BAD WOLF in Civil War *sequel...

De BadwolfRed18

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You all know how my origin story began, well now I'd like to tell you a second part to my tale. Not everythi... Mais

Chapter 1; Lagos
Chapter 2; The aftermath
Chapter 3; The Sokovia Accords
Chapter 4; Finding the Winter Soldier
Chapter 5; The Winter Soldier and Bad Wolf
Chapter 6; Preparing for war
Chapter 7; Team Cap vs. Team Ironman
Chapter 8; Siberian Confrontation
Chapter 9; Steve Rogers Bad Wolf, and Bucky Barnes vs. Tony Stark
Chapter 10; I am Mother Wolf Raksha
SONGFIC CHAPTER "Days in the Sun"
Character page
Chapter 11; Life in Wakanda
Chapter 12; Meeting Morowa
Chapter 13; Christmas in Wakanda
Chapter 14; Training with Morowa
Chapter 15; Bucky Bear and Wolfie together again
Chapter 17; A Mother's wrath
Chapter 18; I won't be weak
Chapter 19; The two outsiders
Chapter 20; So this is what love feels like
Chapter 21; Two wolves in love
Chapter 22; Ambush and Betrayal
Chapter 23; Bad Wolf is back
Chapter 24; Mother Raksha vs Kaa
Chapter 25; Finding my soulmate
Chapter 26; Rebuilding trust
Chapter 27 Songfic #2; A Happy Beginning
Ending Author's note
Songfic #3; Rewrite the stars
Infinity War *update*
*Final author's note*
New Book published!!!
Would anyone be interested in a......What If?

Chapter 16; The invasion

1.3K 25 34
De BadwolfRed18

*Author's note*

Hey ya'll well I've got some good news. Whenever I've gotten some breaks on weekends the past couple of months (mainly once Feb essays were all turned in) I've been working on a WHOLE BUNCH of chapters and today you all are in for a treat cause I've got SEVEN chaps. for you guys today I KNOW HUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And even more good news, I've only got one more chapter to work on which you will have to wait on after this then once that chapter is complete, the whole story will be too cause I went ahead and did some future chapters before the one I'm currently on right now and once that chapter is done, BAD WOLF IN CIVIL WAR will be complete and you guys will get a complete book. NOW BE WARNED OF SOME SPOILERS OF BP (nothing major but for the sake of the story and for those who have seen the movie, I made Klaue a bit of a more important character as u will see here) Anyways thank you all SOOO much for being patient with me, this semester has just been CRA-CRA with essays mainly my 305 and 302 Eng. classes which are both core requirements for me and usually you can't take them both at the same time cause it's literally  A LOT OF WRITING. Anyways enough about college cause I'm on spring break, enjoy the story ya'll :)


A few months later in the jungle where one of the villages stood that made Wakanda. Screams were heard as three boys ran running in fear as a shadow came chasing after them. The boys all ran under logs as the creature dug its face within the log growling and snarling at them. The boys ran out the other side of the log before continuing on as fast as they could with the creature running behind them.

They soon crossed a lake by jumping onto rocks that were in the water but the giant creature was close behind them. Now back into the jungle the kids ran across a giant rotten log but as the creature got onto the log, it weakened it but only at its end and the boys all ran faster and faster.

One of the boys was lacking behind and soon the creature pounced on him and pinned him to the ground with its fangs bared. The two other boys stopped and saw their friend pinned down by the giant monster and were helpless to save him and soon its eyes turned towards the other two boys. And to make matters worse, as they turned around they saw only a giant cliff standing before them, leaving them trapped like sheep.

Frightened and helpless, the two boys huddled together as the creature now revealing itself to be a giant wolf towered over them baring its fangs with saliva dripping from its mouth and its eyes pure black you couldn't even see them.

"Back up you fowl beast!" A voice proclaimed from above. The wolf and the boys looked up to see a man standing there and as the sun moved away the man revealed to be none other than Bucky Barnes himself. The young boys all cheered out and cried out in their native tongue.

