Into Skyrim

By littlemomouse

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WHY AM I EDITING? It was so bad. So, so bad. Just a whole lot of cringing tbh. I promise my writing has impro... More

Chapter 1: The Trio
Chapter 2: The Carriage Ride
Chapter 3: Helgen
Pointless A/N with cat pics
Chapter 4: Family Reunion
Chapter 5: Quest Accepted
Chapter 6: Bleak "AF" Falls Barrow
Chapter 7: An Unexpected Encounter
Chapter 8: The 7,000 Steps of Hell
Chapter 9: Divine Luck
Chapter 10: Ustengrav
Chapter 11: Cutting Through The Bullshit
Chapter 13: Diplomatic Idiocy
Chapter 1: The Daydream (translated for kicks)
Chapter 14: Finding Esbern
Chapter 15: The Battle for Karthspire
Chapter 16: Meddling Kids

Chapter 12: Sight Seeing

21 2 2
By littlemomouse

Jay, Meeko, and I ride through the southern pines forests of Falkreath Hold towards Helgen.

"So," Zeppelin says, "How much gold do we have now that you've sold some things?"

I sigh. "Not enough. I'm worried I might have to resort to becoming a mercenary, or tomb raiding as the worse case scenario," I answer. "Obviously we'll have to finish off Alduin before even thinking about joining a faction, so mercenary work might be the only option."

"Everything will be alright," Zeppelin reassures me. "And I promise I'll worry about any sidejobs we'll take for money. Neither you or Elizabeth will have to work, not on my watch."

"You are way too nice, dude," I laugh, "But Elizabeth and I can put on our big girl pants and do our share; you don't have to all the work for us."

"But... What if I want to?" He asks.

"What do ya mean?"

"I mean, what if I don't want you to work? What if I think you shouldn't have to?" He asks nervously.

"Um, explain?" I ask, slowing Belle down to a steady pace as we start climbing a hill on the path.

"... I'll tell you more later," Zeppelin says before changing the subject. "Have you or Elizabeth gotten to do much exploring?" He asks. Alright, I'll roll with the subject change for now.

"Not really," I answer. "All we've really done is go back and forth between Falkreath, Whiterun, and the Rift. I haven't even gotten to clear out a bandit camp unless Bleak Falls Barrow counts, which I don't think it does."

"How about we do a little exploration on the way back to Riverwood, then," Zepp suggests. "Maybe check out a cave or a landmark?"

"That would be fun. I'd like that." I smile. "One of my favorite landmarks actually isn't too far from Ivarstead, either! We could visit it on the way back. Oh, that reminds me, did you ever find all the Stones of Barenziah on your Argonian savefile?"

We bantered on like this for quite some time before it started getting dark out. We were just now passing Haemar's Shame.
"We should stop for the night," Zeppelin says, "Belle has been carrying us for hours and Meeko looks pretty tired himself."

I look at our loyal canine companion and see him panting heavily.
"I agree. If we keep going for just a little longer I know a place we can stay at."
When we get to the alchemist's shack, we stop for the night. I take Belle around back into the fenced area while Zeppelin is inside trying to find something to use as a light sorce. I walk inside the structure just as Zep lights a candle with a flame spell.

"You're pretty good with that magic," I compliment.

"Thanks," He answers with a grin, "I've been practicing since I woke up here."

"Nice. So what does casting a spell feel like?" I ask him curiously. Zeppelin sits on the single bed and thinks.

"Hmm. It depends on the school," He answers. "When I cast a restoration spell for example, I feel focused and my hands tingle slightly. But when I cast a destruction spell, like flames, I feel myself getting pissed off and my hands sweat. I imagine a frost spell would be similar but I'd feel like I've got frostbite or something, but thats just a guess."

"I see. So you're emotions change instantly when you cast it," I recap. "Interesting... Have you cast any other spells besides restoration or destruction?"

"Nope. I haven't found any spell tomes or scrolls or anything," He shrugs. "I wanna learn some conjuration spells, though. It's be cool to be able to summon dremora from Oblivion!"

"Hell yeah! And maybe you'd be able to teach me a bit," I smile at him. Zeppelin smiles back at me without saying anything and just stares at me. "What're you lookin at, boy?" I sass.

"You're pretty," He answers with a goofy grin. "A living embodiment of Dibella."

"Ha! More like the corpse of Malacath," I scoff.

