Chapter 10

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Daeril throw the fireball back at me where I swiftly dodged it in time. There was no way we could have a chance of beating her this way. She tosses the gem of Ufa back and forth from her hands smirking.

"I think it's for the grand finale," Daeril chuckled

She pulled the gem close to her chest chanting some words letting the gem release some form and then a flash of light appeared. The gem of Ufa was now part of her dragon tattoo shining a misty orange.

"Finally it's time for me to rule!" Daeril exclaimed

She suddenly turned into a huge silver dragon, she let soft steam out of her mouth before letting out a growl. Corey panicked saying this was the end for us and Daniel was trying to calm him down. Daeril flew in the air towards the roof which would set her free on the island causing chaos. I demanded Daniel to use his tentacles to hold her down while Corey freezes her half way to a chance to get back the gem. The boys nodded doing as they were told getting ready to strike her tattoo. Once she was unable to move I went in to burn the gem off her hoping it would work, I blasted fire at it but it was affecting it not even a inch. I stopped and  somehow blasted out a flaming rose that burn up  her shoulder releasing the gem. I grabbed the gem while Daeril tranformed back into her original form releasing smoke.

"You will not win," She growled

"That's too late," I said

"I will retake your memories," She replied

"Go ahead but that doesn't stop me from being who i am," I softly said," I found a family who loves me for being me, friends who stick up for me , and last I have A goddess who looks up to me as a hero."

The gem swirled around me becoming one with my rose tattoo. My hair changed into a bright red color then my eyes while my let out small steam. I roughly raised my hands up the air and Green glowing vines popped up from the ground, I pointed at Daeril leading the vine to wrap around her tightly cutting off some of her. I walk toward pulling her hair making her groan in pain making growl.

"Your time is up on this world," I snarled placing my hand on her tattoo

I drained the color off her tattoo before vanishing her tattoo. Along with her tattoo, Daeril screamed vanishing into nothing but dust.  I started to breathe heavily before falling on my shaken knees. The boys huddled around me asking me if I was ok and how was I was able to even do that. I heard my name and turning around to see Father and Janna running towards. They gave me  a tight hug before letting out tears of joys.

"Your our hero sweetie," Father cried caressing my cheek

"Thank you," I replied smiling

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