Red Teutonic

By Steplu1501

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Stephanie was going on an island trip until everything went wrong during the flight changing her life. Years... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 5

13 0 0
By Steplu1501

"Move faster!" Janna screamed

I dodge the spears and jumped over the ramp landing in a pool of mud. I started climbing the tree trying to get better balance until I fell. I landed on my back letting the pain run through my body like a snake's venom. Janna helped up to keep me settle which didn't work out as much with the pain increasing. Father mad this for us to practice each day or better yet to keep us out of our rooms when we didn't have work.

"You need to be more careful" Janna scolded

"I know," I mumbled

Janna took me all the way back to the hotel and up my room. I laid in bed looking out my balcony window seeing nothing but blue sky. I thought about what Corey said trying to put it to pieces but I felt like something was missing. I carefully stood up and went towards the balcony to shake off this nonsense. My eyes laid on Aiden and Susie who were laying together by the pool side by side. Aiden's eyes were looking at her differently and more interest than he did with me. I tried to look away and I wish I did because before I knew it, Aiden and Susie kissed but in a romantic way crushing my heart into pieces. My heart felt like it was shattered turning the pieces into dust. I looked away and let the tears flow down my face. The memories that we had and all the romance we shared were all gone. I began to have flashbacks of when we first meet having that chemistry rise.

One year earlier

I was cleaning up some sloppy gooey liquid off the floor from some stupid kid when father called me in his office. I entered to see him talking with another man and a young boy next to him. Father introduce me to the top designer Mr.Dragon and his son Aiden who was going to start working here. I was surprise that a famous figure would work here especially Mr. Dragon's son. Aiden had this shy but cold view to him making it kind of cute in a way but mean. He had brownish blonde hair with some fuzz on his chin with hazel eyes. He was taller than me and was around me age which I doubted at first.

"Miss King, it's an honor to work with you," Aiden smiled

Weeks passed and I kept pranking Aiden on the job nonstop getting a huge laugh from it. He would sometimes get mad or laugh like it was nothing making me laugh some more. He wouldn't talk to anybody and sometimes he would just give cold stares. My heart raced when I was around him or just thinking about him during the night. I knew I was crushing on that cute jerk who had entered my heart. I invited Aiden to come hang out with my group of friends with his brothers at our secret beach spot.  Everyone except Aiden entered the freezing cold water with surf boards in hand or water guns.

"Cold boy come join us and miss potato," Miguel hollered at Aiden

Aiden shook his head so I decided to get out before Miguel tried to make things weirder. I sat underneath a palm tree looking up at the big leaves until Aiden sat next to me.

"You know, you do look like a potato," Aiden laughed

"Thanks cold boy," I replied

"But you are a cute one," Aiden chuckled

I felt my cheeks turn red like a bright red cherry on a banana split sundae. He grabbed my face gently and just gave me a loving stare. He moved closer having some space between our lips, his lips kissed mine so gently that I couldn't help but kiss him back. I look in his eyes after the kiss with more blush forming on my cheek.

"You're the girl that I have fallen for," He passionately smiled

Remembering that made my heart shatter even more than before. I heard knocks on my door but didn't open until they opened it by themselves. I didn't look up instead I sat down on the edge of the bed with my head resting on my hands letting out tears.

"Steph what's wrong?" Colby asks

"Outside," I cried out

I knew he looked outside because I felt his arms wrap around me giving me some comfort. He lifted my head up and wiped my tears away giving me a sincere smile to cheer me up.

"Why don't we go out somewhere?" Colby asked

"No," I said

After saying no, Colby picked me up and throw me over his shoulder making him giggle a bit. I moved around to get out but it was no use because Colby was strong like stronger than a regular person. He took me all the way to the wicked café where I would go to get my triple caramel cherry Frappuccino. Colby ordered me my Frappuccino while he got his warm white coco coffee.

"I'm sorry Steph," Colby said

"It's fine," I replied

"I know you loved him and I was stupid to try," Colby sighed

"We will always be best friends, we all make mistakes and we got to move on," I smiled

"Yeah, oh hey, I invited my cousin to have a drink with us while you were distracted," Colby grinned

Before I could ask him who it was, a tall handsome man with a red suit walked towards us. Colby stood up and hug him guessing it was his cousin.

"Steph, you remember Daniel Briar the son of Mrs. Briar," Colby said

Daniel Briar the famous flirt boy who dated one of the richest band members of the world. He somehow looked familiar but I just couldn't put my finger on it. All I know is that Mrs. Briar is also a designer working with her brother Mr. Dragon.

"I've think we meet before princess," Daniel grinned

Then it hit me like a ton of bricks have fallen from the sky. I meet Daniel here at the wicked café who recommended me the triple caramel cherry Frappuccino then I took him out to surf which he failed. I remember having semi feelings but then he left which brought Aiden into the picture.

"It has been like forever Daniel," I smiled

"Yes, and you still gorgeous as ever," Daniel grinned

"Alright Daniel that's enough, she just got her heart crushed my Aiden," Colby snarled

"Aiden that bastard," Daniel growled

"Calm down boys, Corey must be taking care of him right now," I said

"Aiden really as bad reputation when it comes to girls," Daniel sighed

"Dude, don't say that in front of Steph," Colby warned

"Why?" I asked

"Aiden was a big well playboy, He dated girls without caring if they got hurt," Daniel explained," I never thought we would play the dog card on you."

"Dog card?" I asked

"Did he give you a dog?" Daniel asked

"Yes, as a birthday present," Colby said

"Did he say that he has fallen for you?" Daniel questioned

"Y-yes," I muttered

"That's the dog card that he uses to get close to girls before crushing them to their limits," Daniel explained calmly," Trust me princess he did that to the top models especially to Riki Tulip. "

I felt like the air was punched out of me making me have a blank expression. All this time I was just another toy to him! I was only there for him for his entertainment! I felt my angrier build up and my tattoo glowing up burning my shoulder. Colby and Daniel tried to calm me but I just couldn't after what he did to me.

"Stephanie forget him," Daniel said," You don't need him,"

"But he hurt me!" I cried

"Princess your better off without him," Daniel replied

Daniel hugged me tightly kissing my head. I would never ever forgive Aiden for shattering my heart.  

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