"White wolf! White wolf!" Bucky then leaped down between the wolf and the boys and the two proceeded to circle each other. The wolf snarled and snapped its jaws as Bucky smirked and urged the wolf on. It then charged Bucky head on and as it stood on its hind legs it towered about a foot taller than Bucky but thanks to his super soldier strength he was able to hold the wolf back.

The boys kept cheering out 'white wolf! White wolf!' Then Bucky's eyes gleamed with mischief as he got an idea. He then proceeded to hold the wolf with his metal arm but with his human hand, he proceeded to scratch the wolf's belly.

The wolf suddenly went down laughing as a voice laughed out exclaiming.

'No fair!'

"Okay boys have at her!" Bucky proclaimed and soon the three boys came charging in all letting out battle cries as they proceeded to pounce on the wolf scratching her belly.

'Oh no, attacking Wakandan soldiers! Bucky call them off! Ow I can't handle it....there are too many of you come on! Pick on someone your own size don't! Help, help!'

For you see this wasn't a life or death situation, but a friendly game of "Tame the wolf". In the months Bucky's been free of the cryotube, we've actually been allowed to wonder further out and meet some of the villagers that were nearby, which included these little ankle-bitters. Hami, Jabali, and Azizi.

These boys were fascinated by both Bucky and I that they have given the two of us nicknames, they call Bucky 'White wolf' because of his scruffy face and because of his skin color, and they call me 'Night' because of my fur coat. When we were first introduced to them by Shuri and I showed them my wolf form for the first time, at first they were scared but Bucky showed them that there was nothing to be afraid, and that's when Hami called me 'Night' and he and his friends stuck with that nickname ever since.

Now to help them get use to my wolf form even more, we're always playing games with them and our favorite was "Tame the wolf" I would playfully chase the boys around the jungle and then Bucky would come in and we would playfully wrestle until I could be tamed and then he'd have the boys come in and copy some of his taming moves, and unfortunately for this game, he decided to go with the belly rubs.

As I collapsed to the ground with the boys all over me including Bucky-bear, I then leaned up against the mountain side groaning before allowing my head to fall to the ground exhaling my 'death' even so far as to having my tongue out as I lay there dead.

"Night? You're not dead" Azizi proclaimed.

'No!' I stated as I shot my head up which made the boys shriek and laugh including Bucky.

"Alright you guys well done, I think we tamed this wolf even better than the last time" Bucky said. The four of them got off me and Bucky gave each of the boys high fives for a job well done while I sat up and glared at Bucky. I then noticed a small pebble on the ground and shot it at his head which made him grunt and turn to me.

I glared at him before turning away and Bucky walked up to me cooing at me.

"Aww what do you want an apology?" I only let out a wolf grunt at him. "Is that why you're pouting big baby-wolfie?" I only let out some barks mocking him before letting out a small woof. "Well try this on!"

He then tackled against me but since I was stronger than him in this form when I wanted to be, I didn't even go down as Bucky just pathetically hung onto me.

"Ohh you feeling it yet, huh? Picking up on all my heart-filled remorse!?" I then saw the gorge of where the log that the boys and I ran across a little while ago and proceeded to take Bucky over there. "Oh come on, come on Wolfie you really hurt your favorite—GAH!!" As I hovered him over the edge and chuckled he then proclaimed. "Alright, alright, alright you win! You win!" I then proceeded to roll over onto my back with Bucky on top of me laughing and I rolled over so that he was now on his back and I over him pinning him down on his chest with my paw. As I proceeded to playfully bat at Bucky with my paw and he would cover himself with his arms in defense, he exclaimed out "He's down oh and it's ugly. Bad Wolf and the Winter Soldier, enemies again locked in combat to the bitter—ahh!" I then finished off with pinning my head and my whole upper body on his chest as Bucky let out an exasperated groan.

I sniffed his face before poking my tongue onto his chin before proceeding to literally shower him with wolf kisses as he groaned and tried to push me back.

The boys love it whenever I do that to him, so I try to do it as often as I can because it makes them laugh. Bucky pushed me off and wiped away his face as he said.

