Linstead: Undercover Mission

Autorstwa chicagopdbabes

96.5K 1.3K 232

Your favorite Detectives take their Undercover skills to Hawaii! Jay and Erin have to portray as newlyweds, w... Więcej

Two Weeks With You
Playing The Part
Not As Beautiful As You
It's The Beginning
He Could Finally Sleep Peacefully
You Were Gone in the Blink of an Eye
She Begged for Him not to Leave Her Side
Whatever You Want, We Will Make It Happen
It Would Become An Everday Tradition
She Needs You
Slowly, it was all Returning to Normal
You Are My Miracle
Our Love is Invincible
Cheers to Milestones
I Am the Dreamer and You Are My Dream
Nature is Even Better Than it Seems
I Am a Better Person Because of You
The Gifts Love Can Give You
These Are The Days We Live For
And So The Adventure Begins
It's Been Too Long, My Dear
When I Met You, Everything Changed.
We Rise By Lifting Others
I Have Loved You Since Day One
The Past Can Be Our Worst Demon
Thankful For The Family We Have
One Minute You Were Here and Now You're Gone
Our Family is a Circle of Strength
In The End, You'll Always Be Here
The Best Gift is Family Wrapped In Love
A Grand Adventure is About to Begin
The Year's Shadow
Sunday Mornings
Dreams Do Come True
Today Was Long Overdue
The Presents Life Gives You
Life Can Go Two Ways
We All Have Our Own Coping Mechanisms

Living A Two Sided Life

1.4K 24 5
Autorstwa chicagopdbabes

Hey lovelies! I'm back, and better than ever. I wanted to dedicate a few weeks to a social media detox, just to regain who I am and see what life is without social media.

Some of you may think this story is drawn out, and some of you might not. Please let me know if you'd like to see this story continued or not.

Without further ado:

He kept staring at the clock. It went by so slowly. He looked over to the board, and set down his pencil. He didn't know. And he didn't care. He wouldn't need to know any of this stuff for his career. "Jaxton?" The teacher's voice boomed through the class. He was snapped back to reality. "What would we need to do next? After metaphase."

He felt all the heads turn towards him, all eyes on him. He understood school to an extent, but Biology? Hell no. He wouldn't need to know this. He didn't want to go into a medical or science field, at the moment. He shrugged his shoulders in defeat, sighing. Ten more minutes. Ten more until spring break. Only an hour before his family and Carson's would meet at O' Hare to catch their five twenty five flight straight to Phoenix, only twenty minutes from Sloan Park, home of the Cubs Spring Training.

The teacher didn't try to press him any further, and moved onto the next student. "Kameron? Do you know? What happens after metaphase?"

"First off, it's Kami. Second, Anaphase comes next," The voice spoke boldly, closing her book. "Then telophase and cytokinesis. Simple."

The teacher, Mrs. Davis, applauded her, nodding. "For once the new girl actually knows something. Good job, Kami." She smiled saying her name correctly.

Jaxton rolled his eyes at Mrs. Davis' comment, packing up his books as the hour was about to end. He had known Kami for almost a month now. She had moved in with Carson, as they adopted her since her parents were getting deployed. In the month Jaxton and Kami had known each other, Jaxton couldn't stand the girl. Yes, her ginger hair and freckles were breathtaking, but her ego was way to bold for him. She always had to be right. She was smart and athletic. She was too much like him. And he couldn't stand it.

"Let's go, nerd." He looked up to face the girl himself. They all had to go back to his house, and his parents would take the three teens to the airport, Carson's parents showing up later with their luggage.

"Shut up, Kami," He'd reply, walking out of the classroom with Kami on his hip. "Just because you just moved here doesn't mean you can call me names."

Kami would grab his bicep. She was a few inches taller than Jaxton, the both of them were tall for their age. "Jax, calm down," She stopped them both in the main lobby. "I don't mean to come off as a bitch, but that's who I am. I don't mean to be rude either, okay? I'm sorry."

Jaxton nodded, avoiding her eye contact. "Okay." He simply replied. He wasn't going to argue with her anymore. "Let's go. Carson is probably already in the car." The two walked out the doors side by side, and already spotted the black GMC waiting up front. They walked to the truck, opening the doors.