"No, you're definitely a goddess," He says with a smirk, "I have been graced by the vision of Mara herself." I feel the blood rush to my face and ears as I turn away to pretend to inspect books lined up on a shelf. "Hehe, you're adorable," Zep laughs at me.

"Shut up, shorty," I retort, mocking his new height. Back on Earth, he and Elizabeth are both quite a bit taller than me, they get it from their dad's side. But now, I stand a good head or so above him. "Now get off the bed, you're taking the first watch."


The night was a long one, it seemed. Jay and I each took watch shifts watched, switching every two hours until morning. Zeppelin's comments from last night just won't leave me the fuck alone! Vision of Dibella my ass...
Don't get me wrong, I'm happy. Extremely. I've had a minor crush on Zep for a while, and the... flirtatious tension between us has always been a bit high. But dammit, I ain't gonna be wooed that easily! Not if I can help it!

I can only imagine how retarded my facial expression looks right now; my jaw clenched, lips pursed, brows furrowed, and green eyes giving the road ahead the death glare. Anything to keep me from smiling like an idiot.

By now we've just passed through Ivarstead and are headed up the seven thousand steps. I hope this trip is less eventful the the last.


By the time we reach the monastery the sun was at its peak in the sky. Zeppelin holds the door open for me and we walk inside. This time, master Arngeir was waiting for us and Meeko runs up to him without hesitation yapping away.

"Ah," He says, seeing the Horn poking out of my bag. "You've retrieved the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller. Now who is this with you, Dovahkiin?" He asks, referring to Zeppelin.

Zeppelin nods respectfully to the monk. "It's an honor, Arngeir. I've heard much about you from Kayleighn and my sister," He says.

"Sister?" Arngeir questions. "Do you speak of the other Dragonborn, Elizabeth?"

"Uh, yes. She's adopted," Zepp lies, making an excuse for their mismatched races.

"I understand. Family does not necessarily mean shared blood." Arngeir says.
"Well, Dragonborn, you have passed all of your trials. Come with me."
Zeppelin and I follow Arngeir and the other monks to the center of the large room. Arngeir and master Wulfgar both step up to me and Daniel stands with the others to watch.
"You are now ready to learn the final word of Unrelenting Force, 'dah,' which means 'push.'" When he said that, Wulfgar whispered the word at the floor and the dragon tongue engraved itself into the stone. "With all three words together, this Shout is much more powerful. Use it wisely. Master Wulfgar will now gift you with his knowledge of 'Dah.'"

Once again, the knowledge of the Greybeards flows through me in ribbons of white light and I gain the understanding of the Word of Power. Meeko barks aggressively as Zepp holds him back by the scruff of his neck.

When the last of the mystical light absorbed into my skin, master Arngeir smiled gently. "You have completed your training, Dragonborn. We would Speak to you. Stand between us, and prepare yourself. Few can withstand the unbridled Voice of the Greybeards. But you are ready."

"Woah, she's gonna withstand what now?" Zeppelin asks, abruptly standing from his seat,"I don't think that's such a good idea."

"Zepp," I say to him, glaring at him meaningfully, "If they say I'm ready, I'm ready." Zeppelin looks between the Greybeards and I skeptically.

"Fine." He says. "But if she gets hurt in any way-"

"Jay! Shush!" I hiss at him. "I'm ready, Arngeir, whenever you are."

"As you wish, Dragonborn. Stand before us and we will fully recognize you as Dovahkiin."

I stand in the kiddle of the room and the four masters of the Voice surround me. I nod and signal Arngeir that I'm ready. He bows back and he and the others begin speaking perfect Dovahzul.

"Lingrah krosis saraan Strundu'ul, voth nid balaan klov praan nau." Their combined voices mimic the sound of rolling thunder and the initial shock of the booming sound startled me and made me slightly jump in place. Meeko and Jay were taking the power of the Voice rather hard. Meeko was whimpering with his head hidden in his paws, and Zepp had his hands over his ears as he grinds his teeth. "Naal Thu'umu, mu ofan nii nu, Dovahkiin, naal suleyk do Kaan, naal suleyk do Shor, ahrk naal suleyk do Atmorasewuth. Meyz nu Ysmir, Dovahsebrom. Dahmaan daar rok." Each time they began a new sentence a staggered a little bit, but ultimately managed to stay on my feet.

When the ritual was done, the Greybeards bowed and dispersed to other parts of High Hrothgar quietly. Arngeir stayed behind, though, to say a few last words.
"Dovahkiin. You have tasted the Voice of the Greybeards, and passed through unscathed. High Hrothgar is open to you."