"(Y/n) you know that doesn't wash out!" I then let out a laugh.

"I can see that you two are having quite a morning with the boys". We turned to see Shuri and my mother Morowa standing there.

"Morning Princess, Morowa what brings you two out here this early?"

"T'Challa needs to speak with you both, and I would suggest hurrying up". My mother spoke with a hidden tone of seriousness. I phased back into my human form and Bucky and I said our goodbyes to the boys with a promise that we would return to play again then we got in the car and Shuri drove us back to the sanctuary.

Once we got back, we saw King T'Challa, yep that's right. Just the other day, T'Challa had officially been crowned King of Wakanda. The Dora Milaje were all gathered together including Nakia, and his mother, Queen Ramonda. Bucky and I had only met her on a few occasions but to the both of us after hearing our story, she has offered us her home and protection just like T'Challa and welcomes us as if we were her own children.

"What's going on T'Challa?" I asked.

"This is in regards to both of your safeties, come with me". Bucky and I looked at each other worriedly but followed behind the Wakandan King to a meeting area of the sanctuary.

We were all gathered around a table and as holographic projections of the jungle came up, T'Challa began saying.

"A few nights ago Nakia had tracked down several enemy vehicles coming alongside the Wakandan border. These men carried with them weapons far greater than anyone could possible imagine, made from the very same Vibranium they stole from us".

"Yeah but what does that have to do with us?" questioned Bucky.

"We feel it may concern with mainly (y/n)'s safety," said Morowa. The image then changed to a man I had not seen in two years.

Ulysses Klaue.

"For over 30 years Ulysses Klaue has slipped through our grasp time and time again, this is the one regret my father ever had. Nakia has done some digging around and we've recently found out what he is planning". He then turned to Nakia who then stated.

"He's meeting with an arms-deal later tonight to exchange the Vibranium to be molded into weapons".

"Yeah I know, I've seen them myself". I said out loud. The Wakandans all looked at me shocked and I explained myself, "Two years ago when the whole Ultron thing was happening, Ultron actually needed the Vibranium that Klaue had so we went there. I was just there to be the intimidator because no one says no when you've got an angry wolf breathing down your back, anyways it was Ultron who cut off his arm, in the end we got away with his entire stash in the end to life Sokovia off the ground. I'm guessing lately he's been pretty pissed about it?"

"More or less" stated Okoye.

"In order to ensure that I can keep you both safe, I strongly advise the both of you to remain here inside the sanctuary until Klaue is caught. Now knowing that you have a connection to the one who stole his prized material, he may want vengeance against you Raksha".

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute! I am not hiding away while a threat is coming towards us!"

"(Y/n) this is not up for debate. You need protection as does Bucky, if Klaue finds out you're here, he will kill you. You may have seen him at his business stage but whenever someone comes between him and business, he will not hesitate to pump you full of lead". Morowa said as she came up to me and grabbed me by the shoulders. "Promise me you will not leave this sanctuary until we find him, promise me (y/n)!" Seeing the desperation in Morowa's eyes and the hidden tears forming at the corner, made me see that she meant business.

Plus after confessing our feelings of mother-child love to each other, I don't want her to have to go through the pain of losing a second daughter.

"Okay, I promise".

A few days later, in truth it felt like weeks. I missed feeling the sun on my face and the wind through my fur. Sure I got to catch up on my project with Shuri but I've been getting a bad case of cabin fever. Currently I was in my room banging my head on my desk out of complete boredom.

"God I knew you had a hard head but anymore banging and you're gonna have a dent in your skull" I groaned and said.

"I'm so bored Bucky!" He walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me and said.

"I know Wolfie, I am too". He kissed the side of my head before saying, "What do you say for a little walk around the sanctuary?"

"But I promised my mom that I wouldn't leave the sanctuary until Klaue was captured".

"Yeah, lucky for us I managed to swipe this while Shuri was making some updates on my arm" I looked at him to see him grinning while he held out a thumb drive that accessed all the security cameras. I looked at him and said.

"Oh I love the way your foul little mind works".