"Hey kiddo," Jay smiled at his son who hopped into the back seat. "Hey Kam." Jay couldn't stop but think how damn lucky he was. For not even being thirty, he had it made. He had a beautiful, breathtaking wife, a teenage son, and twins on the way. He had an outstanding job and house, and the most supportive friend group. He loved it.

"Hey dad," Jaxton replied, eyeing Carson from the front seat. He really did not want to be sitting with the ginger next to him on the plane. The two boys' eye contact spoke unspoken words, and soon Carson burst out laughing at Jaxton's begging eyes.

Jay looked over at the two, and seemed to catch on to their unspoken language. "What is it?" Carson gave him a questioning look. "Don't look at me like that. We both know you two are speaking through eye contact."

Carson bursted out laughing again, buckling up as Jay pulled into traffic. "It's nothing." He laughed again as Jay rolled his eyes. "Seriously, it's nothing. Are we getting something to eat before we take off?"

"Changing the subject I see," Jay replied. "And we can get something at the airport. Er is at home loading everything into the SUV. Hank is taking us so we don't have to pay the outrageous price for parking the car. But, yes we can. I assume you're packed, Jax?"

Jaxton nodded as his eyes met his father's in the review mirror. "All by the door, ready to go."

"Awesome. When we get home, you three have fifteen minutes to do what ever while I put the luggage into the car, then we are off." Jay commented as they pulled into the driveway, parking the GMC into the other side of the garage. All four of them parted ways, scrambling into the house. Jay started picking up suitcases and duffle bags for the family of three, lodging them into the back of the black SUV. He couldn't believe he was going on vacation with his own family.

Not in a million years did Jay think he would be financially stable enough to take his family on vacation. And go with close friends. Jay finished putting the last of their luggage into the car, slamming the back shut. He walked through the house, in search of his wife who had failed to make an appearance since he had gotten home from picking up the kids.

He wasn't surprised when he heard movement in one of the soon to be nurseries. Jay looked in front of him. His wife was standing in the middle of one of the rooms, in her own world. Her sweater covered skin felt smooth against his hand as he rested it on her shoulder. When she remained speechless he slid his hand down to her growing stomach, now at the halfway point, and rested it on the developing bump. "Are you ready, baby?" He was the first to speak.

She sighed at his hand resting on the bump carrying their children. Erin turned around and her lips fell into a smile. She wrapped her hands around her husband, resting her head on his chest. "Yeah, I am." She whispered into his shirt.

"What's wrong, Er?" His voice flowed with concern for her as he hugged her body. His fingers ran through her hair.

"Nothing," She replied softly, pulling away from her husband, linking her arms around his neck. "I'm just thinking; we're at the halfway point. It's going so fast. We're so unprepared. We still need to decide on names, nursery themes, do we even want them to have separate nurseries? The only thing I know is in breastfeeding and we have a boy and a girl in the way. Jay, when we get back I'll be twenty one weeks, almost twenty two weeks! We have to make decisions."

One thing they both were getting used to was Erin's outbursts and extreme mood changes. One minute she was all happy and the next she would throw a tantrum. Just like last week. The unit was working silently on case notes, and all of a sudden Erin misspelled a word. She snapped her pencil in half and threw her notepad across the room, hitting Kim in the back.

It was the effect of being pregnant. Her body was changing and her hormones had no idea how to react, so they acted out. The only perk of this pregnancy was no outrageous cravings which Erin and Jay were beyond thankful for. "Er, we will figure it all out, okay? But, this is vacation! We are going to have fun. And I won't even drink anything so you don't feel left out, how about that?" Jay honestly had no idea how to soothe his wife.

"You don't have to do that, Jay. We still need to have fun. This will be our last family vacation before the twins come. We can still go out with Julie and Craig, and have sex and party. You can drink,I really don't care, Jay. I just want to spend time with my family." And that is what made Jay Halstead love Erin Halstead. She was beyond selfless.


"Palm trees!" Carson shouted as the party of seven came to view with sunny side Phoenix Arizona. It was sunny, and screamed vacation.

