| BHNAxReader | Light In My S...

By Daifukumi

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Just a villain. A plain cold assassin, born and raised in the darkness of society. Made an outcast by the peo... More

Chapter 1 - Betrayal
Chapter 2 - Back to School
Chapter 3 - Red and Physical
Chapter 4-Interesting
Chapter 5-Time to Battle
Chapter 6-Grudges
Chapter 7-What do I do?...
Chapter 8-Go away, But Don't Go
Chapter 9-What just happened?...
Chapter 10-Friends?
Chapter 11-Mission Accomplished
Chapter 12-Tug O' War
Chapter 13-A Battle and Their War
Chapter 14-And the War begins
Chapter 15-I Can Oddly Relate
Chapter 16-What Are You Doing?
Chapter 17-The Deliquent
Chapter 18-Our Reunion
Chapter 19-The Battle Begins
Chapter 20-Cheap
Chapter 21-You And Me
Chapter 22-Advice
Chapter 23-Mind Over Matter
Chapter 24-I Don't Believe You
Chapter 25-Rival and Rebel
Chapter 26-Worrying About You
Chapter 27-Round Two
Bad Comic
Chapter 28-Hello Again..
Chapter 29-Gone
Chapter 30-I'm Alive...
Chapter 31-Like Before
Chapter 32-Thoughts
Chapter 33-Who?
Chapter 34-Took Me By Surprise
Chapter 35-Your Thoughts?
Thank You For 700 votes!!!
Chapter 37-With You
Chapter 38-You Should Know
Sum Fan art
Chapter 39-The Past
【☆※The Winner※☆】
Chapter 40-My Raging Beauty
Chapter 41-And Then There Were Three
Chapter 42-Location
Chapter 43-Karma, Bitch
Chapted 44-syuGneewollaHyppaH
Chapter 45-Reformed
Chapter 46-Reminisce
Chapter 47-This Is Now
Chapter 48-Fin

Chapter 36-Well Shit

2.5K 106 145
By Daifukumi

"Morning Ash Fuck," You laughed as you stepped down the stairs, holding your school bag as it was hung over shoulder.

"Hurry up Fuck Face," Bakugo scoffed as he waited to walk with you. Your anxiety and awkwardness with him before was gone, but a heavy weight still laid upon you.

Everything is fine...

A little distance was walked before you started to get anxious.


"(f/n)! You're here-!" Kirishima got off his phone as he stared at party member number three as he gave you a confused look.

"What's Bakugo doing here?..." Kirishima questioned as Bakugo irked.

"The fuck is that supposed to mean Shit for Hair?!" Bakugo shouted as you put a hand on his shoulder to calm down.

"Me and Bakugo always walk together since this fuck won't leave me alone," You joked as Bakugo started yelling curses at you while Kirishima felt more jealous and angry as you continued,"I thought we could walk together, you know?"

Kirishima awkwardly smiled as he fidgeted,"Y-Yeah...Sure.."

Bakugo was still irritated as he somehow obliged that it was now not just him and you.

This is gonna get messy...

You had a small flashback to that little day off with Bakugo and Kirishima and how it ended.

Surprisingly for you the walk was seemingly peaceful, but while you didn't notice of course Bakugo was sending terrifying glares at Kirishima.

It was like a silent war and you were in the middle of it.

On the way to class, now finally at the school, Kirishima pilled you back as Bakugo had unknowingly went inside the classroom by himself.

"(F/n) what the heck! I thought we were gonna talk about the whole Bakugo situation. Why was he with you?!" Kirishima jealously said as you raised a brow.

"We are gonna talk about it., but I promised Bakugo that everything would be normal today since yesterday I totally fucked him over," You scoffed," And that includes are usual hang outs,"

"You guys hang out?" Kirishima said spitefully as he continued,"I see you guys talking and stuff, but when do you guys hang out?"

You counted your fingers as you said,"We walk together every morning because he found out where I lived, tried to break in at one point never gonna let him live that down by the way, I eat lunch with him almost every other day. We walk home home until we have to part ways. At one point his mother invited me to dinner,"

"When did you guys start hanging out so much?" Kirishima scoffed as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Uhm...I don't really know. I think he kinda forced it on me, but I don't really mind since the first time I kinda forced it on him anyway," You laughed at the memory of his face when you gave him ice cream because of battle training.

