world.

             "This is how our mornings get started! I literally can't believe how blessed I am and how much of a loving husband and daddy he is to the girls. And those laughs are my favorite part of everyday! Ps they just woke up and their hair was in every direction possible. They definitely have their daddy's curls, which are my favorite. #Family #TheLovesofmyLife" I typed carefully onto my phone on the Instagram app before I posted my the video.

After I posted the video I sat up pulling off the covers as I walked towards our bathroom. I swear recently all I've done is pee, I could swear this little one loves to lean on my bladder.

I was drying my hands before I reached for my phone, I picked up looking at some of the comments that came up on the video I just posted of the girls. There were a bunch of " they look so adorable!" "They are just to precious for this world!"

I noticed that both Dani and Sophie commented, Dani wrote "Dems, they are to cute to handle with all those messy curls. Makes me want more babies. Alena and Valentina say they miss their cousins and uncle Nick and auntie Demi. We love you all so much!"

I smiled before I quickly wrote something back to her in the comment section. "We miss you guys so much! The girls always want to see their cousins! And yes I agree you should totally get on the roll with more babies because you and Kev make some pretty gorgeous girls, I miss my beautiful nieces. Let me or Nick know when you all are in NY so we can set up a play date and a mommy day and Kev and Nick can go golfing. Lol love ya!"

Then I got to Sofie's comment and it just made me smile, "Goodness I swear my sweet little nieces just make my ovaries explode. I swear I wonder everyday how we all got so lucky and blessed with the Jonas men we have in our lives! We need to get together ASAP! We miss you all!"

I quickly wrote back to her, "Yes Sofie we all need to get together my girls miss you all, I swear everyday Nick and I get asked when are we going to uncle Joes and auntie so so's house. And we all miss Jocelyn and Sienna, I miss their hugs and kisses. We love you all!"

Since I didn't hear any noises in our home I figured Nick was either outside or watching tv and the babies are still asleep, so I decided to get dress for the rest of the day. Nick and I decided that after we make lunch for the girls and we also make popsicles that maybe we will go to the petting zoo today.

I decided to just throw a knee high light muted green color, it also ad the short sleeved arms tied into bows on both arms. I figured I'd also throw on some of my older white converses so if they got a little mud on it I wouldn't be completely upset.

After I changed into the dress, I walked back into the bathroom to put some eye liner and mascara on. Then I threw my hair up into a top knot and then I also threw on some concealer.

I then tip toed towards my daughters bedroom where I quietly opened the door, I looked in noticing that they were both sleeping soundly. I quietly shut close the door but not shutting it completely, then headed downstairs to the living room where I some my husband passed out on the couch with his hands over his hand as he slept.

I walked over, running my fingers through my husbands hair, then I bent down to kiss his temple. "I love you" I whispered before I walked to the kitchen to make some strawberry lemonade for my family before they all woke up.

          I noticed my sliver necklace that Nick and the girls got me for my first Mother's Day, it was sterling silver heart that had mom with an outline of a small heart above the word mom.


              It was my favorite necklace that I owned, but I had taken it off so the girls could look at it. They loved Jewelry just like I did. I quickly connected the chain around my neck with the silver heart hanging from the chain.

            It had been about twenty five minutes, I had finished making the lemonade and was curing up strawberries when I heard Emery's cry through the baby monitor that was still had in their room. I sat down the knife I was using to cut the strawberries, I quickly walked to the sink washing the juice off of my hands.

          I quickly walked into the living room noticing that Nick was still sleeping, I walked as quick as I could to the girls room being careful since I was six months pregnant.

          I walked into the girls room seeing that Emery was now sitting on Rosie's bed playing with their teddy bears. "Look at who's awake."

          As I spoke both of my daughters heads shot up to look at me as they heard my voice. "Momma!" Emery said reaching her arms up in my direction, I bent down as she ran into my open arms. I kissed her temple multiple times making her giggle.

         "Hi Momma!" Rosie giggled throwing her tiny arms around my neck hugging me close, I was able to wiggle my right arm way from Emery to wrap Rosie into my arms as well.