Jaxton shook his head listening to Carson. He needed a drink. "Are we taking two different taxis?" He directed his question at Julie, who was looking amongst the parking lot.

"I think we will. It'll be for the best." The four and a half hour flight drained everyone. The sun was setting and was painting a variety of pastels during the process. Everyone wanted to go to the hotel to take a nap, or, sleep. "Jay, Erin, is two separate cabs okay?" She glanced to Erin and Jay, who were leaned up against the land post n a deep conversation. Jay broke off his eye contact with Erin and nodded.

Just like the Union Station, there was a line of taxis along the sidewalks, ready to transport visitors. "Kids, go on first. " Jay and Erin had now joined the group. They wanted to go to the hotel and settle in. Everyone had agreed to stay in the hotel, but do as they wish. The party booked three different rooms: each for the married adults, and one for the three teenagers. The four adults planned to meet up at the hotel bar in an hour once they got checked into their hotel rooms.

The hotel was just as Will described it from his and Natalie's stay last month. It had a business classy theme to it, with marble floors and light grey walls. Everyone addressed the party as 'Ms.' 'Mrs.' or 'Mr.' And Kami was over the roof for it. It gave her a sense of authority. Erin passed the room card for the teenagers' room to Jax, and they all piled into the elevator, with the luggage cart following behind with Craig.

"Just because this is vacation," Jay looked around the tightly spaced elevator, making eye contact with each of the three minors, "Does not mean we get to act stupid. I don't want you guys leaving the hotel without alerting one of us. And get to bed at a decent time, please." Jay's lecture was cut off by the elevator doors opening, and the group finding the designated rooms.

Room 1415 insisted to be the kids' room, and the four adults watched the door close behind Jaxton after they assed the room and approved of it. "We are two doors down, 1417,"Craig replied, "Meet you at the bar in an hour?" Jay nodded his head, taking Erin's hand and guiding her to room 1433, down the opposite direction.

Jay scanned the card, and stepped aside to allow his wife to enter the room first, then follow behind with the two suitcases prepared for the week and a half long stay. Off to the right was the bathroom, with a light up mirror and vanity, and a walk in shower to compliment the area. He stopped in the hall and opened the closet doors, revealing two bathrobes and an ironing board. Jay laid the suitcases on the king sized bed that was centered in the room, taking a seat next to Erin. "What do you think?"

"I love it," She replied happily, turning to face Jay. "You know," She smirked, "We are on the opposite side of the hallway. Nobody can hear us." She grinned wickedly. That seemed to be another side effect of being pregnant in Erin's case. She randomly craved the presence of her husband and the intimacy of him al the time. And Jay would not complain. 

Jay felt his pants tighten and he fought the urge to take her on the bed in that moment. "As much as I'd love to take you on the bed," He whispered into her ear, as his tongue skimmed the shell of it, "We have to meet up with Julie and Craig in an hour, so lets get settled, and then have an after party here" He suggested.

Erin smiled nodding her head. "Bring it on."


"So, how is this going to work?" Kami asked as she sat on one of the queen sized beds in her room for the next week and a half. "Do I get my own bed, or do I have to share with one of you two?" The last part came off as an insult to the two teenage boys.

"You, my dear sister, get your own bed. Jax and I will share this one." He pointed to the bed closest to the wall. Jax plopped down on his bed for the next ten days and flipped on the tv, settling on ESPN since Jay and Erin would't allow him to bring his Xbox. "Jax, wanna go down and eat? They have two restaurants on this escort, and a Starbucks."

Jaxton looked over at him and shook his head. "I'll decline," He watched Carson's face fall. "I'm wiped from the plane, so I'm going to take a shower and call it a night." Carson didn't seem to argue any further, so he nodded and left the room. He looked over to Kami and saw her glaring at him. "What's your problem?"