"I know" he said then we both took off running and using that plus his old hacking abilities he once had to do for HYDRA, he managed to get past all of Shuri's security system allowing us to finally escape the sanctuary and venture outside for the first time in days.

*AN: Play at 1:29*

Ahhh the sun felt so warm and the wind was just right. As we walked along the safe jungle path, Bucky and I began to chat about the most absolute random things together like past memories and believe me he remembered a lot of stories with him and Steve.

Some of them were funny, some bittersweet but I was so happy that after all the rehabilitation we've put him through, Bucky was finally back to his old self.

I then stopped in the middle of the pathway thinking about Steve and Wanda and the rest of the Avengers. Bucky stopped and turned back towards me asking me.

"You okay Wolfie?" I don't know why but I suddenly felt tears in my eyes and I began to tremble. I looked up at Bucky and we just stared into each other's eyes almost as if we were speaking telepathically. Bucky came up to me and said as he took me in his arms, "Come here you," I was pushed up against his chest as both his arms wrapped around me comfortingly.

His metal arm rubbing my back in circles while his human arm went through my hair stroking it softly. He kissed the top of my head and said.

"I know, I miss the punk too, hell I even miss Sam even though I don't like him. He seems like a real fun guy to be around". I chuckled out.

"He is, he'll brag about himself a lot but in the end he'll always be there to make you laugh. But out of everyone, I miss my Mama Bear the most".

"Aww Wolfie".

"I really miss her Bucky, it's been so long since I've seen her. And I know that there was nothing T'Challa could've done that would risk his chance for the throne, he already risked enough keeping us here but—no matter how many times I tell myself that this is what Wanda wanted for me and that she would rather have me be free while she's in a cell, I still blame myself at night and see her trapped in a cold cell like the ones we had back under Strucker's base in Sokovia". Bucky rocked me back and forth softly shushing me in my ear then he said.

"I know there's nothing that I can do that'll take away the pain Wolfie, but just know that if you ever miss Wanda or any of the others, come to me and tell me all about the good times you had. Don't keep it bottled up inside, you're not alone in Wakanda anymore, I'm right here, and I promise I won't ever leave you again". He cupped my face in his hands and leaned his forehead against mine lovingly.

Suddenly I heard something.

I whipped my head to the West and heard something rising over the wind.

"What is it Wolfie?"

"Bucky be quiet!" I snapped urgently. All was silent then I sniffed the air and gasped before I took off running with Bucky calling out to me.

We ran until we came to the hill that looked down from the very village where Hami, Azizi and Jabali lived. Riding towards the village were large trucks and motorcycles just smelling with men, but the worst part was their leader who was riding ahead on a motorcycle and I knew exactly who that man was and I knew Bucky could tell too.


Bucky muttered his name in shock then I immediately took off running but I didn't get far as Bucky held me back.

"(Y/n) no! This isn't our fight!"

"T'Challa doesn't know about this! I have to save them!" I wriggled myself out and phased into my wolf form and took off running.

*Bucky's POV*

I cried out for (y/n) once again before finally going after her. As we reached the bottom of the hill and made it half way to the village, it was already too late.

Klaue and his men attacked the village, firing and killing anyone in sight while the men of the village got their weapons ready for war, but my main concern was (y/n).

As she weaved through the village and I turned a corner, I didn't notice a horse suddenly coming on my right and I was slammed into the ground as well as the horse and one of the villagers. I groaned and slowly sat up and looked through the dust hoping to find (y/n).

One of Klaue's men actually tore down one of the houses and from the wreckage of that house, just behind it I saw (y/n) with the boys Azizi, Hami and Jabali on her back. (Y/n) bared her fangs and snarled at any of Klaue's men that came near her or the boys.

I smiled knowing that her mother instincts would protect them as she let out a howl before taking off running out of the village.

But I knew she needed backup in case something went wrong, I stood up and saw a horse coming towards me again and this time I leaped onto its back and managed to take control of it and lead it out of the village where I stopped it and saw what was happening near the river.