      "My babies are growing up way to fast!" I said kissing Rosie on her temples.

        "I not a baby momma, sissy not a baby!" Rosie said giggle as she sat down on her bed, "Yea Momma we big girls!" Emery said giggling as she bounced down onto Rosie's bed as well.

        "Yes, you two are big girls. Do you want to help mommy pick out your outfits so we can get ready for the day?" I questioned watching as the both jumped off of Rosie's bed and ran towards their white closet doors trying to pull them open.

        I giggled standing back up slowly, I gently grasped my bump when I felt the littlest Jonas kicking my side. I moved to the girls helping them pull open the white doors that hide their clothes behind the door.

          I looked up finding a really cute romper that I thought would go perfectly for today's activities. I also pulled out two pairs of knee high white socks then found two white bows to go in their hair before I closed the door to their closet I also pulled out two blue jackets to take with us to the park and petting zoo just in case it started to pour down raining once again.

        "Come here girls, look at this!" I said excitedly trying to get them to stop pulling articles of clothing from their closet. "What do you think of this romper?" I asked watching as they dropped the socks they had in their tiny fists walking in my direction.

          I now had their attention back, "Come here Emme Bean, let me put your romper on. Then we can wake up daddy." Emery walked over towards me, kissed her check as I laid her on the floor quickly unbuttoning her pjs, I got her a fresh pull up then I quickly put her romper on her.  I sat her back up, "Here beanie, can you put your socks on for momma?" I questioned watching as she tried to put on one of her socks, it would give me enough time to change Rosie while the sock distracted Emery.

          "Your turn Rosie Poise, come here let momma clean you up." Rosie smiled laying down but my legs as I quickly undid her pjs, my eyes looking over at Emery as she tired pulling on her left sock but struggling. I quickly buttoned Rosie's romper I held one sock above her as she reached for it I quickly pulled her right sock up her leg. "Can Momma have this sock Ro Ro."

            She smiled with her three front teeth showing, two on the top and one in the middle of her mouth on the bottom gum. She smiled tickling her daughters stomach as she grasped the left sock in her hand the proceeded to quickly put the sock on Rosie's left leg.

             "Beanie, let momma help you." I said quickly pulling up both of the socks on the correct legs before she even had a moment to argue. I stood her up running my hand through her messed up curls, "Alright time to tackle this messy hair!" I said as Emery leaned forehead wanting I be held, "Emme you know momma can't hold you and sissy like I used to."

            I moved her to stand back up as I grabbed a brush and two rubber bands to pull a ponytail in both of the girls hair. I sat back down sitting Emery in front of me brushing through her curls trying my best to not pull the knots that were in her hair as I picked them out. I gave her a Minnie Mouse toy to keep her distracted, "Her bean, momma's almost done."

            I pulled her curls into a top knot after I brushed through all of those curls and had them smooth once again. Once I fixed the bun to where it wouldn't fall out I placed the white bow in the front of it, "Perfect!" I said kissing Emery's right cheek making her smile and lean into me as close as she could get. 

             I helped Emery up to stand as she dragged Minnie Mouse with her as she climbed back into her bed.

             I turned to Rosie with a smile, "Okay Rosie Poise, let's fix those curls!" I said moving her to sit in front of me, I began to brush the knots from her curls as she leaned on my baby belly as I brushed gently through her hair.

      She held tightly on to her teddy bear named pinky, "Alright Ro, can you sit up so Momma can finish your hair?" She nodded yes as she slowly sat up, I quickly put a top knot onto her head then tightened the rubber band so it wouldn't fall. Lastly I added the bow in the front just like Emme has in her hair.

        "Perfect!" I said standing her up, I smiled at how absolutely identical my girls looked, the only difference was their dimples, they both have my chin dimple. Yet Emery has a big dimple in her right cheek and Rosie has a large dimple in her left cheek, so they basically mirror one another.

            I gently stood up grabbing the pale pink hand mirror and walked over to the girls who were now sitting on Emery's bed together both playing with Minnie Mouse. "Look at how beautiful you two are." I said holding the mirror so they could look at their bows in their hair.