"Thank you, master Arngeir. It's an honor," I tell him graciously. Never in a million years would I ever have thought I'd be in my favorite motherfucking video game living the life for the last Dragonborn. Honestly, the thing I'm most worried about- besides dying- is coming across as rude to the NPCs. There's a reason I speak to them all so formally! "So, when can I meet your leader?" I ask Arngeir.

"Leader?" He asks surprised in return. "How do you know we have a leader, Dragonborn?"

"Call it women's intuition," I answer. "Am I wrong?"

"... No, Dovahkiin, you are most correct in your assumptions," The old Greybeard answers, "Our leader, Paarthurnax, lives alone on the peak of the Throat of the World. When your Voice can open the path, you will know you are ready to speak to him."

"So when can we meet him?" Zeppelin asks him.

"As I said, she will know she is ready when her Voice can open the path to him." Arngeir repeats.

"I guess we're done here then," I say, clapping my hands together once, "Shall we head back to Riverwood?" I ask Jay.

"I'd say we should, and stop at Balft on the way," He smirks. "It's been a pleasure, Master Arngeir," Jay says shaking the old man's hand. I wave goodbye and walk out the doors ahead of him with Meeko.


"So this is your favorite landmark, huh?" Zeppelin asks as we stare at the small, bandit-occupied Dwemer ruin from afar.

"Mhm," I hum in response. "I dunno why, I just find the place charming."
The bandits go about their business totally oblivious to the fact we're watching them from a short distance away.

"Well, what do you say we take over the camp?" Zepp suggests, "For practice, of course."

"I'd say that's a great idea." I answer. Crouching down, I draw my bow. I knock an arrow onto the string and pull my arm back, the fletching grazing my fingers. I steady my breathing and take aim at the closest bandit. I release the string as I exhale.

The arrow shoots forth but ends up missing its target.
"Shit," I say, rising to my feet as the alerted bandits look around, "What should we-" I stop mid-sentence as I see Jay running into battle, spells blazing. "Well... I guess that's the plan."

I sling the bow across my back and charge in, drawing my sword. I shove some bandits out of my way before slashing at them in the next instant. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Zeppelin casting his flame spells at a small oncoming horde of enemies.
Returning my attention to my situation, I keep swinging my blade at the rogue humans and elves around me. I'm being surrounded.

"Fus ro dah!" I shout at the few bandits in front of me, sending them flying back into a stack of creates.

"By the Eight!" An Imperial bandit says in awe, pausing from whacking me with his... hammer? Like, just a hammer. Must be the places blacksmith.

"Cool, isn't it," I say before knocking him out cold.
His friends stare in surprise just long enough for me to get in a couple quick swings at them. The fighting continues and Meeko joins me leaving Zeppelin to fight on his own.

Before long, the battle was over. Most of them bandits were either dead, half alive, or had fled.
"Sooo, KK, what are we calling this little outing?" Zepp asks smoothly.

"A date! It's obviously date." A voice says from the ground at our feet. Zeppelin and I look down to see that hammer dude I'd knocked out earlier. "Just kiss already!"

"I'm sorry, aren't you supposed to be dead?" I ask him.

"Uh, I guess so??" The Imperial says, but it came out as more of a question. "But please spare me! I just needed a job, I never took part in their shenanigans!"

"'Shenanigans?'" Zeppelin asks scoffs. "Who the fuck says that anymore?"
I elbow him in the shoulder. He knows fully well I do.

"Give us one reason why we shouldn't kill you right here, right now," I say kinda trailing off as I realize we dunno this guy's name.

"Y-Your armor!" He answers in a haste, "It's fraying at the seams. And your boyfriend doesn't even have a matching set! I-I can craft you some, just please don't kill me!"

"Okay, first of all, this dude ain't my boyfriend," I laugh, inwardly wishing it was true though. "Second, you got a name? And third, just how good of a smith are you?"

"I'd say I'm one of the best," The man boasts, "I'd say I could easily rival that Grey-Mane fellow in Whiterun. And my name, if you must know, is Julius."

"I see. Yet," I say, "You're working for bandits?"

"Well, I-" He tries to defend, but Zeppelin cuts him off.

"He's obviously lying, Kayleighn. I say we just mercy him." Zepp says as he ignites a flame in the palm of his hand.

