The New Protector (On Hold)

By FantasyWriter345

19.9K 595 193

Inuyasha has betrayed Kagome. He lead her to her death. But she was rescued by the most unlikely person. Some... More

I'll Protect You
A New Partnership
Hot Spring Talk
Unknown Feelings
Truth Revealed
New Alliance


3.7K 88 21
By FantasyWriter345

Kagome slowly walked away where she saw Inuyasha kissing Kikyō. Two and a half years she had spent searching for the jewel shards with her friends. During those two years, she had fallen in love with her hanyō friend, Inuyasha. But he didn't return her feelings. She was just his precious shard detector, nothing more. He only saw Kikyō, his undead lover, in her. Inuyasha had always called her weak, stupid, ugly, and helpless. He kept saying that Kikyō was great at everything. She was tired of it. She didn't know why he would say such awful things to her. Does he like to hurt people who care about him or does he always want to vent his anger out on her? Kagome accepted him for who he is, but it seems like he will never accept her for who she is. Whenever Koga comes by, he tells him that he belongs to her. But what he really means that she's his property, his possession. That's all she was to him: his possession. Which meant that he can treat her in any way he wanted. Then she heard footsteps behind her. She quickly readied her arrow. When she turned towards the noise, she saw Inuyasha staring at her.

"Oh, Inuyasha. It's you." Kagome said as she lowered her arrow.

"Give me the shards, wench." Inuyasha said.

"What?" Kagome asked, confused.

"I said give me the jewel shards, wench!" Inuyasha said, growled. Kagome didn't know why Inuyasha was acting this way. But her body told her to do one thing: run! Kagome turned and ran through the forest with Inuyasha on her tail. She didn't care about the tree branches scratching her arms and legs. She didn't care about which direction she was going in. All she knew what that she had to get away from Inuyasha.

The next thing she knew, she was on the edge of a cliff. She saw a few pebbles fall from the edge. She couldn't even see the bottom. She felt Inuyasha's aura getting closer and closer to her. Kagome couldn't decide whether to jump or not. If she jumped, she would die. But if she gets captured by Inuyasha, she would also die. Then she heard footsteps behind her. She turned around and saw Inuyasha walking towards her.

"You got no where to run, wench. Just hand over the jewel shards and I just might let you live." Inuyasha said with a dark smirk. Kagome suddenly grew frightened of the Inuyasha that stood in front of her. She took a step back...but it turned out to be a wrong step. The next thing she knew the wind was blowing against her back as she fell...down into the dark bottom.


Bankotsu stared at the moon and stars as he sat by the river. It had been five months since he had been revived. He had no idea who or why he was revived. How come his brothers weren't revived as well? It didn't make any sense to him. When he first woke up, he was in a temple. A monk named Shinichi kindly took him in. He was curious to why the monk took him in. He simply didn't trust him. The next day, after he was found, he tried to attack the monk. But he simply dodged it and then he attacked again and again. Shinichi was still able to dodge him as if he was just a beginner at fighting. He felt so embarrassed at that moment. He couldn't believe he got beaten by a monk. He wondered where a monk like him learned how to fight like that.

He sighed and stood up. Then he noticed something as he stood up, he saw a piece of pink floating above the water. He walked into the river and grabbed it. It was a piece of cloth from some sort of pink clothing. He got out of the river and decided to head where the cloth probably had come from. He went up the river and found a body lying on the river side. When he got closer, he froze in his tracks. He recognized the body: it was the priestess who traveled with that hanyō, Inuyasha. He wondered what she was doing all the way out here. He knelt down to check her injuries. She had trails of blood coming her forehead and left arm and her clothes were mostly tattered. He checked to see if she was still breathing. To his relief, she still was. But they were short breaths.

'I know that she was my enemy before, but...I can't just leave her here like this.' Bankotsu thought. He carefully picked up the girl and held her bridal style. He walked towards the temple of where he was staying. As he walked, he looked down at the girl and felt sorry for her. He didn't know why her protector would leave her here like this. To his state of mind, her protector wasn't really much a protector. When he finally arrived at the temple, Shinichi had a look of complete shock.

"I found her by the river. She's heavily injured, Shinichi." Bankotsu said.

"Bring her in. I'll treat her injuries. Give me a hand, Bankotsu." Shinichi said.

"Hai." Bankotsu said as he brought her inside.


Bankotsu stared at the young priestess as she slept. She looked so innocent and young as she slept. But she had a look of pain on her face. Then he noticed tears coming from the corners of her eyes. He reached over and wiped the tears away. He wondered what she was dreaming about to make her cry. It sadden him for some strange reason. He had never felt such sadness in a long time. Actually, he couldn't remember when.

"Why? Why Inuyasha?" Kagome whispered. Bankotsu was wondering the same thing. Why would he leave one of his friend to die? He reached forward and held onto her clenched fist. Then her fist relaxed as he gently held onto it.

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