Stupid Love ×Thiam×

By -irrevocably

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Theo corners me against the counters of my empty kitchen and might I add, empty home. his hands placed on the... More



5.6K 159 21
By -irrevocably

A couple days have passed and it was now Friday meaning my parents would come home this weekend and Mason would have his party at Theo's place. The guys had promised not to tell the rest of the group about me and Theo. 

Theo said he would come over but I told him he didn't have to since he had been with me almost every night since we made the deal. I felt like I would distract him from doing his own things.

I was behind in my science class because I didn't do any of the homework these past few days because Theo and I have been fooling around. He has spare clothes here now so its like he lives here. A tap on my window is what brought me out.

"Hey?" to my surprise, it was Corey. "Hey, I need your help," he looked anxious as he fumbled with his fingers and paced around my room. "Is everything okay?" hopefully, nothing had happened to any one of our friends. "Y-yea it's about Mason though."

My heart begins to race. Every possible worst scenario started running through my mind. My thoughts were beyond wild right now. Has he gotten into an accident? Is he okay? Did he get stuck somewhere? I couldn't live without my best friend! 

"Did something happen to him? Is he okay? He is alive right?" truly, I did not want to know. 

"What? No no no! I mean yes he is alive! He is completely fine it's just um we kind of got in trouble with the police and now he is at the sheriff's department." A breath is released from my body, calming me once again. "What exactly did you do?"

His cheeks go pink. "We kind of got caught getting beer for the party and they got him before I could grab him and become invisible." laughter bubbles inside me. "You guys do know you need your fake ID's?" Corey groans before nodding. "Whatever just help me!" 

I shove my homework to the side and stand up. "Alright let's go."

The department wasn't really far from my house, just a couple minutes. 

"Liam, did you know about this?" Sheriff Stilinski asked as I walked through the door. "Yea, sorry. They were just being reckless," lying so they could let him go with a warning. "Okay, this is just a warning. But if I catch you, boys, again, you will have to do work around the department."

Mason stared confusedly. My eyes travel around the office and then to him. "we are allowed to do that?" John shrugged before chuckling. "I don't know I just need help around here sometimes," Corey laughs.

As Mason was being uncuffed I had received a message. 

The devil himself: Hey I'm at your house. Where are you? :)

Me: At the Sheriff's department. I told you you didn't have to come over tonight! 

His response was quick. 

The devil himself: And I did not care ;) See you soon!

Sighing, I lock my phone and walk back out. "You guys have so much to learn," Mason smacked my shoulder playfully. "Shut up, but hey! Corey managed to bring them with him!" My hands claps together.

"Have fun with whoever you will be with tonight!" smiling a small smile. "Have fun at the party!"


Theo grabs the fire extinguisher and opens it before blowing at the fire that was currently on the table. "How do you manage to set the Pizza on Fire?!" He screamed at me. Giving him a hard glare. "You were supposed to be watching it when I told you I would be going to my room to get a blanket and pillows!"

So, let me fill you all in. It was currently two twenty-three and Theo and I had wanted to make a pizza since we were hungry and we going to watch a movie in the living room. I told him to watch the pizza while I went and got some blankets so we wouldn't be cold.

When I came back downstairs, there was something burning and when I took out the pizza from the oven, it had then set on fire while on the table. Now, we have a semi-burnt and ruined pizza. 

"Well, we still have this half," referring to the side that didn't have the substance from the fire extinguisher and was unburnt. I take a piece and place it in my mouth, slowly chewing it.

"Yea nevermind," my face changes to 'disgust'. Spitting out the food in the trashcan and grabbing my phone. "Let's just order the pizza instead," Theo nods as he shoved the pizza into the trashcan.

"Remind me to never leave you to cook stuff," he muttered under his breath. "Excuse me?" placing a hand on my hip. "I told you to watch the pizza." He stands right in front of me, his chest centimeters away from touching mine. 

His lips press against mine, stealing a kiss. "Mhm, okay. I will let you win this argument," he walked away to the living room leaving me to run up the stairs with a blush on my face.

I hate feelings. especially those really special ones that you can call 'Love'.

Okay ANYBODY have book suggestions? I'm all out. Anyways hope you enjoy it!

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