As (y/n) was racing towards the river to get the boys safely to the other side of the woods, she must've been so focused on getting the boys to safety that she didn't notice Klaue riding up towards her.

"WOLFIE!!!" I cried out but I could only watch in horror as suddenly a blast from Klaue's arm fired at (y/n)'s blind side and shot her and the boys high in the air and into the rushing waters.

*3rd Person POV* *pause video for this short paragraph*

Unbeknownst to (y/n), Klaue had seen her pass by him through the village and when he remembered once seeing a wolf of the same fur coat he got on top of his bike and said.

"I'm gonna have some fun with this girl!" He revved his bike and charged after her making sure to stay downwind of her and on her blindside where he knew she wouldn't be able to see him. He then stopped his bike and his arm opened up to reveal his sonic canon and he said.

"Smile pretty you little bitch". He then fired which then fired right for (y/n)'s left side sending her and the three boys into the rushing waters. Klaue then rode up to see if any survivors were there and saw Hami, Azizi and Jabali all hanging onto a log together trying to hold on for dear life and not let the current wash them away.

*Resume song*

Disregarding for their rights and the fact that they were just children, Klaue aimed his sonic gun at the boys ready to fire if it hadn't been for a sudden cry and a slam not only into his bike but a strong Vibranium sucker punch to the face knocking him off. Bucky turned worriedly to the boys but they all gestured for him to go save (y/n), to which he urged his horse onwards down the river.

(Y/n) still in wolf form let out frightened cries for help. Bucky urged his horse faster and faster trying to keep up with (y/n). She could barely keep herself above the water as the current was taking her down but she tried as best as she could then soon Bucky came across the end of the line.

Some rock formations that ended the pathway and led only into the river which was heading into some rocky terrain with boulders peeking out from the water. He smirked and urged his horse faster and got himself ready to do a suicide move.

Once his horse reached the edge, he literally leaped off the horses back and by some miracle dive straight into the water with ease then swam back up and was now carried by the current.

The current carried Bucky downstream as he cried out (y/n)'s name and he soon heard her howls. As they passed a boulder, he soon saw her and he cried out her name as he swam towards her. Down the slopes (y/n) went almost further and further away from Bucky, she tried to swim but she didn't seem to have the strength to do so anymore so Bucky had to swim for the both of them.

(Y/n) let out one last cry before sinking down into the water and just as he reached the spot where she just was, Bucky dove head first without question and soon burst out with (y/n) leaning against him. She whimpered but Bucky placed her head on top of his to try and avoid her from swallowing anymore water as he now tried to swim against the current.

Using his feet and his metal arm he tried to get a good grip at the soil below but the current was too strong as it pulled them further down. Soon things got even worse as they were now heading straight for a waterfall. Bucky pushed and pushed with all his might to swim against the current but it seemed to only get them closer and closer towards the falls, soon with no other choice and out of time, both Bucky and (y/n) fell from the water fall and for the second time in his life, Bucky Barnes saw his life flash before his eyes almost thinking that this was the point he was going to die.

At the bottom of the falls, Bucky shot up like a dying man gasping for air and he swam towards an old log breathing heavily.

He looked down to see he still had both his arms and he knew he still had his legs, but he still felt something was missing from him, it was when he looked ahead he saw what it was, or more like who it was.


*Bucky's POV*

I saw (y/n) lying at the edge of the river where the water met the land. I stood up and jumped over the log and ran towards her crying out her name. As I got closer to her I said her name again but she still didn't respond back to me even though I could see her breathing.

'Bucky-bear?' I heard her collar say out. She lifted her head and I knelt down beside her and said.

"Oh (y/n), oh thank God Wolfie". I wrapped my arms around her head and nuzzled her as she did for me. Suddenly she let out a painful cry as her head collapsed towards the ground but I managed to catch her before she went face first into the water. I set her head far enough on the land and stroked her ears when she let out a painful whimper and her breathing began to change.

I looked over her trying to find any injuries but for some reason I couldn't find any on her body that was until I looked down at her legs. I counted one of them careful but I could only see and count three, it was then I realized what Klaue had exactly done.