"No, please! I'll do anything you want!" Julius begs, the coward's amber eyes watering with tears as he becomes desperate. Zeppelin and I exchange glances for a moment.

"Anything?" I ask.

"Anything, I swear!" He cries.

"Hmm.. What do you think, Zepp? Any ideas?" I ask my Breton friend.

"I think I may have a few..." he answers.


Zeppelin and I ride into Riverwood coming from the Southwest, Julius is tied up being pulled in a cart we hooked up to Belle's saddle straps along with good ol' Meeko. A sprinkle of rain was falling from the overcast sky above.

Zepp ties the horse to the fence outside the Sleeping Giant as I pull our "prisoner," for lack of a better word, out of the cart and onto his feet. Once Belle was secure, we stride into the Inn.

Greeted by the scent of Honningbrew mead, and the warmth of a roaring fire, Zeppelin heads up to the bar to speak to Orgnar.
"Hey, man," He greets the bartender, "Are Delphine and Elizabeth back yet?" He asks.

"Yeah. They're downstairs," he answers as he pours a drink for Faendal.

"Thanks," I say, leading Julius to the master bedroom. Zeppelin follows and shuts the door behind us before opening the closet and it's false back. We all head down the stairs with Meeko at our heels.

"Elizabeth?" I call out before we reach the end of the staircase.

"KK, Jay! You're back," she says happily, attacking me with a bear hug.

"Elizabeth... I can't... breathe," I wheeze.

"Oops, sorry!" she apologizes. "I didn't know what to do without- who is that?" She asks suddenly noticing Julius.

"Meet Julius," I say flatly. "This dude has promised to do anything we want until we don't need him anymore, then we'll let him go." I explain.

"Can you release my hands now?" Julius whimpers. "The ropes are digging into my wrists."

I roll my eyes and loosen his bonds a little as Delphine approachs us.
"Good, you're back," Delphine says from the opposite side of the table. "We have a lot to discuss."

"Right," I say, straightening out my leather armor. "So what happened at Kynesgrove?"

"I killed a dragon," Elizabeth answers. Delphine gives her the stink eye.

"Yes, we killed the dragon." she corrected. "And I've figured out how to get you both into the Thalmor Embassy."

"Ooh! My favorite part of the main quest!" I giddy. Delphine and Julius look at me like I'm as crazy as Cicero. "Um, I meant is, 'ohh! This is getting good! Haha...'" my laugh trailed off awkwardly as I hand Julius over to Zeppelin, who is leaning against the wall, and sit down on a chair in the corner of the room.

"Okay, so whats the plan, Deli? I've been dying to know!" Elizabeth says, sitting on top of the table.

"The Thalmor Ambassador, Elenwen, regularly throws parties where the rich and connected cozy up to the Thalmor. I can get you both into one of those parties. Once you're inside the embassy, you can slip away, and find Elenwen's secret files." Delphine says before starting to elaborate.
"I have a contact inside the embassy. His name is Malborn; a wood elf with plenty of reason to hate the Thalmor. I've already sent word for him to meet you in Solitude at the Winking Skeever. While you're doing that, I'll see about getting you invitations to the party. Any questions?" She asks us.

"What am I going to do?!" Julius pipes up. "You can't just store me somewhere until you get back, if you get back!"

"You can stay with some friends of mine here in Riverwood," I tell him. "They're good people, you'll be fine." Julius goes on to mumble and complain incoherently.

"No more questions then? Good. Meet me at the Solitude stables after you've arranged things with Malborn." Delphine says going to rummage through a chest in the room.

"We'll see you there," I say, getting up to leave.

"Alright then. Be careful," she says, bidding us farewell.

I need to take a break. I've thought long and hard about this, and I think this is the best decision right now.

Things are really bad here at home, and it doesn't look like it'll get better anytime soon. 2018 has just gone from bad to worse, and from worse to... even more worse? It's been shit.

My mom has been having a lot of medical issues, including a heart attack, and I'm scared for her. My own mental and emotional issues have been getting worse. As I said before, my stepdad has been here for the last two months, so that has been putting a mammoth ton of strain on my relationship with my mom and my half-siblings.

I honestly think I would've killed myself already if it weren't for you readers, and this book. I've put so much time and effort into this story, I feel I have an obligation to finish it. But I need a break to de-stress and try to get my shit together.
I promise I will try my hardest to write enough to make up for this the next time I update.

Thank you for understanding. -Little Emo Mouse

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