"So do you like him (f/n)?" Kirishima said painfully as you sighed.

"I. Don't. Know. That's what's stressing me out, you know? I got a lot of stuff on my mind and having to think about this is not helping," You said as you made Kirishima feel guilty for flustering you with questions and attitude.

"Ah..Sorry. Didn't know. We can talk about this at lunch? Somewhere private if you want?" Kirishima said with an INNOCENT AND PURE intention. Get yo' mind out of the gutter.

"Yeah, that's fine I guess," You smiled faintly as you walked in, your eyes meeting Bakugo's immediately as he waited for you to sit down next to him.

He didn't come after me...

You thought about it as you sat down as usually when you're apart from him for the slightest moment he rages after you.

Does he trust me or something?...

You looked at him as he had his head facing away from you as he was staring at something random. You smiled as you had gone back to your daily routine in class with your somewhat attention span.

It was lunch as Kirishima had immediately pulled you away as Bakugo yelled out a few curses as you suddenly disappeared as he sighed while he just went on his marry way to get some food.

Kirishima and You walked outside along the walls of the building. You and him had already grabbed a quick lunch that you snacked on as you walked beside him.

"So..." Kirishima was the one who spoke up first,"Have you decided where you're going to be interning yet? You were one of the three that had gotten the most nominations,"

Where I'm going?...

"I don't know...I want to work in the city and away from any peaceful areas. I've had my chance at living peacefully anyway. I can't really say because well...you know me and my past with some heroes specifically,"

You were laughing a bit as Kirishima was uncomfortable smiling,"Y-Yeah.."

"So where are you going?" You asked him as he jumped at your question. It lit a small fire as he was bit excited.

"I have someone in mind, but I really wanna work on my hero work! Something manly, you know?" Kirishima cheered as he gave you a wide smile.

Of course...

"As expected," You laughed as there was a small moment of laughing. Kirishima suddenly stopped as you still kept laughing as he blushed hard.

"(f-f/n)?" He stuttered a bit as you stopped laughing as you smiled.

"Yeah? What is it?" You smiled as Kirishima suddenly stopped.

"I know this is inconsiderate and all when we were supposed to talk about Bakugo and stuff, but..." He said as he couldn't quite catch your gaze as his face was very red as he continued,"This is completely my fault and I know you have a lot on your mind, but...I like you (f/N)...I like you a lot..."


"What did you say?" You said surprised and quite shocked as you took a step back.

"I like you f/n)! Please go out with me...," Kirishima said more flustered as he bowed in your direction.

"Seriously? M-Me?!" You said shocked that this was happening again.

Another confession?! It's barely been 2 days since the last one...!

"Yeah...When you told me that Bakugo had confessed to you first I just couldn't let him get ahead of me," Kirishima embarrassingly confessed as you were still processing everything,"You don't need to answer me right away if you need time and I'll give you space so I don't pressure you or anything, but I just wanted you to know...,"

With that he walked away to give you space as you just stood there, slightly dumb-founded by the whole event.

I...I just wanted to eat my lunch...

You fell t your knees as you sat against the building wall with your face blushing, saying all that stuff only because he was considering how you felt.

He really is a gentlemen...

"Why is this happening now? What's next? Fuckin' Icy Hot is gonna pour his heart out to me?" You laughed at the thought of the coldest guy pouring his heart to someone like you.

Yeah right...Like that's ever gonna happen.

You laughed, but groaned when now you have to think about two very important friend's feeling and how to not lose them.

God, fuck, I've know you fucked me over a couple of times, but please just tell me how to deal with this...

You groaned as you got up and stress-ate your lunch as you walked back into the cafeteria.

I need some lady advice...

You paused as you finally thought of something.

I should have been asking other females about this!! They probably know more about this bullshit then my dumb ass!...

You rushed over to the cafeteria, passing Kirishima along the way as the moment that you had passed him there was slight tension, but it quickly went away as you almost jumped over the table as you sat down next to Uraraka.

"Oh! Hey (f/n)!" Uraraka chimed as Midoriya suddenly got very flushed.

"Ochaco! You know more about boys than me right!?" You shouted as Uraraka suddenly got a little embarrassed.

"I mean...I'm not an expert.." She said slowly with a little cautiousness in her voice.

"What do you do when two boys confess to you?!" You said frantically when Midoriya suddenly went into a coughing fit.