His sonic canon arm actually blew up her left arm, just like how I lost mine when I fell off the train.

I held my hand to my mouth in utter horror as I stared down at my beloved sister. She has had to endure everything from hell and back and now the world is so cruel that she has to literally lose her arm.

Why must it be so fucking cruel to someone like her!?

I leaned down and placed my head over hers and stroked through her fur stroking and petting her before I felt a deep and terrible rage. I backed away from her before letting out the most furious and agonizing scream I had ever done in my lifetime. After letting out all my rage, my sorrow and concern took over as I needed to take care of my Wolfie, who knows what damage has already been done to her?

I came up behind her as I took my entire shirt off and wound it up and slowly turned (y/n) over to her right side so I could see the full damage. I placed my shirt over her stub of an arm to stop the bleeding and she let out painful whimpers that just made my heartache.

I have not seen her this hurt since she saved me from those wolves back in Siberia, but this time I'm not gonna let anyone separate me from her. She looked up at me and slowly raised her head up and licked my chin and cheek before leaning her head up against mine.

"I won't leave you Wolfie, I'm here Sora Mea. I'm here". I then guided her head into my lap so she would be more comfortable and I could mend her leg as best I could.

As the day soon turned dark and nightfall came, I didn't leave (y/n)'s side as I promised to do. I lay beside her that night, hoping and praying to God above that somehow she was gonna make it through the night.

Another hour maybe two passed when I heard shouting in Wakandan and I knew it was not from the Dora Milaje nor any of the villagers, it had to be Klaue's men. I snarled and readied to fight to the death when I heard the weak whimpers coming out from (y/n)'s throat.

I looked back between them and her and ultimately I broke down and buried myself into her fur holding her closer to me than I ever could before.

Soon Klaue's men surrounded us and I almost feeling like a wolf myself snarled and growled animalistically at these bastards. Boy if I had a gun or knife in my hands, I'd kill each and every one of these guys for what they had done to my Wolfie.

They drew out their guns and two men pulled out chains and came towards me and began to separate me from my Wolfie. I tried to fight back but with the exhaustion from the current and the fact that I had no weapons to defend Wolfie with that would protect her from all the bullets, I was forced off my feet and taken away from her.

I cried out for her as I tried to get back to her and she tried so hard to stand up but due to the amount of blood she's lost and the sudden shock of losing a limb, she could barely move anything else but her head. I soon understood what one of the men was saying thanks to Morowa's teaching of the language.

"Leave the She-wolf, she's not going to make it". No you don't get the right to say that! I managed to place my human hand on her forehead before I was pulled away and I cried out her name. She then let out a mournful howl as her collar cried out my name, I tried and tried but these guys just weren't letting me up until watched helplessly as (y/n)'s eyes rolled back and she collapsed once again on the floor.

Dropping my head in surrender, I allowed the men to drag me back and put me in the car where some of the villagers were in and they drove us off to God knows where.

*3rd Person POV*

As Bucky was being loaded, just standing behind a rock were Hami, Jabali and Azizi and they weren't alone, no they managed to find T'Challa's sister Shuri as well as Nakia and Okoye.

"Stay here" stated Shuri as she and the two girls leaped over the boulder and walked up to (y/n). Shuri knelt down with tears in her eyes as she said and reached out for (y/n)'s head. "Oh (y/n) you stupid, stupid girl". She hugged (y/n)'s head tightly and (y/n) let out a painful whimper. Nakia then knelt down beside her and placed a gentle hand on her head whispering in Wakandan.

"Easy Raksha, easy, it'll be okay". Nakia then set (y/n)'s head back down to the ground gently as Okoye came around her and proceeded to unwind Bucky's shirt from her to see the damage.

"We must get her back to the lab, who knows how long she's got, Nakia help me". Okoye said as she wrapped the shirt back over the wound before the two women began to gently pick her up. "Shuri help us!" Shuri walked up to them and they proceeded to walk out of the jungle and back to the car they all came in and soon they drove back towards the sanctuary hoping that it wasn't too late for their Raksha.

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