"Nothing," She raised her hands defensively, shuffling over to the bathroom, "I'm going to take a shower, k?" Kami watched him intently, until the bathroom door closed. Something was different. Usually, Jaxton wouldn't miss the opportunity to go out and have fun. But, lately, he had been acting shady. She would be taking their attendance down for a substitute and she would see Jaxton in between lockers with another boy. She had done her investigative skills, hence that is what she wanted to do for a living. She discovered the boy in the hallways with Jaxton was known for throwing ranger parties and dealing drugs. Not like heroin and meth, but pain killers. Opioids and Morphine. Even weed. Rumors about coke. And since her discovery, Kami had been on edge. She tried to puzzle the pieces together what was going on with him.

Jaxton was one of her closer friends, and she cared. Kami then found out about spraining his foot. The pain from that could be the root of the entire problem. When he got back form his injury, his average dropped by four, five points. Not only could he be taking pain killers for a mysterious pain, but also steroids to get the average back up.

As she let the water trickle down her bare body, thoughts continued to race through her mind. What the hell was Jaxton doing? Why was he doing it? Kami figured her brother would be out for an hour, so that gave her enough time to confront Jaxton. Or, at least snoop through his luggage while he took a shower.

Did Erin and Jay know or suspect anything?

She wasn't sure, but Kami did know that something would be done before they went back to Chicago in ten days.


"I'm so happy we all could schedule this," Craig commented as the doors to the elevator closed. Supper had went by without a hitch. The four adults talked about everything. Jay and Erin even refrained from telling Craig and Julie the gender of the twins, which came as a surprise to the both of them.

"Me as well," Jay replied, "It's nice to have great friends that you want to spend a vacation with." Would this damn elevator ever get to the fourteenth floor? He didn't know about his friends, but as soon as he and Erin's hotel door closed, they were going to have at it.

"I'm just happy all the kids get along together," Julie added in, lacing her hand with Craig's as the elevator doors opened. "Well, lets just plan to meet for breakfast at ten thirty?"

"Sounds excellent. We had a great time tonight, really." Erin waved as the two couples parted ways. Once again, Jay swiped the key card, and as soon as the door to their room closed, Jay had her pinned against the wall. Their lips quickly started exploring each other's mouth, as their hands traveled to different places. Erin flicked open the button on his cargo shorts and moved aside the waistband of his boxers, and gripped him firmly in her hands . He moaned into her mouth as he stood frozen.

Her talented hand stroked him from base to tip, spreading the moisture round. He bucked underneath her, and bit into her neck to suppress a moan he held back. "Er, don't, please," He swatted her hands away, knowing if she kept that up for a minute longer, he would come undone right there. His hands dipped to the hem of her shirt, and tugged it up and over her head. His eyes glazed her torso, noticing the growing bump that held their twins. He kissed it lovingly, moving to pull down her leggings and kick them aside. He pulled off his own shirt, moving them towards the bed as they both left a trail of their clothes.

They fell on top of one another, and Jay sucked on her collarbone as one of his hands found her ready for him. He guided himself into her, both of them moaning at the contact. He would never get tired of seeing her eyes widen each time he entered her. He found it highly attractive, and made him fall in love with her more every time.

If that was even possible.

He rocked against her slim body as their hands roamed one another's body. Jay's eyes found her breasts, and he couldn't help but realize how much fuller they had gotten. Pregnancy was definitely agreeing with her body, and even that was an understatement. She was breathtaking, as always.

She whimpered underneath him as her hips met his thrust for thrust, and their eyes locked. They saw into each other's souls, and that was it for Jay Halstead. His release hit him like a truck, and he buried himself far into her as her legs tightened against him and trapped him inside of her. His trigger released hers and she stifled a groan, biting his name into his neck. Once both of their breathing evened out, he finally slipped out of her, moving to spread the hotel sheets over their bodies still tangled together. "I love you, Jay."

'I love you, too, Er. Always." The two laid in silence, drifting off to sleep in each other's arms with a smile on each of their faces.


"Quinn?" His voice was groggy as he spoke the word. He shifted

"What?" Erin whispered, tilting her head up to face her husband.

Jay moved his hand to her stomach and repeated himself. "Quinn?"

Another chapter is completed. My social detox went great, and now I have a bizillion ideas for this book, if you guys want me to continue it. Please tell me if I should continue this or not! See you next week, and please review!

Happy Easter, loves.

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