           "Sissy! Bow!" Rosie said excitedly clapping her tiny hands together, "Yea, you and sissy have pretty white bows in your hair." I said smiling at them, "Pwetty!" Emery said making me smile, "Yes, your both so pretty and beautiful."

          I stood back up smiling as I sat the mirror onto the dresser before I held my hands out for the girls to take. "Let's go wake up Daddy!" I said as the girls jumped off the bed and grabbed my hands as we walked out of their room. "Daddy sleep?" Emery asked as we walked downstairs, "Yes Daddy was very sleepy."

           We walked into the living room where the girls found Nick still sleeping on the couch, they let go of my hands and ran towards Nick. "Daddy Wakey Up!" Rosie yelled trying to climb on top of him.

           "Daddy Up!" Emery Yelled grabbing one of Nick's legs pulling herself onto his lap. Rosie followed Emery climbing up onto Nick's legs, I stood in the kitchen watching as they laid on top of him yelling his name.

          I laughed when Nick was startled as he woke up, then I heard him giggle. I looked into the living room watching as he snuggled close to his baby girls, I hope one day they will realize how blessed they are to have him as a dad. 

            I finished chopping all of the strawberries, then I called for the girls "Babies do you want to help mommy finish the strawberry lemonade!"

            "Yay!" I heard the girls yell a moment later I felt someone hugging my legs, "Hey beanie!" I said letting my hand fall onto her shoulders, I looked up noticing Nick carrying Rosie acting like she was flying like Wendy in petter pan.

            Her giggles filled up our kitchen, "Oh no Rosie Poise is going to fly into Mommy!" Nick said with laughter in his voice as he brought Rosie as close to me as possible, I felt Emery's grip tighten on my legs "No don't fly into Momma!"

             I kissed Rosie's right cheek a few time until Nick sat her on top of our kitchen bar were I had the lemonade and Strawberries. Nick then leaned down picking up Emery and setting her next to her sister, "Okay you girls want to help mommy drop the strawberries in?"

           "Me!" "Me!" The girls yelled grabbing some of the strawberries and dropping them into the Lemonade. Nick walked over and grabbed a box of Mac and cheese, "Who wants Macaroni and cheese for lunch?"

           "Me and Rosie, Daddy!" Emery said smiling as she chewed on a strawberry as her and Rosie stirred the strawberry lemonade. I smiled watching as Nick came over helped Rosie and Emery done and pulled their kitchen stools and stood them on top, so they could help him with the macaroni and cheese.

I set the lemonade back into the refrigerator to become cold, I then grabbed some veggies to chop up to eat with our lunch. "Momma we are making Mac and cheese!" Rosie yelled clapping her hands before she stirred the pasta.

"I know Precious, I bet it's going to be so yummy!" I said making both of the girls giggle, I turned back around chopping up some cucumbers and tomatoes. I then walked back to the refrigerator grabbing the dip to go with the veggies. I put everything on a plate before I moved it to the table.

"Momma the food is done!" Rosie said jumping from the stool, Nick handed her the bowl of Mac & cheese. She walked carefully with the bowl handing it to me when she made it to me, "Thank you baby girl", I said kissing her cheek.

Nick picked up Emery making her squeal in delight as he made her fly to the table as I helped Rosie into her seat. I put a good size of amount of Mac & cheese on both of the girls plates before I put some dip and cucumbers and tomatoes on their plates as well. I went to sit down when I realized none of us had drinks.

"Crap I forgot the lemonade!" I said going to move from my seat as Nick quickly moved from his seat. "Sit down baby, I'll grab the lemonade."

I smiled at Nick, as he poured the girls cups of the lemonade in their sippy cups, then poured us two glasses of lemonade.

He came over and set the lemonade of the table, he leaned down and placed a loving kiss onto my lips. I kissed him back, when he pulled away I sighed "I love you", "I love you too Dem."

{Part 2 Over}

               *So Part 2 is officially over, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I think there is going to be one more part to this story! Thank you all for the love and support!*

XO, Tori

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