"M-Midoriya! Are you alright?!" Iida frantically said as he was trying to prevent his friend from dying as you turned your attention back to Uraraka.

"So who finally confessed to you? Bakugo? Kirishima? Todoroki?" Uraraka said with a smug face.


You raised a brow as you simply said,"What?"

"What?" Uraraka suddenly realized that she had. Fucked. Up.

"What do you mean by Todoroki? And you knew about Bakugo and Kirishima liking me?!" You said as you pushed up your bangs from your face as you said,"Was it really obvious that they liked me?!"

I have been so blind...Holy shit.

"Ha ha...Forget about the Todoroki thing, okay? And uhm...yeah it was pretty obvious that they liked you. Especially Bakugo at least," Uraraka sighed while she gave you a sympathetic smile.

"Well then what do I do?!" You complained as you never felt more frustrated in your life.

Why do people have to have feelings?!...

"Simple. Just uh...Choose one and turn down the other?" Uraraka said as you glared at her while she shrugged her shoulders as the bell rang for class.

You groaned as you grudgingly thought about just skipping the rest of classes and going home.

That'd be nice, but that's not who I am now...

You smiled at your change. You suddenly remembered the dress you had worn on the day you had been arrested.

It was a lovely dress...

You frowned at the horrible memory as you sat in class as the day was soon about to end. The class ended as you were about to get Bakugo to walk home with you, but then the thought of Kirishima came up.

If I spend time with Bakugo now does that mean I am cheating on Kirishima?...

As if on cue you felt the glares between Kirishima and Bakugo as you wanted to shrivel up and die.

"(f/n)?" Todoroki suddenly showed up, suddenly engaging the attention of Bakugo and Kirishima.

"Huh? Yes, Todoroki?" You replied as he suddenly appeared by your desk, all ready to leave to go home.

"Oi, the fuck do you want with her Half N' Half?" Bakugo hissed at him as he suddenly appeared by your side as well.

Kirishima had the temptation to get up, but he paused suddenly. He sat back down as his friends like Denki and Hanta had started a conversation with him.

"I have business with (f/n)," Todoroki answered bluntly.

"Well no shit shortcake," Bakugo said as he slammed his fist on your desk as you wanted to be dragged away as you looked towards Kirishima to come and save you again, but he was not sparing a glance towards your direction.

He's really giving me space, huh?...

"(f/n), Endeavor wants to see you," Todoroki ignored Bakugo's remarks as that only made him more pissed.

Endeavor? What does that bastard want?...

You felt a little suspicious about the whole thing, but you would honestly agree to anything to get out of this mess.

"Okay?..." You said cautiously as you turned to Bakugo,"I guess I have business to attend to Fire Hazard. Walk home without me,"

"Whatever," Bakugo said angrily as he stomped out of the classroom, slamming the door in the process as you let out a depressed sigh while you walked out with Todoroki.

You spoke up first,"Endeavor doesn't really need me, does he?"

"Ah, no. I made that up," Todoroki confessed bluntly,"You looked really uncomfortable and I just figured Bakugo had something to do with it so I just made up an excuse to get you out of there. Sorry if I was wrong,"

You let out a laugh as you said,"No, no, you were right. Surprisingly,"

Todoroki started to drift toward you as the distance between you and him started to decrease as he plainly said,"Is something wrong? You've been acting weird since yesterday,"

You smiled as you liked Todoroki's sudden curiosity while you said,"Yeah, I have a few things on my mind. It's been stressing me out,"

"Want to talk about it?" Todoroki suggested as you looked at him while you walked.

Should I really ask Todoroki about this?...

You thought about it as you glanced at Todoroki to only find out he was looking at you for an answer as you felt comfort and trusted his plain, but tender expression as you said,"Yeah. I guess I can. The advice I've been receiving from others hasn't really been helpful anyway,"

"Want to have tea at my place? There's also someone I'd like you to meet," Todoroki smiled as you raised a brow as you smirked.

"Sure. Tea sounds fine," You laughed as you followed Todoroki till a thought hit your head.

Won't I see the bastard then?...

And that's the end of this chapter! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed as always! Also thank you for all the love and support this story has been getting and I appreciate all of it.

Also I've decided to increase the deadline for the voting on the ATTENTION chapter so now voting should be done by the end of March. I might change the deadline again but who knows.


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