Been A While, Spidey

By EdsGryff

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Note from a very embarrassed writer from the future- do not read this book. Please. #VERY SEX CENTRIC# What h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 (Pre Epilogue)
Chapter 20 (Epilogue)

Chapter 13

129 4 4
By EdsGryff

yeah, yeah. I never update. I only have an hour on the laptop, so this'll be short.

Heard the expression ''Saved by the bell"? I'm sure you have so I'm not gonna waste time and go on about what it means. Despite what my friends say, I am NOT a dictionary. Not too much.

Well, when Shadab very shockingly and unexpectedly proposed to me, a similar thing happened. I wish I could say that Peter busted out his suit and swung away with me.

But NO. It was a metal arm which swung me away, screaming, which, let me tell you, was nowhere near to the comfort of Peter's arms.

So, saved by kidnapping.


I'll definitely be calling about the security at his prison.

It wasn't until I was roughly dropped into an underground lair and my capturer climbed down, THE METAL ARMS WERE SO COOL! that I saw that it wasn't Dr. Otto Octavius but a girl, woman who'd captured me.
My whole body was aching and o think she threw something at my head.
I blacked out.

When I woke up, some time later, the woman was hovering over me. With a start, I realised my top was gone.

I looked at her, then beside me and put on the top hurriedly, hoping it was just open for medical reasons and not nefarious ones.
Then I looked back at her.

I didn't know her. I mentally rebuked my nerdiness.

''Hello.'' She greeted.

''Hi.'' I say politely. ''Who are you?''

Her gray eyes narrowed and she snarled, ''Who AM I? WHO AM I?'' She takes a breath and says more calmly, ''I am Lady Octopus 'cuz She-Octopus sounds like She-Hulk.'' She's only a few years older than me, clearly. ''I'm Otto Octavius's daughter, Carolyn.  And I kidnapped you because Spider-Man put him in prison.'' She adds, beause I was still puzzled.

Where is Peter? Or any Avenger? Did they not see a screaming woman being carried away from building to building by another passive-aggressive woman with metal arms?

''No offense but I'm not his girlfriend. That's Felicia Hardy. I'm just his assistant. Also you don't look anything like your dad. You're...good looking.'' She was, with long light brown hair all tied in a messy bun on top of her head and she's kinda short, maybe 5ft 4'' but with long arms and graceful looking well proportioned body. She's bi, definitely. I can just tell. ''Honestly, the only thing you and your dad have in common is the hair color and the height.''

She rolled her eyes. ''I know, I take after my mom. AAAND you may not be his girlfriend but you're his soulmate. Also you were the mother of his child.'' Okay, that 'were' stung. A lot.

''You're a bitch.'' I say conversationally. ''And uh, I thought the arms had been...confiscated.'' I thought about saying 'seized by SHIELD' but I don't know what will set her off so..

She looked annoyed. ''I didn't kidnap you to answer dumb questions, girl. But, well, I obtained/built a set of four tentacles identical to Dad's and made use of a personal force-field that kept anything from hitting them. I took the "Doctor Octopus" name in honor of my never there but still loving father and am trying to find his research in merging reality and virtual reality.''

''You must be really confident that I'm not wearing a wire.'' I stupidly remarked.

Her eyes turned angry and curious. ''STUPID, STUPUD!'' She hit herself on the head. Then, ''Strip.'' 

I was horrified. Having sex in an elevator and an office with my boss is one thing but stripping naked underground in JANUARY? Also, I look terrible.

''Excuse me?'' I gasped.

''You heard me.'' Her eyes turned darker and greedier. Yes, she's crazy. And turned on. Her suit isn't liquid proof.

''I will not.'' I say flatly. Only Peter and Harry and Shadab have that disadvantage.

''Do it...or my metarms will do it for you. And they don't differentiate between clothes and skin.'' She said idly, looking at her nails. ''Also, I'm a little turned on and since the arms react to my emotions as well...'' She didn't say anymor. She didn't need to.

Very annoyed and self conscious, I took off my jeans and my tank top, now only clad in my underwear.

''Those too.'' She says, looking at me with an appraising stare.

'Damn bitch, you absolute..' My thoughts got decidedly darker.

Finally, I stood totally naked, shivering in the cold air, feeling as vulnerable as Black Widow without her red hair. I assume. I glared at the person who had made this.

Carolyn drops her 'metarms' and walks towards me with a hungry look. Sexual predator. The way she looks at me chilled me to my bones. She wasn't going to make me suffer because of her father's imprisonment, she would make me suffer because she wanted to and she was psychotic and horny.

She lifts her arms to touch my breasts and I instinctively threw out my arms to block but at that moment is pulled back by a long rope of web.

''ABOUT TIME!'' I yelled up.

Peter's POV:

Out of the many horrifying ways I'd imagined Sanya being kept, seeing her all raw and angry and naked with the girl Ock trying to touch her and, fuelled with rage, I shot out a web and pulled her up. Seeing that she wasn't wearing the metal arms so I just wrapped about 406 times and because I was enraged, also webbed her hair.

I hear a faint ''About time!'' from below. At least she isn't too traumatised.

''You fucking bastard, you put my father in jail, why don't you web up you-'' I webbed her mouth too and slid down into the lair. Lair. It's such a cool word. 

''Better late than never.'' I say as I try very hard not to notice her unclothed state and fail completely.

''I guess. Glad that Black Cat isn't here. She'd probably laugh and be happy that I was sexually used.'' She shut her eyes and shivers. I wish I had a coat or blanket or something. I then realised it might not be just because of the cold that she was shivering.

A panic seized me and I thought I was going to choke, the lump in my throat was so big. ''Did she-did she d-d-do anything?

Her adorably brown eyes got big. ''No, no. She just made me strip, as you can see and looked at me with his spine chilling look and I just froze and she put her hands out to touch m-my ..'' She indicated herself. Then looked at herself. ''I really ought to put clothes on.''She muttered to herself and proceeded to grovel for her clothes. 

I shut my eyes. I am a gentleman, even if the timing was a litttle off.

''Ready?'' I asked her, after squinting and seeing her dressed.

''I don't want to go back.'' She admitted. 'I wanna leave here but....'' She trailed off. Shadab would be waiting at home for her...for her answer.

'' one knows where we are. I can tell Karen to hide the truth...and we an go out somewhere. This suit can fly, you know.''

She looked eager. ''Yes. Please. That sounds amazing. Thanks, Peter. You're the best.'' She adds softly as she walks over and I hold her in my arms. She feels so warm and fits oh so perfectly.

''Yeah..''I say, a little choked up, ''Anything for Clumsy's little girl.'' Then I heard how it sounded. ''Definitely not what it sounded like in my head...''

Took me a lot more than an hour, I'll tell you that.

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